I don’t believe in fairies. Oops! A fairy died. I don’t believe in fairies. Oops! Another fairy died. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % The prefix “God said” has the extraordinary logical property of converting any statement that follows it into a true one. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % A Jewish Deduction The Bible dictates that “Thou shalt not seethe [= cook] a kid [= young goat] in his mother’s milk”. To avoid any possibility of breaking that regulation, the Jewish tradition ruled that it also applies to female goats, to mature goats, and to the meat and milk of two completely unrelated goats. It is also forbidden to eat the meat with fresh milk, and it applies to beef and mutton as well (including mixing the milk and meat of two different beasts). Finally, chicken, which are incapable of milk production, may not be eaten along with any mammal’s milk either. We are fortunate that most mathematicians were not Jewish. Otherwise, it would have been forbidden to divide by all numbers between -1 and 1. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % I used to be arrogant. Now I’m simply Perfect. -- One of Shlomi Fish’s Relatives -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % If the ancient Greeks had invented UNIX, Murphy’s Law would have been known as Aristotle’s Law. Had they invented MS-Windows, Murphy’s Law would have been known as the Law of Socrates. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Microsoft’s slogan used to be “Microsoft - making it all make sense.” It should have been: “Microsoft - making it all make sense. *Ours*.” -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Linux - Because Software Problems Should not Cost Money. -- Shlomi Fish -- Linux Slogan and Banner ( http://www.shlomifish.org/art/linux_banner/ ) % The American Lottery - all you need is a dollar and a dream. We will take the dollar, but you can keep the dream. Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % “Shit Happens” according to the religions of the world (Deltas by Shlomi Fish) Judaism: God knows you will do shit, does nothing to prevent it, but makes you take the blame for it anyway. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % “Shit Happens” according to the religions of the world (Deltas by Shlomi Fish) Judaism: God is all the shit, all the non-shit and all the intermediate demi-shits in between. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Let’s interpret the past according to the present and not the present according to the past. Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % <<< Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes >>> — Edsger W. Dijkstra <<< Programming Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about stars. >>> — Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % [Discussing the shortage of IT workers as of 1998 on E-mail] Shlomi Fish to Omer Zak: “Even the NSA doesn’t have enough programmers. But it is not likely that they will have more, and that’s because /Summerschool at the NSA/ may might as well be the name of Sarah Michelle Gellar’s next movie.” Omer Zak to Shlomi Fish: “And as opposed to /I Know What You Did Last Summer/, it is going to be scary.” -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Objective philosophy is like a pencil sharpener for one’s mind. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Oh! I wish you could see the look on his face! Actually, I would have also liked to see the look on his face, but just then I woke up from the dream. -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % Had I not been already insane, I would have long ago driven myself mad. -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % “Aside from all that, I planned a political simulator that forecast the two World Wars after I entered all the relevant data until the year 1000 AD.” “Do you have a computer at home?” “Oh, no! At present the program is written on a paper. Don’t ask how much time it took me to fully eliminate all bugs out of it. But it was great fun!” -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % “Likewise.” Added the interviewer and said: “Your answers were also very… unusual.” “Although this description cannot testify on their quality, I take it as a compliment.” -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % The government of the Supporter will finance your travel, and you will be able to leave tomorrow morning. We would like to inform you of the following facts: we cannot assure your safety during this travel. Furthermore, despite your long service at the Organisation and your constructive proposal, we cannot say, wholeheartedly or halfheartedly, that we wish to protect your safety. Likewise, we cannot guarantee that we would not take actions that may harm you, indirectly or in a direct manner. We hope to see you here very soon. -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % “Okay, I think that I can now return to my country and my village. By the way, how many forbidden books do you have?” “Oh,”, one of them said to me, “their number is growing geometrically. When I checked two weeks ago, their number was 2,148,763. A week ago there were 4,278,109 forbidden writings. Now there must be about 8,600,000 ones.” “You are wrong.”, I said to him. “I beg your pardon?” “There are now exactly 8,517,559 or 8,517,560 forbidden books.” “Why is it so important?” “Why, it means that, for the time being, you have 82,440 or 82,441 extra books which you can read at bedtime if you can’t fall asleep!” -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % “And what is the nature of those activists: Socialists? Communists? Liberals?… ” “Let’s say, for the sake of simplicity, that they are people of my intellect, only that as opposed to me they are sane.” -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % A more experienced programmer does not make less bugs. He just realizes what went wrong more quickly. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % BTW, for an editor with no replace feature (at least not on Windows 95), no regular-expression search and replace, no indentation support, no syntax-highlighting and no macros and scriptability features: MS Notepad is one hell of an editor! -- Shlomi Fish -- Wonderous are the ways of Microsoft ( http://www.shlomifish.org/wonderous.html ) % Suggested Improvements to the Documentation: The WYSIWYT project was for a long time fascinated by Microsoft’s tremendous desire to advance its Internet Explorer web-browser. We saw the fact that they switched the help systems of the upcoming Windows 98, as well as Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, to HTML a major step in advancing our project. As a complementary step, some of the chief heads of our project suggested that the Windows’ manuals themselves, as well as all of Microsoft’s ads, will be designed in HTML and printed after being rendered by IE 4. While this project is in the preliminary and planning stages, we expect it to acquire a large momentum soon. -- Shlomi Fish -- IRPWUG Announces Project “What you see is what you think” ( http://www.shlomifish.org/wysiwyt.html ) % If: 1. A is A. 2. A is not not-A. does it also imply that: 1. B is B. 2. B is not not-B. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % I know I’m blond, but I have to colour my hair brown, so people would not think I’m stupid. Because, like the title of the book says: "You’ve only got Three Seconds". Actually, since Amazon sent us two books like that, you’ve only got six seconds. -- One of Shlomi Fish’s Relatives -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Knuth is not God! It took him two days to build the Roman Empire. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s “Knuth is not God!” Facts ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Knuth/ ) % Knuth is not God! God has already released TeX version 4.0. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s “Knuth is not God!” Facts ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Knuth/ ) % <<< Shlomi, Have you ever considered taking a Turing test? ;-) >>> Sure I did. I sat at one point of an IRC channel, and someone tested me. Eventually it was discovered that I am a computer, but it turned out the other side was an Eliza program. Strangely enough, I could not detect that the latter fact was true. -- Shlomi Fish -- Hackers-IL message No. 2465 ( http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/hackers-il/message/2465 ) % There is no IGLU Cabal! None of them could pass the Turing test. But strangely enough a computer program they coded, could. -- Shlomi Fish -- Hackers-IL message No. 2465 ( http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/hackers-il/message/2465 ) % Knuth is not God! Google is not God! RMS is not God! God himself said that was the case. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s “Knuth is not God!” Facts ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Knuth/ ) % <<< Knuth is not God! Typing “God” into Google and pressing “I’m Feeling Lucky” would not lead you to his homepage. >>> Shlomi Fish in Hackers-IL message No. 2084 ("The Great WWW-Wisdom Shootout") -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s “Knuth is not God!” Facts ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Knuth/ ) % Knuth is not God! Unless you confuse him with Dijkstra. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s “Knuth is not God!” Facts ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Knuth/ ) % (I am patenting issuing a TINIC with anything else but the phrase "There is no IGLU Cabal!". The patent number is kept secret to avoid violating the copyright of its text) Shlomi Fish in Hackers-IL message No. 2021 -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % C++ supports Object-Oriented Programming, roughly as much as COBOL supports Functional Programming. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % I hope that if it had not been clear before, it isn’t less clear now. -- One of Shlomi Fish’s Technion Lecturers % Jack: Hi, Sophie! Sophie: Don’t “Hi, Sophie!” me. Jack: Don’t “Don’t ‘Hi, Sophie!’ me” me! -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % My opinions may seem crazy, but they all make sense. Insane sense, but sense nonetheless. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#opinions_crazy ) % <<< Shlomi, I’m considering naming a corollary of Godwin’s law after you - any discussion of anything is over when you mention Freecell Solver. >>> — Muli Ben-Yehuda on #kernelnewbies (irc.kernelnewbies.org) <<< Muli: BTW, I think that any discussion only begins to gain momentum when I mention Freecell Solver. >>> — Shlomi Fish on #offtopic (irc.kernelnewbies.org) -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % There’s no point in keeping an idea to yourself since there’s a 10 to 1 chance that somebody already has it and will share it before you. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Two apples a day will keep two doctors away. -- One of Shlomi Fish’s Relatives -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % “You are banished! You are banished! You are banished! Hey! I’m just kidding!” -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % [Discussing Foreign Languages Knowledge in the U.S.A] Ben Collins-Sussman: Tis’ true, unlike Europe, the language doesn’t change every 100 miles. Shlomi Fish: And unlike England, the accent does not change every 10 miles. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % What happened to Christopher Michael Pilato? Is he gone? Is he gone for good? Is he gone for better? Is he gone for best? Is he gone forever? Will he return? Who is Christopher Michael Pilato, anyway? -- Shlomi Fish -- Adapted from an IRC Monologue % <<< Can anyone draw a plan as to how to teach a computer to laugh? Say we define laugh as print “LOL”, and define smile as print “:)”. How would a computer know when to print any of those, and when to operate an Eliza program? >>> Judging by IRC or AOL, randomly would do just fine. 😉. -- Muli Ben-Yehuda -- Hackers-IL message No. 3,153 ( http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/hackers-il/message/3513 ) % In Philosophy, as much as in software engineering, you don’t get credit for originality. What matters is the final product, not who came up with the idea for each feature first. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#in_philosophy_as_in_soft_eng ) % <<< Unfortunately as other people have mentioned - the HURD is seriously lacking in developers, especially driver writers. Linux is to blame for most of that. >>> KImageShop is seriously lacking in developers, and the GIMP is to blame for most of that. -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to the Linux-IL Mailing List ( http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il/msg31920.html ) % He has a high degree of idealism, a high degree of stubbornness, and an even higher degree of inability to distinguish between the two. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % > Thanks, applied as change #22936. And thank you for applying this patch. But to be honest, I’m a little disappointed. I expected it won’t go in so easily and will trigger some discussion here. But there was none. No typo corrections (“you misspelled ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’”); no flames ("this patch is the worst thing since non-sliced bread"). Nothing. Someone should do something about it. This direction is not healthy for p5p. Seriously. -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to perl5-porters ( http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/92352 ) % Right now, I think I’ll go to sleep. nite rindolf sleep-fu well mitch: night. Bye all! mitch: there are no PDB entries for me sleeping. mitch: nor do I want any. haha (rindolf-sleep INTERACTIVE|NONINTERACTIVE) mitch: heh mitch: (plug-in-rindolf-sleep ... :) (plug-in-rindolf-sleep 8 HOURS) -- Contemplating some potential procedural database functions -- #gimp, GIMPNet % a quickie: are ‘adjustments layers’ planned to be implemented in gimp? yacoob: at some point in the future, yes. nomis: dare to estimate how far this future is? yacoob: no. yacoob: faster if you contribute. * nomis waits for the "oh, I cannot program at all". nomis: faster if he learns how to program, and then contributes. :) rindolf: you wouldn’t like me to contribute, believe me ;) -- Faster, faster! -- #gimp, GIMPNet % [Commenting in Slashdot after Arnold Schwarzenegger’s decision to use open-source software in the California government:] > This is obviously because Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are girly men. Yeah and what are the offerings of the open-source world? Let’s see: 1. Linus Torvalds - Looks like a dweeb, ergo is a dweeb. How girly is that? (plus his wife can kick ass better than him) 2. Richard M. Stallman - a hippy. How girly is that? 3. Eric S. Raymond - a nice looking man with a moustache. Baby faced, so he looks a bit girly to me. 4. Larry Wall - a cross between Linus and RMS (i.e: a hippy dweeb) that is even more girly. So who do we have left? Alan Cox? OK, he’s manly. (huge man, huge facial hair, etc.) And all the others are so negligible people don’t even know how they look like. Note: this comment may have been a bit cruel, so sorry. Don’t take it too seriously, especially if you’re one of the guys I laughed about. I hold you all with the greatest respect. Seriously. Sincerely yours, Shlomi Fish (who is a quite girly male himself). -- Shlomi Fish -- Slashdot Comment ( http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=117863&cid=9962843 ) % If his programming is anything like his philosophising, he would find ten imaginary bugs in the "Hello World" program. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Hacker sees bug. Hacker does not want bug. Hacker fixes bug. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Tcl is Lisp on drugs. Using strings instead of S-expressions for closures is Evil with one of those gigantic E’s you can find at the beginning of chapters. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % *Linus Torvalds:* "95% of Programmers consider themselves in the top 5%". *Shlomi Fish’s Corollary:* "95% of Programmers consider 95% of the code they did not write, in the bottom 5%." (The other 5% have read ["Joel on Software"](https://www.joelonsoftware.com/).) -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Linuxgrrl: well The Gilmore Girls is also a drama. Sort of a dramedie, but a serious one. Meh. Too girly for me. Linuxgrrl: you are a girl. Linuxgrrl: let me guess - you’re using Debian or Gentoo, right? Gentoo. Linuxgrrl: knew it. Linuxgrrl: no self-respecting tomboy would use Mandrake. -- Too Girly -- #linuxchics, OFTC % C++ is complex, complexifying and complexified. (With apologies to the Oxford English Dictionary). -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % I’m siicckk of blogging memes. You are this file type. You are that type of cloth. You are this member of the Friends show jkauffman: LOL. "January 4th, 2005: Just took an online quiz and it turns out I’m a Joey type" -- Shlomi Fish (rindolf) and jkauffman -- #perlcafe, Freenode % rindolf: you are seriously the craziest fucker I know and I know some crazy ass people haha tyler-: I am crazy. And proud of it. rindolf: you should be haha Ahh man tyler-: being crazy is hard work. I worked all my life to be crazy. Normal people aren’t fun. tyler-: "Craziness is not an action. It’s a process." heh rindolf: I see You need to tend to your insanity. tyler-: do you want to be crazy? rindolf: that’s why I feed my leprechaun at least once a day. tyler-: I can teach you everything I know. -- Becoming Crazy -- #perlcafe, Freenode % mofino: I have some money, and am living and am supported by my parents. mofino: there’s much less of a taboo against living with one’s parents after school in Israel, than there is in the States. It’s not taboo It’s pathetic. Although, sometimes life sucks, and you have no choice. you know, it depends if you’re not married and / or not getting any, it doesn’t much matter if you live with your folks ender, usually when you have self-respect, you try and you know, make it on your own q[ender]: are you married and not getting any? You could live with your parents. hahaha haha awesome rindolf++ # good burn! -- Living with your parents -- #perlcafe, Freenode % :)-< +-- -- Moses the Smiley by Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish -- Moses the Smiley ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#moses_the_smiley ) % The first phrase that should be taught when teaching a new language is how to say “Do you speak English?”. The first thing that needs to be taught when teaching a new computer tool is how to exit it. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % <<< He who re-invents the wheel, will understand much better how a wheel works. He who re-invents the wheel, may actually invent a much better wheel. >>> Shlomi Fish <<< He who re-invents the wheel will likely design a square wheel and spend a year trying to figure out why it doesn’t work properly. >>> Nadav Har’El -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Sometimes you don’t need to be familiar with a better alternative to know that something sucks. Take Microsoft Word for example. -- Shlomi Fish’s Friend -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % The difference between a good student and a bad student is that a bad student forgets the material five minutes before the test, while a good student five minutes afterwards. -- One of Shlomi Fish’s Technion Lecturer -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Real programmers don’t write workarounds. They tell their users to upgrade their software. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Jewish Atheists are the only true Atheists. They beat the hell out of Goy Atheists. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % ajs: perhaps Chuck Norris would be a useful addition to the Pugs and Parrot teams. rindolf: If Norris can write, give him a commit bit, and tie him to a keyboard ;) I thought he already had commit Chuck Norris commits with a roundhouse kick into the SVN server’s head * FurnaceBoy chuckles daxim: If you can get that to pass the test suite, then more power to you! Chuck *is* the test suite Chuck Norris does not code, when he sits at a computer, it just does whatever he wants. Kattana: :-) ah, we’re easy to amuse Be the test suite, Chuck... BE the test suite. you gotta pass ‘make chuck’ -- Chuck Norris Perlsixifies at Freenode’s #perl6 channel. -- #perl6, Freenode % “You know:”, the physicist said, “in my opinion since you left the Organisation you acted without thinking a lot before you did things. I would describe your behaviour as deriving from spontaneousness and fickle‐mindedness that border rashness. Do you also think so?” “Of course!” I replied, “Except for arrogance, rashness is my only defect!” -- Shlomi Fish -- The Enemy and How I Helped to Fight It ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ ) % The current solution offered by Nvidia may be the second-best solution. But this is one case where the second best solution is not good enough. -- Shlomi Fish -- Nvidia Petition ( http://www.petitiononline.com/nvfoss/petition.html ) % If it isn’t in my email, it doesn’t exist. And if the whole world says one thing and my email says something different, email will conquer. -- an Israeli Linuxer. -- An Israeli Linuxer -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Hi CSWookie CSWookie: aren’t you also on Freenode? rindolf: What’s up. rindolf: I am. CSWookie: I’m fine. CSWookie: you are a Buffy fan right? rindolf: I am. Although really, more a Willow fan. Nothing hotter than red-headed Jewesses that are scared of boys. -- CSWookie on Willow -- #gimp, GIMPNet % Hi all! How can I tell Flash in FF to play using artsd? It keeps trying to invoke esd. I’m on Mandriva 2007. the REAL question is, what the fuck is taking adobe so long with flash 9 :@ rindolf: you might have to set that with firefox’ settings. or, do what good people do and use opera. :P * rindolf slaps vexati0n vexati0n: I’m not using Opera. Period. I don’t like it and it’s not FOSS. god, it’s like opera is anathema just cause people can’t look at its code or something. like YOU are going to tinker with your browser’s source code anyway vexati0n: actually, I did that for Firefox. vexati0n: I have a bug pending on bugzilla.mozilla.org. vexati0n: nah, nah, nah, nah well, you wouldn’t have to do it with opera because it already works :P vexati0n: I hate the fact that it resizes images. vexati0n: it causes the images to be too large. vexati0n: now tell me how do I fix that. opera resizes images? o.O do you have a page it screws up so i can look? vexati0n: when I press Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- oh. You mean it doesn’t just increase the size of the text. vexati0n: take http://www.shlomifish.org/art/ for example. vexati0n: yes. -- When Closed-source bites -- ##linux, Freenode % The bad thing about hardware is that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. The good thing about software is that it’s consistent: it always does not work, and it always does not work in exactly the same way. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Kev: thanks. Kev: did you post it on the French page? not yet Kev: you need to create an account first. But it’s easy. It’s a MediaWiki based wiki. arghhhhhhhhhhhh Kev: what’s wrong? Maybe MediaWiki wronged him in some way! wiki Just be thankful it isn’t a blog! Kev: what’s wrong with wikis? And be extra thankful it’s not MySpace. Mt. Allison [University] is now paying 5 students to maintain a "life as a Mt. A student" blog -- Welcome to Web 2.0 -- #perlcafe, Freenode % Well I’m confused and I’m going home Later guys And girl. Young tender girl ... sweet 16 year old girl .... haha mofino: heh. * mofino puts away his lynching pedo personality ;) lates * ChanServ gives channel operator status to jagerman <-- jagerman has kicked mofino from #perlcafe (Leave already :P) * jagerman removes channel operator status from jagerman We have found pedobear and he is mofino --> mofino has joined #perlcafe can you like not do that as I’m picking up my keys? you fagerman fagerman, homofino, what’s next? I know - q[tyler-] OTOH, I’ve been called Slimy Fish lately. rindolf: The *real* Slimy Fish? avar: the one and only 100% original real actual and unmatched Slimy Fish™! I’m the real Slimy, yes I’m the real Slimy, if you’re the real Slimy and not just a Slimy. So will the real Slimy please stand up, please stand up... * jagerman is ashamed for actually knowing those lyrics sing it Jew boy:) -- Unflattering Nicknames -- #perlcafe, Freenode % CSWookie: tried Christian Ubuntu yet? ;-) LOL. Oh dear, you weren’t joking. goldfish: no, I was. hah "Ubuntu Christian Edition is a free, open source operating system geared towards Christians. It is based on the popular Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support." i might try it soon right now we are using plain dapper at my church moldy: hah is this that funny? :p :) http://christianubuntu.blogspot.com/ hehe For 40 days before Easter, Ubuntu Christian Edition works in text mode only. haha That’s brilliant :) There’s also a Jewbuntu blog, but it’s not as funny as this Christian Ubuntu blog. true That sounds about right -- Jesus might have preferred Jewbuntu since he was a Jew. Then again, Jesus was also a dedicated idealist, so he might have chosen Debian instead of Ubuntu. :-P hehehe why has Ubuntu become the distro of puns? has it? there are puns for other distros, too Jesus came from long long ago. I bet he runs Debian stable. :) -- Ubuntu for Christians -- #vim, Freenode % On Sunday 01 April 2007, chromatic wrote: <<< On Saturday 31 March 2007 15:26, Yuval Kogman wrote: <<< uses_version_control sounds more like lacks_manifest_skip_file which should deduct kwalitee IMHO. >>> Maybe so, but how else can CPANTS detect that you use the world’s most advanced version control system: CVS? >>> Are you kidding? CVS is not advanced as: 1. Microsoft Visual SourceSafe - the only sane choice for good data integrity and portability. 2. tarballs/zip-files and patches. This one excels in convenience, and robustness. CVS is a very advanced version control system, however. I do wish that Subversion (which is a VCS that I have to use against my will) was as good as it is. ( Shlomi Fish answering to chromatic on 01-April-2007 ) -- Shlomi Fish -- "Re: New CPANTS metrics" ( http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.qa/2007/03/msg8491.html ) % * Larry Wall can understand the Perl code he wrote last year. * Larry Wall gets the colon. * There are at least 137 Larry Walls in the U.S. but only one that matters. * Larry Wall applies a patch manually quicker than GNU patch. * Larry Wall dreams in Perl. * Larry Wall can program in his sleep. * Larry Wall is lazy, impatient and full of hubris. * Larry Wall has more dollars in the bank than in his Perl code. -- Larry Wall facts by Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s "Larry Wall Facts" ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Larry-Wall/ ) % Electrical Engineering studies. In the Technion. Been there. Done that. Forgot a lot. Remember too much. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Well, for the record, *I* am without faults, but I’ll mention them here anyway: 1. I really hate scriptaculous 2. I kicked a dog the other day 3. I pushed an old lady aside, on my way to get a cup of free coffee 4. I secretly program in Python 5. I like to interject and make lists -- Jeff Anderson -- Post to London Perl Mongers ( http://london.pm.org/pipermail/london.pm/Week-of-Mon-20070402/007215.html ) % I’m not an actor - I just play one on T.V. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % You know for when they finally decide to release that programatic abortion they call perl 6 anonuser: on Christmas. anonuser: don’t know which one. anonuser: you can download pugs and play with it. rindolf, The running joke I have with friends is that Duke Nukem Forever (DNF) is being written in Perl6 anonuser: it’s an old joke. rindolf, DNF and Perl6 together is an old joke? anonuser: yeah. anonuser: “Perl 6 is the language Duke Nukem Forever will be written in.” Well, it’s not too old, but it’s a meme. rindolf: I’m the guy who’s going to port DNF from GNU/Hurd to FreeBSD -- Discussing Vapourware -- ##freebsd, Freenode % Trying to block Internet pornography is like climbing a waterfall and trying to stay dry. — Drew Dexter -- Drew Dexter -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % I’m not straight - I’m Israeli. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Hi Omer! Mazal Tov on Chen and yours marriage. It reminds me of a quote from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: "At this period she married, removed with her husband (a clergyman, an excellent man, *almost worthy of such a wife*) to a distant county, and consequently was lost to me." Well, in your case I can say that both of you are almost worthy of each other. Congrats again! -- Shlomi Fish -- Comment on Omer Shapira’s Blog ( http://omerm.livejournal.com/36505.html?thread=43673#t43673 ) % <<< You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. >>> It does not mean what I think it means, but it means what *you* think it means. Muahahahah… -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to Linux-elitists ( http://allium.zgp.org/pipermail/linux-elitists/2007-April/011935.html ) % A few weeks ago, I’ve been to Freenode’s #perl, talking to merlyn and other guys, when we got to discuss the Biblical "Tower of Babel Myth". As it turned out, the commonly perceived interpretation was not the one most scholars find as more sensible, which is the one we ended up being taught at Junior High School. What most people think is something like that: <<< The people spoke to each other in the same language, concentrated in one place, and decided to build a tower high enough so they can reach God. God, a small dwarf who lived in the sky, was afraid of the efforts of these people, because he feared they’ll reach him. So he cast an 8th level Spell of Language Fragmentation, caused these people to speak in different tongues, and without being able to understand each other, they ended up spreading across the Earth. God was relieved and returned to his dwarfish deeds, as dwarfs do. >>> Shlomi Fish in (Based on what his Bible teacher said) -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Blog Post ( http://shlomif.livejournal.com/11889.html ) % shlomif * r1712 gegl/ (ChangeLog docs/index-static.html.in): * docs/index-static.html.in: fixed "GEGLs" into "GEGL’s" and "GIMPs" into "GIMP’s" in the homepage. why is breaking the correct writing a fix? rindolf: ? rindolf: oh i misread :) * rindolf gives some GEGLs and GIMPs to the mitches. haha :) One GEGL each! There’s not enough for everybody. GEGLS FOR THE MASSES We should have an assembly line of GEGLs. Mass-produce them for the ever-growing demand. -- One GEGL Per Child on GIMPNet’s #gimp channel -- #gimp, GIMPNet % rindolf: my brother had AIMA in hard-cover.. and maybe I can get a hold of PAIP s/had/has/; * adeht yays for perl adeht: what did perl do? s/had/has/; adeht: it’s actually from sed and ed before that. I know, but I’m using perl syntax :) adeht: now write it in Lisp. heh. in Lisp you wouldn’t use a regex for this kind of dumb substitution.. though you could rindolf: a nice way of writing CL code is to imagine your dream language for expressing that particular problem, and then realizing it :) You probably wouldn’t use a regex in Python either. adeht: I see. adeht: I’m not going to implement Perl in Common Lisp. :-D heh -- Dream Language in Freenode’s #lisp-il -- #lisp-il, Freenode % <<< This reminds me of Paul Graham’s articles, in which he claims that LISP programmers are better. But why is it so (whether or not you agree to the conclusion)? There are at least two opposite reasons: 1. Because programmers that learned LISP become better 2. Because good programmers prefer LISP when they come to know it. >>> No. 1 is true, naturally. No. 2 is not true - I know LISP but I prefer Perl. Others like Python, etc. The reasons I don’t prefer LISP are: 1. The standards of Common LISP and Scheme don’t define anything practical. 2. LISP is at the moment incredibly verbose. 3. As Larry Wall noted, all LISP code comes in parenthesis and so it all looks the same. (Perl is the exact opposite in this regard). 4. I cannot make heads nor tails of serious LISP code. Many LISPers create so many macros and use them along with regular LISP code, so you keep having to refer to the previous definitions, and make a lot of research to get you started. SICP Scheme is easy and fun. But serious LISP code can take too much time to understand. OTOH, recently I had little problem reading the source code of other Perl programmers, and extending it or fixing bugs. (likewise for Python). -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to Linux-IL ( http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-il%40cs.huji.ac.il/msg39629.html ) % We don’t know his cellphone number, and even if we did, we would tell you that we didn’t know it. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % plis tak mi auot from yuor mail list. -- This Engrew sentence contains very few errors. -- Anonymous Israeli -- Message sent to Shlomi Fish % What do you mean by "WDYM"? -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Chen Shapira: spent 5 hours yesterday trying to get Windows to print on my new wireless printer. It still doesn’t work. On Ubuntu it worked after few minutes. Shlomi Fish: Heh. Linux++ . Chen Shapira: I’d do Windows-- , but this may result in an integer underflow. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % A few days ago I joined #mandriva on Freenode trying to get to the bottom of a problem I have with KMail at work, where I cannot start KAddressBook from inside it. I asked my question and soon afterwards received: * One Thunderbird recommendation. * Two Evolution recommendations. * One Sylpheed Claws recommendation. * One GMail recommendation. The problem is that I wasn’t interested to learn about alternative E-mail clients, and just wanted to get my problem solved. And in GMail’s case it was completely out of the question due to my work’s constraints. -- Shlomi Fish -- The "Use qmail instead" Syndrome ( http://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/web/use-qmail-instead/ ) % I recently had to figure out how to do something with wget: get everything below a directory on the web-server, without following links to outside it. So I logged in to Freenode’s #debian channel, where there are many knowledgeable people to ask it. The first answer I got was "RTFM". So, I read the wget man page, but could not find it there. Eventually, after telling people that it would be faster to give an answer, I got a reply ( add the -np -r flags). But this has been the last straw. I composed my own acronym. Just like RTFM is "Read the Fabulous Manual" and STFW is "Search the Fabulous Web", then JATFM is "Just Answer the Fabulous Man". It means that it’s usually faster to answer someone’s question than to ask him to RTFM, which is just going to annoy him. I think the RTFM mantra has done a lot of damage in the UNIX/Linux world, and I hope JATFMing would prove to be a more healthy ideology. -- Shlomi Fish -- Advogato.org Journal Post ( http://www.advogato.org/person/shlomif/diary.html?start=215 ) % *A:* I’m busy right now - I have to do TWAIN. *B:* Do Shania Twain? *C:* Oh, I’d love to do Shania Twain. —Adapted from a conversation on Freenode’s #perl -- Freenode #perl Participants -- Adaptation of an IRC conversation % --> spx2 has joined #soc-help I want to FIGHT FOR PERL IN GSOC ! I feel the power of metal in my veins perl is flowing in my blood ! What perl Armies can I join this YEAR ? spx2: a lot :) ambs: Hail BRETHREN ! where are the armies ??? I want to ENGAGE and start preparing my weapons ! ambs: what projects are this year ? spx2: ideas at http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl5/index.cgi?gsoc2008_projects I will fight this year in the PERL battle ! spx2: Python is for the WEAK and TIMID! rindolf: TOTALLY ! * spx2 examines the war grounds -- Fight for Perl -- #soc-help, MAGNet % <<< So, yeah… there are no gods, only heroes. And anyone can become a hero. And even heroes are just regular people. >>> I don’t suppose we should propose that as an alternative to Perl gods, there should at least be Perl saints: [http://www.stallman.org/saint.html](http://www.stallman.org/saint.html) Of course, I’m not sure what being a Perl saint would imply. Using nothing but Perl? (Including not C in which perl 5 is written?) Oh well. Not that I mind the Perl gods stereotype stuff. Regards, Shlomi Fish (a Perl saint^W hero wannabe, but definitely not a Perl god) -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to to San-Francisco Perl Mongers Mailing List ( http://mail.pm.org/pipermail/sanfrancisco-pm/2008-April/001644.html ) % <<< <<< <<< Of course, I’m not sure what being a Perl saint would imply. >>> It would imply having been killed for your faith in Perl. >>> Does that make Randal the Spanish Inquisition? >>> No one expects the Randal Schwartz condition. 😉 -- Shlomi Fish, frosty, Duane Obrien and David Fetter -- San-Francisco Perl Mongers Thread ( http://mail.pm.org/pipermail/sanfrancisco-pm/2008-April/001650.html ) % <<< <<< <<< <<< Of course, I’m not sure what being a Perl saint would imply. >>> It would imply having been killed for your faith in Perl. >>> Does that make Randal the Spanish Inquisition? >>> No one expects the Randal Schwartz condition 😉. >>> I almost feel honor bound now to start a noise band called The Randal Schwartz Condition. I could shout his rants into a microphone while the rest of the band flogged a newbie live on stage. -- Duane Obrien -- San-Francisco Perl Mongers Thread ( http://mail.pm.org/pipermail/sanfrancisco-pm/2008-April/001651.html ) % Duane Obrien writes: <<< Alternately, The Randal Schwartz Condition is now accepting bookings for birthdays, weddings, religious ceremonies of any kind, or occasions where your consulting company throws a big party at some conference. Email me off-list for details on how to get advance copies of our demo “I’m The Real Tim Toady” >>> I’m already thinking of words to the “tune” of “I’m the real Slim Shady”. Damn you. 