Xena (the Warrior Princess) Facts [possible satire]

After reading the Wikipedia page about Chuck Norris Facts (and related facts), I was saddened to learn that there were none about females. So, in the name of gender equality, a collection of facts about Xena, the Warrior Princess was created.
I recall watching the show and enjoying it, though I found it a little silly. I also found the character of Xena to be more comical than strong.
Xena Facts
Xena can meet King David for breakfast and Julius Caesar for lunch. Without time travel.
Xena beat a Goliath that was taller, and more agile than the one in the Bible. It’s not only Hollywood exaggeration.
No one calls Xena the warrior princess “Zeena” to her face and survives. Luckily for you she hasn’t visited modern-day U.S. yet.
Xena can throw a boomerang-like weapon thingy in the opposite direction and it will still hit the mark while neutralising 10 of her enemies.
Xena the Warrior Princess has not met Chuck Norris yet, or otherwise he would have been badly and permanently injured. (Inspired by ZadYree.)
זינה יכולה לפגוש את דוד המלך לארוחת בוקר ואת יוליוס קיסר לארוחת צהריים. ללא שימוש במסע בזמן.
זינה הנסיכה הלוחמת עדיין לא פגשה את צ'אק נוריס, או אחרת הוא היה חבול באופן קשה ולצמיתות. (נכתב בהשראת ZadYree.)
Copyright and Licence
This document is Copyright by Shlomi Fish, 2009, and is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC-by-sa) 3.0 Unported (or at your option any later version).
For securing additional rights, please contact Shlomi Fish and see the explicit requirements that are being spelt from abiding by that licence.
“About Female Action Heroes” - my post as response to a post about an interview with Action Flick Chick about Geek Culture’s 26 Most Awesome Female Ass-Kickers.
Common Links
These factoids in XML-Grammar-Fortune format - also individually wrapped.
Shlomi Fish’s FAQ - Why are you so obsessed with “facts”/factoids about Chuck Norris/etc.?
“Putting all the Cards on the Table (2013)” (also by me) - mentions what is the second major battle that Chuck Norris lost.
“Putting Cards on the Table (2019-*)” (also by me) - additional update on Chuck Norris and the facts.
See Also
Clarissa Darling Facts - about another pre-Buffy heroine.
Buffy Facts - facts about Buffy herself.
Additions to Chuck Norris Facts - more toughness.
Summer Glau Facts - about a real-life female.