The Blue Rabbit Log - A Crazy Comedy about Role-Playing Games [possible satire]



Screenplays for an (incomplete) series of crazy comedy films parodying Fantasy Tabletop Role-Playing Games (FRPs or RPGs). Join the band of the player characters called “The Blue Rabbit Adventuring Company”, as they journey in the imaginary role-playing world, and their struggles and encounters with monsters, the non-player characters, their players, and… the Game Master! (Muahahahahaha).

Included here are the beginning of the screenplay of the first part and some disorganised ideas for the continuation.

The Text


The Blue Rabbit Log’s Screenplay and Ideas are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence (or at your option any later version of this licence). It is copyright by Shlomi Fish, 2009.

See Also