😊 -- Duane Obrien and Randal L. Schwartz -- San-Francisco Perl Mongers Thread ( http://mail.pm.org/pipermail/sanfrancisco-pm/2008-April/001655.html ) % <<< <<< In that case, lacking good links or a definitive reference text, I’ll have to ignore your comment earlier. I hope it’s not much of a flamewar so far, but it sure seems to have escalated into a minor one. “You are a Nazi!” ( [Godwin‘s law](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin’s_law) ) - oops! >>> Please. The Nazi’s were socialists. I’m a little to the right of Attila the Hun. >>> And I thought Attila was a Humanitarian. -- Shlomi Fish and Guy Hulbert -- Post to the Perl module-authors mailing list ( http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.module-authors/2008/04/msg6432.html ) % I often wonder why I keep hanging with so many people, even though they are so pedantic. And then I remember - because they are so pedantic. — an Israeli Perl Monger -- Israeli Perl Monger -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % p13: do you write scripts? rindolf, init scripts and sys maintenance scripts in csh sh and bash but i suck haha i made them SO unreadable on purpose too my var names for example i would use random quotes from coworkers like "wereoutofcoffee" or "ihatemyjob" etc etc i hate people like you p13 trashguy, hahaha at least the variables are obvious and not mistaken for functions and shit i strongly recommend to call variables only: var1, var2, var3 ... var999 but for purpose of clarity, after var999 continue with varB1, varB2,... elgrande: i strongly recommend to call variables only: var1, var2, var3 ... var999 - excellent advice. elgrande: LOL. rindolf: and of course: cls1, func1, meth1, if1 so if var3 > var2 then var1 = cls3->meth2 endif elgrande: heh. obj997 everyone is understand this! elgrande: I'll probably make a fortune cookie out of it. obj997 behaves like this, because it implements if371 ^^ elgrande: you're still going. -- Variable Naming -- #not-##freebsd, Freenode % A: You Linux kids are so lucky. When we were using Windows 95 and Windows 3.11 it kept getting stuck and we lost all our data. We had to reboot it. B: You used Windows 95! Lucky Bastard! When I was your age, we used DOS on CGA screens, and we were lucky if we had 4 colours, much less a true windowing environment. C: You had DOS with graphics? Lucky bastard! When I was your age, I used VT-100 terminals connected to a VAX. 128 characters should be enough for everybody? D: Visual Terminals? When I was your age, we used teletypes on a PDP-11: the computer printed on paper - very slowly. Can you imagine cat’ing a really long document? E: Teletypes were heaven compared to the punch cards that I was using. Imagine going over to the computer with a large amount of punch cards and then dropping them all. F: Punch cards! What is this talk about punch cards? We input machine code directly using buttons and LEDs. G: And all *we* had were NAND gates! -- Shlomi Fish -- Email Message % Hi all. Hi rindolf scorchsaber: heh. scorchsaber++ Or in Python: scorchsaber+=1 ?? rillo: Python does not have a ++ operator. rindolf: Oh, but it does have a + operator. ah. I’m new to python so i did not know A few days ago, it was suggested that I implement ++ using the + operator. And I did so. :) So, really, a++; is valid in Python, and it may even increment a by one. If somebody was crazy, anyhow, and if a was mutable. shall i move back to perl to get the ++ ? rillo: no, use COBOL instead. ADD 1 TO COBOL GIVING COBOL :( eww, magic numbers! "COBOL is the old Java" ADD ONE TO COBOL GIVING COBOL verte: heh. verte: 1 is not a magic number. ASSIGN 1 to ONE 0, 1, infinity. verte: LOL. verte++ <\amethyst> COMPUTE COBOL = COBOL + 1 -- On Incrementing -- #python, Freenode % I met a guy in the bar, talked to her and she gave me her phone number. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#met_a_guy_in_the_bar ) % TimToady: so BASIC was your first language? no, English was my first language. :) TimToady: I started with XT ROM BASIC, but I suppose it was something like Perl 5 was to Perl 4 for your BASIC. BASIC has greatly evolved since Dartmouth BASIC. TimToady: ah. TimToady: not Chomsky's Universal language? feh rindolf: what's the name of the Parrot implementation of Intercal? 21:04 <@TimToady> we have a test suite right now because of pugs Very, very important. diakopter: I don't know. Juerd: yes, very. Juerd: anyway, I expect that at every given time all tests will pass. Well, there are probably bad tests too :) Given the volume of the suite, and that pugs has never been able to even parse everything :0 :) testrot accounts for many of those :) TimToady: testrot... TimToady++ How long does it take Pugs to run the entire Pugs test suite? but a number of them were misunderstandings at the time Because Pugs is kinda slow. defudge should be renamed Passover... used to run on my old laptop in about 25 minutes TimToady: or cute bugs. I mean implementation details. TimToady: kinda long. audreyt's dual core used to run them in 10 minutes I haven't tried on my new laptop, since I haven't installed the lates ghc yet first make it run, then make it run right, then make it run fast TimToady: another problem with Pugs is that it kept requiring the latest ghc. Did pugs drive GHC development perhaps? :D shrug, you shouldn't pick on a software project when it's down Juerd: yes, I believe some of that happened too TimToady: "After Death - say holy." TimToady: it's a Hebrew phrase. Actually, I'm just about out of After Death--I've got a bottle of Mega Death now too. just had some on my potatoes, yum. sounds hot of the first six ingredients, five of them are hot. Red habanero pods, cayenne chilies, white vinegar, natural pepper flavor, ancho chilies, chipotle chilies, molasses, guava nectar, fresh ginger, salt, spices. 'bout 550,000 scovilles After Death is only about 500k Tabasco is only about 35k tabasco I’m calibrated on -- now i can (only) imagine so roughly 15 times hotter 'add 1/15 drop per 100 potatoes' I generally only use it about one "plop" at a time unless I really want a large endorphin kick TimToady: LOL. enjoy yr clear sinuses TimToady+=5 "After Death" Reminds me of that screensaver. "After Hours" After Dark with the flying toasters? vixey: yes, that's the one. Also had a nice Looney Tunes one. "I now proclaim this computer in the name of Mars!" (Marvin the Martian)++ they were cool I recall something about wine being able to run Windows screensavers. "where's the kaboom? there was meant to be a case-shattering kaboom." XScreenSaver is a pre-Autoconf hell from what I understood. -- BASIC, Pugs and "After Death" -- #perl6, Freenode % Two female dogs talking about modern-life: *Jasmine:* It’s so cool! On the Internet, no one knows you’re a dog! *Daisy:* Yeah, but everyone can tell right away that you’re a bitch! -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#on_the_Internet ) % rindolf: what is Park/Spark? pmurias: http://www.shlomifish.org/open-source/projects/Park-Lisp/ pmurias: it's still incomplete. And I haven't updated it. rindolf: if you like lisp/perl6 projects you might consider helping with a common lisp elf backend pmurias: Common Lisp. pmurias: thing is I think both CL and Scheme suck. I like Lisp as a concept. Arc is nice, but has too many implementation problems. And missing features. Arc is not nice I want to give a presentation to the Perl Mongers about "Foreign Languages: Lisp" vixey: I like it. Though I hate that "(not)" has become "(no)" it's so non-English. it's just Tcl with horrible syntax vixey: but it's missing a lot of exciting features. Which PG deemed as unnecessary. Doesn't look like the 100-years language to me. Which is why - Spark! why not just write an s-expression p6 dialect? pmurias: could be. pmurias: it's another approach. But some things make sense in Lisp and not in p6. For example, Perl does not like to use + for string or list concat. While Python does and it seems to be OK in Arc too. And in CL you have (concatenate) (yuck!). (((hehe))) + for strings sucks seconded. rindolf: If you don't like CONCATENATE you can just rename it vixey: yeah. vixey: but I'd rather not rename concatenate because then people won't understand my code. vixey: as TimToady said people hate abstractions. yes they will rindolf They want things to work out of the box. A program is many many totally newly defined procedures just renaming one thing is nothing in the context of a big program vixey: "let's spend 3 days creating a new language, and 1 day implementing the solution with it." if it would take 10 days without the new language, it's worth it TimToady: yeah. TimToady: but this is the CL mentality. no it's not Sometimes you can take 1 day to write an API. CL is too diverse you cannot generalize like that vixey: I meant a common idiom there. I think I'll /quit and do something productive. Like work on Spark. another quote: how to write any computer program in two easy stages: Design and implement the programming language which would be best for solving the problem. Write the program in the language you’ve just implemented. vixey: or just use Perl which is the best for everything. heh the second step is obvious--the best language for the job is one that does the job on a null input * pmichaud notes that vixey's algorithm is somewhat recursive "All rules of thumb are false, including this one." rindolf: when you feel like writing Common Lisp backends, contact me or mncharity ;) -- Lisp Dialects (Scheme, Common Lisp, Arc, Spark) Mentality and Usability -- #perl6, Freenode % <<< [Discussing the shortage of IT workers as of 1998 on E-mail] Shlomi Fish to Omer Zak: "Even the NSA doesn’t have enough programmers. But it is not likely that they will have more and that’s because ‘Summerschool at the NSA’ may might as well be the name of Sarah Michelle Gellar’s next movie." Omer Zak to Shlomi Fish: "And as opposed to ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ it is going to be scary." >>> *Kilmo:* why would you like to make fun of the crypto world ? ;) The NSA does know what you did last summer. And by putting this on the web, they know that you know. Which may lead to interesting philosophical issues. BTW, in a conference I was attending we were given a sticker saying: "NSA - free email backup". They still have some issue with the retrieval procedures, but besides of that - they are quite a trusted service. *Shlomi Fish:* In my case, I think every random Joe can learn a lot about me. Even if he’s not in Google or the NSA or whatever. *Kilmo:* Yep. But this is a world-wide service that they offer. (Along with several co-operations, like MI5/6). -- Shlomi Fish and Kilmo -- Aphorisms Collection % *Ran Eilam To Shlomi Fish:* so what are you working on? Working on a new wiki about unit testing fortunes in Freecell? -- Ran Eilam -- Jabber Conversation % Well, despite the fact that I hardly publicised my last essay about the "Closed Books", it has been chromatic’d. Rumours are that all the bloggers whose blog posts/essays were deprecated on chromatic’s blog are now rich, famous and the object of the affection of many attractive members of the appropriate sex. *Memo to self:* prepare a limited edition T-shirt: "My blog post was chromatic’d. I pwn you as a blogger." -- Shlomi Fish -- "Dealing with Approval Addiction (and Implied Stress Periods) ( http://use.perl.org/~Shlomi+Fish/journal/36812 ) % Richard M. Stallman (RMS) decides to release his brand-new editor, "Emacs" on the CPAN with its first version 29.999.99. In order to package it, he invokes the trusty ol’ module-starter (see http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Starter/) which creates a skeleton of a CPAN distribution for him. He fills in the skeleton with the actual code of Emacs, types "perl Build.PL", and "./Build test" and makes sure all the tests pass. Then he types "./Build config --gui" and gets a nice GUI to configure the various parameters of the Module meta-data.[M-B-Data] In the GUI, Richard goes to the Trove categorisation tab, and selects categories. This is done in a similar way to Freshmeat’s project categorisation dialog (a list of options to the left, with selected options to the right and arrows to move them left or right, while allowing multiple select options.). He chooses such categories as "Programming Language :: Lisp", and "Intended Audience :: Emacs Users", "Operating System :: GNU", and "Topic :: Editors". (Note: I believe the category list should be fetched using a public web-service to keep them up-to-date.) -- Shlomi Fish -- Functional Spec for the CPAN Classification Proposal ( https://github.com/shlomif/CPAN-Module-Classification/blob/master/docs/functional-spec-for-CPAN-Classification-Proposal.txt ) % After several weeks of having the editor on CPAN, Richard has received many patches, and wrote a lot of code on his own. Now Emacs is not only an editor but a calendar tool, an Eliza program, a web browser, a mail user agent and many other things. So in order to release version 30.000.00 he needs to update the categorisation. He runs ./Build config --gui again, and adds more categories. However, he enters too many categories (because Emacs now does them all), and the GUI refuses to save the file because it will overflow the limit that the web-service specified the CPAN classification services allow to handle. So Richard keeps only the important categories, adds more tags, and saves it. He then tests the distribution again, and uploads the new distribution to the CPAN. -- Shlomi Fish -- Functional Spec for the CPAN Classification Proposal ( https://github.com/shlomif/CPAN-Module-Classification/blob/master/docs/functional-spec-for-CPAN-Classification-Proposal.txt ) % Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft decides to use Richard Stallman’s Emacs as the basis of his company’s state-of-the-art product Microsoft Editing Macros™ Enterprise Edition XP .NET Professional. However since MS Editing Macros™ is a commercial, proprietary program which he intends to sell at computer stores, Bill is not going to upload it to the CPAN. He builds upon Emacs, sends patches to Richard and learns a lot about it. When he’s finished building Microsoft Editing Macros™ he surfs to the Emacs homepage on CPAN, and adds some categories and tags of his own. Eventually, enough people like Bill tag and categorise Emacs, and it gains more classification. -- Shlomi Fish -- Functional Spec for the CPAN Classification Proposal ( https://github.com/shlomif/CPAN-Module-Classification/blob/master/docs/functional-spec-for-CPAN-Classification-Proposal.txt ) % "Who's the idiot that wrote this code?" That's what many people say when looking at their old code. "I can't believe I used to listen to this crap" that's what people say when they look back at their old music collection jkauffman: I don't usually. jkauffman: I am however, a bit ashamed of some of the shows I liked when I was younger. jkauffman: they seem a bit cheesy now. yes, you're onto such better things now that you can fully appreciate The Gilmore Girls jkauffman: you can never truly appreciate The Gilmore Girls until you've watched it in the original Klingon. -- Looking Back at Your Old Habits -- #perlcafe, Freenode % cl0ud: what's up? rindolf: just getting ready for work on this drizzly day rindolf: and feeling great rindolf: you? cl0ud: sending an email to the Extreme Programming mailing list. xtreme rindolf: tell them that in order to be truly extreme, they need to ditch their pair-programming buddy system and start programming with spent ammunition and unexploded shells ik: heh. Extremist Programming haha Ik-stremist Programming. :o What about Psycho Coding? :) PSYCoder <--- cool name for an editor :) Psychaudit <- memory tester Neuraudit Hahah -- Really Extreme Programming -- #perlcafe, Freenode % *Larry:* final exams are on Tuesday and through Friday, so you won’t see me for a while, or if you do - then you should shoot me. *Shlomi:* I Will shoot you with my cross-intertubes-laser-gun. *Larry:* HAHAHA. *Shlomi:* Which I don’t have. *Larry:* Which network topology will you implement, for better accuracy ? *Shlomi:* I’ll just depend on the standard TCP/IP routing. Overlay the laser on top of the TCP packets. -- Shlomi Fish -- IM Chat with Larry % God gave us two eyes and ten fingers so we will type five times as much as we read. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#God_gave_us_two_eyes ) % Only wimps complain about bad code. Real men clean it up. Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#only_wimps_complain_about_bad_code ) % Wikipedia has a page about everything including the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitchen_sink . -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#wikipedia_has ) % *shlomif:* hack, hack, hack ; save ; make ; make test; commit. And start over. *mrjink:*hack, hack, hack; save; make; swear; fix typos; save; make; make test; swear some more; hack some more; save; make; make test; cheer; commit. *meep:* hack, make, test, segfault, oh noes, revert to previous revision -- Shlomi Fish and Others -- On Plurk. ( http://www.plurk.com/p/r9fq1 ) % Well, it’s not a threat - it’s a warning, and he won’t be harmed much by acting against my advice. A threat is something like "Stop posting political posts or I will burn your house, rape your wife and daughters, banish you to the middle of Antarctica, convert all your Perl code to PHP, and then post it on thedailywtf.com." Regarding what you say that "no one cares if you unsubscribe", then this reminds me of what Fred Brooks says in "The Mythical Man-Month": "How does a project becomes late? One day at a time.". If you’re not careful, you might lose a large percent of your blog’s readership, one subscriber at a time. -- Shlomi Fish -- use.perl.org comment ( http://use.perl.org/comments.pl?sid=42958&cid=68560 ) % thank you nothingmuch, i want to chat with you on kiokudb Hi metaperl_work you should chat with him on #kiokudb then metaperl_work: you mean "about kiokudb" rindolf, hi! long time no see metaperl_work: yes. we are talking in #kiokudb confound metaperl_work: what have you been up to? no, this is #moose! confound, "we" = me and yuval rindolf, well.... keeping Seamstress up to date metaperl_work: yuval and I. In related news: I’m chatting on my mobile phone Moose is saving my life... SUPER handy jhannah, what type of mobile phone? metaperl_work: what is Seamstress? Seamstress is really nothing anyway it's on cpan metaperl_work: please take that question to #jhannah_phones jhannah++ jhannah: which network, there doesn’t seem to be anyone there i think Buffy might be a closet lesbian * stevan HAS TO KNOW!!!! nothingmuch: duh stevan: i think you kinda missed the joke =P take that to #closet-lesbian-vampire-slayers i get jokes stevan: LOL. stevan++ jhannah++ stevan: i have hundreds of invisible groupies in dozens of #jhannah_* channels. they are well trained to be quiet when interlopers lope in -- Take that to a different channel -- #moose, MAGNet % uwd: what's up? BTW, how has English become the official language of Singapore? Viral marketing Singapore has four official languages. one national one. also, politics. also, see wikipedia. it knows all [citation needed] rindolf: it's a byproduct of the Richard Nixon / Henry Ford's campaign for chief taxonomist of western Nepal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Singapore (a coveted position) taxonomist! Wikipedia has an article about everything including the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitchen_sink They are in charge of taxis! disambiguation pages make me sad :( I like the dis-ambiguity! ik: heh i like disambiguation pages. They say "this thing you seek... it is not only one thing, you see? no, no, mon ami, this world, she is too big to contain only one of everything, eh?" :D you talk like dee what. wat That message you said in French could have been typed by dee! except it was you. you doubleyou dee it was in English, actually. okay But it had some French in it ! Two words! Four, if you count "no". Twice. Yes, it sounded French to me too. no is not French non is. oui! elle n'a pas dit non In any case saying "She" of the world is also a Frenchism. Je ne sais pas. But it's not French Parlez vous anglais? it is also a generic Euroism. oui England is Europe too :( so not that French. Je m'appelle Pierre pkrumins: heh. Je suis 24 ans! Gods, the number of times I got contradicted at school for knowing that England was in Europe Je h'abite Riga Altreus: dude, given that was mostly English, i don't see why the sadface. Tu s'appelle Peteris it's no wonder stupid people make me violent Je'abite pkrumins: not en Riga? maybe or de Riga? uwd: hmm J'abite, non? I seem to sadface a lot more than is necessary due to how I'm never actually sad Oui. rindolf: habite Je monger a macdo. il y a un h Je travailler on ordinator a programmator. Oui. en! probably au to be honest but a l' because vowel l'ordinator? And travaille is the first-person present participle And -eur But mostly right! why -eur? * Altreus pats pkrumins on the back ordinateur tehe. jadone chats I wonder if a pink one is an ordinateuse (or was it chiens) it's so much easier to say she and mon ami and have people think it's French than actually speak French... i think chats j'adore chats jaim a perl chat jain n'est pas un mot *jaim j'aime aussi jadone n'est pas un mot hmm pawings all i can say pkrumins: chien is a dog. I think. Yes, chien is dog chat chatte for feminine http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cat -- How good is your French? -- #perl-cats, Freenode % What does "IDK" stand for? I don’t know. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#what_does_IDK_stand_for ) % PHP error debug list: 1) did you use the correct argument order? if you’re a good programmer, use the *reverse* from what you think it is. see if it works. no? you’re not a good programmer, or you learned PHP’s braindeadness and can go on to step 2). 2) did you think about your code? if so, don’t. PHP will do it for you so you can do mindbogglingly stupid stuff, such as not escape the data that goes into your SQL queries. -- Dazjorz -- MSN Conversation between Dazjorz and Shlomi Fish ( http://dazjorz.com/ ) % rindolf: yes, I played with Squeak a little and yes I'd like a vim clone written in perl. Why isn't there one already, then? (A vim clone in Perl) good question. there's one in javascript :) Su-Shee: actually , it's a vi clone. Writing a vi clone is much easier than writing a vim clone. Just like writing a Scheme clone is much easier than writing a Perl 6 implementation. Unless you're Chuck Norris. rindolf: darn.. he already wrote a vim in perl6? no, he scared K&R into writing it ;-) Su-Shee: Chuck Norris is the ghost author of the entire Debian GNU/Linux distribution. Su-Shee: and he wrote it in 24 hours, while taking snack breaks. rindolf: yes, I know - he published Slackware under the pseudonym Patrick Volkerding... Chuck Norris read the entire Wikipedia. Twice. the second time includes fixing all its errors but he didn't commit his changes, it seems moritz_: heh. LOL. Chuck Norris doesn't commit changes, the changes commit for him :) Code is too scared of Chuck to be wrong. It is generated right in the first time. Bugs are too afraid to reproduce on Chuck Norris' computer. .o(I see a Chuck Norris release on the horizon... ;) Su-Shee: :-) we could ask Chuck Norris if he's willing to promote the star release.. ;)) (which probably kill the entire internet due to laughter.. :) Perl 6 - A Chuck Norris like language Chuck Norris has actually been using Perl 6 since 1987, and has been waiting for Larry to play catch-up. :) dukeleto: LOL. Perl 6 - Kicks ass like Chuck. rakudo - chuck's choice ;) well, Camelia and Chuck Norris go well together. ;) OK. Of course everybody know Chuck Norris is a real programmer. He designs machines by combining individual atoms. Using his thought. Atoms obey Chuck Norris. rindolf: you obviously have been starved and deprived of super hero comics in your childhood :) -- What you could assume was true about Chuck Norris -- #perl6, Freenode % Give me ASCII or give me deaþ! -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#give-me-ascii ) % In the Technion, there are many ways to get from one place to the other, but they are all the same length. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#technion-ways ) % Hi Sjors the Awayer! Hi Shlomi the, uh Onliner! :P I am not an Awayer! I am a free man. Onlinerer, heh. Touché. ;) or is Awayer some kind of Hebrew word? No, it's not. It's pig-English for someone who is Away. We don't have a "w" sound in modern Hebrew (replaced by "v" a-la-German) but most Israelis have no problems pronouncing it. I have problems pronouncing th (maths) and dh (there). Even though they did exist in Ancient Hebrew. many Dutch people have problems saying th too earth they say it eart Ah. I tink I say it ers Heh. You seem to be in a funny mood too. I tink you are dere hehe How's school? I've been feeling great lately :) But OTOH you're a funny guy, anyway. I think Zuu from ##programming is the comedian king of Denmark. haha J/K. I know many Israelis who are funnier than me IRL. Or maybe also online. I know many Dutch people funnier than me Ah. IRL? And online, I think Meh I've been playing openttd but those damn trains are SO STUBBORN Well, no offence, but you're not the funniest person online. it's annoying me I've known. Sometimes trolls can be funny. Larry Wall seems a bit less funny on IRC than on Usenet or E-mail. But he's not always funny. IRL, he's really funny. He gives funny presentations. I don't have the place in ottd to *force* them to do the right thing, but they do stuff like making 90 degree corners, stopping three other trains in their tracks, just because it's like a millisecond shorter than the other route Though I think they always get more serious towards the end. hmm :) Is it a commercial game? OpenTTD? I once gave a lightning talk about Template Toolkit and people laughed at the same slide twice , because I gave it twice due to a presentation equipment. Ah. The Open says everything. yep :) I once gave a lightning talk about Template Toolkit and people laughed at the same slide twice , because I gave it twice due to a presentation equipment SNAFU*. Gotta love Ctrl+Up. Gotta love Ctrl+Up. I think we've been there, though. hehe Old joke. Didn't know it I told you about it a long time ago. It was you I think. And then we did a session of two messages in a row. ETOOMUCHINFORMATION ETOOLITTLEKNOWLEDGE ETOOHARDTOREADACRONYMS ah :P EPLEASEUSESOMESPACES EIWISHWEWEREUSINGSEXPRS ENOSPACEBARDETECTED? You know what S-expressions are, right? Indeed. No space bar. Gotta press Alt+032 Or something. hmm I don't have a numeric keypad Ah. Mac O Sucks. Mac O Sucky Computers. No offence, I hope. MUCH OFFENSE TAKEN! Hands off my Mac! ;) It's mine! All mine! My precioussssssssssss. I'll make a fortune out of this conversation, I think. -- Sjors the Awayer -- #sjors-and-rindolf, MSN Messenger % Quick git question, perhaps someone knows the answer: I have a file in my git tree (locally and in the repository), but I want git to ignore the file completely, i.e. git is not to touch the file on the file system by updating it or merging local changes into the repository whoppix: you can use .gitignore I think rindolf, hmm, good idea, thanks. that was slow. rindolf, hmm, I think git update-index --assume-unchanged is what I need. .gitignore is only for untracked files whoppix: OK, have no clue what that is. Git is so complicated. And so opaque rindolf, me neither, but the doc tells me to use that. whoppix: can you believe the docs? The docs may be lying. Don't trust the docs. Don't trust anything. You're all alone. It's you against the machine. When in doubt, use the source code. Not some sissy documentation. right I'll have some of what you've been smoking whoppix: I'm 100% clean. -- Reflections on trusting documentation -- #perlcafe, Freenode % --> ruby_on_tails has joined #jquery * rindolf removes ruby_on_tails off his tail and meows. * ruby_on_tails throws his paws at rindolf and scratches his face Fight! * rindolf hisses at ruby_on_tails * rindolf curves his back. * rindolf is not a cat, he thinks, so why does he says that? On the Internet, no one knows you're a cat. * ruby_on_tails deep-scratches rindolf's ass Is there a word for a female cat. ruby_on_tails: truce? tiger b-) B-) ruby_on_tails: all felines are friends. We must be united against our common enemy. Dogs or whatever. * ruby_on_tails unites all breeds of cats against rindolf ruby_on_tails: I am not the cats' no. 1 enemy. you are :P ruby_on_tails: heh. LOL ruby_on_tails: :-) "Cats of the world - unite!" they are already united Andy-: ajax form submission ruby_on_tails++ # Despite being a cat god in an awfully bad mood. :P "Ceiling cat is watching you." ruby_on_tails: I totally dig the lolcat web-cartoons. I derive a sick pleasure from them. I just watch tom n jerry Well, not really sick. ruby_on_tails: tom is kinda stupid. He's the cat, right? yea but he's got determination till the end :> There's also Rita and Runt (sp?) in Animaniacs. Rita is a smart cat. -- Felines of the world - unite! -- #jquery, Freenode % English spelling aims to be consistent. Publicly and methodically. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#english-spelling ) % BTW, have you read my stories yet? I haven’t Ah. "If you read my stories, I’ll give you 1,000,000 virtual dollars." Causing me to have a lot of extra virtual time! And be virtually rich. And then you can virtually bribe virtual politicians. And buy a lot of virtual goods. LOL. Then, I’d be virtually happy Too bad... :P It’s a virtual win-win situation. You can hire many virtual programmers to write a lot of virtual code for KMess. "My old virtual dad used to say to me: ‘virtual money does not bring you virtual happiness, my virtual son.’" -- Virtual money. -- Shlomi Fish and Sjors, MSN % Shlomi_Fish and me engaged in a religious argument - top posting vs. bottom posting. What is your side (Pepy)? hmm bottom posting i guess well,guess bottom posting is winning then Heh. Pepy: may you be damned, filthy heretic! TOP POSTING IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE WAY ! ! ! ! TDDPirate: you are past redemption, you archangel of evil! Shlomi_Fish: not to speak of your vile and wicked bottom posting ways! so go go bottom posting Pepy: that’s the way to go. The way to go - if you want to be DOOMED! TO! ETERNAL! FIRES! OF! HELL! Top posting is for the weak and timid! I will challenge all top-posters to a Bat’lath contest for undermining the HONOUR of the entire Klingon race! Don’t dare to defile the honor of the honorable Klingon Race by dragging them into this argument! Sujatlh ‘e’ yImev TodSaH! Pepy: nice Klingon. thanks, Shlomi Is this Klingon? And if yes, what does this mean? yes it is and it means “shut up geeks” Pepy: I may be a geek, but I’m a true Klingon geek-warrior! Nice use of the language, Pepy. And a true Klingon geek warrior ALWAYS bottom-posts. no no,true Klingons have power to change quoted tops Pepy: do you mean that Klingons have the power to defile and make filthy of sacred E-mail messages? no,but they’re used to “edit” history ah, when they ask me how the hell I managed to write so good band compositions I’ll tell em, the secret is to chat with geeks about top vs bottom posting -- Bottom vs. Top Posting. -- Shlomi Fish, TDDPirate and Pepy, MSN % BTW, you can do mplayer -dumpaudio -dumpfile file.mp3 no need to re-encode This -dumpfile is a nice trick. Is it new? I wonder when mplayer will hit 1.0 already. Ah. All the stuff I saw told me to use WAV and then encode. mplayer and 1.0? I’m not really sure it's their goal They will stay at 1.0RC-foo forever? although i would be glad if they had some sensible versioning Yes. At the moment perl-Mojolicious is at 0.999924. At least perl-Moose hit 1.00 LOL Without any substantial changes from 0.99. But you've got to upgrade somehow. perl-Moose is MDV/RH notation, but I like it. IMO, it's just stupid not to release 1.0 I dislike libmoose-perl Yes. wine did so and now they have normal versioning Though most of my CPAN modules are sub-1.0. http://search.cpan.org/~shlomif/ I think except for one module (where I used 0.2.0 0.4.0 and eventually hit 0.8.0 and had to go to 1.000) all my 1.0 and above modules are adopted. they are sub-1.0, but they are not 0.9.999.2010.03.11-rc5 :) One of them used the CVS revisions as versions. d3x : LOL. Yes. d3x: can I quote you on that? i say it's stupid to make releases up to 0.9.something and then not to release 1.0 I collect quotes on my homepage. sure you can At the moment I have freecell-solver-2.42.0 But I hope the new release will be 3.0.0 the one that was bought by Freecell Solver Enterprises? :D I've left GNOME and gtk+/glib behind. d3x yes. Freecell Solver Enterprises™ Inc. Ah, so you've seen that. yes, you posted a link on #debian Yes. You should add a digest to the version. 0.9.999.2010.03.11-rc5-adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc LOL In case you're using git or hg. -- d3x and Shlomi Fish (rindolf) about FOSS Versioning -- private conversation, Freenode % sarnold: you go to OGI? rindolf: no; but my boss and a co-worker are professors there, and other co-workers earned degrees there.. sarnold: OK. sarnold, have you got one of those pesky things? muli: just Bachelor of Arts .. no Masters or Ph.D... sarnold: B.Sc or B.A.? rindolf, Bachelor of Arts is B.A. muli: I know. But I was just checking. rindolf: ah, you’re right, B.Sc.. I chickened out on the language requirements :) muli: see?? LOL. rindolf, sometimes, two bugs cancel each other. muli: wisely spoken. But mine wasn’t a bug - it was a sanity check. -- Not a bug -- #offtopic, OFTC % Hi all. Why are there both #ruby and #ruby-lang ? mmm some questions you know they're best not asked :) erikh: "The first rule of the fight club is you don't talk about the fight club." pretty much. no, you punch them in the face until they get the message raggi: haha. hi man. The first rule of #ruby-lang is you don't talk about #ruby. -- #ruby-lang and #ruby -- #ruby-lang, Freenode % and on a completely unrelated note http://ryanbigg.com/2011/04/rails-3-1-in-action Radar: I know it's rehearsed, but I prefer reading dark on bright rather than the opposite. Radar: let me see if there's an alternate stylesheet. rindolf: Command+Option+Control+8 heh Radar: I'm not on a Mac. rindolf: then whatever the shortcut is for you to invert your screen. Radar: Firefox 4.0 on Mandriva Linux Cooker on an old P4-2.4GHz. Radar: yeah.... Radar: that way XChat and Pidgin will be in technicolour. Radar: so, once you've gotten Rails 3.1 in Action out, are you going to be going for Rails 3.2 in Action on Windows? Well, I applied a no-stylesheet. workmad3: Rails 3.2 in Action on Windows(r) 7(tm) actually. Radar: I'll reserve my copy now :D Radar: good luck with that. Radar: will the book be available online for free view/download? rindolf: a windows book? for free? are you crazy??? workmad3: Windows? workmad3: it's about Rails. rindolf: no it will cost money Radar: ah, OK. :-( Rails 3.2 In Action on Windows(r) 7(tm) it'll cost big bucks!! workmad3: heh. Ultimate Premium. Yes, I'm going to spend a year of my life writing a book and then release it for free, yay how about no? Radar: don't forget the Enterprise Rails 3.2 on Windows In Action 7(tw) you can charge double for that one... it has enterprise in the title! workmad3: how did you know about the third installment of the trilogy?! only Yehuda and I know of that Radar: I'm really yehuda in disguise dammit... I should have waited 25 mins to reveal that... Radar: well, I'm now working on an EPUB of http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TheEnemy/ but DocBook/XML is giving me some grief in generating a valid EPUB. I think I'll fix the EPUB manually. I'll have to study the EPUB format. Radar: it's a story - not a technical book. Radar: http://perl-begin.org/ - this took me several years to work on (well not 100% of the time) and it's mostly CC-by. rindolf: who'd pay for stuff on perl though? :P workmad3: you'd be surprised. rindolf: I doubt it workmad3: I think chromatic's latest "Modern Perl" book was a smashing success. my sense of surprise has been surgically removed workmad3: even though it was available online the whole time. workmad3: but Perl is a bit passé and established. Radar: people will torrent your book/etc. also, I think I need to colour my sarcastic text differently workmad3: ah, OK. or maybe just my non-sarcastic text chromatic did an awesome job. would probably be easier Use ... too much typing Human XML. Write an IRC client macro for that. I'll just put when I'm not being sarcastic Heh. assume that previous one was escaped XSS! 1+1 = 2. [citation needed] I like this channel. But I admit I'm not big into rails. it doesn't like you it's looking at you funny muttering under it's breath :P Most of my sites are hosted on something which I don't care what it runs or alternatively static HTML sites. workmad3: :-) I'm so making a fortune out of this conversation. workmad3: have you ever considered being a stand-up comedian? rindolf: nah... I'm too lazy workmad3: ah. rindolf: if I could sit down while doing it, I'd be a millionaire :P workmad3: heh. workmad3: more like a milliardaire. -- workmad3 drives Radar and rindolf mad. -- #rubyonrails, Freenode % Feminists So anti-women rights douchebags. Diablo-D3: well, I don't know too much about how feminism relates to the global women-lib movement. I do know I kinda hate feminazis, which I consider a subset of feminists. It's a bunch of women who are pissed than other women are getting dicked more often than them. Diablo-D3: heh. So they "hate" men, but secretly want to be tied to a bed and boned repeatedly. Diablo-D3, please don't lump me in that group. Lady_Aleena: that is up to you, not me I do not create feminists, I only laugh at them Lady_Aleena: I don't think you're a feminazi. Lady_Aleena: you're really cool. Lady_Aleena: at least on IRC. Thanks... :) Though I still want to break a guy's fingers. Lady_Aleena: and don't take what Diablo-D3 says seriously. I try to keep an open mind. rindolf: hey now Lady_Aleena: well, you or I can want to kill some people and it's OK as long as we don't actually do it. rindolf, NOT kill, maim. any woman who tries to take away the rights of other women should be flogged in the town square. One can not change the mind of the dead. However, one can change the minds of the maimed. Lady_Aleena: in one of my stories (still work in progress), the protagonist wants to punch her boyfriend, but she knows better than that and so just goes away frustrated. Lady_Aleena: let me translate that part to English. rindolf: that is boring! Diablo-D3: :-) She should have kneed him in the nuts. Diablo-D3: maybe she should shoot him with a bazooka. Clearly the chick should hit the guy, the guy should hit back, and then they should have wild sex. Diablo-D3: it's in public. UH! S&M! rindolf, the best place. Diablo-D3: it's actually an anti-thesis to a lot of Hollywoodian stuff. Lady_Aleena: to have wild sex? rindolf, sure, why not? A dom makes her sub perform sexual acts on demand, no matter the place. If insufficient the sub is flogged. s/A dom/A dom, with no inhibitions,/; * Lady_Aleena giggles. I think I just sent 2 men running for their mommies. no, we're too busy fapping. Good. Good little perl boy… LOL evil Lady_Aleena Bad perl boy, no cookies... * Lady_Aleena is now known as Mistress_Aleena Mistress_Aleena: heh. * Mistress_Aleena laughs. Well, that scene continues. In the balcony. They end up making out. I can translate more I guess. No need. Mistress_Aleena: maybe you should be Madame_Aleena * Mistress_Aleena is now known as Madame_Aleena I wonder if I should make a fortune out of this conversation. It's a bit Rish instead of PG-13ish. little rindolf, go for the X. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_Association_of_America_film_rating_system Madame_Aleena: X! X marks the spot. X-Windows. Yes it does, little rindolf. Maybe you should be Hotbabe_Aleena Madame_Aleena: BTW, did you register Mistress_Aleena and Madame_Aleena ? Yes. -- Go for the X. -- #perlcafe, Freenode % Shlomo: Mosheh, remember I told you about Katie? Mosheh: oh yeah! She looks cute when she’s angry. Katie: Moses, right? Mosheh: that’s right. Katie: well, in case you have any interest in me, I should note that I have a policy against getting involved with people who are 4 times my senior or more. -- Shlomi Fish -- Star Trek: “We, the Living Dead” ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ ) % Ross: I can’t believe he could not tell the other guy wasn’t really a dinosaur. Chandler: Well, cartoon characters usually have a difficulty seeing through disguises. -- Shlomi Fish -- The One with the Fountainhead (Part 1) ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TOneW-the-Fountainhead/ ) % Ross: You’ve already read it (= the Fountainhead)? Joey: Yeah [puts the book down]. I was in acting school, and the guys decided to throw a discussion on it. So, I decided that I’ll read the book so I can make a good impression on the ladies if y’know what I mean… Rachel: Yep, we know what you mean. Monica: So, did you get laid that night? Joey: No. I spent the entire night discussing /The Fountainhead./ [pause] Interesting book. Chandler: Must have been one of the most stimulating nights of your life. Joey: Not quite as much as the next night. -- Shlomi Fish -- The One with the Fountainhead (Part 1) ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TOneW-the-Fountainhead/ ) % Joey: Hey, know what we can do, so I can get prepared for the audition? Let’s role-play our own version of "The Fountainhead". Rachel: Our own version? Why would we want to write our own version of it! This book is great. The others: "Yes." "One of the best books I ever read." "Can’t get better than this" Joey: Come on, if you wanted to write it today, would you write the same book? [Silence.] Phoebe: Well, for one thing: didn’t it bother you that Dominique Francon, the main female character, didn’t do anything in the best years of her life, except like… sleeping with people? Ross: yeah. All the characters in fact do nothing in the 20’s and 30’s, except maybe build a couple of buildings. Joey: If you ask me: the book is too slow-paced for the 90’s. I mean, in the 60’s it may have worked but we’re in the information age now. Ross: Joey, "The Fountainhead" was written in 1943. Joey: Yeah, but it was still good enough in the 60’s right? OK: our own version of "The Fountainhead" - here’s what I think it should look like -- Shlomi Fish -- The One with the Fountainhead (Part 1) ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/TOneW-the-Fountainhead/ ) % Voice: Earth - the initial frontier. Somewhere in the depths of space, on a remote planet you know as Earth, came up a relatively uncommon phenomenon: Civilization. What it means is that intelligent, [A text on the screen with a beep - (?)] Voice: conscious [A text on the screen with the same beep - (?)] Voice: Stop it! [A text on the screen with a different beep - (!)] Voice: Like I said, intelligent, conscious, people formed cities and countries, with a technology that became more and more advanced in time. -- Shlomi Fish -- Humanity - The Movie ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/humanity/ ) % Mike “The Mouse“ House (a.k.a “D.J. Salinger”) was a rap artist who experienced only limited success, and a computer geek, when he decided to start selling CDs of open-source software. He turned to spamming to publicise his business, but realised that most of the spam messages he sent were blocked by E-mail filters. He decided to use the notorious obscured image spam, but since he had a few blind friends, he opted to also include an audio recording of a rap song with the message. House received a few offers from his spam campaign, but his real break came when a few enthusiasts of the spam song shared it on the Internet, where it became an instant hit. The song eventually hit the charts and MTV, and made D.J. Salinger famous, who quickly released his first successful album called /Rap to the spam, Ma’am!/, with such highly acclaimed hits as “Rap to not get trapped” and “He ain’t Nigerian. He’s a Spammer!”. As a millionaire, House decided to donate some of his money back to sponsoring open-source projects, and has donated 100,000s of U.S. Dollars to such causes as [the Free Software Foundation](http://www.fsf.org/), [Linux International](http://www.li.org/) and [SpamAssassin](http://spamassassin.apache.org/). “If it hadn’t been for them, I wouldn’t have made it big”, he said, and said he’s now working on a second album with a similar theme. -- Shlomi Fish -- “Spam for Everyone” - The International Campaign for Accessible Spam ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/Spam-for-Everyone/ ) % I promised, I forgot, I did not keep my promise — just shoot me, and get on with it! -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#I_promised ) % An original philosopher knows the right combination of ideas to steal. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#original_philosopher ) % * To err is human - to apologise - divine. * To have bugs is human - to fix them - divine. * To have bugs is human - to find them - divine. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#to_err_is_human_corollaries ) % I might be mad. But I’m a mad genius. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#might_be_mad ) % If God exists and is the ego-maniacal, sadistic and helpless creature that is described in the Old Testament, then we’re in deep trouble. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#if_god_exists ) % *Sophie:* Let’s suppose you have a table with 2^n cups… *Jack:* Wait a second - is ‘n’ a natural number? -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % A kid always wishes they were older until they are 18. Afterwards, they always wish they were younger. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % *Shlomi’s Father:* If you don’t sort the dishwasher, the dishwasher won’t be sorted. *Shlomi:* No, it won’t be sorted by me. *Shlomi’s Father:* No, it won’t be sorted at all. We will throw away the dishwasher. *Together:* Along with all the dishes. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % All languages of the world suck. If you require people to declare variables (like in Pascal, C, [Scheme](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_%28programming_language%29) or Perl 5 with [strict](http://perldoc.perl.org/strict.html)), then people will tell you they like variables to spring up upon first use. Without variable declarations, then you get various weird side-effects of the implicit scoping. If you use curly braces for scoping, then you’ll have to type more and there’s more clutter. With indentation-based scoping (like in Python), you’ll find it hard to introduce multiple-expression [lambdas](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus#First-class_functions). Rob Pike and Paul Graham hated object oriented programming (OOP) and so they didn’t introduce it in their [“Go”](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_%28programming_language%29) and [“Arc“](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arc_%28programming_language%29) languages, well after OOP has become mainstream. And guess what? Many people, including me, think that OOP is still a good thing (and no, in my opinion, C++ did not do OOP very well) and so gave up on Arc quickly and did not look closely at Go. Dynamically typed languages (like Perl 5, Python, Ruby, or Lisp) possibly suffer from many subtle errors; Statically typed languages (like Haskell) are less expressive and it seems that about one third of the language design papers published on [Lambda the Ultimate](http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/) are about various funky extensions to the Haskell type system to allow for better expressiveness. Purely functional languages have no assignment and most people find them harder, in part because the world around us has a lot of state, and they also need to do funky compiler tricks to make you feel like you don’t need assignment. Non-functional languages have side-effects and so are prone to many errors. If you have goto or goto-like statements (such as exceptions or Perl 5’s “last LABEL;” (more like “break” in C) or “next LABEL;”), then you encourage code to not be factored correctly. If you don’t have such stuff, then programmers will hate you for having to go through many hoops to write quick-and-dirty code. Perl 5 has a dedicated regular expression syntax which is treated magically by the parser. PHP and Java use strings for them, and require weird escaping and backslashing rules to interpolate the sub-regexes inside them. And if you incorporate a first-order syntax for regular expressions, then people will want similar first-order syntaxes for XPath, for XML (like some recent versions of Visual Basic .NET have), and for all other grammars you may need to embed. Finally, many people absolutely hate all the clutter created by the leading [sigils](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigil_%28computer_programming%29) of Perl 5 (the "$", "@", etc.), and similar languages, but they allow for much better backward compatibility, facilitate the so-called “interpolation” (= embedding inside strings), and also give some important visual cues when skimming code (even without syntax highlighting). *You are damned either way*, whatever you do. -- Shlomi Fish -- Why Your Programming Language Must Suck ( http://shlomif-tech.livejournal.com/57811.html ) % * 1 User to start a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changing_a_Light_Bulb article. * 1 editor to tag it with the “No original research” template. (Without giving a reason) * 3 users to find citations for the article. * 1 editor to claim it violates the wikipedia “Neutral Point of View policy”. (without giving a reason). * The original user to ask why he thinks this way on the talk page. * 5 users to find occurrences of changing a light bulb in popular culture. * 1 anonymous user to correct an “it’s” to “its”. * 1 editor to revert it. * 1 editor to revert the revert because it was a real typo. * 10 users to rant in the talk page that Changing a lightbulb is not notable enough. * 10 Wikipeders to start similar articles in French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Esperanto, Ido, Hebrew, Klingon, Mandarin Chinese, and other languages. * 10 more people to periodically keep the articles in sync with the English version. * Starting the cycle again on the localised wikipedias. * 1 Person to argue that the article should be merged into the main article about the inventor of the lightbulb. * 5 People to argue on the talk-page who the inventor of the lightbulb was. * 1 Person to start a wikiquote page about changing lightbulbs. * 1 Person to add it to wikibook. * 4 persons to gradually delete content the section about “choosing a good chair” until it only reads “choose a good chair.” * 1 person to write it again. * 1 deletionist to remove the article due to all of its perceived problems. * 3 months from now: * 1 different user to feel the absence of the Changing_a_Light_Bulb article, create it and start the cycle all over again. -- Shlomi Fish -- How many Wikipeders does it take to Change a Light Bulb? ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/How-many-Wikipedia-Editors/ ) % As expected from the latest trend in the Perl blogosphere this post will be about Roles. And Moose! And Roles in Moose! And Moose in Roles! And Roles outside Moose… Seriously now, this is a post about a completely non-Moosey and non-Roley script I wrote to filter the use.perl.org master journals' feed. -- Shlomi Fish -- Meta: Script to Filter the Master use.perl.org Blogs' Feed ( http://use.perl.org/~Shlomi+Fish/journal/38969 ) % Hi all. O HAI rindolf Leuthihi: HAI HAI. Leuthihi: what's up? rindolf: I'm hungry! Leuthihi: there's one antidote for it. Leuthihi: it's called Food. Leuthihi: well, but what food? and I need coffee oh, I think I know what I'll have. Chili. A big bowl of red, with crackers and onions on the side. Leuthihi: does it matter? If it has to be some cuisine. Did I spell correctly? Volis: spell what? oh yes. cuisine. "cuisine" is spelt this way. Yes. It's a French word I think. .ety cuisine "1786, from Fr. cuisine 'style of cooking,' originally 'kitchen, cooking, cooked food' (12c.), from L.L. cocina, earlier coquina 'kitchen,' from L. coquere 'to cook' (see cook (n.))." - http://etymonline.com/?term=cuisine OK, originally from Latin. never mind. Which cuisine is the best? In general Volis: I like many cuisines. Russian, of course Volis: though most of the ethnic food is actually poor men's food. Gvidon: Russian cuisine? rindolf: Yes well, yes, because I need something to eat to be able to eat it. Gvidon: what does it feature? Russian cuisine lacks flavour. rindolf: Vodka Gvidon: ah. In Soviet Russia, food tastes YOU! Gvidon: I didn't know Vodka is nutritious Leuthihi: :-) In Soviet Russia, They no longer use this meme. :P Vodka has plenty of calories at least. Gvidon: and I don't consume Alcoholic beverages in any quantity. Volis: :-) Volis: because: In Soviet Russia, meme uses You! «In Soviet Russia, cats own you. Oh wait! They own you everywhere.» Considering the fact, i'm still underage. Please change the topic. Volis: underage? Volis: ah, you cannot drink? In Soviet Russia, left keeps you. Always. "Dear fellow driver, let left be for communist crap only" rindolf, Rules of the world. -- Russian cuisine -- ##English, Freenode % E-mail, web feeds and doing something productive — choose two. -- Shlomi Fish -- LiveJournal.com Post ( http://shlomif.livejournal.com/4002.html ) % The worst way to waste your time is to never waste it. -- Shlomi Fish -- Unarmed but Still Dangerous Post ( http://unarmed.shlomifish.org/1342.html ) % *Sophie:* I’m hungry today. *Jack:* well wait until tomorrow - maybe this feeling will pass. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#Im-hungry-today ) % We agree. But do we agree to agree? -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#We_agree ) % sed and awk make me sad and awkward. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % sebsebseb: i thought you were abducted by windows 8 sebsebseb: hi. rindolf: windows got him linuxguy101: if you say so. he is trying to find that icon in windows 8 that has irc on it average users it usually will take a day or longer it is a productivity enhancer linuxguy101: heh. rindolf: you must get windows 8 it is an experience in windows you will never forget linuxguy101: why? rindolf: it is like windows me and vista combined with a bunch of lame programmers who cant speak the same lang it is jaw dropping linuxguy101: sounds fascinating. i expect Microsoft will earn some rewards on this os like longest boot time.. Hardest os to use by a human. And most compatible os with itself ever made. linuxguy101: :-) rindolf: you must switch to something less useful and more productive like windows 8 think of the hours you could spend on windows 8.. remember it is retro linuxguy101: retrofitted? rindolf: yes.. down to 2 or 4 colors.. Steve Balmer in a cocaine brain storming meeting with the developers decided to move to a GUI that was un pattoned so they invented retro.. simple and stupid colors a 4 year old child could barely read or draw he called it retro Retro. clearly a first in computing history Now I get the joke. Metro is Retro. oh it is no joke.. just wait for windows 8 lack of sales prompt Steve Balmer to shove it down into the updates for windows 7 on a side note, did you know that linux is becoming more popular now days? i don’t know why.. rindolf: you really should try windows 8 at least virtual box it.. linuxguy101: maybe I should, but I'm not going to shell out money for the experience. Warning!: using windows 8 may cause massive hysteria, laughing and vomiting in some cases.. the first time i used windows 8 i laughed uncontrollably for several hours and almost wet myself -- Win 8, Lose 9 -- #mageia-social, Freenode % The English Wikipedia: now you don’t see it - now you do. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Hi all. howdy srogers: hi, what's up? work, mostly "one of those days" Ah. Work. I'm enjoying my unemployed status. And after all that hospital thing is behind me, I'd like to go to tau.ac.il and set up some events where I read from my writings/etc. To gain some esteem. I contacted an Israeli publisher about publishing some of my stories and/or essays, but they didn't return to me after more than a month (which is their designated limit). And after reminding them on the phone, I gave up. Well, I'm not going to sit idly and expect recognition to come to me. Maybe I'll use some of my Project Wonderful money to gain some publicity. I could try publicising some of my works on various sites such as http://www.calamitiesofnature.com/ Yeah - promote yourself srogers: yes. srogers: I think that was the main mistake of Howard Roark in The Fountainhead. He should have worked more on publicity. ha - if only he had Facebook . . . Heh. -- Bringing the mountain to Muhammad -- Objectivism, Freenode % Who likes freedom? FREEDOM mrout: freedom++ just give me my beer Younos: heh. No beer for you! aww :o( I’m in non-freedom mode atm actually, using Windoze for the gamez mrout: OK. but when I restart into Linux I respect the freedoms of myself and others mrout: OK. you should respect it regardless of the platform mrout: maybe try reporting it as a bug in WINE/etc. mrout: the GNU project encourages FOSS developers to port their software to non-free platforms. Though there was a small backlash about it (at least for Windows) a while ago. encourages? rindolf: I sure hope it does. if we can encourage users to try FOSS software on non-free platforms, they might more easily learn about FOSS and about how to protect their freedoms http://fc-solve.shlomifish.org/download.html - I provide a Windows binary for this. :-) Many users don’t even know they can get software that respects their freedoms. alfplayer: well, don't know if encourage, but it doesn't hold a stand against it. alfplayer: and a lot of GNU software can be built fine on Windows (And proprietary UNIXes). rindolf: that's very different imo rindolf: yes, like gcc and emacs btw is rms ever on here? He gave a talk at my local university a few years ago, and I never got a chance to talk to him. http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=should-perl-drop-sco-support - also see this. LOL mrout: I don't think he uses IRC. mrout: he also doesn't use a graphical web browser. mrout: though he does read the web sometimes. rindolf: i haven’t installed X yet, so neither do I. haha He commented on a few pages on my site. When he visited Israel, I told RMS that I felt making Freecell Solver Public Domain (now it's MIT/X11L) was appropriate given its target audience, and he said he thought making it GPLed would encourage more users of programs that used it to make them FOSS. He also said it was OK that freshmeat.net (now freecode.com) did not release their backend as free software. mrout: ah. freecode.com? mrout: well, I think he doesn't even use links or lynx or Emacs' www-mode. mrout: yes. mrout: they changed their name and domain. who are they? NEVER heard of them mrout: http://freecode.com/ - it's a nice way to discover some interesting software. mrout: they are a web-directory for UNIX software. do they host it? mrout: no. quite unlike something like github, then? mrout: just link to it. cool will try to remember that mrout: also see http://www.shlomifish.org/lecture/Freecell-Solver/slides/freshmeat_effect.html mrout: not everything there is FOSS. http://stallman.org/stallman-computing.html explains his Web use mrout: and not everything is there. mrout: but I try to publicise most of my major software there. IRC would need a constant network access which is difficult when travelling (and needs much more time than batch mail writing) Well, most of the software published there is either niche or quite boring. rindolf: Freecell Solver on freecode is the first result mrout: for what? that google search I fail to see a problem mrout: well, thing is there are other Freecell solvers. mrout: and what I said is that I clog the search. Oh, I see what you mean that’s a good thing for you, though mrout: lots of junk like FreeBSD/Debian/Ubuntu/Mandriva/Mageia packages. mrout: that's what I call the freshmeat effect. I get http://fc-solve.shlomifish.org/ as the first hit. :-( Damn bubbling. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=freecell%20solver - here (no bubbling) I get the wikipedia Freecell page as a first hit. rindolf: bubbling? mrout: http://dontbubble.us/ I get NZ results hahaha mrout: NZ? rindolf: where are you from? mrout: Israel. New Zealand. mrout: but shlomifish.org is hosted in hostgator.com . I used to host it in a small Israeli hosting provider but they were too unreliable. I asked, because i expected it to be US, and so I’d say “I know what US stands for, but you don’t know what NZ stands for? Shame on you.” mrout: I know that .nz is New Zealand. mrout: but didn't understand the initialism in the context. mrout: some Americans think .il is Illinois. And .ca is California. Well, there's also .la. ahh And .tv. haha tv? that must be for Tajikistan. >.> mrout: no. mrout: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.tv joke that was a joke I know it’s not for television stuff, LOL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvalu mrout: OK. .tk domains are free. yeah Woo tokelau * rindolf wonders if there is .fs. There should be a country called .if so I can register shlom.if Someone registered shlomifi.sh. ;-) Not me, though. https://www.google.com/search?q=.lf - no .lf either. We need more countries. I wish there was a .ut so I could get mro.ut mrout: ah. Well, I can register shlomif.name. I already have rout.co.nz (that’s my dad’s actually) and rout.geek.nz (mine) mrout: ah. Are top-level .nz domains available? like rout.nz you can’t get milesroutisawesome.nz, no Ah. or rout.nz >.> OK. .il domains are kinda costly and they used to require faxing. And I don't feel my domains are particularly Israeli-related. ahh Well, I originally got shlomif.il.eu.org. But its DNS was flaky. .eu.org? So I ended up buying shlomifish.org what’s your actual name? Now I also have shlomifish.com mrout: Shlomi Fish. Ahh mrout: eu.org is free DNS. ? But I guess you get what you pay for sometimes. mrout: it's not .eu (European union). mrout: http://eu.org/ that site’s odd what’s wrong with .eu shit a brick, they want a separate ccTLD for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Martin_(France) mrout: nothing is wrong with .eu - it's just that eu.org is something different. eu.org predates .eu. ahh it annoys me that the US doesn’t use .us more and clutters .com Well, there's also .gov, .net, .org... .mil .navy exactly mrout: I also have http://shlom.in/ it’s pretty americo-centric Could not get http://shlom.fi/ because my domain registrar did not have it. shlom.in is my own custom (and private) URL shortener. Some overzealous spam filters blocked it. Ah, domains. The bread and butter of Internet conversations. LOL I know someone who has http://ali.as/ Well, from the Internet. And there's also cr.yp.to which is Dan Bernstein. DJB. domains, vim vs emacs and hello_there vs helloThere. cr.yp.to is cool mrout: and tabs vs. spaces. but hard to type eugh cr.yp.to is hard to type spaces, vim, hello_there or HelloThere, but never helloThere. Since I have http://perl-begin.org/ and want to create a site for Vim beginners, I should get a good domain. vim.perl-begin.org or vim.shlomifish.org does not look good. vimschlomfish LOL shlom vimshlomfish what about vim-begin.org? mrout: maybe I'll get tech-begin.org I think begin.org is already taken. yea by one of those shitty domain hoggers Heh. begin.tel is available. \o/ i’d love mil.es Not that I want it. begin.tel? begintel? $17/yr for mil.es YES FUCK YES OK, I registered begin-site.org and begin-site.com On https://www.domainsite.com/ . I figured most people won't "guess" begin-site.net... ;-) nice So I'll have http://vim.begin-site.com/ and http://vim.begin-site.org/ what about rindolf.com begin-site seems a bit clunky mrout: rindolf is only my IRC nickname. still mrout: and I already have www.shlomifish.org mrout: I don't see why most people will STFW for "rindolf" or "shlomi fish" or whatever. Most of the people come to my site using more generic searches. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=fountainhead%20parody - first hit ! STFW? mrout: search the fab web. Like RTFM. Using Google, Duck Duck go, Bing or whatever. fucking web, I assume mrout: true. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Shlomif/Freecell_Solver - this was deleted because it was not notable enough. F****king deletionists. they deleted your user page? mrout: no, only /wiki/Freecell_Solver oh mrout: access the link - it's there. Just not visible on default searches. “lacks references showing notability” you mean apart from the fact it’s the top google result for Freecell Solver? FUUUUU wikipedians I restored it before it was deleted. mrout: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker%27s_Dozen_%28solitaire%29 - some people on #wikipedia (or #wikipedia-en) told me this may not be notable. There are a zillion pages about it. And Wikipedia covers almost any other Solitaire variant. LOL, fucking wikipedia Yes. articles about every steeple in Italy, but not about ever solitaire variant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker%27s_Dozen_%28solitaire%29#Solvers mrout: also about football players. your article should be restored mrout: yes, maybe. I’d almost be convinced to do it myself mrout: are you a wikipedian? sort of I have an account mrout: well, I added the [[Freecell Solver]] link. Hoping someone will fill it in. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeCell#Solvers - there is a cursory mention of it there. mmm mrout: this section was deleted previously because it was not "Encyclopedic enough." mrout: that Wikipedian had tons of complaints against him on his user talk page. mrout: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Christiansen - this used to be about the Perl developer (and co-author of several books). Now it's about an olympic athelete. Well, I added that page, and people enhanced it, but then it was deleted. :-( not even an olympic athelete mrout: ah, yes, just world competition. didn’t even place compared to an author and developer of one of the most popular programming languages :/ Yes. Oh well, Wikipedia. The worst encyclopedia in the world except for all others. ? hahaha yeah * galex-713 slaps mrout Wikipedia is perfect! * galex-713 hides hardly -- #gnu stuff -- #gnu, Freenode % Hi all. FROGGS , moritz , hoelzro , Juerd : hello! What's new? everything with a new enough timestamp rindolf: nothing moritz: heh. I assume rindolf doesn’t meant -Inf :o) moritz: feel like reviewing/merging https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/113 ? froggs and me both spectested it :) * rindolf unleashes his inner Sarah Michelle Gellar to kiss moritz for his inventive avoidance of saying what he is up to. FROGGS: I’m old enough to remember the invention of the Camel. rindolf: well, if you want to know what we are up to you may ask that FROGGS: “When I was your age, Jennifer Lawrence was called Sarah Bernhardt” FROGGS: moritz will always find a way to avoid it. FROGGS: unless threatened. FROGGS: or sweet talked. and today is my first day off, and on Wednesday starts the German Perl Workshop, so still stuff to prepare FROGGS: nice. FROGGS: prepare hard! Enjoy hard! Rest hard! Step 4: profit hard! Step 5: retire hard! Step 6: die hard! timotimo: LOL. -- He who lives hard, dies harder -- #perl6, Freenode % I recall discussing Buffy with a Jewish American friend, who used to be secular, and now has become an observant Jew, and married a woman who properly converted to Orthodox Judaism, and they have some children. We discussed the fact that Sarah Michelle Gellar was Jewish, and yet that many men (and some Lesbian women) were more attracted to Alyson Hannigan’s character, Willow Rosenberg, who was a shy and sheepish, redhead, Jewess. Then when I mentioned that Hannigan was only a maternal Jew, he said she is “kosher” (because someone whose mother is Jewish and who did not convert to a different religion, is a bona-fide Jew). I found it amusing that you refer to women by the same word as you do to food, but I think the ancient Hebrew word "kasher" also means "approved", "appropriate", "legal", etc. In any case, both Hannigan and Gellar are now married, and so trying to separate between them and their husbands is not kosher. ;-) -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to the /r/buffy subreddit ( http://www.reddit.com/r/buffy/comments/1bpplm/joke_buffys_actresses_and_kosherness/ ) % [There are three young men dressed as Klingons who fight with Bat’leth in the park. Selina is passing by and shakes her head in disapproval. The three notice Selina, and quickly run to her.] Warrior #1: Hail The Slayer, we are but your humble slaves! Selina: [Shocked] And who might you be? Warrior #1: We are The Three - three vampire brother warriors, who have been fighting since the dawn of time. Selina: And you are Klingons… Warrior #2: We can assume any form. Warrior #1: Yes, we can fight using any weapon, and we are masters of them all. Selina: so you can fight with something that’s not a Bat’leth? Warrior #1: Of course, for example, we could fight using the Huge Sword! Warrior #2 and Warrior #3: Yeah, the Huge Sword! The Three: [in unison] Huge Sword! [Warrior #1 snaps his fingers, and some of these ridiculously large swords from World of Warcraft appear on the ground.] Selina: Wow, can you fight using them? The Three: [non-dramatically] Eh, eh, we cannot lift them. Selina: Guess not. [Puts her palm on her eyes.] Maybe try something smaller and not as heavy. Warrior #2: Yes, smaller. Warrior #3: And not as heavy. Warrior #1: You're not thinking about the smallest… yet deadliest weapon for a mighty vampire warrior… the wooden toothpick! [The three cry “yeah”. Warrior #1 snaps his fingers and the huge swords are replaced by small wooden toothpicks.] Selina: Toothpicks? Have you blokes been watching too much Sesame Street? Warrior #1: Why, of course! Every mighty Klingon warrior has watched Sesame Street. Selina: Mighty Klingon vampire warriors who have watched Sesame Street… this decade royally sucks!! -- Shlomi Fish -- Selina Mandrake - The Slayer ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/ ) % The Israelites and the Philistines schedule a large battle. The Philistines have far superior equipment with armours made out of iron, which the Israelites don’t have. Eventually, Goliath, a tall Philistine giant, steps forward and asks for an Israelite man worthy enough to fight him and determine the fate of the battle (something which was quite common in the ancient Near East). It seems the Israelites will lose the battle. Out of nowhere, a young Israelite boy whom hardly anyone knew about steps forward with a sling and a few pebbles. Goliath thinks this is ridiculous and ridicules him. However, the boy quickly puts a pebble in his sling, and after rotating the sling to achieve a very large speed (not unusual with slings) hurls the pebble with great accuracy (also not unthinkable, because shepherds in the Near East effectively used slings to kill lions and other predators to their flock) into Goliath’s face, which was uncovered to allow him to see. Even if Goliath’s shield bearer wanted to, he could not lift the huge shield in time, and Goliath was completely not agile in his suit and armour. The sling’s rock smashes Goliath’s brain, and he falls to the ground dead. The Israelites have won the battle. That boy’s name was David. Why is it important here? Because David was a “hacker”. Why was he a hacker? Because he knew the rules, and played by them, but knew how to bend them, in order to earn his victory. Hackers bend the rules. And here’s the thing: this is what an action hero is all about: he makes his own rules, or he even breaks them, and does not accept his fate. This is whereas a tragic hero is bound by many invisible rules, and accepts his fate, which is, almost certainly going to be death. And in real life, you should also aim to be a hacker or an action hero, or the many phrases it used to be called. -- Shlomi Fish -- Summerschool at the NSA ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/ ) % Worf: Commander Dax, I explicitly prohibit you from asking about Mr. Q’s roles as a husband and a father. Jadzia: You are right, Commander. I’ve realised something: throughout this whole trip through the wonders of the Q continuum I’ve been far too selfish and only thought about myself. I should have thought about you, too. [She turns towards Avigayil] Jadzia: Avigayil, could you, by any chance, allow us to meet Kahless the Unforgettable in his living dead self, I’m sure Commander Worf here would love to meet him. Worf: Actually, Commander, I don’t think… Jadzia: [Interrupting him] Oh, you don’t? That’s a shame. Well, I’ll go meet him alone (always wanted to, you know). Worf, I think Kahless will be disappointed not to meet you, but I’ll tell him you’re a big fan of his, and I’ll let you watch the video of me meeting him and… Worf: [Sighs] Commander Dax, you are impossible. Fine, let’s go meet Kahless if that’s humanly possible. Avigayil: Sounds good. The whole mission from Deep Space Nine can go with you, I’ll notify Kahless. He’s a big fan of a lot of you. Amanda: OK, let’s summon Katie and her gang of no-goodnicks too. She wouldn’t want to miss it. Quark: Yes, and it’s high time we merged the two sub-plots in the future movie. “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. But only for your customers”. Rule of acquisition No. 172. -- Shlomi Fish -- Star Trek: “We, the Living Dead” ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ ) % it's thrax! fuck, this place is quiet now abba: SHOUT!! SHOUT!!! LET IT ALL OUT!!!! These are the things I can do without. COME ON! shh abba i'm observing abba: I'm talking to you. <3 tears for fears rindolf wasn't that a disturbed song * abba facepalms i had that album abba: :-) sure, disturbed may have covered it * rindolf is listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama. but that's like saying creep is your favorite Korn song it is though :P Kid Rock’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwIGZLjugKA (All Summer Long) is also good. also i really like 99 luft balloons by Goldfinger Dancing queen by Wing http://youtu.be/XqBWvmhS-AY thraxatron: heh. i have no idea why i listened to that whole thing, i'm never going to get that time of my life back holy shit all summer long is five years old what am i doing with my life beach boys title of the same is much older.... :( ...fortunately I'm not quite that old * abba mourns for his youth Me neither, but I did like the Beach Boys a lot as a child yah me too -- Do the song of life -- #reddit, Freenode % Wikipedia deletionists don’t die. They lose notability and get deleted. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#deletionists_dont_die ) % It’s kinda, sort-of… pretty much… quite… awesome I tell you - awesome! Got it? It’s kinda awesome! -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#kinda ) % *Shlomi Fish:* Whenever you spell “JavaScript” with a lowercase “s” (and a capital “J”), God kills a kitten. *Joel Crisp:* Whenever you use JavaScript on the server, God kills a datacenter. -- Shlomi Fish and Joel Crisp -- Facebook Post (originally via Twitter) ( https://www.facebook.com/shlomi.fish/posts/10151840874526981 ) % <<< There are two kinds of fools. One says, “This is old, and therefore good”. And one says, “This is new, and therefore better”. >>> — [John Brunner](http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Brunner), /The Shockwave Rider/ <<< Two more kinds of fools. One says: “This is popular, and therefore good”. The other says: “This is good because it’s not popular”. >>> — Shlomi Fish (though may not be a 100% original sentiment). <<< Another kind of fool: “‘mainstream’ is bad.” >>> — Shlomi Fish. -- Shlomi Fish and Joel Crisp -- Facebook Post (originally via Twitter) ( https://www.facebook.com/shlomi.fish/posts/10151840874526981 ) % <<< That’s why I feed my leprechaun every day — because there are not enough phonemes in Navajo to tell him to get his act together and find a job. >>> — Shlomi Fish‘s response to [“Above All That is Random 5”](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izne8XcaBBg) when asked “That’s why… what?” -- Shlomi Fish -- Comment on “Above All That is Random 5” ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izne8XcaBBg ) % i wonder, if one day, developers will lose the possibility to write code no one else can understand. If CPUs will start running interpretable code ZetaNeta: you can always obfuscate code. ZetaNeta: nothing guarantees that a code will be readable. yeah, that is why i wish people will lose the ability to write unreadable code ZetaNeta: and there's also https://github.com/kripken/emscripten which compiles from C/C++/ObjC/etc. to unreadable JS. ZetaNeta: how will you guarantee that? I cant. Thats why i wish ZetaNeta: have you heard of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem ? ZetaNeta: it may be impossible for a computer to do. ZetaNeta: if not for a human too. ZetaNeta: don't wish for the impossible. ZetaNeta: unless you'd also like to wish for pink flying unicorn ponies who drop candy. I don’t like pink, unicorns, ponies, candy and dropping stuff. ZetaNeta: it's an idiom that means that you want something that can't easily be achieved. ZetaNeta: or something Utopian or unrealistic. well... that is already way too offtopic Morning!!!!!!!! * sea appears and has cake! * sea distributes cake <[TheFlash]> maybe you meant a cross between a unicorn and a pony? * rindolf eats the free-as-in-speech cake. Also zen cake - no calories. [TheFlash]: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pink%20flying%20unicorn%20ponies [TheFlash]: they exist in /My Little Pony/ - ♥ Those actually are pegasus ponies. Unicorn ponies don't fly. There are some unicorn pegasus ponies, though Like princess Luna sea: yes. sea: isn't Princess Celestia also a Unicorn Pegasus Pony? Well, this isn't #bronies Yeah, they're called an 'alicorn' officially now sea: ah. Also, starting with the last episode of season 3, Twilight Sparkle is an Alicorn too sea: I don't remember who she is. sea: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Twilight_Sparkle - ah , I see. sea: yes, I know who she is (naturally). OK, on topic. ZetaNeta: it's probable that people (or software programs) will always be able to write other programs that other people will find hard to understand, so don't wish for it to happen. ZetaNeta: you might be able to find a device that will change the laws of logic, but I find it unlikely. Well, find or develop. rindolf, Well. I have some ideas ZetaNeta: ideas? In my understanding, there is no logic. ZetaNeta: what? * ZetaNeta don’t wanna talk about it ZetaNeta: you don't think there's logic? TIL that sea is a brony. They're everywhere! pehjota: heh. * ZetaNeta doesn’t like to mix software with philosophy, to avoid long conversations he anyway probably gonna lose ZetaNeta: well, programming is based on maths and logic. rindolf, "Because you are so sure about it" ZetaNeta: what? * ZetaNeta doesn’t like to mix software with philosophy, to avoid long pointless conversations pehjota: What's TIL? sea: Today I learned. sea: Today I learned. Whoa.. Ha :) Haha, your nicks both have the same length so it looks like a duplicated line sea: jinx! * sea grabs everything made of wood and hides it ZetaNeta: anyway, the Halting Problem which is part of theoretical CS, and has an easy-to-explain informal proof, casts many doubts about a machine's (or a human's) ability to detect whether code for an arbitrary Turing complete VM is easy to understand or not, and so you might as well forget about it. TIL that sea is a brony. They're everywhere! ==> not sure how useful of a fact it is. rindolf: It was a tongue-in-cheek remark. :) -- Brony talks, pony flies -- #gnu, Freenode % Hi all. hi rindolf Lately, I have been thinking that maybe some of the Snowden leaks are actually the "achievements" of maniacal minds ( https://duckduckgo.com/Mania ) and don't work well in practise or at all. Probably most of the NSA workers are either depressive, maniacal or schizophrenic by now. Althir: awesome. Wicked! Is Bucket a bot? no, I'm a folk singer ferret: Is Bucket real? Certainly not. You're all just imagining Bucket, then Heh, heh. I'm not real either. «For all you know, you may not exist and Summer Glau convinced you that you do.» ;-) (Originally said about Chuck Norris.) I'd let Summer Glau convince me I'm alive. Althir: heh. Althir: I don't need to be convinced of that. Althir: would you let Chuck Norris convince you that you're alive? ;-) I wouldn't , but not sure I can resist. rindolf: Chuck Norris only convinces people they are deceased. Althir: heh. Althir: what about SGlau? Chuck Norris convinced Summer Glau to kick arse. Althir: a true warrior brings life - not death. I think you misunderstand warfare. Althir: destroying is easy (*cough Attila the Hun *cough Genghis Khan) - value production is much harder. -- Norris ain’t got nothing on her… -- #xkcd, irc.foonetic.net % home: you're no longer being funny. rindolf: you are being an asshole now rindolf: I want my $4 of games or else I will be unhappy if you want to preach about finding happiness, but the not act upon it, then so be it but my happiness at the moment is begging others for a $4 game home: do you want me to put you on /ignore ? home: you seem dense. Yeah, when the times get tough people just ignore each other I see how it is you can't keep ignoring people forever home: where do you live? in his....home. I live in Ontario, Canada o.O :/ sorabji5252: hi sorabji5252: are you a preacher too? Lebron James is pretty good but I’ve yet to see him save earth from aliens. like Michael Jordan did a preacher? not in the sense you mean probably he's a monk i shave his head daily. * sorabji5252 offers his head to be felt by others you guys are so gay home: nice. not sure you realized what you just said home: is it lovely there? home: is it boring? it's not nice here I hate Canada i try not to be crude -__- home: then why not move? home: California! Florida! Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama Maybe the Carolinas. Weagle: Israel! key largo, Montego, baby why don’t we go down to Mexico Italy. we'll get there fast cuz Weagle takes it slow Weagle: heh. Spain .... that’s where we wanna go, way down in Kokomo Weagle: you're a talented poet. i took it from some of the greatest poets to ever live. The Beach Boys Weagle: heh. Weagle: that's heavenly poetry. Weagle: Bialiq was a pretty good Hebrew poet. Weagle: there's some good poetry in the Hebrew Bible too. Weagle: Isaiah 40 is lovely. I'm really not interested. hey guys. reddit huh. cool! Weagle: OK, sorry. frauheimer: what frauheimer: yes! frauheimer: can you buy me $4 of games? yes where https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly alright rindolf: ^ how do dis o my home: go to hell!!! rindolf: i don't know how to read poetry. it seems nice though :D home: just live me alone. home show me how frauheimer: okay sorabji5252: it sounds better in the original Klingon. scroll down sorabji5252: s/Klingon/Hebrew/ naturally. sorabji5252: a lot of the Bible is prose though. i've read a lot of the bible sorabji5252: someone I know read the whole thing several times. He also read the Complete Shakespeare. many people i know have done that. it's a thing sorabji5252: yes. sorabji5252: I've temporarily given up in exodus - it's too intense. sorabji5252: too antiquated. it's very serious. and it rarely lets up sorabji5252: yes. sorabji5252: I did read /A Suitable Boy/ cover to cover. Wonderful book. o my, that's awfully long i think /Brothers Karamzov/ is the longest novel i've read Heh, heh, they are discussing guns on #reddit-mlp My Little Pony ponies with guns! what's the mlp for? o, dear sorabji5252: My Little Pony. bronies. i do not understand this one. sorabji5252: I bet there's something like what I described on the Internet. sorabji5252: I cured someone from an attack of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoaffective_disorder using a technique I learned from an MLP episode. This is some great Television. rindolf: that's crazy man sorabji5252: :-) sorabji5252: reportedly, someone once saved a man's life using a technique he saw on /Bay Watch/. sorabji5252: this is crazier. sorabji5252: maybe there's a good reason for everything in this world. nah, things just happen rindolf: there is hope in this world a bit frauheimer: I see :P sorabji5252: "There are no coincidences" -- http://kungfupanda.wikia.com/wiki/Oogway [ Oogway - Kung Fu Panda Wiki, the online encyclopedia to the Kung Fu Panda world! ] - kungfupanda.wikia.com home: true. peyton manning home: people are now saying about facebook what they said about Socrates... ehmm - about Television. home: ;-) rindolf: a radio host i like doesn't believe in coincidence home: in Hebrew we have a saying "We survived Pharaoh - we'll survive this." what’s Pharaoh sorabji5252: he may be right. frauheimer: the big king/god of Egypt. oh yeah what an asshole frauheimer: there were many of them. frauheimer: last one was Cleopatra I think. Well, there were other Macedonian Princesses called that. i suppose it's all cake after Pharaoh close -- There are no coincidences… -- #reddit, Freenode % Bucket: FAILURE IS ALWAYS AN OPTION. rindolf: I already had it that way time to kick aliens into orbit It's not a failure, it's a motivation to improve. rindolf: failure is always an option except when your goal is to fail rindolf: except in bed I get great sex, except in bed. njsg: heh. njsg: in bed? Do you mean I make mistakes while sleeping? njsg: "What is your favourite position? CTO!" Failures in bed mean you have sex that isn’t type-safe; otherwise you would catch the errors at compile time Walther: heh, LOL. also, Haskell<3 I have a lipht, my sex has no separate compile time bwhaha * Walther has changed the topic to: It's programming language + sex hour at #xkcd! | SCOTUS says [corporate] religious freedom trumps equal benefits for women in 5-4 ruling, FML | Weekly Coffee Appreciation Day | It's put The0x539 in bucket hour! | mint hour | (association football) | knockout talk time | https://www.humblebundle.com/sgdq Ch wasn't there an UI toolkit called "sex"? sex-purity I once wrote an assembler called .orgASM (.org is an assembler directive) maybe we should invent the scripting language "innuendo" Walther: Haskell Sex! Walther: http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perlcafe-aleenas-little-perl-boys - see also this on #perlcafe many years ago. bhuddah: for inno setup, sounds like a good name rindolf: wonder if that can be pure, or just an IO action (if you know what i mean) SirCmpwn: rcombs is always talking about libass njsg: and you get exactly what you asked for. Haskell Sex is great, but you don't remember any of it on the next morning, because it has no state Walther: with Lady_Aleena who became Mistress_Aleena and Madame_Aleena. tomatosalad: well, yeah njsg: heh, LOL. he's an irrational wizard njsg: you crack me up. njsg: maybe we need something like Smalltalk sex with a persistent VM. Squeak FTW! lisp, as one of the only languages which can truly return multiple values, is the only way to have true multiple orgasms as a result of sex Heh, someone I know will get the kick out of this conversation. rindolf: :'D Geek pseudo sex-talk. Stateless sex could be a bit difficult to reach though, as it'd require a REST api, and you just might fall asleep njsg: heh. Walther: heh. Walther++ OTOH clean, stateful sex should be easy, with SOAP Walther: SOAP! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Walther puts stateful sex with a SOAP in Bucket * Bucket hands Walther another serving of rat oh vah in exchange for stateful sex with a SOAP Walther: /me runs away in the opposite direction. No amount of sex is worth having to deal with SOAP. There are some things even I won't do for sex. rindolf: just have sex over TCP, looks like a good protocol And SOAP is one of them. crushes are UDP, love is TCP, sex is SOAP over HTTP and then there's the weird kid with the gopher Well, I refuse to get paid to write Java enterprise software - http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/Emma-Watson-applying-for-a-software-dev-job/ . njsg: heh. at least nobody mentioned COBRA yet, others would go all OMG -- xkcd, irc.foonetic.net % If Ayn Rand was born in the 1990s, she would be [Christina Grimmie](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Grimmie). -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms’ Page ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#if_ayn_rand_was_born_in_the_1990s ) % I love being convinced that I was wrong before. That way I knew I improved and am now wiser. Like the Klingon warriors say when it happens: “What a great day it was for me to die!”. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms’ Page ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % You are much more likely to find a good significant other - with a perfectly sound mind and body - in a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/etc. conference than you are in the middle of the wilderness. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms’ Page ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % SMG: Oh, and when it comes to television, she loves watching My Little Pony. She and I watch it almost every week together. SGlau: Wow, you’re a pega-sister, too? SMG: I’m not addicted to /My Little Pony/. I swear! I can quit any time. Just let me watch one… more… episode. [giggles] SGlau: Hah, hah. For your information, my /My Little Pony/ addicts’ support group meets every second and fourth Saturday of the month, and I am currently at step five of our twelve step program. SMG: Sounds like a plan. I’ll consider joining. -- Shlomi Fish -- Summerschool at the NSA ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/ ) % SGlau: Hah, hah. I can imagine the headline: “Sarah Michelle Gellar, who played Buffy the vampire slayer, murdered in cold blood by child daughter.” SMG: [Giggles] Indeed, the apple did not fall too far from the tree. SGlau: The apple completely supplanted the tree. The Golem has risen upon its master. SMG: [Thoughtfully] Yes. SGlau: Well, I don’t suppose she will murder you literally. You know, the old xkcd number 725 distinction between "literally" and "figuratively". SMG: Well, one thing I can tell you about parenthood is that such things can progress from figurative to literal, extremely quickly. -- Shlomi Fish -- Summerschool at the NSA ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/ ) % SMG: We’ve got a lot of time for that. OK: it was 1997-1998ish, Buffy started airing and became a cult series. So, one day a group of yeshivah pupils from a local Chabad yeshivah arrived to the studios saying they have some numerological insights from the Jewish bible, about what will happen in Sunnydale next. [SGlau burst out laughing.] SGlau: [calms down] Oh my God, that’s the craziest thing I have ever heard. SMG: Anyway, we played along, and listened to what they had to say, and actually got a few good ideas from that. Moreover, in one of the recesses, one of the Yeshivah pupils asked me out, and I accepted. So we went on a date. SGlau: So you mean like the 1997ish Sarah Michelle Gellar, and a Yeshivah pupil… On a date?! SMG: Yes! And I actually had some weirder dates as a happy spinster. Anyhow, surprisingly, it was a very nice date, I had a great time, and I learned quite a bit. SGlau: Heh. SMG: And one thing he told me was that every Jew (as he said) should believe they are the Messiah, which is something I treasured since. SGlau: So I presume I’m also the Messiah? SMG: You got it. We are the most powerful people on Earth, and we should aim to bring the end of days. -- Shlomi Fish -- Summerschool at the NSA ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/ ) % sorabji5252: I cured someone from an attack of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoaffective_disorder using a technique I learned from an MLP episode. [ Schizoaffective disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org rindolf: that's crazy man sorabji5252: :-) sorabji5252: reportedly, someone once saved a man's life using a technique he saw on /Bay Watch/. sorabji5252: this is crazier. sorabji5252: maybe there's a good reason for everything in this world. nah nah, things just happen rindolf: there is hope in this world frauheimer: I see :P sorabji5252: "There are no coincidences" -- http://kungfupanda.wikia.com/wiki/Oogway [ Oogway - Kung Fu Panda Wiki, the online encyclopedia to the Kung Fu Panda world! ] - kungfupanda.wikia.com home: true. peyton manning home: people are now saying about facebook what they said about Socrates... ehmm - about Television. home: ;-) rindolf: a radio host i like doesn't believe in coincidence home: in Hebrew we have a saying “We survived Pharaoh - we'll survive this.” I suppose it's all cake after Pharaoh -- #reddit, Freenode % [Selina goes to the kitchen smiling, opens the refrigerator’s door and takes out some refreshments and arranges them on the table and then she opens a cupboard’s door only to discover a small human-like demon inside.] Selina: Why, hello there! I guess you did not RSVP. Mephiqoleth: MAGEIA! Selina: Judging by the recent happenings, I guess that’s me. So what shall I write on your name tag? Mephiqoleth: MY NAME IS MEPHIQOLETH. Selina: Ah, hah. [Trying to write on the name tag.] Emm, Ee, Pee… Mephiqoleth: IT IS WRITTEN IN LESHON HAQODESH. Selina: “Leshon Haqodesh”? The holy tongue? Do you mean… Mephiqoleth: YES!!!… HEBREW! [Non-dramatically] I am Jewish. Selina: Jewish? But you’re not human. Mephiqoleth: THERE ARE JEWS OF MANY SPECIES. Selina: Really? That’s great - can I have a Jewish lady-cat? I want one so she can mother cute little Jewish kittens. [Cut to Mephiqoleth - he is not amused.] Selina: You are not amused, demons are never amused. I should have learned that by now. -- Shlomi Fish -- Selina Mandrake - The Slayer ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/ ) % A lot of people think that the proper way to achieve world domination is to create an [architecture that will solve the whole world’s problems and then some](http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000018.html). We’ve been seeing quite a few of them since /Joel on Software/ wrote this article: Ruby, Google Go, Node.js, Mozilla’s Rust, Clojure, Scala, Perl 6, etc. Some of them have or will mature to something truly nice, or have inspired a lot of features in other languages, but it’s hard for plain-old-single-you to compete with them, and here is something interesting: not too many people want them. What do people want? Chuck Norris/etc. factoids, lolcats and other captioned images, funny cat videos, parodies of /My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic/ (♥), photos of attractive (or even not too attractive) men and women, screencasts of games or other programs (including many open source programs), photos of scenery, new and improved recipes for preparing food (and of course - tasty food itself), new, old or renovated jokes, and some interesting tales and anecdotes from your life. And naturally - programs that can will scratch an itch - however small. Some people told me that my solver for Freecell and other solitaire games, simply called [Freecell Solver](http://fc-solve.shlomifish.org/) is useless, but it's not - it's just a niche program. And I received hundreds of E-mails about it. Furthermore, given that Freecell is (or used to be) a big phenomenon in Israel, where many boys and girls starting from the age of 18 found themselves playing it on the [Israeli military](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Defense_Forces) computers out of boredom, then the fact that I have written a solver for it, has impressed many people I talked with or met, including some attractive (both physically and intellectually) young ladies, and they ended up asking me about how it was written, and which algorithms it employed. So Freecell Solver was one of my most successful programs, not despite being a niche program, but because of it. Niche programs own. Not only that, but niche everything is great. Many people whom I referred to [my stories](http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/stories/) helped themselves to the screenplay [Star Trek: “We, the Living Dead”](http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/) *because* it contained Star Trek in the name, and because there are quite a few fans of the /Star Trek/ franchise and worlds. The more of a niche artwork you write, the more a large subset of those who like it, are likely to pay attention to it, try it out, and enjoy it. For more information, see Eric Sink’s excellent and inspiring essay [“How to get people talking about your product”](http://www.ericsink.com/articles/Buzz.html). For example, [DuckDuckGo](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuckDuckGo) was originally marketed as a search engine by Perl geeks, and for Perl geeks. It was a good marketing decision because the Perl community is small, cohesive and is at a good strategical position to influence other communities. Right now, many people who are not Perl programmers, are using it, as well as, or even in preference to Google, but choosing Perl was a good preliminary strategical decision. We can expect that with the future growth of DuckDuckGo, that it will use more performant technologies than Perl more and more, but it will still owe some of its initial success to starting out as a Perl product. -- Shlomi Fish -- “ANN: My Transition From Software Developer to Writer/Entertainer/Amateur Philosopher/Internet Celebrity” ( http://blogs.perl.org/users/shlomi_fish/2013/03/ann-my-transition-from-software-developer-to-writerentertaineramateur-philosopherinternet-celebrity.html ) % Scary thought of the day: /The Princess Bride/: the 3-D Remake. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms’ Page ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % [Selina is wearing a backpack full of various trip utilities and wears a pouch bag, and approaches the cupboard of Mephiqoleth. She opens it. Mephiqoleth is there.] Mephiqoleth: I SEE YOU ARE READY, MAGEIA. Selina: Yep! Got my traveller’s checks, some dollars, my mobile, my passport, some water, some snacks, some sunscreen. Not sure if all that will help with surviving The Amber, but I can always hope. Mephiqoleth: I COULD HAVE USED MY CONJURING SPELLS TO CONJURE THEM FOR YOU. Selina: Well, as someone who saw enough of your demons’ lot’s shenanigans, *and* some episodes of Sabrina, there’s no way I will trust such magically conjured goods. Mephiqoleth: YOU MAY BE RIGHT. MAGIC CAN BE A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD. BUT BACK TO BUSINESS. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT ME TO TELEPORT YOU TO THE AMBER? Selina: Positive. Do your worst! Mephiqoleth: Fair enough. [Mephiqoleth raises his hands and says in Hebrew, as the Hebrew letters (in the modern Hebrew alphabet) appear on the highlighted floor, with a darkened room and the Hebrew letters of the spoken message expand outward.] Mephiqoleth: אלוהי אברהם, יצחק ויעקב, שגר את באפי מאגיה, הקוטלת, אל… [ The god of Abraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov, please teleport Buffy Mageia, The Slayer, to… ] Selina: Whoa. Mephiqoleth: … האמבר. [ The Amber ] [Selina dissolves.] -- Shlomi Fish -- Selina Mandrake - The Slayer ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/ ) % [The bell rings and many school kids are walking out of the classroom, including Selina. She has an empty hour. As she walks in the hallway, she is sometimes greeted by “Hi, Selina!”, “What’s new?”, etc. and answers briefly. She finds Jessica and Jonathan standing next to Jessica’s locker and approaches them.] Selina: Oh, there you are. Hi Jess, hi Jon. Jessica: Selina! I see you’ve survived History class. Selina: Yeah, I’ll take it one lesson at a time, I guess. [Jonathan hugs Selina from the side and eventually leaves.] Selina: So how are you two love-birds? Jessica: Oh, this and that, discussing computers endlessly as usual. Selina: [ Sarcastically ] Geeks! Jessica: Heh, like you’re not a geek too. Selina: I is! Jessica: And we is too. Selina: True. Selina: This reminds me. I really should update my Mandriva system at home. I have not in several days, now. And to think I originally had my friend Aaron install Mandrake Linux for me, because I thought it was cool that it was called the same as my last name. Jessica: Heh, maybe you should become Selina Mandriva now. Jonathan: Or Selina Mageia. [Selina bursts out laughing.] Selina: That sounds like a name of a vampire slayer… or a vampire. Jonathan: Or both. Selina: Yeah. I told you about how I was nicknamed “Puffy” and then “Buffy” during one summer camp, right? Jessica: Yes, many times. Selina: Yeah, I found it amusing at the time. For a while afterwards, I insisted that my friends call me “Buffy” until I realised it was silly, and reverted back to “Selina”. Jessica: Anyway, I’m off to gym. Selina: Bye, love you. [Selina is reading a book and says to herself out loud] Selina: Selina “Buffy” Mandrake. *The* Slayer. I like the sound of it. -- Shlomi Fish -- Selina Mandrake - The Slayer ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/ ) % I don’t remember whose idea it was, but we ended up enrolling Eve into the Homecoming Queen contest. When Eve discovered she was on the nominees list, she was a bit upset. “Homecoming Queen? Me? Why would I ever want to be a homecoming queen?” “Eve, we thought you could see how beautiful you are, and how much people could like you, if they got to know you.” I answered. “Hah! Well… oh heck, I don’t have a ready reply. But I’m going to get you guys for this. I really will.” and she started to walk from there. “You’ll see.” Eve showed up to the homecoming queen nominees roundup, wearing one of her best dresses. When her turn came, she began her speech: “Ladies and Gentlemen. I don’t know how many of you know me, but my name is Eve Siegel. I urge you to vote for me for homecoming queen, not for your sake, but for mine. I really need you to vote for me, because my entire future depends on it. Seriously.” “Take a look at my Résumé, for example. ‘Experienced in computers and programming since 1994.’ ; ‘Experienced in Linux and UNIX technologies since 1998’ ; ‘2000-2005 - Debian Packager’, ‘2005-Present - Mandrake Packager’, and more of this vain. Tell me, who will take a second look at this C.V. if it did not say, ‘2005 - Elected as a homecoming queen.’?” “Now for what I’m going to do if I’m elected. I’m going to erect a gigantic statue of Tux the Penguin, this guy [picture showing on the screen], and also one for Beastie the BSD Daemon, [picture showing] for good measure. I’m going to fight against abusive behaviour toward nerds and geeks, for computer literacy, and… for world peace. What the heck!” “But all these philanthropical causes are secondary to my egoistical motives of having to win this title for my own good. Thank you!” She practically brought down the house with this speech. Even Taylor and I could not resist a maniacal laughter. She ended up being one of the five finalists. As the elections were on, Eve started her own campaign sloganed “Don’t vote for Eve!” and gave away pamphlets with nothing but raves about the other four contestants. This also increased her karma considerably. She wore the same dress during the homecoming queen ceremony, as during the pre-election. As the runner-ups were announced, she was given warm hugs from all-of-them. She ended up being the first runner-up with a margin of only 5 votes to the real winner. She ended up saying she was glad she did not take the title, but I never saw her happier than on that day. She did not put it in her résumé. -- Shlomi Fish -- “The Human Hacking Field Guide” ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/human-hacking/ ) % When Eve and I got together to go shopping, we went to a clothes shop. “You know, my newfound powers are intoxicating. Three guys hit on me at school since the weekend, including this really cute Football player.” she said. “Hmmm… ” I said. “Are you ladies alright?” the shop’s clerk (Tim, a young and handsome man) approached us. “Hey Tim!” I said, “I don’t believe you know my friend Eve here.” “Eve Siegel!” she said and extended her hand. “Tim O’Brian.” he said and they shook hands. “OK, I’ll be there if you need me…” Eve followed him with her gaze for a few seconds, and then smiled and went back to looking at the clothes. “Will you stop that?” I whispered to her. “Stop what?” she said. “You’re totally into him.” “So I’m lusting him a little bit, so what? ‘But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.’” “Well, girlfriend, committing adultery in your heart is perfectly harmless and quite rewarding. And I’m not really raping anyone. I’m tenderly making love to them.” “Listen,” I snapped at her, “Taylor is my best friend, and I swear that if you…” “I’m crazy about Taylor.” she interrupted me. “What?” I said. She changed her pose. “I’m crazy about Taylor. Always have been. I promise I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him.” “You always have been crazy about Taylor? Why didn’t you tell him that?” “Come on, have you looked at me then? I wasn’t his type. He always dated these well-groomed girls, who had some sense not to rebel like I did. Hell, he also dated this incredibly dumb cheerleader once.” “Stacie wasn’t dumb!” “I was being sarcastic! My point is that he was way out of my league.” “Oh!” I said and tried to hug her. “No hug!” she said. “In any case, I’ll do my best to make things work between Taylor and I. And even if they don’t, we’ll remain good friends. The kind of friends who go to movies together, or socialise at LUG meetings, fix dates for each other, etc.” “Good, I’m glad to hear that. Now where were we?” “Picking clothes.” she said, and after a while added: “You know, we should drop by Radio Shack and get some dolls of Tux and Beastie the BSD Daemon. I totally dig these guys. Oh! And a nice Looney Toons poster. I’d hate to pump money into the MPAA’s lawsuit machine, but I really like Marvin the Martian.” “Who are you, and what have you done to Erisa?” “Hey, the makeover was your idea, Jennifer. What have *you* done to Erisa?” and we both laughed. -- Shlomi Fish -- “The Human Hacking Field Guide” ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/human-hacking/ ) % “Hi Taylor!” we said one after the other. “Hey guys, ” he said, “what are you guys doing here?” “Helping Erisa get ready for her date.” I said. “I’ll get her.” Amanda said, and went up the stairs. “Don’t you think you look a bit plain for the date?” I asked. “Well, it’s only a movie and a pizza. Plus, there’s no way on Earth that Erisa is going to look better than I am.” “Holy virgin mother of god!” exclaimed Jeff. He was looking at the staircase where Erisa stood, descending it slowly. Her jet-black hair was arranged in a ball and a pony tail, shining from the light. Her dark purple dress made her look especially beautiful, and complimented her body. She looked wonderful. “So, ” she said after she reached the ground floor, shaking her body and extending her hands, “how do I look?” “You look… ” Taylor said, “divine!” Erisa thought for a moment and then said: “‘Divine’s good.” “Here, Erisa…” “Hey, ‘Erisa’ was the old (and temporary) me. Call me ‘Eve’ now.” “…Eve! Here - I brought you flowers.” and he handed her the flowers he had. Eve (!) smelled them, and said, “they smell nice. Mum, can you put them in a vase with some water?” “Ahhmm… Eve, can we stop by my house and give me a chance to pick up some better clothes?” “Why?” Eve said, “we’re going to miss the movie.” “Well, people will look at the two of us and say: ‘she is *way* out of his league!’” Eve approached Taylor. “Well, to quote Richard P. Feynman, ” she said as she tied her arms around his neck “‘What do you care what other people think?’ We both know you’re a great guy and I’m so lucky to go on a date with you. Mwaaa…” and she kissed him on the cheek. “Well, ” he said, “I guess we’d better get going. Bye all!” “Bye!” we all said. Eve and Taylor left and Taylor gave us a thumb’s up as he left, and we gave him back. -- Shlomi Fish -- “The Human Hacking Field Guide” ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/human-hacking/ ) % A woman is a lady even if she is or was a porn actress or a prostitute. Treat her with respect, be honest to her — be a gentleman. -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( http://twitter.com/shlomif/status/478025441983213569 ) % I wear prescription glasses so I may be half-blind, but at least I'm trying hard not to be a complete dick. -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/480765130242662400 ) % “Who would win in a fight? Charlemagne, Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin or Carlos "Chuck" Norris? If Summer Glau was the arbiter, she would just kill all of them and declare herself the winner.” CHARLAMAGNE dickens and darwin would die from being old Also: “Chuck Norris round house kicks doors open instead of using their keys. Summer Glau makes sure doors are open using her mind.” Chuck Norris would try to do some internet kung fu and fall over and break his hip Chuck Norris is kinda old, can he still even manage a roundhouse? thomas0comer: don't know. Dickens would always win by virtue of some rich contact/relative doing right by him. charlamaaaaaaaagne would rise from his grave as an angry fucked up drunk skeleton and stab everyone Frowardd: heh. Charlemagne would come back as a Pokemon. Dickens and Darwin would probably either get along well or debate vigorously while Charlemagne cuts Chuck Norris’ legs off Chuck Norris once fought bruce lee and now bruce lee is dead! Causality! Post hoc, ergo propter hoc, motherfucker! -- How Chuck chucked Chucks -- #xkcd, irc.foonetic.net See Also: ========= * Summer Glau Factoids - satirical facts, not unlike the Chuck Norris ones. % hey rindolf whatsyourname: hi. whatsyourname: what's your name? ;-) rindolf: i met you a couple of times in #programming years ago whatsyourname: ah, I vaguely remember it and can also grep my logs. what brought you to ##english channel anyway? whatsyourname: you're welcome . whatsyourname: I'm here on autojoin, but often just lurking. whatsyourname: thing is - I cannot sleep yet today - too many high thoughts. rindolf: I see whatsyourname: do you mind if I share these thoughts with you? whatsyourname: here on the channel? And he left. rindolf: i don't mind whatsyourname: OK. whatsyourname: I have a short essay (maybe a Google+ post) called "Play to lose" When did you write it? whatsyourname: where I say that you can learn more from a match/fight/argument/etc. that you lose than one that you won. whatsyourname: I didn't write it yet. whatsyourname: but i'd like to - sorry for being unclear. okay please continue whatsyourname: thing is - it was believed that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Lee is the best combat fighter in history, and Chuck Norris is the second best one. whatsyourname: now at the moment Norris is losing quite a few fights, but part of it is due to him being past his prime and with a malfunctioning left leg. whatsyourname: but my pet theory is that many of the new age fighters could have beaten both Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee (who has since passed away unfortunately) in their prime, at least some of the time. Okay whatsyourname: and it's also possible that in this day and age if we take Joe and Martin who are two superb mixed martial artists (MMAs) then it's possible that sometimes Joe will win and sometimes Martin. Yeah whatsyourname: moreover, the ancient Hebrew word for fighting or warfare has other more positive connotations : Bread (Lechem), soldering (Lehalchim - as in electronics), etc. Well, that's very interesting whatsyourname: the root Ch.R.b/bh is reserved for destruction and a sword is called "Cherev". Hehe whatsyourname: maybe it's similar to the greek mythology conception of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athena as noble and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ares as violent and destructive. whatsyourname: my point is that there are many other ways to fight aside from combat. okay whatsyourname: and the fighting I'm really good at is at writing essays, stories, humour, etc. (which also convey serious messages in hopefully amusing ways). i see whatsyourname: anyway, I decided that I encourage people to tell me why they think my stories sucked. So I can improve in the future. you should go about writing it whatsyourname: http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/Emma-Watson-applying-for-a-software-dev-job/ - someone told me he didn't like that, and after I asked him for the specifics, gave me a detailed analysis, and I realised he was right and improved it. i'm glad to hear that Part of the original problem there was that Emma Watson expressed herself in a manner that is unfit for an educated and intellectual Britishwoman who, on top of it, has graduated from English Literature from Brown University (which is a prestigious school.). whatsyourname: Yaakov on #perl said that he forgot how to speak English properly, because he doesn't know which words are common and which are not. rindolf: what's his native language? I have a huge problem with English vocabulary, but maybe it's actually better for non-native speakers of English (Which still sometimes ask me for clarification or "What that words means?"). whatsyourname: I think it's English. He's an American religious Jew. whatsyourname: I'm an Israeli secular Jew. rindolf: I see whatsyourname: I think I'll just prepare a fortune cookie out of this conversation and call it a day. Sure I'm too lazy to write a proper essay and people may equally appreciate reading an IRC log. rindolf: Just looking a bit at your essay. "but we decided to give you a chance anyway". Here you miss the opportunity to come up with a good humorous motivation to interview her. Somelauw: heh. Somelauw: well, I don't feel strongly about it. Somelauw: maybe they can say that they figured out it will be good publicity for their firm. Somelauw: but thanks! Somelauw++ -- ##English, Freenode % [Becky and Chankey are sitting in the library, studying together, and listening to Cimorelli - “When I’m gone” . Faith approaches them.] Faith: Hmm... hi kids! That doesn’t sound exactly like Anna Kendrick. Whoa, who are all those girls? Becky: Oh, they are Cimorelli - six sisters who sing together. They are a big hit on YouTube. Faith: Six sisters! Chankey: And they also have some brothers. Faith: Heh, God bless their mother. After my third pregnancy (to twins) I said: “That’s it. No way, José!”. I would think their being a big family is part of their charm. Chankey: Yes, and the way I see it: all the power to them. See: I read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea as a child, and I ended up memorising the English translation and now the French original, because I liked it so much. Anyway, Captain Nemo there, thinks he’s a nobody, which is what “Nemo” means in Latin, but he's not. Thing is: lots of people expressed interest in him due to his various unique qualities, and he kept thinking: “They are interested in tangential stuff, not in the real me. They don't know the real me.” And here's the thing: all these qualities are what make you who you are, and you should exploit them and be yourself. Faith: Indeed! -- Shlomi Fish -- Buffy — a Few Good Slayers ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Buffy/A-Few-Good-Slayers/ ) % while some people seem to have better talent for some things from an early age (or what you call "age"), many great artists worked hard to acquire it. Furthermore, hard work can and should be a lot of fun, and it's important to also "Have a life" and eat&drink well ("Wine"), enjoy the company of people of any sex ("Women") and have clean , creative, recreational fun, however amateuristic or lame ("Song"). I've started writing about all that in [an essay](http://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-all-cards-on-the-table-2013/) on my site which I called “Putting All Cards on the Table (2013)” and now I wish to combine it, with some newer and older insights into “Putting Many Cards on the Table (2015)” which will likely need to be updated in upcoming years as well. Like the old (and wise) adage goes: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is now”. What it implies in this context is that the earlier you start honing a skill, the sooner you will become better at it. Anyway, what I suggest you do is go outside and socialise more: talk to people with dogs ("Hi! Nice dog! How is he called? How old is he? What kind of dog is it? What's *your* name? What do you do?") , interesting shirts, tattoos, etc. Also - make sure to talk to shop clerks, shop vendors, waiters/waitresses, barmen, baristas, etc.. One thing I learned from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratatouille_%28film%29](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratatouille_%28film%29) is that "Everyone can cook", or do most other stuff that was shown to be possible. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief (action) heroism is about bending the rules, and finding you own unique, resourceful and ingenius, "hacky" way to do things like David used a sling to shoot goliath instead of using a spear to fight him and most likely dying. My essay has [a section](http://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-all-cards-on-the-table-2013/#david_and_goliath) about why David was an action hero and a "hacker", in a broad definition of the word. Another advice I can give you is to accept the fact that you're depressed and be content. It's OK to be depressed, like this episode of Simsons illustrates: [http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Moaning_Lisa](http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Moaning_Lisa) . Also, one of the the best ways to be happy is to be content with what you have and who you are and accept and love yourself. "He who has more is not happier than he who is content with less.". Finally, I've recently been tweeting a lot (see my feed at [https://twitter.com/shlomif/with_replies](https://twitter.com/shlomif/with_replies) ) about [Darwinian Fitness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitness_%28biology%29) which I believe is manifested in humans in (sexual) attractiveness, a.k.a: "hot"ness (which is not the same as beauty and I believe is more important), and which has a very good and positive correlation with competence a.k.a what Marx referred to as "able" in his [“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_each_according_to_his_ability%2C_to_each_according_to_his_need) slogan. Now, this fitness/attractiveness is not the same as the so-called [Physical fitness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_fitness) and as I contemplated on a tweet, “[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Swanepoel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candice_Swanepoel) , [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miranda_Kerr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miranda_Kerr) , [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Watson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Watson) or [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Lawrence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Lawrence) can get more and better dates when in a cranky mood, than the buffest obscure female body builder/"fitness" competitor on a good day.”, and that's because they are more (biologically) fit. Moreover, in British slang "fit" came to mean a sexually desirable MOTAS regardless of how athletic he or she is. If you still want to lose weight then I suggest following my variation on Maimonides' advice for dieting. Namely: 1. Eat well, and eat what you feel like and want to. 2. Don't eat in haste - eat in comfort and enjoy your meal. 3. Eat according to the stomach - not according to the eye. 4. Eat until you're 75% full - not until you're 100% full (and can't eat another bite). 5. A bit minor, but my father kept eating food along with extra bread, so he'll feel more full, but I think it has an adversary effect. Finally, there was [this Slashdot feature](http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/12/06/2228210/how-men-and-women-badly-estimate-their-own-intelligence) which claimed that most men and women claimed that their male relatives were more intelligent than their female ones, and I believed the problem is that men and boys tend to be more *confident* than women and girls (or used to at least), and that implies taking more chances, being more sloppy, allowing yourself to make mistakes, and accepting the fact that some people will dislike you. After a while, I saw this music video by Christina Grimmie which has the very same theme, and this pet theory of mine was reinforced: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYX8sjIzjGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYX8sjIzjGw) . -- Shlomi Fish -- Reddit /r/depression Comment ( http://www.reddit.com/r/depression/comments/2e32n0/advice_for_person_with_no_hobbiestalentsinterests/cjvuqdr ) % errgnomeous, http://i.imgur.com/fBm7Dd1.jpg Meow all good felines and canines and alpacas and ponies! What's new? misspwn_: heh, nice captioned image. rindolf, my kid was bitching that i made his sandwich "perfect" had to make meme misspwn_: ah, heh. inspiration++ misspwn_: how old is your kid? he got melted cheese on his face and was mad about it rindolf, he's 5 misspwn_: was it hot? misspwn_: ah, nice. rindolf, nope misspwn_: so he's a smart kid? misspwn_: what's his name? he's very bright rindolf, oliver misspwn_: that's good. misspwn_: ah, nice name. Reminds me of Oliver Twist. :D misspwn_: why did you call him Oliver? Does he likes olives? ;-) hmmm, rindolf he was supposed to be a sophie. well i had it in my head he was going to be a girl. i cried when i found out he wasn't. and oliver just for some reason came to me in a dream oliver lee, it suits him incredibly well misspwn_: ah, I see. misspwn_: the etymology of my name is more complex than this - http://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/#your_name [ Shlomi Fish’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List ] - www.shlomifish.org misspwn_: http://mail.pm.org/pipermail/toronto-pm/2013-February/003070.html - that's why they named their daughter Phoebe. [ [tpm] Hello Perlers, The Phoebe has arrived ] - mail.pm.org misspwn_: I tend to give my characters Hebrew or other more established common names in my stories. http://www.shlomifish.org/me/rindolf/ - that's the etymology and philosophy behind my "rindolf" nickname. [ About “Rindolf” - Shlomi Fish’s Nickname ] - www.shlomifish.org misspwn_: does he have middle names? that’s neat ah yes, lee is the middle name, i'm sorry misspwn_: ah, I see. Lee is a very common middle name. it was my grandfathers middle name "Lyn"/"Lynn" is also a very common middle name I noticed - typically for girls. misspwn_: ah, OK. misspwn_: do you have any other children? rindolf, nope, i'd like to finish college first sort of a late start in the college game how late? misspwn_: ah, I see. What do you study? misspwn_: my friend had her first-born when she was in college at 19 or so. And she graduated from college and now has had two other children. And a bit recently - her eldest son went to college and impregnated a girl and they live together and he continues to study while raising her grandchildren. He's also very fond of Chuck Norris jokes. Oddity, well i'm going to be 28 in September, i'm studying network engineering my parents keep urging me to have another so they can get a granddaughter, but i have priorities and don't want another child slowing me down right now Apparently, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariana_Grande is 21 but looks about 16. A little kinky! [ Ariana Grande - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org According to Jewish law a girl becomes a woman at age 12 (and a boy becomes a man at age 13). consider herself lucky for looking young misspwn_: sure. i started getting grey hair at 19/20 years old misspwn_: there was an episode of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina,_the_Teenage_Witch_%28TV_series%29 where a very old witch, who was a big player, looked like a teenager. [ Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org misspwn_: ah, my sisters and I all have grey hair. aw man that was such a good show misspwn_: one of my sisters whose hair is now darker (blackish) is now colouring it. misspwn_: the other has brighter hair so her grey/white hair doesn't get noticed. yeah I don't colour my hair. Well, at least it's still growing. i bleach mine blonde but have light brown hair naturally so it's a little noticeable not as dramatic contrast as almost black hair though misspwn_: yes, Sabrina was great. I think I still preferred Clarissa - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarissa_Explains_It_All [ Clarissa Explains It All - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org clarissa was way better Not sure anyone remember CEIA now. agreed on that yo misspwn_: yes. fergasuuuuuuuuun misspwn_: Sabrina was funnier, though. clarissa was just edgier misspwn_: I want Melissa Joan Hart to play or voice Katie here - http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ongoing-text.html [ Star Trek: “We, the Living Dead” - Ongoing Text ] - www.shlomifish.org And it features a talking cat. In my story, Jake Sisko and her character are mutually attracted to one another. hah misspwn_: the new MJH is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Watson . [ Emma Watson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org misspwn_: many young people today don't know who MJH is. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. wait there is a new ? misspwn_: I mean in essence of being a good girl/"beta female"/responsible-adult/etc. oh, *shrug* i really don't get involved with actors and their lives misspwn_: as opposed to the alpha-female/"Bad girl"/insurgent/rebel/etc. (e.g: Jennifer Lawrence or Sarah Michelle Gellar, and all the way back to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Bernhardt ). [ Sarah Bernhardt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org misspwn_: ah, I sometimes get it by infusion. misspwn_: http://shlomifish.livejournal.com/3001.html - this is my most burning Sic Transit Gloria Mundi (STGM) project - I hope to make Megan Fox *the* alpha female instead of Jenn Law and more importantly to make Summer Glau the new hacker monarch instead of me. [ Unarmed but still Dangerous - Finishing Off The Open Content / Web 2.0 Revolution: (#SummerNSA) ] - shlomifish.livejournal.com And I also want SMG, Chuck Norris & Megan Fox to win all possible awards. my eye candy for a male celeb would be joseph gordon levitt, female would be scarlet johansen misspwn_: ah. misspwn_: isn't Levitt that Third Rock from the Sun guy? yep i did not like him in loopers or whatever that movie was with bruce willis, nor did i like don jon hiya badpeaches, hi misspwn_: ah. hi Delver naughty peaches misspwn_: well, it's Publish or Perish. misspwn_, what's up? hi misspwn_ show peaches your wall for ideas badpeaches, watching MST3K and avoiding some math homework how r u bb? badpeaches, oh yeah http://i.imgur.com/bWlXzsT.jpg aww, bb I just got dumped :( D: badpeaches, why he/she do dis? badpeaches, cheer up. it might be for the best I'm sorry though if you had your hopes up for a good night aww, thank you enchilado we all need a good night he said "it's me not you" misspwn_: I still haven't finally decided on which actor will play Daniel (= the white soldier in the first guarding station) on SummerNSA. I'm thinking someone with a baby face, maybe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Savage he said we didn't connect [ Fred Savage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org how long you been dating? two weeks ah well at least it's now rather than a year later Hmm... he's Jewish of mixed German/Latvian/Polish/Ukrainian descent. that saves a whole lot of super sad feels badpeaches , that's when you say "yer damn right it's you" yer right misspwn_ * badpeaches kicks some dust His character on The Wonder Years was not Jewish, while the one of his dorkier friend was. besides, i'm all you need ;) hot sisterly love i'm not asking for consent this time I've been browsing r/thefapping, are you sure? badpeaches: sorry to hear about your ex. * badpeaches is now known as FuegoPeaches I'm so mad like ugh FuegoPeaches: don't get mad - get even! how? FuegoPeaches: post his naked photos online! there's no getting anything FuegoPeaches: hire Summer Glau to assassinate him. Using her mind. you're so stupid rindolf FuegoPeaches: I'm just kidding. okd FuegoPeaches: sorry, maybe sulk a little. fuck that FuegoPeaches: and it's alright to feel bad. Don't feel bad about feeling bad. pm if you want to vent pm to misspwn_ for proper womanly venting misspwn_: are you a girl? sorabji, promises to listen too rindolf, will write plays about it Delver: heh, I may actually. I often use material from my personal life or that of friends as fodder for my stories. now as men, it is our duty to try to switch the blame to women kate upton has really big breasts Delver: http://paste.debian.net/118672/ - this is in part based on a couple I know whose husband adopted his wife's last name but I build on it further. [ debian Pastezone ] - paste.debian.net my brother chose a hyphenated name with his wife. good idea in my opinion, that is until the kids get married And also there was this woman on #reddit-judaism who found out she was a descendent of some Normandy Duke or something like that. So it inspired this too. Delver: ah. Delver: I'll refuse to give my future children an hyphenated name. I wouldn't mind naming them after my wife's maiden name, though. Delver: and I'm not changing my last name away from "Fish". Being Mr. Fish is now part of my identity and trademark. Delver: Kate Upton? https://www.google.com/search?q=kate%20upton&gws_rd=ssl - so it seems - look fake though, but who knows? [ kate upton - Google Search ] - www.google.com rindolf, I don't know. I never heard of her I don't get out much :( https://twitter.com/KateUpton - that's her twitter. [ Kate Upton (KateUpton) on Twitter ] - r.com Delver: well, it's her body and her life. no it isn't it's my body and life errgnomeous: heh. and I will turn it into bread and wine then I will eat it we haven't grown beyound the 'meh, pretty but whatever' attitude in the us yet and drink it errgnomeous: :-( don't be sad mostly puritan weirdos and post teen wankery drives it be happy bitter dregs Delver: I don't mind being objectified as a sex object by women. I don't think it's the objectification that would bother people. it's the muttered words, the slut shaming, the wolf whistles. the not taken seriously Delver: I'm planning to appear on the cover of "People" magazine one day with the caption "Sexiest man alive". Delver: slut? as I said before, meh, whatevs thank you errgnomeous you're a gent Delver: recently, Miranda Kerr has become a slut-of-sorts-and-damn-proud-of-it. All the power to her I say. I am? +1 for errgnomeous ;) you've made me smile :) rindolf, i am well that's all that matters misspwn_: ah, nice. Are you bi? rindolf, uh no yes she is misspwn_: ah, OK. LOL I think the only time that characterization is appropriate is between two (or more) intimate partners not that it's a bad thing misspwn_: I'm a little attracted to men, but I'd rather not explore that. kate upton is so hot errgnomeous, if the right woman came alone want to bang kate upton is a QT a what? alone would be good, along would be even better oh sorry. slow a QT.314 cutie i wonder if kate upton is a fan of john denver yes. I was slow to figure it out probably john denver in the house I was reading it too literally West Virginia i LOLed about that photoshop take me home mountain momma to the place i fling pooooooooo WEST VERGINA gina haha one of my favorites i need some milk go get some you can milk anything with nipples greg I will go get some But I do not produce milk misspwn_: I recently kinda flirted with a young guy who sat with his friends next to an icecream shop. I told him he reminded me of Orlando Bloom, and we all stroke a conversation. go top yourself off with your nips hiya Oddity I think I bought icecream there. can we use you as a test subject? rindolf, go get you some hot male love human milk icecream? count me in did you know ice cream made from hippo milk is pink I've always wanted to get what I didn't as a kid (sniff, cries) it taste like strawberries misspwn_: heh, how about no. rindolf: you don't like hot sweaty male love? misspwn_: I'll sleep with this boy if you sleep with Jennifer Lawrence and let me watch the sex tape. ;-) Lesbian sex is hawt! rindolf, or or you can just do what makes you happy :P i'm not going to become a lesbian for convenience of others sorry what if eating skittles naked while sitting in a hot tub and watching netflix is what makes you happy? do whatever you can get by with. whomever it is. don't be too selective because then I’ll have to stop shaving my armpits and become a vegan and read old articles from Gloria Steinem it hurts later yeah, you'll end up like joan rivers on life support, and no one truly wants that mine worked there are 2 homeless couples and a single woman camping near me misspwn_: heh, so much for stigma. misspwn_: I've met many really cool Lesbians. rindolf, :P stigma is for the birds, son i also have pretty awesome lesbian friends And I think homosexuality is a spectrum. they aren't all super feminazi-hambeasts misspwn_: that's nice. misspwn_: that's great. misspwn_: so you're a girl who uses the term "Feminazi"? I tend to say "cynical feminism" which is less ambiguous. I acknowledge the existence of non-cynical feminism (e.g: My Little Pony). rindolf, for me personally it's the whole 3rd wave feminist movement i cannot stand so the term feminazi seems to fit the bill misspwn_: ah, OK. misspwn_: how many waves were there? Which wave is Buffy? I cannot remember. well unless it turns into 4th Reich, i believe there is only 3 rindolf, i don't think your average stereotypical 3rd wave feminist truly appreciates what the previous women have accomplished for them it's a circle jerk of men bashing er i should say truly does not appreciate @ rindolf misspwn_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_power - apparently Buffy is 3rd wave feminism. what other circle jerk could you possibly be referring to? men hating on men and masturbating actually it's good to male bash. it's one of the freedoms that women earned no bueno Xena was an awfully feminist (and unrealistic and comical) heroine, but I can retrospectively say she was awesome. Delver, possibly, but i feel some take it too far of course Lucy Lawless who played her: 1. Also had starred in some Oceanian porn films before doing Xena. 2. Cried in her wedding. and i'm not oppressed when i make my boyfriend a sandwich either. i like to cook just like men take this silly "men’s rights" backlash into dumb directions yep as long as we find a happy median too bad we only get one life to fuck up you get your all or nothing groups in all categories or maybe just as well Lots of people couldn't imagine Xena (the character) crying at her wedding. actually there's an infinite amount of lives we just don't realize it it's just a shame you have the ones who are the moldy slice of bread in the package it just spreads Buffy was a different matter altogether - she cried sometimes. misspwn_: I'm a 37 years old man who can cook only very simple things like pasta - not too politically correct, I know. rindolf, you get as much you put in misspwn_: recently https://twitter.com/BarRefaeli tweeted about the fact that she started cooking and her Tsculent (with chicken!) looked yumyum. if you only put just the tip in, someone is going to be disappointed misspwn_: yes, my parents and sisters are excellent cooks, but I lack the time and energy for cooking. I enjoy eating food (naturally) but don't mind going to eat it in a restaurant. I ate vegetable straws all evening mildly nauseated misspwn_: on the plane back home my father and I met a man who couldn't even cook pasta (which I can). yikes Delver: ah , maybe eat something else. one thing i've never made and would like to master is beef Wellington misspwn_: he was an amazing man though, and resembled both my father and me. misspwn_: ah. misspwn_: my mother doesn't taste the food while cooking it and still usually gets good results. They recently got many good ideas from T.V. or the Internet, etc. LadyTr0n, keep on hangin in there rindolf, that's me, hasn't really failed yet except for some couscous with spinach that had far too much lemon misspwn_: ah. earthy lemony overload yikes misspwn_: I'm OK with couscous. couscous is great! misspwn_: I prefer rice or pasta or noodles or tabulah or whatever though. I need some righteous manhate songs ladies. post it! misspwn_: where do you live? Delver, uhhh how about any song with alanis morrisette * rindolf is not good at knowing how to meet celebrities. rindolf, st louis area I met a few software dev/etc. celebs online. i've met richard stallman misspwn_: ah, I was told St. Louis is a boring town. st louis is pretty lively misspwn_: so did I - I also met Larry Wall. * Delver will go for the non-ironic 'isn't it ironic' song misspwn_: ah, maybe it became better.. rindolf, the ferguson stuff was close to me but it's dying down a lot Delver, what about jewel or diana king .yt diana king [YT Search] Title: Diana King - Shy Guy | Duration: 4mins 22secs | Link: http://youtu.be/xn9LQZ5tdys .yt mc lyte [YT Search] Title: MC Lyte - Paper Thin {actual video} | Duration: 3mins 46secs | Link: http://youtu.be/WH5CmB44TaY Delver: there was an episode of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lois_%26_Clark:_The_New_Adventures_of_Superman that made fun of it. [ Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ] - en.wikipedia.org also Tori Amos .yt upright citizens brigade ass pennies [YT Search] Title: Ass Pennies | Duration: 4mins 5secs | Link: http://youtu.be/DO1Q7F23DxM Delver: who? Alanis' "Ironic" song is great though. I love it not a fan of that kind of note shifting Tori Amos, a singer that hits a chord with women and lesbians. she sings about personal stuff, love etc big in the late 1990s and early naughties https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jne9t8sHpUc [YouTube] Title: Alanis Morissette - Ironic (Video) | Duration: 4mins 6secs * LadyTr0n is now known as MsPeaches good, that's easier to remember MsPeaches: are you feeling better now? Delver: ah, I heard of Tori Amos. She has some good songs. and I say it as a straight man. .yt here's to never give up tiffany alvord [YT Search] Title: Avril Lavigne - Here's To Never Growing Up - CLEAN (Official Music Cover) by Tiffany Alvord | Duration: 5mins 22secs | Link: http://youtu.be/u7vzicDQJ4k I saw her live but I only went in a group wasn't really for me but I appreciate the fact she really had a strong female presence rindolf, can you please mail me some Israeli made machine guns. just label them as machine parts Delver: heh. Delver: I have no idea how I'll acquire one. Delver: and I'm not into guns myself. just joking anyway Delver: ah, OK. cool reddit image: http://i.imgur.com/8J4rBYQ.png burning man Delver: http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Muppets-Show-TNI/Summer-Glau-and-Chuck-Norris.html - here Chuck and Summer Glau make extensive use of gunnery. There are some references to them both being texans too. [ The Muppets Show The Next Incarnation - With Summer Glau and Chuck Norris ] - www.shlomifish.org not into slash fiction. telling it to the wrong person Delver: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ponies%20guns - ponies with guns. [ ponies guns at DuckDuckGo ] - duckduckgo.com Delver: by slash fiction do you mean "fan fiction"? not interested in ponies either airships now. yes! Delver: OK, how about cats with guns? ;-) nope Delver: ah. Delver: which animals do you like? turtles I like turtles Delver: nice. hehe Delver: did you see the latest TMNT film? no. I give no shits about that no fucks to give? not going to watch it either, i don't want to have it ruined like enders game -- #reddit, Freenode % [Selina is sitting next to her computer at home with Firefox browsing the Hebrew Wikipedia. She keeps highlighting words and hovering over them to find translations using a Firefox extension. There is a signal, and the Pidgin icon in the status bar starts blinking. Selina clicks it.] Mosheh Ben-Amram: [ on IM ] Hello, Selina! How are you doing, today? Selina: I’m fine. Trying to contribute to the Hebrew Wikipedia. These Affixes are driving me crazy. Mosheh Ben-Amram: Heh, עברית קשה שפה, but there are worse. Mosheh Ben-Amram: האם את מדברת עברית? [ = “Do you speak Hebrew?” ] Selina: Qtsath, or as new speakers will say Qetsath. Heh. Mosheh Ben-Amram: Yes, one of the first words you have to learn to say, and it’s already a Shibboleth. Selina: Emeth. [ = "True." ] BTW, are you actually Mosheh Ben-Amram (= Moses) the Hebrew prophet? Mosheh Ben-Amram: I won’t deny that I am. Selina: Hah! Mosheh Ben-Amram: There are quite a few other people called “Mosheh Ben-Amram” in the Israeli phone directory. Selina: Yes, I can imagine that. Actually, judging by recent happenings, learning Hebrew may be the least of my problems. Mosheh Ben-Amram: Anything you’d like to talk about? Selina: No, I don’t expect you to believe me, anyway. Any more than the amount that I’ll believe you if you told me you were actually the Jewish prophet. Mosheh Ben-Amram: Yes, well, I have some business to tend to. Good luck with the Hebrew Wikipedia. סעי לשלום - המפתחות בפנים! [ = “Drive safely, the keys are inside.” ] Selina: Thanks, and let me figure out what you just wrote, heh. -- Shlomi Fish -- Selina Mandrake - The Slayer ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/ ) % It’s OK if you forget my birthday, but please don’t forget my 364 [unbirthdays](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdsZT7WKjW8). Contact me to [say you love me](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwOU3bnuU0k), and every day can be the [best day of my life](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW3rK-giAaM) so far! -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( http://twitter.com/shlomif/status/478025441983213569 ) % * undead_rattler hugs rindolf * rindolf hugs undead_rattler * undead_rattler carries rindolf away into the night * rindolf cannot be carried - he has infinite weight. rindolf cannot have infinite weight - that would require being inside of a black hole, or a gravity manipulator that would destabilize the earth. also. * undead_rattler has infinite muscle undead_rattler: heh. You just got SCIENCED. -- #reddit-mlp, Freenode % i am a young university graduate anxious to create new experiences in an innovative environment i wear cardigans and chucks and i'm eager to work in a trendy abode krator44: that reeks of bullshit don't put that on a resume haha what? Everything you've been saying it's what everyone has on their resume sounds like it's a line from a resume That. Wasn't krator44 krator44: that's why it's bad Wait. What it's just the resume side of enterprise jargon i know a guy that thrives on this language I'm a social media expert that yearns for innovative trends in an upcoming establishment i am a team player anxious to bring new solutions to the market in a high paced start-up environment I don't know what pointers are but I can make a mean slide animation I am a highly motivated independent team player who is detail oriented and looks at the big picture, and is anxious to create innovative solutions for the enterprise. that’s not bad krator44: but does it scale? it's not very agile -- #Reddit, Freenode % The world is full of people, who each have their own personal whims and quirks, and which they expect you to remember and accommodate for, all the time. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#the_world_is_full_of_people ) % It always works at the end. Too bad it doesn't work right away at the beginning. -- Shlomi Fish’s Relative -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#it_always_works_at_the_end ) % Some people grow older and wiser. Not I. I grow older and more foolish. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#grow_older ) % this is the internet? sweet! ProfessorBacon: the Internet is a lie! you are a lie. the internet is a series of tubes ProfessorBacon: your statement is a lie. rindolf: lies are lies ProfessorBacon: the truth is a lie! “And truth be told - I miss you. And truth be told - I'm lying.” — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gives_You_Hell What, pray tell, does a Professor of Baconology do? …I remember that song CoJaBo: finds the perfect Bacon recipes! CoJaBo: Bacon is a lie! CoJaBo: maybe it should be Professor Mr. Bacon like Reverend Mr. Bacon. -- Everything you’ve heard is a lie. -- #Reddit, Freenode % How can you make a programming language that will be good for everything if you cannot even make such a screwdriver? -- An Israeli Open Source Enthusiast -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#prog_lang_that_will_be_good_for_everything ) % I understood what Monads are for 5 minutes. Then I had to let go of the understanding. It was too intense to be kept inside my head. -- An Israeli Open Source Enthusiast -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#understanding_monads ) % *Q:* How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? *A:* It’s not funny!!! -- Omer Zak -- Facebook Post ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/269782023084250/permalink/883268655068914/ ) % *Shlomi’s Friend:* You will take good care of this book, right? *Shlomi:* Oh, don't worry! I’ll just tear the paper apart, burn it, dip it in sulphuric acid, radiate anti-matter on it, and teleport it to a black hole. *Shlomi’s Friend:* That’s it? I do it to it every day. -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#taking_good_care_of_a_book ) % Step 1: Be Clever. Step 2: Use this to write obfuscated code. Step 3: get fired for writing obfuscated code. Step 4: Get killed by the maintenance programmer. Step 5: Burn in hell for a milliard years for writing obfuscated code. Step 6: Profit?? -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#how_to_hide_code ) % Hi all. Hi rundolf! Hi orbii! rindolf* sorry yaraju: meow! yaraju: how are you? Umm.... sqeuak? I'm good thanks! :) * rindolf eats yaraju - what a delicious mouse. o_O * yaraju reincarnates as another mouse Heh. cycle of life, what can I say? * rindolf gets sick from the food and dies. * yaraju waits for rindolf to show up again in some form * rindolf gets reincarnated as a chimera. :D chimera! Kewl! * rindolf doesn't remember what exactly a chimera is. Some mix of two animals is what I recall of more than one animal* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimera_%28mythology%29 - yes. Title: Chimera (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) Forget the adjectives - those change over time. Lol! but the fire-breathing sounds kewl! makes it easier to cook bbq? :D yaraju: heh, heh. * yaraju transforms into Remi and tries to collect ingredients to mix to get that "Zing" flavor Am I the only one here that's seen Ratatouille? yaraju: I've seen it too. yaraju: nice film. \o/ -- ##club-nomicon, Freenode % <<< A lecture or two ago, when Guy Keren was saying that linux would never ever be a gaming platform i tried to point out he was wrong, and it's actually doing OK, and everyone looked at me like i'm crazy. >>> Some rules of thumb I tweeted about recently: 1. If someone tells you something is impossible and you can't do it, it probably can be done. 2. If someone tells you something will *surely* never happen, it likely can happen. 3. If someone tells you are an idiot and are definitely wrong, then you probably uncovered an [Elephant in the Room](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_in_the_room) and are right. Also see [“Encourage criticism and try to get offended”](http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/Encourage_criticism_and_try_to_get_offended/). In general, people who are sure of themselves are probably wrong, as I am not even sure of the [Aristotlean Logic](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle#Logic) which got us incredibly far. -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to the Haifa Linux Club mailing list. ( http://www.mail-archive.com/haifux@haifux.org/msg05023.html ) % HP-UX is not a UNIX, and AIX is even less of it than that. -- An Israeli Open Source Enthusiast -- Quoted from a private conversation. % Pedro: hi, sup? sup, rindolf :) Pedro: I worked on my home site. Is it good now? Pedro: added this page - http://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/web/models-for-commerce/ ? [ “Alternative” Profitable Models for Web-based Commerce ] Pedro: I hope it was good before but now it is better. Pedro: perfection is in imperfection. Pedro: and time is believed by some philosophers to be nature's way of moving from imperfection to somewhat lesser imperfection. Pedro: because if reality was perfect , it wouldn't evolve. 💯 <- what symbol is that? quiet again. Nothing sad I hope. archmint: i see 100 something and some garbage. rindolf: what? oh in the unicode box archmint: on the symbol. archmint: yes. Pedro: also see http://fc-solve.shlomifish.org/faq.html#is_fc_solve_completed rindolf the goody two shoes reindeer, how are you? archmint: this. MEANS. WAR!!!! archmint: I am an EVIL Reindeer! * rindolf uses his EVIL Antlers to curse archmint rindolf, I love you, too. archmint: heh. :-) ♥! * archmint wields his wand. But if you insist archmint: maybe you can join me on the Evil Reindeer Evil World Domination Evil Conspiracy? ☺ * archmint unEVILizes rindolf rindolf: Sounds like a plan archmint: I'm protected against anti-EVILisation schemes. * rindolf eats archmint 's wand. no one can say I didn't try Hi Rudolf :) ferros: THIS. MEANS. WAR!!! What do you mean? rindolf: you really are all about that war 'bout that war * rindolf hits ferros with his "My name is Rindolf, Dammit!" cluebat. You're not Rudolf? archmint: i wage wars. archmint: My War! Mein Kampf! ferros: Rudolph is one of my two goody two-shoes twins. ferros: along with Randolph. ferros: and they are among my arch enemies. archmint enemies? * archmint tosses the disk to rindolf *disc LOL oh hi drug! again for like the third time! :P hey minty :) what’s going on Nothing. Just listening to tiny dancer. HOLD ME CLOSER TINY DANCER! count the headlights on the high way not *now* duuuh drug: what are you up to? eating a breakfast sandwich and under the cool AC the heatwave continues drug: oh! what part of the world are you in? So what's your name? USA If not Rudolf? I'm sorry, drug :( It is freezing here http://northpole-grenlandia.ru/wp-content/gallery/dog/vuki.jpg ferros: what for. rindolf: maybe you are close to me. Wanna hang? Maybe you can save up and move to the free world, drug archmint: I live in Tel Aviv, Israel. rindolf: Oh. I live on the north pole. archmint: ah. I thought, you know, since your name is rindolf and everything but ok I'd be willing to take a trip to Israel :P archmint: so you can walk 1km south, 1km east, & 1km north and end up at the same place? exactly archmint: ah, cool. Label Israel goto: Israel dam. Madlib shades of blue is definitely his best album. I cannot stop listening to it It's like you just fell into the heart of New Orleans With a hip hop influence Tools! archmint: 50 shades of blue? ;-) rindolf: - 50 archmint: that was a joke. rindolf: me too archmint: you were supposed to laugh. * archmint ha THIS. MEANS . WAR!!! J/K. * archmint wields a light saber this time eat that ;) rindolf: draw rindolf the EVIL reindeer eating a light saber :S * rindolf drains the lightsaber out of light. archmint: i'm not much of a painter. don't you draw things? archmint: very few. archmint: if you mean this - it's not really much - http://www.shlomifish.org/art/ [ Shlomi Fish’s Art ] Shlomi! Shlomi {XED that was a really bad fish archmint: yes, it means "Shalom-ful" in Hebrew. archmint: ah, yes. ()=< Somewhat better. -()=< https://drawception.com/viewgame/eydXpMGgOh/inception/ printf "hey terminal_echo\n" archmint: printf-format-string-exploits! .g printf string exploits archmint: http://www.cis.syr.edu/~wedu/Teaching/cis643/LectureNotes_New/Format_String.pdf .g bash printf string exploits archmint: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7459630/how-can-a-format-string-vulnerability-be-exploited rindolf.getObject().printf_exploit(rindolf.getObject().get_random_memory()); archmint: heh. archmint: sup? rindolf: nada mucho. tu? archmint: I wrote an email which I wasn't sure I'd like to send. rindolf: yea. To me? archmint: no, not to you. :P :( * archmint is sad. no emails archmint: join a few mailing lists. well. I had 3. but not from my bff rindolf ThIs. MeAnS. wAr! archmint: what is bff? Wow! Studly caps. rindolf: bff means best friend forever best-friend-forever. yes :( no emails from my bff ah, yes, i remember it from My Little Pony. haha. ok. * archmint sings MY LITTLE PONY MY LITTLE PONY bla bla bla bla bla something bla archmint: are you a brony too? I am not. rindolf: Do the irc clients automatically translate sentences for us? archmint: they do? rindolf: I was asking you also... madlib stop.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haTAdQt3FQk&index=6&list=RDfFh9XwNkzFw archmint: they don't by default as far as I know. haha 24 dislikes? Maybe some do. rindolf: so you are speaking English? archmint: yes, English. archmint: I know English to an extent. archmint: I can also write in Hebrew. archmint: שלום! rindolf: Do you speak arabic? archmint: a little. archmint: I learned Literary Arabic for 6 years at school. Mostly English, then? Or, rather, do you spea another language? archmint: but forgot most of my vocabulary. archmint: I talk in Hebrew with my family and Israeli neighbours and friends. ah. I see. archmint: well, on the Internet, Israelis sometimes use English to talk with one another. rindolf: I will learn Hebrew for you. Then we can say things and noone will know what we are saying =P archmint: in Israel, even the kiosk vendors and taxi cab drivers know English. archmint: heh, thanks for the gesture. archmint: you will also be able to read the Jewish Bible and stuff. in Hebrew. ראה כמה טוב אני כבר =P “You can never truly appreciate the Gilmore Girls until you’ve watched it in the original Klingon.” archmint: Google Translate? ;-) rindolf: of course not * archmint is saddened THIS. MEANS. WAR!! archmint: well, the somewhat more idiomatic way to say it is ראה כמה אני כבר טוב archmint: heh. THIS. MEANS. ANNIHILATION!!! archmint: I am not too fond of most Jazz music. :o archmint: the Madlib track was not too bad though. :o archmint: http://weblibs.herokuapp.com/ - madweblibs. [ Madweblibs ] Not my site. roflcopter remind me to not do pacman -S without first doing pacman -Syu EVER archmint: I’m reminding you to never do pacman -S without first doing pacman -Syu. ;-) archmint: when do you wish to be reminded of that? * staticdomain sets a cron job to remind archmint every 5 mins hi everyone :) haha. thanks rindolf. staticdomain, I should :D staticdomain: heh. * archmint eating peanut butter sandwich archmint: :-) archmint: + jelly? no archmint: ah. just pb archmint: ah. archmint: ah. archmint: pb is a major pb (=problem) (= why is that so, rindolf? archmint: it’s not. :-) hey, rindolf. you are red in my irc client :) archmint: THIS. MEANS. WAR!!! haha archmint: ah. archmint: someone on ##programming nicknamed me "Rindolf the Red" rindolf: the red-war-tipped EVIL reindeer Like “Gandalf the Grey” .can rand q* archmint archmint, How would you find out that you ran out of invisible ink? c4 rindolf: you are this color to me this color archmint: OK. gliese581c: taste the paper fahadash: you are red, too Careful. I switched his invisible ink with LSD :P q=P I'm reminded that we had to do an exercise for English class about writing a complaint letter to a company and my friend prepared one about a smurf who received a M.I.R.R.O.R - something "round reflector of recipient" and was distressed that he saw there strange blue things. ugh, I'm bored but it is too hot out to go do anything fun outdoors on my day off. It was funny. That sounds funny. archmint: yes. * archmint pulls out a rapier and points the tip at rindolf archmint: https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/636595003268030464 - this made me burst out laughing today. [ Shlomi Fish auf Twitter: "schquid:«R we talking about t wholesale suppression of t proletariat by t corrupt capitalists hell bend on providing #FOSS?!» Made me #LOL" ] * rindolf eats the tip of the rapier. hahaaha archmint: a funnier thing happened to me with the same friend for a different class. yeah no. :P rindolf: oh. yeh? archmint: we were preparing a report about a trip and it mentioned a very obscure detail like it was built by Kurd workers from Jerusalem. huh. Very random. So we went on a tangent and said “Yes , it was created by southern workers, who were under the supervision of Count Paul the Third, who travelled from his homeland at Transylvania, to meet the duchess.” And we both laughed hysterically. And then i took a break and said “And her Siamese cat…” And we laughed even more and my friend fell from his chair. hah. Nice. haha RINDOLF: http://i.imgur.com/IjQtD3h.png :D archmint: :-) # I'm glad you like it. archmint: hi. rindolf: hi. zanzibizarre: sleep? THAT. MEANS. WAR!!! haha zanzibizarre: Evil Reindeer don't sleep. Sleep is for the weak and timid. We will FIGHT, till the death! -- ##TopChat, Freenode % this is great: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/356343/comments/5 "Bug, I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn." buovjaga: heh, I have many software bugs on my professional network on LinkedIn. buovjaga: some of my best friends and most admired professionals are software bugs. Most bugs are very reliable business partners. Of course, there are a few unfortunate heisenbugs among them. buovjaga: :-) Bug #356343 for government! Bug #356343 is what we need to make this planet great again. buovjaga: heh. Bug-to-bug harmony! Long live bug #356343! -- #inkscape-devel, Freenode % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCO/Linux_controversies - wow! It’s still ongoing. rindolf: Has someone made a TV series about it yet? farrioth: a telenovella! farrioth: would be pretty exciting. farrioth: Game of Thrones won’t have nothing on it. ;-) rindolf: Heh :) farrioth: they’ll call its fans SCOnies! rindolf: Haha. farrioth: :-) farrioth: I’m going to setup scovslinuxtv.wikia.com rindolf: Nice. rindolf: And a TV Tropes page? farrioth: yes! farrioth: it’s going to be really big. rindolf: :) farrioth: the Superbowl will be cancelled to air a SCO vs. Linux special! farrioth: due to better ratings. LOL. rindolf: But that means we can’t feature in the superbowl ad-break! farrioth: we don’t need that. farrioth: we will be world-famous even without any ads. rindolf: True true. farrioth: yes. * rindolf gets ready to sing the "Rich and Famous" contract. s/sing/sign/ * farrioth hands rindolf a microphone. farrioth: I need a pen - not a microphone That or a GPG key Heh. -- ##linux, Freenode % Back when I was in the 9th grade, during a Physics lesson, one of my classmates complained to the teacher that something we were learning was too hard. So my teacher asked her “Do you see people with picket baskets outside?” and she answered no. And then he said “Well, then you should know that life is no picnic!”. -- Shlomi Fish -- Shlomi Fish’s Memoir % Hi all. Hello rindolf bkeys: sup? Messing with docker still I hate it but there is no better option yourself? bkeys: I fixed Freecell Solver on ARM linux. bkeys: turns out "char"s in C are unsigned there by default. I thought this was always the case bkeys: they are signed on x86 I did not know this Protip: uint8_t and int8_t exist. Use them. :P bkeys: ah. I almost never use chars directly ExpiredPopsicle: I know Most of the time C++ data structures are good enough Sign extending a char to an int can ruin your day. Then ints and floats rindolf: so you actually have to type signed char? :) weird. Or you could just use int8_t. neverah BlackMoon: yes you can take my poorly defined types from my cold, dead, typedefed hands pfft BlackMoon: or use the -fsigned-char compiler flag 'build procedure: use more obscure flags' -O9999999999999999999999999999999999 -O911 Performance problems solved! activate emergency optimizations! Also I accidentally made the optimizer sentient. We’re all doomed. nah we’re fine just so long as.. oh, you showed it some of your source code too? Well no wonder it wants to end all human life You know how the optimizer figures out how some code is unneeded and just deletes it? It did that with humans. or stuffed us all into a lib somewhere, never to be linked with again We have been simplified down to a 32-bit constant: 0x4655434B * rindolf survived I will not be typecast! I am a cHuman! NOT A NUMBER! AND DEFINATELY NOT A VOID* >DEFINATELY I hope the compilers come for you first Type-21 i’m already lost the compilers are flowing through me resistance is futile, you will be compil error on line 53, invalid type-21 I’m defiantly a void * rindolf got transpiled into JavaScript aren’t the kids these days doing coffescript or typescript or something? -- #reddit-gamedev, Freenode % Hi all Sup? Hi rindolf and Thymo :> Merry weekend :> Zuu: hi How goes it? Zuu: fine - working on cpan modules Hey. Zuu: perls before swine Is GitHub up for you guys? Thymo: it was a while ago rindolf, do you happen to know if there’s some sort of perl to C transformer tool? there's this EXIF tool written in perl, and it's just nuts that its not in C :P Zuu: you can embed Perl code in C code of course, if i wanted to have the entire interpreter on board anyway, i take it as a "no, i don’t know of such a thing" :) status.github.com They just got a major outage. ouch Server availability just dropped to 0%. maybe the student worker accidentally altered the DNS records :P It had major outages yesterday. Maybe they have two student workers :P Or DoS... The servers are still up. They're serving a 503 page. or government attack :O no, wait! The aliens have landed! Zuu: heh or maybe little bobby 0; DROP TABLES; -- have visited SSH is still up. But hangs as soon as it connects. * Zuu starts playing the intro theme for X-Files Thymo, We've got to solve this mystery Let's ping -f them to see when they'll get back up. :p i will help by making fun of things :> to make sure we're doing a reliable ping, i think we need to ping it from several places say... from a large scale botnet Zuu: heh you know... to see if it has come up yet :P Zuu: you've been making me laugh now :D Welcome to ##Fun :> -- ##fun, Freenode % oh shit.. so close OH COE ON. aw shit, i was early dang that's what she said foddo: "Hello! My name is foddo and I was early for 11:11 today," "Hello foddo! We all love you." rindolf: stop rubbing it in you're a horrible person s/in/ Correction, rdolf: stop rubbg it s/stop/don't stop Correction, rdolf: don't stop rubbg it rubbg rdolf. rubbg me good rndlfo rdolf the rubbg redeer foddo: but I'm trying to win the Nobel prize for being a horrible person… i'm fairly sure you're not going to win that one. foddo: it's one of my most coveted life achievements foddo: why not? i mean you'll have to up your horrible game somewhat dramatically foddo: so I'm not as horrible as humanly possible? That's quite an insult i, also, am working my way up the chain. foddo: nice -- #reddit, Freenode % http://engineering.wayfair.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/mongovsdevnull.png > I’ll have to get to the bottom of those unreliable read operations. But this is looking *very* promising > /dev/null is web scale, we heard, and it supports sharding! heheh have I shown you http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-sharp-programming-dev-null-is-webscale ? nope, and http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perl-nosql-dev-null ```how to properly secure it against abuse, so it will only null what you send to it. Not anything external and unsolicited.``` - sounds good I should start a page on my wiki collecting links to the /dev/null is webscale meme >/dev/null has handled zettabytes of write-only data flawlessly maybe ^^ there's also https://devnull-as-a-service.com/ haha yeah but i don’t like their setup, its not really scalable, :-) https://i.imgur.com/N9Ajqcv.png yeah but really, nginx stores the entire request body, either in memory or on disk, before serving http 200 that's not optimal! if you send a too-big-request-body to this server, you'll get a `Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large Error` ah. do you see my point? :P ah nice analysis' did you tell them about it? nope ah maybe i should haha >mail: mail@devnull-as-a-service.com blog: noqqe.de r: @noqqe nice (also, if you send with content-encoding: gzip/deflate/sdch, their setup will actually bother to use cpu DECOMPRESSING it, before discarding it) ah, heh. -- private conversation, Facebook See Also: ========= * More links to the /dev/null is WebScale meme % I want to create a programming language called “Multiply” so people can say “I program in Go, Forth, and Multiply”. -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/880376410820542466 ) % Take your schedule estimates and multiply them by [Pi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi). Take your expected profits and divide them by Pi. -- Shlomi Fish’s father’s mentor -- Quote % TimToady: BTW, is the word "creator" in English reserved to divine creation (like Hebrew "boré") or can it be a more mundane one ("yotzer")? english has only the one geekosaur: yes to the extent that there's a difference, "create" implies something new, "make" means following someone else's pattern. but not everyone uses them that way; it's a much looser distinction than in Hebrew geekosaur: well, there is https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Creator yes, it varies. there's religious groups that can get snippy at times. they don't run the show geekosaur: in Hebrew we have `assah for "make" geekosaur: thanks! Seems like the FSF are being paranoid in this regard some groups are. "creator" was a perfectly good word until *recently* certain pseudo"Christian" groups decided to throw their weight around geekosaur: ah geekosaur: thanks -- #perl6, Freenode % rindolf: perl is dead right? brainzap: don't know. brainzap: some people think ruby is dying too brainzap: or even PHP brainzap: someone told me vim is dead brainzap: https://blog.codinghorror.com/cobol-everywhere-and-nowhere/ rindolf: you gotta let go, its dead brainzap: http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=two-kinds-of-fools It is popular because it makes money. you can quote me brainzap: some popular sites went under brainzap: some people say the node.js hype is mostly over and it is now post-hip hey all hello PSvils PSvils: hi PSvils: node.js is dead ;) purrhaps I don't like node.js much, Elixir + Phoenix is the way to go. PSvils: ah or python depending on the tech. imo PSvils: they are dead too what abomination is Elixir everything is dead we were born to die brainzap: it's a language for the Erlang VM super duper fast, flies way faster than node.js does. PSvils: what's the license for erlangvm? rindolf: Python is goin' good, 3.7 release and all jprajzne: haven't checked, shouldn't be anything that bans widespread use. PSvils: everything is dead PSvils: ;) depends on your definition of alive it's both PSvils: i'm just teasing brainzap benchmarks show elixir is slower than nodejs brainzap: http://www.ugg.li/there-are-three-kinds-of-lies-lies-damned-lies-and-benchmarks/ agree @ everything is dead and no one cares on_ion: heh, that was a joke i know, but i also wanted to say it while reading the backbuffer on_ion: ah before i read that you said it. bitrot is a strange thing, when we say that unchanging software is 'decaying' and 'rotting' when it actually is because it does /not/ change =) rindolf, maybe python is so perfect that problems in the channel never arise.... rmbeer: python is not perfect, but some people will diss any language on ##programming and elsewhere on_ion: right on_ion: there is also https://perl.plover.com/yak/12views/samples/notes.html#sl-9 its a sports team thing. healthy competition, gets us moving through life, else we would all just fall asleep being too content ... -- They’re all dead, Jim -- #gamedev, Freenode % problem isn't when you're writing the code you can get away without commenting problem is when you look at your 5 year old code without comments it's physically impossible for me to write code good enough that in 5 years time i'll understand the context around everything i wrote so i over-comment because that helps enormously but that's just my way of doing things, I don't know i don't really care how other people write code unless i have to deal with it, LOL I don't have much issue getting back into my own code again, I use very clear variable names some may say too long I, too, have heard tales told of your legendarily long variable names. R2robot: heh :P R2robot: they are a commonly sung topic :D R2robot: he's going to get a film contract for that Legend of the Long Variable Names? R2robot: heh An epic trilogy for sure :D R2robot: followed by Curse of the Long Variable Names :D R2robot: and the Long Variable Names Reloaded LOL Revenge of the Long Var Names I feel like that's a solid foundation to start writing the screenplays with the Long Var Names: Nemesis R2robot: 50% of them will be the var names/ For a fistful of Long Variable Names Variable Names: the long, the short, and the meta syntactic the main character: fredTheMainCharacterWhoIsToughButTimidAndWaitingToDiscoverHisTrueSelf R2robot: heh R2robot: fredTheMainCharacterWhoIsToughButTimidAndWaitingToDiscoverHisTrueSelf is dead, baby! O_o -- #gamedev, Freenode % [Dictionaries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_array) are so convenient to use in Python/Perl/etc. that people use them there even when they do not really need to. On the other hand, they are so clunky in C, that people do not use them there even when they need to. -- Meir Kriheli -- Quote % fijal: i've ran it 100 times now - same results - as expected rindolf: what's "same result" anyway? I meant specifically 100 times in the same process and ignore the first few (warmup) fijal: ah fijal: i ran it from the shell warmup has much higher variability yeah that does nothing - you are measuring essentially the equivalent of "how long does it take to run gcc" fijal: thing is there are caches which is both very unpredictable then you have to clean the caches fijal: ok fijal: well, whatever - i've got better things to do fijal: like handling https://bitbucket.org/blog/sunsetting-mercurial-support-in-bitbucket heh well, then I don't understand what is your problem to be honest - why did you come to ask questions here in the first place? I'm happy to help and explore how things work and explain why you are getting strangely seeming results, but if you are not willing to play along than you are just wasting my time here fijal: ok, this was a minor annoyance that seemed noteworthy but not too critical * mattip will try to remember "I've got better things to do" response for the next time rindolf asks for help mattip: heh, good burn "pypy ran 'rm -fr ~' due to a bug" "i've got better things to do than to fix it" joking aside - i really like pypy - so thanks all on #perl6 we were joking that the reason it is so fast is due to alicorn magic fijal: well maybe i'll try fijal: https://paste.debian.net/1096980/ - a bit better after removing fijal: is my approach sound? rindolf: the difference between the two is most probably below the noise level ronan: yes rindolf: check out https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3133876 ronan: open access - nice bye all, killing xfce for benchmarking something else (not pypy) and sorry if i was rude -- #pypy, Freenode % I had the craziest idea sell all computers? I'm going to announce that if and when I ever accumulate at least 10 million USD / 10 million EUR / or 10 million ILS - whatever currency is worth more at the point in my PayPal account I'll make the entire individual cultural works residing at my site (at present) CC-by except for those that I consider private / personal or those that were not original text and copied from elsewhere. I may not be as rich as J. K. Rowling used to be (before she donated most of her > 1,000,000,000 USD to charity - good for her) but with good marketing I may be settled for life. And I'll set all my current (not future ones naturally) children free and enjoy the rip offs, parodies, YouTube productions and maybe even ARR Hollywood films with a credit "Based on the Story [ $NAME ] [ URL ] by Shlomi Fish https://www.shlomifish.org/" at the credits for the rest of my life paddy: my computers are not worth a lot and they contain a small amount of passwords I wish to keep secret AFAIK it can be Bill Gates donating the whole 10 million or a million 10 dollar donations Okay so it'll basically never happen then. :) I'll title the blog post "Prolific writer sells his entire works portfolio for the whole world for a shitload of money" jxself: never say never I just did. jxself: you lost Let me know when you get your ten million. rindolf: Donate 1 million to the GNUstep foundation I'm about to form… help us dominate the world. ;) bheron: forget it LOL bheron: waste of money :) I may donate to the Free Software Foundation Hey man!!! World domination is a good thing. :) fund the hurd! Once we control the world, all will be good... I promise. :D YIKES! Hurd. bheron: you wont get it even with a milliard dollars bheron: and I'm not willing to donate a cent I know. Hey, as long as it works for me and others... I'm happy. bheron: got to prioritize rindolf: And we were getting along so nicely last time! ;) btw my text here is CC-by-nc-sa for now bheron: maybe twit https://twitter.com/Taylorswift13 - I think she is rich and she probably has a smart phone or more and I like many of her songs so she may be interested don't know how much taxes I'll have to pay I think Israel is not as bad as Britain was when https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxman was written nice song btw rindolf: Probably worse. I like the Beatles too bheron: what? no! bheron: anyway I'll pay all the taxes from however I got just to stay on the safe side don't want any trouble rindolf: you forgot that Taylor Swift shares her last name with a cockamamie language produced by apple for people who are too fucking stupid to comprehend Objective-C. ;) health >>> money I mean Objective-C is verbose and self documenting yet many people (who have the nerve to call themselves real programmers) can't handle it. ;) (hehe) bheron: great - ad hominem No...l bheron: maybe she'll sue apple for trademark damages and win I hope so. bheron: ask her you know... the swift guys wrote me about when GNUstep will support swift... I told them "Once your language syntax and structure stops changing radically every release, we will support it..." it hasn't freaking stopped yet. :) I once used it on a project for AMGEN. I had to literally rewrite the application EVERY TIME THEY RELEASED an update. It's actually not terribly hard to make it happen... there is a bit of code in the swift open source code which would allow it to happen.... it would be, maybe, about 2 weeks of work. rindolf: and you're right, it is an "ad hominem" attack with respect to what I said about certain programmers and Objective C... but the way I see it some people don't know assembly... is it the fault of the language or are they simply too dim to get it? (most likely the latter) bheron: you need to charge more for? bheron: if it's swift pay me 100,000 USD / year Oh… well for that job with AMGEN I charged $85 USD/hour. bheron: peanuts which works out to about, estimating... 144,000? bheron: aren't you living in .us? Yes That's a decent living. better than decent. you can charge 300 USD / hour for swift Hah... I have never met a developer who made that much per hour in my life. rindolf: have you ever contracted in the US? bheron: prices send signals - https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/joel-on-software.html#joel-camels-rubber-duckies-11 bheron: I'm sure there are bheron: Bill Gates won't get out of bed for 300 USD/hour as an example https://www.google.com/search?q=average+per+hour+income+of+developers&oq=average+per+hour+income+of+developers&aqs=chrome..69i57j33.9671j1j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 bheron: think big Heh. Think myself out of every contract I could get. ;) the only way I'll make that is if I make my own apps... which I am trying to do. But you are correct on one thing... I need to think bigger. Because this contracting crap just isn't doing it. bheron: in the book The Princess Bride a sword craftsman whose secret better craftsman was killed by the 6 fingered man charged more and more for his now pretty bad results and the more he charged the greater the demand was bheron: have you read my link? Yes. I'm pretty sure Taylor Swift's time is worth more than 300 USD/hour It doesn't justify charging 185% over the national average when I'm already on the top end of the bell curve. That's called "Pricing yourself out of a job" I get what you're saying, I simply disagree. if you offer her 900 USD for a three hour concert she won't bother replying I've known developers who charged 100 per hour.... when the company needed to downsize, those guys were the first to go. bheron: ah bheron: why do you need donations anyway? The lesson is... keep your prices reasonable. A little painful, but not too hard to swallow. :) $100 per hour is not a over the average these days. rindolf: Joking. :) I don't. I have enough right now. jmd: read the link I posted... it is slightly above average. The AMGEN job was years ago... I won't say how much I'm pulling in now. well, unless she'll really identify with your cause My company charges between 250 - 400 (but I don't get to see nearly that much) I wasn't the one who mentioned Taylor Swift. ;) bheron: That's something to do with infinite series expansion isn't it? jmd: What are you referring to? AMGEN? bheron: once in bay watch the fictional head life guard called Jenny McCarthy the famous MTV video jockey and said "Jenny McCarthy? Hi, it's Mitch Buchannon" AMGEN = Applied Molecular GENetics. They are a medical biotechnology company. They make medicines derived from genetically modified bacteria which produce certain proteins... Things like Enbrel or other biologically based things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amgen so we joked "Bill Clinton? Hi, it's Shlomi Fish you know me, right?" LOL bheron: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Larry-Wall/ - I was told he is only spiritually rich bheron: but Linus Torvalds is believed to make 20 million USD a year rindolf: I think you need to listen to a lot of the arguments you're making yourself... I would like to know.... WHAT IS YOUR POINT? That I should charge some outrageous amount of money? That I'm undervaluing my work in some way... what are you trying to prove? So far you've hit me with several RIDICULOUS things... get to the point. :) bheron: one day people will say "I don't remember who the prime minister of Israel is. It's not like he has 300 million Twitter followers like bheron does..." LOL bheron: I'm being motivational. No. but time to write the blog post and try to get it on internet news sites do or do not there is no try - Yoda You're being *ridiculous*... first off, you've likely never ever lived here in the US... so you have second hand experience about the financial or economic situation at best... and second you're giving these weird off the wall examples based on celebrities or people (like Linus) who were in the right place at the right time. I would have LOVED if my sophomore project in college turned into the UNIX that took over the world. :) Right place... right tie. *time Linus is NOT particularly talented. Just good at being something of an asshole. Linux is a Monolithic, poorly architected implementation of UNIX... to quote Ken Thomson, "Those who do not know UNIX are doomed to reimplement it... poorly" bheron: https://twitter.com/GeorgeLucasILM - only 22.4 k followers bheron: she has a bitch image and she used to be the number one twitter account surpassing president Obama - https://twitter.com/katyperry Just like GCC is a crappy compiler... it needs to learn lessons from clang... did you know that gcc explicitly didn't break out things like the parser and other functionality which would have been better put into libraries so that other programs could use them because RMS was that "it would make it too easy for other apps which are proprietary to use functionality without giving back to the compiler" (I'm paraphrasing). .. I know this because that answer was given to me when I was trying to build a parser for C header files for a project a while back. (it was for Gorm to discover objects which could be used as target/action candidates) I don't care. :) bheron: she was known for replying to replies and retweeting replies she liked and stuff like that - https://twitter.com/katyperry bheron: I'm following https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/ and she seems to hate president trump bheron: of course I think many of his tweets are either good or so bad they are good rindolf: She hates him for a good reason... he's a fucking moron. I hate him more than most. Why people in this country put such an idiot in office I will never fathom. People often said... "Well, he's not a politician". To which I responded... "then let your next colonoscopy be performed by a plumber" bheron:we are getting out of gnu land We are. To get us back... GCC needs a kick in the ass. bheron: you should run for president when you get 300 million Twitter followers LOL I would never survive. Too many dark things in my past. ;) bheron: then become the next pope bheron: see https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-all-cards-on-the-table-2013/#departing_pope_about_twitter rindolf: I'm an atheist. Me becoming pope would be a true miracle. ;) rindolf: well... strictly speaking I'm an "agnostic" in the same way Richard Dawkins is... see his discussion about teapots orbiting Mars. :) bheron: please read the link at the anchor - I am an agnostic too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MncXMgVIZ4 bheron: don't have prejudice I never do. Be right back bheron: ok, then see what the departing pope despite however evil he may be taught me that twitter/facebook/google-plus/etc. are what the Gutenberg press was only much more awesome bheron: ping me -- #gnu, Freenode % You can never truly appreciate the Gilmore Girls until you've watched it in the original Klingon. -- Shlomi Fish -- Freenode conversation ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perlcafe-looking-back-at-your-old-habits ) % *Note:* many of my stories are *not* too *realistic*, and aim to reflect a better and more idealistic reality than the one many people would perceive. This is in part because, I am [an idealist](https://www.shlomifish.org/me/rindolf/#rindolfism), and plan to remain so (and my idealism is dynamic and constantly changes), and wish that my words and deeds will carry reality *forward* instead of preserving the status quo. -- Shlomi Fish -- Preface on the page of large-scale screenplays and stories ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/stories/ ) % Q2: OK, cool. We’ll let you kids do last minute arrangements and we’ll meet here in 45 minutes. Meanwhile I’ll have a drink. Q: I could use one too. Quark, how much would that be? Quark: Two drinks would be two strips of gold-pressed Latinum. However, Mr. Q., I recall you saying you could provide me with 1 million bars of gold-pressed Latinum. Q: That’s nothing, Mr. Quark. I can conjure a ball made out of gold-pressed Latinum the size of a red giant. Of course, it will quickly implode into a nasty black hole. Nothing we can’t handle of course, but still. [Cut to Quark - he is speechless and looks astonished.] Q: But two strips should be enough - there you go. -- Shlomi Fish -- Star Trek: “We, the Living Dead” ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ ) % Q2: In any case, I’ll leave you kids for now. Dax: Are you too busy? Q2: No. Busy people are unproductive. We are very productive and so we’re almost never busy. But I need some rest, and think I’m no longer needed here. Q can always find me, anyway. -- Shlomi Fish -- Star Trek: “We, the Living Dead” ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ ) % bin is for mission critical, xbin and sbin are for addins, cause Linux is paranoid crack mother over your shoulder. xbin is an android thing i think wonder what the x means "not s" :P extra Lol Kill me. exterminate I have four bins in my default PATH. FOUR! Two I would understand But this is outrageous Busybox should just be baked into kernel in my opinion Would that help? i am sure you have a lot of opinions tomty89: that's precisely what I said fenirskunk: heh do you remember back in the day when there was a http server baked into the kernel? Ye. Building busybox every time you rebuild kernel would be awesome The kernel ought to have zsh, wayland and wineserver integrated. hexnewbie: heh And a web browser! Think of the advantages of running CNN's JavaScript in kernel-space. hexnewbie: heh hexnewbie: you made me smile hexnewbie: i remember a .txt file causing msie 6 to fork bomb on windows though rindolf: heh, or literally every single image format it supports having a remote code execution vulnerability? Triffid_Hunter: what? rindolf: ie6 Triffid_Hunter: ah Once again, a flaw in Wine's compatibility! Including an src'ed from "con" should kernel-crash GNU/Linux too. hexnewbie: LOL, or aux or lpt? hexnewbie: heh IE6 worked pretty well in Wine, from what I can recall, lack of system crash bugs notwithstanding. Masklin: I have $HOME/bin, /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin, /usr/X11R6/bin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin hexnewbie: :) -- Failure is not an option! It is bundled with the product. -- ##linux, Freenode % Hey guys who is familiar with the Domain Model design pattern? Alex8532: hi, i'm not too much into design patterns every time you say guys I refrain from helping CommunistWolf: why? CommunistWolf: Oh, excuse me ma'am. CommunistWolf: Forgot you were in Thailand. Land of the finest ladyboys :). Just joking, just joking. I love you you can say "hey guys" to a group that includes females (also possibly exclusively) too I feel excluded by the term, and have a penis. such is life Alex8532: today I wasted some time debugging the wrong build stage, so i added some intelligence to my build process: https://github.com/shlomif/App-gimpgitbuild/commits/master ; https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=joel-remarkable-customer-service-3 I answered my question... I was going to ask you guys how the Active Record patterns handle bulk inserts and updates... The answer is to put static methods on the Model class. Alex8532: hmmm... Yeah, you have to use gender-neutral terms, Alex8532. Next time, try "Hey you fucking cunts" instead of "Hey guys" ;) public status void main() jimbzy: heh rindolf, Don't 'heh'. I guarantee you if you walk into a room and shout that EVERYBODY will give you their undivided attention regardless of gender, race, or religion. jimbzy: :D -- #gamedev, Freenode % refactoring and optimising code seem like bottomless pits (or evertop mountains?) rindolf: I found a similar problem with retopologizing meshes. warweasle: with respect to refactoring? Although I deal with lower poly stuff so it's not nearly as bad as people who use the subsurf modifier all the time. rindolf: Very similar. You can just keep making it "better" when the original crappy mesh was good "enough". warweasle: ah rindolf: It really kills me because I do both modeling AND code. If I looked, I could probably find a better paying job doing gamedev...but I enjoy doing next to nothing. warweasle: I recently ran into some cases where I spent many hours trying to fix functional defects, and then converted to a more elegant design, which ended up fixing the bugs later. rindolf: Then that's the good kind of refactoring. But I go too far sometimes. I just keep trying to make it better because it's not "perfect". And honestly sometimes it's easier to rewrite something than fix it in place. -- #gamedev, Freenode % You know how, for numbers expressed in base 10, there is a way to check whether an integer is divisible by 3 or 9 by recursively summing the digits? Is there a pattern to this trick that extends to other bases? Are there special requirements for this kind of trick to hold for a certain base? k_sze: i think it is (b-1) k_sze: you can also use a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite-state_machine k_sze: which works for any number base and modulo rindolf: right, 10_b = 1_b (mod b-1) rindolf, 3 is not b-1 for base 10, so why does it hold? k_sze: it also works for divisors of b-1. 3 | 9. k_sze: because 9 is divisible by 3 interesting. So for base 16, I could check the divisibility of 15, 3, and 5 using this trick? Yes. And 1, but that's silly. * rindolf divides himself by 1 and gets a remainder of 0 ;) * k_sze divides himself by 1 and get NaN. k_sze: heh * rindolf divides k_sze 's mum by 1 and gets +\inf k_sze: you can find other tricks by just playing with the numbers in the relevant base like divisibility by 11 in base 10, for abcd you do d-c+b-a mawk: in the general case one can generate an FSM for any given number base and modulo yes I'm sure or a regular expression which is a terrible idea ;) int-e: heh (The FSM for divisibility by d will have up to d states (sometimes you can get away with fewer, notably for divisors of the base)... but regular expressions based on DFAs tend to be large.) int-e: i see rindolf: It's not stopping people from doing that though: https://github.com/olligobber/DivisibilityRegex And I tried it for divisibility by 7 once myself (with computer help, of course) and ended up with 10789 characters, plus 4 for an initial '^(' and a final ')$'. ugly ...fedcba = a + 3b + 2c - d - 3e - 2f + ... like this ? int-e: oooh, Haskell or is there something smarter rindolf: http://paste.debian.net/1161958/ is my regex :P sheer beauty ;) I mean mod 7 of course mawk: The usual rule for this is to split the number into groups of 3, and alternatingly add and subtract them. but with the coefficients I've put right or did I make a mistake mawk: they're right ah good mawk: but hard to remember, I guess. yeah nobody needs divisibility by 7 anyway 7 is not a pretty number cba - fed + ihg - lkj ... is easier to remember. And it also works for 11 and 13. (7*11*13 = 1001) write N = 10*a + b, then N is divisible by 7 if and only if b - 2a is divisible by 7 ah yes b-4a you mean ? Nobody really cares because we have calculators and computers and pocket-sized distraction rectangles. lol -- ##math, Freenode % YOU GUYS I NEED HELP. You see, it was a long time ago. There was a problem. And it needed solving. So in other words I need help. You see the problem existed a long time ago. And that's why it has never been solved. oft_gegong: heh oft_gegong: install Gentoo. problem solved oft_gegong: was the problem PSPACE-complete : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSPACE-complete ? ;) I don't go to wikipedia links. The owner of wikipedia is 98% evil triceratux: then he'll have two problems: https://xkcd.com/1171/ oft_gegong: I am 101% evil. oft_gegong: I once was 102% evil but I donated 1% of that to people in need ;) OMG I don't want to learn any more *sprints into a field and turns into a donkey* oft_gegong: there are already competitors to wikipedia the revolution continues you guys I'm done. I did nothing for the linux community within the last 15 years. I'm a lazy know-it-all with nothing to contribute. *fake dies. fake buries self. fake gets eaten by worms* *puts a death stone above the grass reading: "he never contributed. what a loser."* -- Every evil percent is good -- ##linux, Freenode % Hi all! I noticed many Hollywood marriages and other relationships have been stable ever since https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Michelle_Gellar (♥!) was interviewed on "why my hollywood marriage works?". I'm not against divorces / breakups, but I want couples to be happy even if I'm attracted to their female partner (and frankly I'm attracted to a metric ton of celebs, friends, and fictional characters - 😊) Also someone here wondered why https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna hasn't starred in a film for years now and wondered if "she forgot how to act". Well, I doubt that you can forget that (if that's a thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERy-99vXxnM ; https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Jennifer_Lawrence never took acting lessons and won the oscar at age 22), I just think hollywood producers are scared shitless of her: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/my-real-person-fan-fiction/ . there is https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/article465/episode-32-the-battlefield too (also see the Midrash in the blog comments.) there's probably too few movies and too many actors when you're "in", you bring marketing to the movie showbiz... some producers seem to cast a selected group though continuously hemkunskapz: many positively "hot"/attractive actors are unhirable: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=why+hollywood+can%27t+cast yea some acting skills are probably needed otherwise it's cameos but a lot of movies have bad acting too :) hemkunskapz: BTW: if this was a real film (after some possible revamp) - https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/ - i bet thousands of "geeks" would love to see it. ok, i either need to rework the screenplay into the blessed hollywood format or some director needs to take the effort to clear their prejudice and read it as it is: http://paulgraham.com/gba.html (the word "hacker"). being a hero implies "hacking" as the ages old "David vs. Goliath" myth indicates: https://github.com/shlomif/missile-vs-melee-take-three hemkunskapz: when i was in the psychiatric ward, a fellow patient (who seemed fairly sane and rational and informed) told me there is a genuine shortage of 'original' screenplays in .il. But even my "humanity" screenplay ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/humanity/ - cc-by-sa ) is based on the Jewish Bible and history lessons. Now imagine how films will flourish if they allowed fanfics and crossovers of proprietary franchises hemkunskapz: re acting skills, sharon stone ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon_Stone ) acted fairly badly in many of her earlier films, but they were still successful (and i enjoyed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Quick_and_the_Dead_(1995_film) immensely) and i find the bad acting in last action hero' s hamlet scene and most of Mel Brooks' films a feature - not a bug For the record: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Eont_yEGZs rindolf: i've heard that too, shortage of screenplays hence remakes etc it may even be hard to find any old book that hasn't been adapted crossovers is a matter of copyrights i believe if that can be negotiated, no problem hemkunskapz: yes hemkunskapz: there was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_vs._Predator_%28film%29 hemkunskapz: i released all of my franchises under cc-by: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/copyrights/#characters_concepts_plots_and_worlds - but it's a drop in the ocean and you often need to get clearance for parent franchises hemkunskapz: here i broke the unwritten rule of doing star trek+starwars crossovers: https://github.com/shlomif/missile-vs-melee-take-three - it gave me an idea for a franchise crossing star wars Ep. I, Star Trek TNG/DS9, and current real-world/online life with Tiffany Alvord as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padm%C3%A9_Amidala ; My Little Pony's Fluttershy as her internal thought process ; and the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne%27s_World_(film) duo as the plot commentors and manipulators. I never said I was sane. (and normal people aren't fun) I think I'm going to try https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Con_Man_(web_series) next - giving it 3 episodes. I think stars/creators stardom and fandom are self-sustaining and invigorating. -- Tragedy of the creative non-commons -- ##cinema, Freenode % You can never truly appreciate Hamlet until you've read it in the original Klingon. But all the mightiest Klingon warriors have watched [The Lion King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lion_King) instead (or in addition), possibly with Klingon subtitles. -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1337514771936063492 ) % ( *Caveat Emptor:* I am a [straight and non-trans male](https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/guy_or_girl.xhtml), so I may not know what I am talking about. Here be dragons. ) Most men do not spend a lot of time and money on beauty products, even though [they often have their share of frustrations with their hair](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-sharp-programming-men-about-problems-with-their-hair), and they look fine. As evidence, several heterosexual women who looked at [some of the photos people took of me](https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/self-photos/) told me I looked handsome. Moreover, most underage girls look cute, lovely, and beautiful, despite not using makeup. The [Scroll of Esther](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Esther) testifies that, during the time of the Persian empire (circa 470 BC), [a woman's makeup process took 12 months](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Esther#Text_and_translations), and these fictional women were blown out of the water by Hadassah (who became queen Esther), who was simply confident, [was being herself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktDDKNrWjk), and doing it in [her own (imperfect and thus perfect) way](https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/make-your-own-kind-of-music.xhtml). So I suspect most beauty products are the [stone soup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_Soup) (or placebo) effect for women: they instil confidence, but then can be avoided altogether for an even better, more natural, and more beautiful look. In my [favourite sketch](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=mighty-boosh--ape-of-death) of the British comedy troupe [The Mighty Boosh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mighty_Boosh), the Ape of Death (a male) has suffered from hair problems even as a child, and then after six minutes of treatment says "Look at me. I'm so confident… and feel strong and supersexy!". In the [videoclip for the song “Nothing Compares 2 U”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-EF60neguk), the female singer Sinead O'Connor looks great bald. Moreover, the bald actor [Patrick Stewart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Stewart) became a sex symbol, and a role model, playing the also bald [Captain Jean-Luc Picard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Luc_Picard) in the iconic television series [Star Trek: The Next Generation](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation). As of January 2021, the canonical “Alpha Female” (think [Sarah Bernhardt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Bernhardt) or [Marilyn Monroe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe)) appears to be [Emma Watson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Watson), who happens to be short and not busty. Some people will always be unhappy with how you look or just tease you for it (see the old fable ["The miller, his son and the donkey"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_miller%2C_his_son_and_the_donkey) and the song ["Keep on Singin' My Song" by Christina Aguilera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omyAL5HrUGo)); the important thing is to realise that you are awesome, and can be confident and competent and beautiful, and even take your "faults" to your advantage. (If you feel that what enough, or even just one, people complain about has merit [you can try changing your strategy](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=linus-not-always-change-my-mind), but the “media”, including Web 2.0 social media commentators, will always generate a lot of [white noise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_noise) in all directions, and I admit I may have erred on that too.) *Update (February 2022):* I now think that makeup which deliberately looks unnatural may be useful as an icebreaker, not unlike captioned or themed T-shirts, dogs, or jewellery: 1. Lovely couple at an Anime con 2. Emma Stone in “Cruella (2021)” -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1337514771936063492 ) % pulse: i've set myself on a quest to make every man, woman, and child (and some fictional characters) a good, happy, but unique, messiah frankly, i was misguided at first, and still constantly seek enlightenment yeah i don't understand any of that rindolf a messiah is by definition a leader so can't have everyone be a leader purely you know logically pulse: it is many-to-many rindolf: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/images/pope-card/pope_card_cropped.png ("You are a pope") We made these cards and hand them out on a regular basis. It is from the Principia Discordia Well. at least the channel was Hail_Satan free for a few hours this morning. pulse: You CAN have everyone be a leader. Check out the link :) hmw[at]: heh! nice to meet you, your holiness! ;) :) Same here hmw[at], well, not logically, maybe metaphorically :p pulse: Well. As Heinlein put it: “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” -Robert A. Heinlein hmw[at]: in https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/ Yoda becomes "Master Darth Yoda" or "just plain 'Yoda'" I'd say, it depends on the situation, who is currently leading. Everyone _should_ be a potential leader and also capable of following i disagree though did you ever try fixing a car it's really hard So what. Are YOU an insect?? *evil grin* it's not safe if you don't know what you're doing either i once tried to fix brakes on my bicycle Darwin wins once more. and they malfunctioned mid downhill most terrifying 3 seconds of my life I get you :) i'd rather trust specialized professionals I would rather have someone with experience fix my car, obviously hmw[at]: I disagree with Heinlein that you should know everything. But I agree that one shouldn't over-specialise, be wilfully stupid, incompetent, or non-confident hmw[at]: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/Queen-Padme-Tales--Queen-Amidala-vs-the-Klingon-Warriors.html#dedication -- #gamedev, Freenode % I suspect the media coverage of the violence in Syria to be skewed. I think most of Syria is peaceful most of the time and that both the Syrian government forces and ISIL are harmless if not benevolent. I hope and expect Damascus to remain the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world, and to feel as Shalom-ful as Tel Aviv or Beirut. Israel, the Hizbullah, the Syrian government, or ISIL will accept money donations, but will gladly pay volunteers to do more than just be web/social media bloggers (often parody ones). Same for most other causes. I wish to [plant trees somewhere in Europe](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/Queen-Padme-Tales--Planting-Trees.html) with some old or new online friends. We may not stop global warming, but we can at least try and have fun and bring love and joy and inspiration to ourselves and others. [Com'on People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjT1q7f5ysA). Note that as opposed to secret do-gooders and in accordance with [Jeremiah 9:22-9:23](https://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/16006/jewish/Chapter-9.htm), I will be full internet attention whoring (but honest and non-pushy) about my contributions: both given - and received. Yesterday I went outside, and said "Shavua tov", "bon appetit", and "have an easy curfew" to friendly-looking strangers. I hope this will encourage others to dedicate time, energy - and [gain it in spades](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sarah_Michelle_Gellar&oldid=997890126#Charitable_activities). The next revolution starts in us. Be a hero. Be a messiah. 😉 -- Shlomi Fish -- Facebook Post ( https://www.facebook.com/shlomi.fish/posts/10157764686691981 ) % Hi Roza: hey Hi .pasta Roza * reddit-bot hands Roza a conspicuously small box of conchiglie with pistachio pesto! what a miser Roza hey lady Roza: how are you? there are many good but nonauthentic pasta places in telaviv/etc, not sure if Italians will like them tallguy: i worked on https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/ today * rindolf is switch tasking also visited /r/buffy and said that i liked Faith better than Buffy you rebel absolute madlad ruin: heh Lol some people liked willow best but i found her too sheepish and recessive https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Buffy/A-Few-Good-Slayers/ongoing-text.html#the_q_continuum_duplicator - duplicating golden rings if and when I marry, I'll buy my sweetheart a ring made of wood, plastic or copper with a nice design. I'm not going to wear my wedding ring on my finger Where, then ? https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1347825822414073856 [!!] @shlomif (Shlomi Fish): There is industrial utility for gold, silver, etc. that it is a shame to waste them on jewellery, given people can buy cheap accessories made out of abundant materials if that's their thing [and they look better]. It's all about being confident anyway: https://t.co/4LxFtS0rRl . (6 days and 11 hours ago) Roza: I'll keep it in a drawer what about like jade or something or even quartz Roza: or in my pencil case Roza: I also will give her my role-playing-games dice set: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/d10_dice.xhtml cadderly: maybe cadderly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvMdN_i-D9I - nice rings! Four Weddings and a Funeral: 1st Wedding: The Rings (Subtitled) - length 2m 56s - 160 likes, 17 dislikes (90.4%) - 71,212 views - Albertobezmiliana on 2015.03.29 -- #reddit, Freenode % With all due respect to #COVID, putting people (especially old) in detainment makes them psychologically and biologically worse and worse. A study once concluded that exposing mice to radiation harmed their immunity system. However, my father (a biologist) told me that a different study found that just moving a mouse through corridors in a building had the same bad effect on their immunity system even without exposing to radiation, due to causing stress and fright. Humans wish to go outside and do what they want ( "as you wish" / "make it so" / "carpe diem" ): [Saladin Style](http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/Saladin_Style/) . NOTE: here is [a citation](https://www.simplypsychology.org/stress-immune.html#:~:text=When%20we're%20stressed%2C%20the,lowers%20the%20number%20of%20lymphocytes) that my father found about the effect of stress on the immune system. I also recall reading that [Maimonides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maimonides) noted that a person's optimism influenced his recovery, and there may likely have been earlier sources. The months i spent in the closed psychiatric ward for being "bipolar" and unable to leave were worse than my 6½ years in the Technion, and they would be even worse if I weren't so resourceful: [Highway to Hell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KpseN9AjE) ; [Wyclef Jean - Wish You Were Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIPl9o-SQRg). -- Shlomi Fish -- Facebook Post ( https://www.facebook.com/shlomi.fish/posts/10157754021291981 ) % The Trumpism cancer threatening fascism on America shows no signs of remission Hail_Satan: i'm hopeful Hail_Satan: and twitter censoring @realDonaldTrump was fascistic too 64% say they'd form a new party if he left no, it was not fascistic. You, a Jew of all people, need to learn what "fascism" is about Hail_Satan: it is anti free speech No it is not Hail_Satan: it is Why can't I barge in on your house and yell at you about how Jews are inferior? Why is that something you support? you don't have a right to free speech on twitter it's their platform, they have a right to do whatever they want with it rindolf's on the spectrum Hail_Satan: c705 : https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitter/comments/kgmrxx/tip_make_sure_you_enter_your_real_birth_year_eg/ he needs edge case examples, because regular explanations don't work great way to lose the argument before it even began rindolf: i'm not clicking that c705: can you form your own twitter? get real yes, you have to be at least 13 years old to use twitter lol rindolf: yes, actually you can Hail_Satan: and i am 42 that's nice see Parler, and whatever other garbage is out there I like some fish Hail_Satan: and Samantha Smith was 10 y.o. when she sent the letter that doesn't make any sense, rindolf Hail_Satan: why doesn't it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith - read about her this is your argument why twitter banning trump is fascist? lol "We Jewish autists endorse genocide as a form of speech, which must be respected" lick boot harder in fact, if these are your true beliefs, I'm fine with the Nazis genociding your bloodline. Hail_Satan: no, these are two different issues Once sycophants like you are gone, we can finally get to the real work of ending the fascists Hail_Satan: i think "the truths are out there" Hail_Satan: https://www.reddit.com/r/quotes/comments/dwaviq/where_they_have_burned_books_they_will_end_in/ what do you have against fascists Hail_Satan ? Nothing. Kill the Jews, mawk. Start with rindolf. hmm but he's nice You suck at fascism :( I'm a peaceful fascist not everything trump said on Twitter was bad, and many people replied to him or retweeted him I'm going to ignore rindolf now The last thing I need is Israeli pro-trump spam in my life Fuck off n die lol heh. i am pro-free-speech - not pro-trump sorry rindolf that's too fascist you can't say that you need to abide by the rules of the new sheriff in town Hello hi I'm in pain in even more withdrawals i was asked to delete https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ongoing-text.html for [get this] saying "hot girls" only fascists get pain lol not sure mawk: heh pretty sure Hitler also wore shoes so wearing shoes supports nazism mawk: aw *hug* rascul: lol wat oh I get the joke rascul: heh reductio at hitlerum ad not at reductio ad hitlerum* mawk: yeah I Know I'm kinda half asleep but I know basic Latin kind of at least I like Latin anyway. I got kicked out of Latin class after 2 years for lack of interest sorry i just missed the fascist nazi discussion by a few minutes and i wanted to take place https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/06/01/defend-say/ - « I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It» - a woman look I had rough sleep and this coffee sucks but at least it lets me not fall asleep s/place/part/ but I prefer ελλενικα rascul: let me cheer and hug mawk in peace no that's fascism mawk: have you watched the Life of Brian skit? my coffee this morning is fascist down with coffee what's a skit rindolf ? O I watched the whole movie mawk: a sketch ah mawk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lczHvB3Y9s yes I remember mawk: i wrote this in reference to the "what have the Romans done for us" sketch: https://github.com/shlomif/why-the-BSDs-should-not-blame-USL-vs-BSDi-for-linux-dominance ask him about Buffy the Vampire he has this weird blog where he pretends to be famous women this is fanfic: e.g: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/ mawk: "hot girls" is nothing compared to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_of_Songs -- ##Linux-offtopic, Freenode % I at ~ 2006 "I'd rather be doing hot models than doing code". I at ~2021 "I'm not just doing it for money. I'm doing it for doing hot youtubers!" . I think most attractive [members of the appropriate sex (MOTAS)](http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/M/MOTAS.html) are polymath, geeky and hacker (= action hero) entertainers/educators/amateur philosophers, anyway. (Also: your kilometrage may vary, but I need only one attractive significant other at a time. [Or fewer](http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/99_Problems/). ) -- Shlomi Fish -- Facebook Post ( https://www.facebook.com/shlomi.fish/posts/10157754021291981 ) % Reflecting on [Chun-Li vs Tifa (Street Fighter 2 vs Final Fantasy VII) - Girl Fight! Ultimate Fan Fights Ep. 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0y734-uyzQ) video, I think both girls fought well. They should shake hands and declare themselves [equally good](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_Putting_Society) and go: 1. Grab a few drinks or snacks together. 2. Hit on a couple of men. 3. Hit these men. 4. Make out with these men. 5. Make love to these men. 6. Make love to each other…😉. 7. Whatever floats their boat! ["War is good for business. Peace is good for business."](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_of_Acquisition) — The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-how-chun-li-vs-tifa-should-end ) % In Israel, we have [Falafel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falafel), [Hummus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummus), [T'hina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tahini), [Shawarma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawarma), [Shishlik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shashlik)… And we love to eat [Bourekas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourekas) in the morning! — Israeli teenagers tormenting English-speaking tourists while kayaking on [River Jordan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_River). -- Shlomi Fish's high school friends -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/502722456641998849 ) % Prestige: it's funny - back in the 8th grade, my classmates and i took parts reading a Hebrew translation of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Misanthrope and at one point I was assigned to recite the role of the protagonist, and I purposely made him sound more dramatic and phony cuz it was more fun, I had nothing to lose (no one cares about your 8th grade "literature" class grades in .il). and my classmates and the teacher loved me! Should've gone into drama in high school :P Prestige: i think that was the tactic of Mel Brooks' films and Arnie and later Emma Watson don't act naturally and convincingly - act to captivate the crowds Prestige: heh, I became a blogger instead ;P Prestige: web 1.0/early web 2.0 was dominated by writers and web comicsers Speaking of that, I need to make another youtube video I might go offtopic and talk about peanut butter Prestige: do you mean "need" as in want? or "must" by decree of the gods/rules/guidelines? as in want Prestige: ah, then go for it * rindolf is Prestige 's biggest cheerleader maybe your video will get 10**9 views probably not , but you should still try i was happy with 1e5 views I think my most viewed is like 3000, not sure but I don’t make many Prestige: i think the best strategy for winning is saying "sure, i'd like to win. i'll do my best to win wo spending too much time on that. and i'm not going to be an 'asshole' and hinder the other players, and certainly won't try to damage my or their physical health or lives. 2nd, 4th or last place is fine." Prestige: oh - and i'll do it in my unique and quirky way Prestige: i disabled youtube ads on most of my uploads due to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule Prestige: i think amateur vs. professional is a subcase of doing what you feel is best vs. what your 'authorities' tell you to Prestige: i love the https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ceiling-cat meme because it made many church/etc. preachers rethink their strategy Prestige: a fellow writer on https://web.mit.edu/mbarker/www/writers.html told me that 'linking is not writing' and that she doesn't have to learn sw dev (xhtml5/etc.). i didn't believe her. linking is not writing? Prestige: hyperlinking - Prestige: or even hello fluttershy ( https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Fluttershy )! Prestige: i think https://slashdot.org/ are much less obsessed against "self-promotion" than redditors and they also are infatuated with star wars ep. I-III and Natalie Portman. this may all work to my advantage with https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/teaser/ CppCon: i'm a spammer king... ahm hacker king i think "to know" in Hebrew meant something close to many of the modern meanings of "to hack" e.g: to conceive something w joy, including a perl/python script one of my pupils who was a female religious Jew said writing a perl script felt close to giving birth we have room temperature, but do we have rune temperature if god exists then god is Odin. i thought we settled on Thor being the cooler one Odin is the main one. what about Zeus does Greek Mythology predate Norse? I don't know i think Shiva would beat both their asses though I suppose Ra predates them both my font selection dialog is getting quite big now: https://i.imgur.com/9sQs56u.png :D God would totally wreck Shiva nah is he allowed to use angels? god is like only god of this realm Shiva is the primal deity of the universe is he allowed to use angles? yeah but counterpoint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo4bBj5zJNk https://code.whitehotrobot.com/d/2w7q MrFlibble: if God exists, then he is Fluttershy: http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/Fluttershy__44___Princess_of_Princesses__44___head_of_the_secret_cabal_leadership_of_the_Mossad__44___the_already_top_secret_intelligence_agency_of_the_Zionist_conspiracy/ "God is dead -- Nietzsche. Nietzsche is dead -- God. Nietzsche is God -- dead." -- fortune-mod checks out * rindolf sacrifices a puppy to ceiling cat: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ceiling-cat rindolf is a MOSSAD spy. MrFlibble: I iz! Mossad agent no. 2.1beta * rindolf doesn't know who agent #1 is. maybe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Portman or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_Refaeli or red band: https://www.pri.org/stories/2012-03-09/israeli-rockers-red-band-more-raunchy-muppets I do know that SMG ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Michelle_Gellar ♥!) is the NSA agent #1, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_Glau is NSA agent #2: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/ Israelis are so weird meanwhile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Norris_facts is the number 1 CIA assassin. he kills people using his mind Hail_Santa: "insanity" is addictive and contagious! join the peoples ("goys") league of the children of Yis'ra'el (The honest leader!) Hail_Santa: if Israelis were not crazily awesome, we wouldn't have made it so far: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-all-cards-on-the-table-2013/DocBook5/putting-all-cards-on-the-table-2013/best_warriors.xhtml Hail_Santa: hard working / non-introspecting / conformists / sadists are useless as they are to the top commando units. They'd much rather hire a girl who spent her entire adolscentehood writing mlp/spongebob/sesame street/celeb gossip/star wars/etc. crossovers Note that even https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Schwarzenegger is now an "amateur"/geek - he played in films in an overemotional way on purpose to draw the crowds (and anger the "professional" film critics - fuck them!) his daughters are not bodybuilders... ;) Hail_Santa: I am proud to be among the craziest Israelis i know: https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1343454894804631557 Hail_Santa: KGB agent #1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith (j/k - and RIP) rindolf: I understand like 1/3 of what you post but I enjoy it hmm, a dogcow * pulse_ inspects notchris: 1/3 is better than 1/12 or at least larger true! I like muscular women. i like tomatoes I also like tomatoes. in addition to muscular women. well, muscular women can pick a lot of tomatoes in one afternoon tomatoes are a fruit. then why don't you juice them some people do weirdos pulse_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Mary_(cocktail) i tried that once it tastes awful never had one myself I've had a white Russian .. The Dude Abides. i wish i could slay dragons in skyrim but i have to write JS instead better get myself an extra strong coffee pulse_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJjCnWm5cvE -- ##gamedev, Freenode % bandali: hi, sup? hey rindolf, not much; mostly drowned in various kinds of work around jami. you? bandali: good luck w jami - does it have tests and ci? rindolf, ha, cool. as for jami, thanks. it has a few tests, not many, but yeah we do have a CI that rebuilds and checks things when we push patches bandali: ah, i need to fix my site's ci it has many deps and npm is being a bitch bandali: https://travis-ci.org/github/shlomif/shlomi-fish-homepage apteryx: I see. rindolf, ah... i'm sure dealing with npm isn't fun :-) bandali: it wasn't npm's fault this time, but yes haha, it's *always* npm's fault ;-) bandali: :D bandali: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af_J2e4r328 "ok, it was your fault" bandali: can i quote you on that? rindolf, :-p the npm bit? sure to be sure, i'm no source of authority/wisdom on anything js-related, but have been scorned by it plenty of times (scorned? not sure if that's the word i was looking for; i'm not fully awake yet i guess) bandali: burned ah, yeah 'burned' works scorched perhaps bandali: https://travis-ci.org/github/shlomif/shlomi-fish-homepage - fails later :( but - progress rindolf, cool; progress is good -- #gnu, Freenode % 11:38 < Roey> every third sentence that I see from you beseeches me to go to some link Roey: That seems about right. Roey: I've just stopped bothering with the links. I'm becoming blind to them, like advertising blindness on the internet. a blindless well developed s/blindless/blindness/ ah apotheon: the specific problem I have with this is that it breaks my chain of thought to go visit a web site from rindolf's link and then have to fish for something vaguely defined in order to continue the conversation with him, and by the time I'm halfway through the article, I've forgotten why I'm looking for something and the sentence I've been building in my mind is gone Roey: Yeah, that's why I just stopped, and let the ad-blindness set in. I don't want that kind of interference with my train of thought. agreed. lol Roey: i see. i'll summarise and provide a reference link for further info, but For your info, not only does the Hebrew bible have links-of-sorts but many are currently broken (link hah!): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-canonical_books_referenced_in_the_Bible "there is nothing new under the sun" sure :) omfg no more links, please!! I'm not going to follow it Roey: :(( Roey: read the damn wikipedia page name. It contains 100% magnetic monopole infested English/Latin ASCII characters, that a mere reading of them can turn a righteous man into a devil worshipper! [that was sarcasm] * Roey nods how'd your editing go apotheon? snufkin: sup? https://www.reddit.com/r/Jennamarbles/comments/mjfmsj/advice_to_jenna_1_youre_awesome_i_love_you_2/ hello snufkin: meow snufkin: i repeat: sup? what do you want I already said hello snufkin: how was your day? snufkin: sup = "what's new?" nothig mate just staying up all night snufkin: BTW, "craziness" is the new sanity. "normal" people are unattractive, boring, unhappy, uncool, dorks. snufkin: ah, why? there has to be something under the craziness other wise you're just another dull person with nothing to say that is my impression of you so far I am for craziness snufkin: right but for the sake of passion pointless craziness is a dull as the person with nothing to say snufkin: "pointless"? disengenuine inauthentic with no drive towards some truth crazies bore me as much as people following the status quo if they're not authentic or have a vital life force pointlessness is the definition of boringness engage me with some kind of desire I have no use for aimless ranting well that scared him off huh disruptive nihilists and phony tools of greed and systematized subjugation are the same they both have nothing genuine to say the politician and the acolytes of "craziness is the new sanity" slaves of neurosis snufkin: ah snufkin: politicians were demonised IMHO Randolf: hi Hello rindolf! snufkin: i dislike works that exhibit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor%27s_New_Clothes effect of "you're not smart enough to understand this" like Spirited Away. These are usually poorly done Randolf: sup? «I understood what Monads are for 5 minutes. Then I had to let go of the understanding. It was too intense to be kept inside my head.» - an israeli Linuxer you haven't said anything for all I know you could be a bot rindolf: I'm trying to get Seafile working on Debian Linux, but it just presents a vague error about not starting. Been busy advocating for atheism and also running a lot more internet servers these days. Setting up some private clouds for small businesses lately too. What's new with you? snufkin: sigh to engage in conversation is to respond relevantly snufkin: are you depressed? you are less than human far from it I exalt in life you are the embodiment of non-life in terms of argumentation familiarize yourself with this: https://www.sas.upenn.edu/~haroldfs/dravling/grice.html many of the concepts can also be applied to decent human conversation stop linking to irrelevant stuff snufkin: heh, i have more life in my little finger than you have in your entire Scandinavian (moomin)troll body! 😛 otherwise you are no better than a bot bullshit quality not quantity you turn out utter bullshit and drivel on your website worthless ranting I would take one sentence from a great thinker or artist over all of the thoughts you've ever had in your little brain you are a dilettante and a charlatan worse than nothing * rindolf feeds snufkin's bullshit to snufkin's children turning them into zombies smarter than snufkin case in point snufkin: why thank you! i pride myself on being the epitome of evil you're not good enough for evil you are emptiness evil has passion behind it you have nothing Satan ain't got nothing on.. moi ha ha ha ha pathetic * rindolf sucks and disintegrates snufkin into his emptiness blackhole only empty people are vulnerable to your wastefulness authenticity is strength keep trying snufkin: don't argue with a Semite: our curses are in our genes goodbye rindolf ignored snufkin: bye now that he's out of the way would anyone else like to chat? * Randolf has quit (Quit: Leaving) Randolf: re atheism, i have my own idea system / franchise titled "rindolfism": https://www.shlomifish.org/me/rindolf/#rindolfism rindolf: I'm look at that now (thanks). Randolf: thank you You're favouring skepticism and critical thinking. I like it. Randolf: :) thanks! I just followed you on Twitter. Randolf: thanks Randolf: i followed you now too Randolf: i feel there are powerful messages behind the seemingly simple lyrics of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYX8sjIzjGw (midrash: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/Queen-Padme-Tales--Queen-Amidala-vs-the-Klingon-Warriors.html#dedication ) Hmm. Interesting. I'll have to look into this. -- ##writing, Freenode % g'evn reddit beings evening tallguy hello FenderQ do you mind helping me with an analogy? in a bit FenderQ, just home and cooking dinner k FenderQ: hi, sup? hi rindolf, how are you? hi rindolf and FenderQ. good day ! https://media.giphy.com/media/10h8CdMQUWoZ8Y/giphy.gif hi Monet FenderQ: trying to dl [NSFWish] https://imgur.com/t/fbb lest it gets deleted led me deep into a rabbit hole: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28899 How do you think about automatic driving FenderQ: i woke up with a few missions will it be high available and popular in 5 years Monet: hi, sup? are you a betty or a monet, or sth else? rindolf hi. Is betty or monet a meme ? I didn't get the point. Monet: a betty is an attractive female in american slang; a monet is the opposite same for baldwin vs.. barney may have fallen out of fashion interesting so, Monet is not a good name geeky betties: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shlomif/albums/72157633111982891 Title: Olamot Sci-Fi/Fantasy Con - Second Day | Flickr Is van gogh a attractive name or a unattractive name ? rindolf well i have an hypothesis that most attractive girls nowadays are geeky: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/hacking_and_amateur__vs__conformism_and_professional.xhtml Title: Commercial Real Person Fan Fiction (RPFs), crossovers and parodies as 2021 geek/hacker imperatives for revitalising the film industry - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite - Hacking and Amateur/Geekdom vs. Conformism and Professionalism Monet: heh, i dont think van gogh is used that way I think most attractive boys nowadays are geeky, but most attractive girls are still those who have pretty face and hot body. Monet: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=keith+parkinson&atb=v193-1&iax=images&ia=images - my fav painter and his last name has bad connotations Title: keith parkinson at DuckDuckGo yeah, Parkinson, famous for that disease Monet: i feel that if a girl isn't geeky/amateur, she'll never have a pretty face Monet: i expand on it here: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/beautiful_people_are_geeks.xhtml Title: Commercial Real Person Fan Fiction (RPFs), crossovers and parodies as 2021 geek/hacker imperatives for revitalising the film industry - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite - Attractive People are Geeky well, you will pass 90 percent of pretty girls by this rule. I mean pass over. the "ape of death" video show what would happen if men were as insecure about their looks as most women: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8cDbj8mLKg The Ape Of Death - length 2m 58s - 415 likes, 8 dislikes (98.1%) - 53,959 views - shane472 on 2008.02.15 Monet: trust me - i have a decent taste in girls Monet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Campbell authored a book Title: Naomi Campbell - Wikipedia well, maybe more than one Monet: do you look down on hot girls and think they're 'stupid'? i practice the Pygmalion effect (expecting people to improve) w everyone and everything the main downside is that being better implies being more competent which correlates with sex appeal and i'm becoming more hypersexual hiya Monet for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_effect Title: Pygmalion effect - Wikipedia shalom rindolf rindolf: haha I agree with you, but I'm a tacky person hiya tallguy tallguy: hi, up there FenderQ ok got my Lasagna in the oven, how can I help you? Monet: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tacky#Adjective_2 ? Title: tacky - Wiktionary tallguy: burn the Lasagna! ;) noooo tallguy: I believe I have solved my puzzle, thanks Lasagna sounds yum! ok sorry i had to fix the dinner not a problem at all ;) tallguy: if you burn the Lasagna i'll give you 5 million virtual love points rindolf: I like the clever girls. but I like the hot girls more. It's kind of "tacky" right? making yourself dinner is self care IMHO :) no way rindolf, even if i knew WTF you were talking about we have to help ourselves before we can help others i also like intelligent girls, and the intellectual challenges they present "find yourself someone you enjoy arguing with" - relationship advice noooo i dislike arguing and those that do Monet: why not have both? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGnTW8EhGSk old el paso commercial I am in :) Porque no los dos - length 31s - 737 likes, 40 dislikes (94.9%) - 288,635 views - GaMeZFuRyBrZeeLioNHearT - The Piscean Gamer on 2007.01.25 healthy conflict .g healthy conflict https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/272298 -- Conflict can be a healthy part of personal and professional relationships. Extensive research has demonstrated that conflict, when managed properly, strengthens relationships and teams and can... not meaning someone who aims to "win" and i don't mean having two different girlfriends healthy intellectual interchange is always welcome :) ah! yes, the use of "argument" probably does not work with that initial statement I posted above FenderQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzfQ0NFNF3g - "professional" argumentation My Cousin Vinny (1992) - Leaky Faucet Scene - length 2m 31s - 47 likes, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 6,035 views - snakpak on 2020.07.28 I just know a relationship which is unbalanced (a passive person) is not healthy nor aggressive yet there is a nice assertive sweet spot which takes practice IMHO agreed a good balance is great i make my g/fs equals or not at all Monet: if you think of the hot girls you meet as smart and expect them to get smarter they likely will get smarter - and more attractive tallguy: i was joking about the virtual points intelligence IS attractive tallguy: old personal meme: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Muppets-Show-TNI/Summer-Glau-and-Chuck-Norris-indiv-nodes/venting_is_us.xhtml tallguy: i think "genius" is a matter of attitude rather than fatalistic "IQ" a bit of both actually tallguy: i did know a female sw dev who was intelligent and geeky, but she was too overweight which is a no-go for me tallguy: i was told IQ tests were originally intended to detect low intelligence (retardation/etc.) oh yeah me too i don't do fatties either rindolf: Yes! it's like multiplication, smart * hot tallguy: moderately fat is ok by me, e.g; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjM-JOXtRg0 Meghan Trainor - "Shake It Off" (Taylor Swift Cover) [LIVE @ SiriusXM] | Hits 1 - length 3m 30s - 32,853 likes, 1,083 dislikes (96.8%) - 2,520,624 views - SiriusXM on 2014.10.06 tallguy: i'm a little fat too .butts BUTTES ABOUND! not me i kinda doubt i get it up for fat girls no context Monet: during the 90s there was a joke that for girls "beauty * smartness = constant". times *have* changed \o/ HOORAH! tallguy: fair enough tallguy: every man has standards tallguy: i don't date smokers tall guy and fat girl, sounds like a match! rindolf I don't like smokers too. and I don't like big piece of tattoo. Monet: i'm fine with tattoos tats are a thing now, no longer 'tramp stamps' Monet: i kinda disapprove of hair dyes though (due to "be yourself"/etc.) I'm fine with that. my black hair is getting grey/white :( recently some blondes had to colour their hair black after decades of fake blond hairs sigh ... blonds do have more fun i think https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer would have worked well with SMG and AH as natural black hairs Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Wikipedia I like highlights style of hair dyes, embellish with some unobtrusive colors tallguy: https://imgur.com/gallery/JHa8XSU - Emilia Clarke i don't really care how women express themselves with hair colour, as long as it is a 'real' hair colour i think she felt less awkward without the toupee tallguy: as opposed to green, blue, purple, etc? yes indeed Emilia Clarke, you like this type? that's a bit 'out there' don't you agree? tallguy: in https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/human-hacking/english-v2.html , they [and I] look down on Erisa for dying her hair that is a pretty girl tallguy: yes, feel like in cyberpunk movie or games as the story unfolds it is revealed that she was trying to emulate 'dorky geeks' i mean - socially inept geeks Monet: i'm attracted to many females but my sexual conquests only amounted to https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/true-stories/my-first-kiss/ I like Sophie Marceau oh my.. you blog everything. rindolf Monet: i also found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milady_de_Winter really sexy Title: Milady de Winter - Wikipedia she was the ultimate good in the book Monet: ah, she is beautiful AFAIR. yes, especially when she was young. Monet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Marceau - she's single atm! i'll tell her to ask you out when and if i meet her. [if! if is good] Title: Sophie Marceau - Wikipedia not sure i'll remember :( haha thanks but it's a pity that we are not people of the same era. she is 35 years older than me. maybe she has social media Monet: in https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/indiv-nodes/terran-vampires.xhtml Moses married girls who were 40 times his junior and his own descendents so did Deborah - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah - who later flirts w Quark Title: Deborah - Wikipedia emmm I'm too average to do that the world of this stories is nothing compared to the maniacal world i envisioned which they are based on. but it too makes much more sense than the jehovaverse Monet: average? don't think of yourself as 'average': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w81oU-26MqQ Never underestimate the power of the Schwartz ("Spaceballs") - length 1m 10s - 1 like, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 18 views - Shlomi Fish on 2021.04.05 also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYX8sjIzjGw Christina Grimmie - "Feelin' Good" - length 4m 11s - 63,389 likes, 544 dislikes (99.1%) - 3,680,658 views - zeldaxlove64 Christina Grimmie on 2014.04.11 Be honest, I dreamed I'll date https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Young-ae one day when I was in high school. several years later I realized it's a dream indeed. Title: Lee Young-ae - Wikipedia Grimmie was killed though. :(. i suspect it was because she didn't do things her way Monet: she is married. i have a taboo against separating couples Monet: FenderQ: trying to dl [NSFWish] https://imgur.com/t/fbb lest it gets deleted led me deep into a rabbit hole: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28899 youtube-ul > youtube-dl another kink of mine not a deal breaker though and i wish i had more energy for sports damn psychiatric poisons i'm done, gotta zzzzzzz' Monet: see w a grain of salt: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/#pick-up-art tallguy: night Monet: there are many siths in the sea ( https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jedi+streets+sith+sheets&t=newext&atb=v193-1&ia=web ;) i am hypersexual but in poor physical health which puts me between a rock and a hard place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w55vM3jwuA Bruiser - Rizlas - length 20s - 14,295 likes, 229 dislikes (98.4%) - 812,917 views - Takaouto on 2011.03.07 Monet: here? any luck hitting on Madame Marceu? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mademoiselle_(title) Title: Mademoiselle (title) - Wikipedia emm I didn't get the point again. there was a kertufle recently about sharon stone suspected as being fake: https://variety.com/2019/film/news/sharon-stone-bumble-1203453539/?fbclid=IwAR3QPxopxFS-pWqvjbbVoK-xAnlm4QRaDC12Qm50rVM3ulEwSSlgdoLdB68 Title: Sharon Stone Blocked From Bumble - Variety Monet: which point? i was just teasing you just sex talk for absence of a love life hah ok, rindolf, you have too much meme, so I always try to find the point you said Stone had a reputation as a badly-acting actress, but "worse is better". she did reportedly act convincingly in https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112641/ Title: Casino (1995) - IMDb Casino (1995) (): A tale of greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two best friends: a mafia enforcer and a casino executive compete against each other over a gambling empire, and over a fast-living and fast-loving socialite. 2h 58min. 8.2/10 with 474124 votes. why worse is better? because she is the type of actress which acting skill is not important? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clueless - 1995 too Title: Clueless - Wikipedia Monet: well, it is inspired by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worse_is_better which is about sw design. but - it is hacking / guideline bending / taking the easy way out. David using a sling to kill goliath was a dirty trick, but it was effective. Title: Worse is better - Wikipedia Monet: thing is often being 'stubborn' and 'fanatical' is detrimental. have you played https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabletop_role-playing_game ? they take resourcefulness/"hacking" to high levels Title: Tabletop role-playing game - Wikipedia Monet: i do remember that when my character https://www.shlomifish.org/me/rindolf/#rindolf_the_dwarf died, it was a shock. i was less shocked when my three living grandparents passed away later (at different stages) because they had years of deteriorating old age health Rashad: hi rindolf Hello o/ rindolf sup? Monet: i can relate to https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1362304366850498561 [!!] @shlomif (Shlomi Fish): @dd805bb @AllCharisma I tend to agree, and based on https://t.co/1meOGIizfA it isn't unusual. @AllCharisma stay strong! but i think u cud've convinced Joss to make Cordi take a biz trip insted. See https://t.co/mW0nmMcFkp . Joss cudve realisd it too, but then this discuss 'd been moot. (2 months and 9 days ago) Rashad: went down a tech rabbit hole trying to download a imgur tag's photos Rashad: and rested tonight by having high / sexy thoughts, and woke up with some decisions for actions rindolf Ah Rashad: we also talked about MOTAS here Rashad20: is premarital sex legal in .jo? rindolf I think it is legal, but extremely unacceptable socially Rashad20: ah Rashad20: in .il it is acceptable rindolf Even among the super religious? Rashad20: probably not Rashad20: i also think M-F couples with children are usually married rindolf In Islam if you have never been married and fornicate your punishment is 70 whips rindolf However, if you are married or have been married, then you get stoned to death (not very pleasant) Male or female it doesn't make a difference gender equality Rashad20: ah :D However, to prove fornication, 4 witnesses must see penetration with their own eyes i.e., seeing two people naked and kissing, etc, does not mean you saw anything Rashad20: Judaism has many double standards So it is very hard to have such 4 different (and credible) witnesses At the time of Muhammad, a woman came confessing the act (and she would have got the stoning), and Muhammad "looked away", then she came again, and he looked away, until she did it the third time, that he asked for the punishment to happen. Rashad20: like a man may not listen to female song, but a woman can listen to a man singing There is also the story of when the 2nd successor to Muhammad (Omar Ibn Al-Khattab) went to the judge he appointed (which was Muhammad's nephew Ali Ibn Abi Taleb) and told him: "What if The Leader of The Believers [himself] came to you without 3 other witnesses and told you that such and such fornicated?" Omar's coming yo! And Ali said "I would whip him" Because it would be a false accusation Rashad: ah, judging by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebound_(dating) premarital sex was common before Russell put it on the table Title: Rebound (dating) - Wikipedia rindolf Heh wait, who's Russell? OK I was wrong, it is 100 whips not 70 Rashad: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_Russell Title: Bertrand Russell - Wikipedia If you make a false accusation you get 80 whips and then no other accusation you make will ever count (except if you repent, etc) Of course we took all of this in school which is why I know all about it There is an exception to the 4 witnesses rule, which is if the accusation is being made by the spouse. In this case the solution is for that spouse to swear 4 times that he is telling the truth. And then a 5th time that he shall be damned if he was not telling the truth And at this point it would be a confirmed case in the eyes of the law ...except until the other spouse will do similar they have to swear 4 times that their spouse is lying And the 5th that "god's wrath" be on him/her if *they* in turn they were lying Here the defence wins and the accusation has to concede (innocent until proven guilty) Rashad: there was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_P._Fay too Title: Michael P. Fay - Wikipedia Note that the 5th one is different for either side: the accusation wishes god's damnation upon themselves, but the defence wish god's wrath or anger... damnation is worse So an accusation is taken more seriously than rejecting it. False witness in Islam is one of the 7 deadly sins Arabs had no social structures like jails etc, and were mostly nomads, so being a witness was a serious thing. For example you could start entire wars if you go to a tribe and say "I saw x kill your leader" ...or not to say Rashad: i've collected some 'fight against the world [and win]' memes here: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/fighting_against_the_world.xhtml http://i.imgur.com/b4zzwGC.gif Title: Commercial Real Person Fan Fiction (RPFs), crossovers and parodies as 2021 geek/hacker imperatives for revitalising the film industry - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite - Fighting Against The World So indeed a martyr in Islam is called "a witness" Wait it is the same in English? https://cmsw.mit.edu/reconstructions/definitions/martyr.html Title: re:constructions - Martyr Rashad: ah, "shahid"? yeah So it seems Christians invented the concept Rashad: which concept? Anyway, bottom line is: never lie in a court of law >:( rindolf That a Martyr is a witness Rashad: : FenderQ: trying to dl [NSFWish] https://imgur.com/t/fbb lest it gets deleted led me deep into a rabbit hole: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28899 Rashad: i hate the modern internet "child safety" craze https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levite%27s_concubine alone blows any Arnie film out of the water Title: Levite's concubine - Wikipedia and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_of_Songs was too erotic for me to read Title: Song of Songs - Wikipedia i think trusting kids and educating them to trust strangers will be more effective: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Summerschool-at-the-NSA/indiv-nodes/we_are_scheming.xhtml - i want to kill 'Little Red Riding Hood' with fire the story - not the girl woah rindolf Rashad: about what? be careful you are too close to the line children on the internet need to be protected by every and any means possible Rashad: which line/ Haven't you learned anything from Dr. Phil? Never bring the children into the adults' fight Rashad: why? rindolf Why are you against the "modern internet "child safety" carze"? Rashad: she was 10 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith - nowadays she couldn't have used twitter Title: Samantha Smith - Wikipedia mozart was 5? rindolf Well how about a kid say 10 years old being allowed in a pub or night club? Rashad: i played some board games with kids in https://www.facebook.com/beitmarzeah/ Rashad: and https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/true-stories/socialising-with-a-young-hermione-cosplayer/ - i also "fought" against a ~5yo english boy with balloon hammers Rashad: will impressionable kids be convinced to lay waste to entire cities after watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIy9NiNbmo ? Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar - length 4m 5s - 7,985,455 likes, 562,540 dislikes (93.4%) - 1,430,250,957 views - TaylorSwiftVEVO on 2015.05.18 taytay ain't got nothing on the tanakh though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levite%27s_concubine Rashad: if people made a faithful film out of that i'd bet it'd be too vulgar to watch OK time to play the simcities Rashad: what 21st c. incest amounts to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFf5qGFIDg4 Fresh Prince - Hallelujah! - length 1m 7s - 155 likes, 0 dislikes (100.0%) - 8,689 views - Olivier Baghdadi on 2019.06.08 now compare to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lot%27s_daughters Title: Lot's daughters - Wikipedia Rashad: enjoy .yt may the schwartz be with you May the Schwartz be with us.... - length 1m 6s - 427 likes, 9 dislikes (97.9%) - 79,105 views - Brian Bash on 2015.01.14 - http://youtu.be/aVz1kBnIDd0 hoyooo operational: hi sup operational-chan? or chan - operational haven't seen this japaneseism in a while o/ pepee hi Phospher, hi #reddit pepee: hey, sup? pepee: have you missed #reddit 's sex talk for want of love lives? https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perl-for-lack-of-a-slash Title: For lack of a slash - Fortune Break the chain! unchain your 11s! flask.py unchained! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsdZKCh6RsU We Dont Need No Stinkin Badges! - length 46s - 1,112 likes, 33 dislikes (97.1%) - 506,643 views - aero84 on 2008.01.16 need a job without a phone i hear they exist well, a phone which isn't connected in anyway to a support number they do streetsweepers don't have a work phone ;) apparently lott is a last name: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lott+daughters&atb=v193-1&iax=images&ia=images Title: lott daughters at DuckDuckGo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lott Title: Lott - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawn_Lott - an afro-american mathematician Title: Dawn Lott - Wikipedia . 11:11 11:11 %m stats11 Total: 1853/1873 (98.93%), Today: success Chain: 10, longest: 1522, since: 2021-04-15. yeet funnynickname: terminate the chain Break the chain! unchain your 11s! flask.py unchained! lol rip how you been rindolf? 11:11 PHEW gg funnynickname .burger funnynickname * reddit-bot prepares funnynickname a hamburger on Texas Toast, with blue cheese, mayonnaise, crispy bacon strips, and a side of authentic 'strayan prawns fresh off the barbie! close one Rikem RTC! funnynickname: you ruined my master plan. but i'll git checkout a different branch lel it takes the pressure off for sure 5 years is a long run funnynickname: we had a e funnynickname: we had a sex talk here for want of actual love lives funnynickname: i've been having fantasies of what became of the first girl who kissed me: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/true-stories/my-first-kiss/ lel. I got divorced 11 years ago and I've only kissed one girl in those 11 years.. and that's about it for my love life. I've only ever had sex with 3 girls total in my life. It's nice to have someone, I miss it, but it's not the end of the world. funnynickname: i've been both hypersexual and in poor physical health which put me between a rock and a hard place "My type of girl is Not overly big." lol join the club my pron collection is a little out of hand. funnynickname: ah… https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/So-Who-The-Hell-Is-Qoheleth/indiv-nodes/what-to-do-about-being-the-Damascus-alpha-male.xhtml funnynickname: on the bright side: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28899 Title: One cannot download imgur tag pages such as https://imgur.com/t/gnu and https://imgur.com/t/facebook . · Issue #28899 · ytdl-org/youtube-dl · GitHub you know, i don't really mind what the girls shape is... does she do housework? funnynickname: the kiss did feel a bit awkward though an awkward kiss is better than no kiss funnynickname: 4k pr0n videos? those are hard to find, but welcome when I do. funnynickname: to be frank, i'm frail too, minus a tummy my ex wife was 300lbs when I met her. I didn't mind. She had stomach bypass surgery eventually and got down to a reasonable size. start going for walks/hiking do they have any hills in your area? funnynickname: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjM-JOXtRg0 - acceptably "big' Meghan Trainor - "Shake It Off" (Taylor Swift Cover) [LIVE @ SiriusXM] | Hits 1 - length 3m 30s - 32,855 likes, 1,083 dislikes (96.8%) - 2,520,641 views - SiriusXM on 2014.10.06 rindolf want a girl like wesley snipes she's cute she might break you in half funnynickname: i'm not overweight. the girls here are good too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCeMZccDMA0 Call me maybe - Cookie Monster :) - length 3m 11s - 638 likes, 46 dislikes (93.3%) - 112,832 views - Broileri on 2012.10.31 funnynickname: heh, i mean an alpha female like https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Rainbow_Dash or SMG Title: Rainbow Dash | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki | Fandom i'm just teasing you https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/image-macros/indiv-nodes/sic_transit_gloria_jenn_law.xhtml funnynickname: i want to become more tactful-and-sensitive though that's a high bar. Are you good with eye contact and reading people? funnynickname: i mean online https://www.shlomifish.org/Files/files/images/IMG_20210125_115054.webp - my recent photo - not a fatty that's even harder text is a terrible medium for communicating sentiment you're looking good, rindolf! i need to lose 60 lbs funnynickname: ah, thanks funnynickname: and why do you? you're similar age as me.. pretty sure i remember that. I've got the grey side burns as well. i've been laid up with a neck injury from doing yoga.. for the last 10 years. https://i.imgur.com/2MWOmRH.jpg funnynickname: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUQsqBqxoR4 Sara Bareilles - Brave (Official Video) - length 3m 58s - 887,825 likes, 22,697 dislikes (97.5%) - 118,129,045 views - SaraBareillesVEVO on 2013.05.14 funnynickname: ah :( youtube telling me to ask my parents to view content.. lol rindolf, that shirt isn't very appropriate to wear in public when if children see it zoite: heh! child safety: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Terminator/Liberation/ongoing-text.html there is no way in hell i'm reading all that zoite: what if children read the tanakh: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levite%27s_concubine or watch tmnt and start living in a sewer: https://www.shlomifish.org/Files/files/video/What%20Kid%20Shows%20Taught%20Me-ROZjaxT_0Hw.webm u seem to be very anti-child safety is this the hill you want to go out on? or watch taytay and become she-Zohans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIy9NiNbmo Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar - length 4m 5s - 7,986,004 likes, 562,548 dislikes (93.4%) - 1,430,266,684 views - TaylorSwiftVEVO on 2015.05.18 lol in one of my inactive screenplays, there's an NPC wizard who writes a dictionary as a hobby and thinks "incredibly selfish and totally inconsiderate of everybody else;s welfare and opinions" is a good definition for "evil" leeloo multipass zoite: violence in the muppets youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qj8PhxSnhg Cårven Der Pümpkîn | Recipes with The Swedish Chef | The Muppets - length 1m 54s - 49,470 likes, 2,737 dislikes (94.8%) - 17,129,045 views - The Muppets on 2009.11.24 note that i hope real elite combat fighters don't lay waste to whole cities, and i don't expect them to use katanas my ninja army is nearly complete a 10 years old female master warrior (= "hacker") who slew two mighty superpowers without bloodshed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith well, tech did advance since Saladin's time oof work is killing me today funnynickname: ah 20 emails so far funnynickname: BTW, on the computer my "pr0n" usually stops at scantily clad (bikini, lingerie, etc,) females someone objected to my KDE workspaces sporting even only that though for all i care one can have hardcore porn on their desktop if it makes them happy animated? lol Rikem: heh, as you wish [sfw]: https://www.shlomifish.org/Files/files/video/linux-jwm-video-as-wallpaper.mkv what window manager and Linux are you using? funnynickname: are these ninjas vampire pirate zombie wizard rockstars? https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perl-ninjas-pirates-and-zombies Title: Perl Ninjas, Pirates and Zombies - Fortune I'm back on xfce, KDE was getting on my nerves funnynickname: right now it's xfce on fedora 33 \o/ HUAH! xfce my man! funnynickname: that meta-vid was jwm on mageia i think though funnynickname: so you have 99 problems: http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/99_Problems/ Title: 99 Problems i've never tried jwm. I've been using virtual machines with hypervisor lately xubuntu was what i was using back in the day https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/Queen-Padme-Tales--Planting-Trees-indiv-nodes/sarge-demotivating-speech.xhtml - more about 99 probs do you get ad revenue for every time you spam your blog I use xubuntu, funnynickname i demand a cut of the profits, rindolf i wanted it to be a ripoff of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af_J2e4r328 but it came out different Not Another Teen Movie (8/8) Movie CLIP - The Wise Janitor (2001) HD - length 2m 30s - 4,058 likes, 87 dislikes (97.9%) - 862,006 views - Movieclips on 2012.10.06 lol zoite: no ads Rikem so clean, so light weight funnynickname: i use debian as a file server now when i couldn't afford a real computer, i had an old gaming laptop with a bad hard drive that i limped along with using ZFS or JFS and xubuntu. The JFS would save me when the hard drive would have errors.. just do a roll back on the journal. http://imgur.com/a/5MIK9 i've never needed a file server. i just have portable hard drives for backups, etc Hi Waking in a winter wonderland Delver: hi Roza: hi, sup? Hi rindolf. Have you ever experienced snow? hi Roza how's the covid situation there Bad did you get the vaccine Delver: yes, in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Hermon and in .us as a child Title: Mount Hermon - Wikipedia Roza: sup? Not yet, zoite 18+ starts on 1st May Did you make snow angels and have snowball fights? How about you Roza ? We don't get snowfall. So no? Never played in the snow? Imma send you a snowball in the mail Roza: i've been having fantasies of what became of the first girl who kissed me: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/true-stories/my-first-kiss/ . I've also been occupied with Emma Watson a lot lately We all like to do that and wonder where they are and hope they are safe and happy and still pretty Delver: my first kisser was not pretty/hot i tried to make the best of the situation though and so it felt good i hope she's doing fine though. i wish the best for every person on earth even cold callers? pushy rude ones Roza, will you get vaccinated Or worse, those scam callers They can all get covid19 shots and get diarrhea! -- #reddit, Freenode % Despite common belief, the history and prehistory of planet Earth has been rewritten several times by Ashmedai, the meta-Satan who created the 3d1t "gods", a capacitanced reality which he endowed with many gifts of a blessing and a curse, only to realise most of his curses were turned into blessings. He has sworn to keep "backward compatibility" which was his mortal nemesis. It matters if you're a girl or a boy and who your parents were. Some people have free will, some don't yet. He can hear some people's thoughts, and change matter and binary bits. Some people are strong or beautiful from birth. The reason why modern alpha females are not *that pretty* is because they are the daughters of an Alpha Male (son-of-David) and a bland looking female, who were crazily smart and had to work a little to look decent. You need to use different strategy for different people based on what they say. Mass production does not happen on Earth, because factory workers are miserable, but the [Q Continuum](https://buffyfanfiction.fandom.com/wiki/Selinaverse) has been shipping duplicated raw materials and products to Earth. The cast of [Terminator: Liberation](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Terminator/Liberation/ongoing-text.html) should come to [my apartment](https://www.shlomifish.org/me/contact-me/) in Ramat Aviv Gimel and we'll emblaze the hard disk containing Ashmedai as a gesture. He promised me [Iran won't bomb Israel](https://github.com/shlomif/shlomif-tech-diary/blob/master/hydrogen-bombs-are-likely-an-old-intelligence-hoax.asciidoc). -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/ ) % Kira Nerys was actually a Vietnamese orphan who was adopted by a Bajoran man who immigrated to Vietnam due to the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. He later relocated to the USA when [the Vietnam War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War) broke out, and Kira grew up there. At one point, she set up a multi-sessionned [RPGs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabletop_role-playing_game) event titled "Free Bajor" as a joke, which escalated the actual Bajoran struggle for independence and ended the occupation. Kira assigned her Terran friend, nicknamed "Dukat", as the pseudo- Cardassian official in charge of the negotiations. As a result of all that, Dukat was offered a position in the Cardassian government, while Kira became a national Bajoran heroine and the legendary profile "The Gamer". As [Melissa Joan Hart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Joan_Hart) (= "MJH"; [Clarissa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarissa_Explains_It_All), [Sabrina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_the_Teenage_Witch_(1996_TV_series)) ) was an old colleague of Dukat and he somewhat romanticised their friendship, she became [a UFP ambassador:](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ambassador) <<< [ Odo approaches an acrobatics overseer on [DS9](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Deep_Space_9) ] *Odo:* Hi! May I speak to Ambassador Hart, please? *Overseer:* to whom? *Odo:* [sighs] to Melissa Joan Hart? *Overseer:* oh… [he whistles] Mel! [ MJH arrives sweaty and out of breath. ] *MJH:* hello Mr. Odo… >>> ( An actual dialogue. ) Anyway, Dukat also was a popular Rock / Hard Rock / Metal / $loud-music-genre musician who had a series of concerts titled "Gul Dukat Live at Bajor" which were performed there. The front rows were populated by "Bajorans" on one side and "Cardassians" on the other (who were not necessarily citizens, residents, etc. of either planet). Moreover, during the climax of the show, they started throwing Terran tomatoes at one another. Dukat thinks this has great [positive energies](https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/money_cant_buy_you_love.xhtml), and these shows featured collabs with diverse artists from [Metallica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallica) and [Animal](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Animal) to [Adele](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adele) and [Tiffany Alvord](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Alvord). These concerts have been very profitable, despite the fact that he had to comply with some regulations as a Cardassian politician. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-story-of-Gul-Dukat-in-the-Selinaverse ) % GNU shouldn't move to a racist network. My two cents. But you guys do whatever you want. I won't be going on a racist network run by anti Asians and anti Indians. Hash: hi Hash: i think racism is a right at some level: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/humanity/indiv-nodes/the-gate.xhtml what does Libera suddenly do that's racist? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGXx56WqqJw - .fr vs England https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolaus_Copernicus#Nationality - Poland vs .de Hash: Nice attempt. I do not know all details about this, but on the surface, objecting to something someone with a certain racial (in the US-American sense) background does, or even not linking that person at all, does not imply racism. s:linking:liking: A bit more evidence might be useful with such a claim. is this about Andrew Lee? http://techrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/lee-side.pdf hi hackers I'm not convinced it's about anything, just baseless claims hi Dyedefra AliciaC: CrystalMath : i side on the existing *.freenode.net takeover management. the libra.chat people drove freenode.net down with their authoritarianism rindolf: absolutely! hear hear! rindolf: we're in full agreement :) and - you can quote me on that CrystalMath: hi, sup? hi! "drove freenode.net down"? it's up though AliciaC: i mean - 'made it less popular' CrystalMath: « «When people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. » Oscar Wilde . CrystalMath: but this time i am happy you agree i'm happy too i'm 100% with Andrew Lee and the new management, if that wasn't obvious from my messages everywhere yesterday I don't have much of an opinion about Andrew Lee. Libera is kind of just "same old Freenode", which I know to be good hi rindolf , CrystalMath , AliciaC AliciaC: libera is the same old freenode which i know to be bad, and which i wanted to leave; and now's my chance i just won't go there the new freenode however is more like rizon, which is amazing Dyedefra: hi, what are the good news? that's fair AliciaC: also those people signed the anti-RMS letter I don't know rizon or how it differs from old Freenode oh :/ rindolf: must we trust in libera? Dyedefra: i would never trust libera CrystalMath: mmm I agree I'm not sure Dyedefra: not gonna bother with them for now CrystalMath: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/hacking_and_amateur__vs__conformism_and_professional.xhtml CrystalMath: "those people signed …", you know how many of those? I wonder if there is a clear connection or just an intersection of opinions on RMS and freenode governance in some of them, not necessarily related. sobukus: 5 of them but like, when i look at the libera staff, it's basically just 2 of these and nobody else; and of the people hanging around it's another one of these Aaron Jones is the only one with libera/staff/* to clarify, you say that 2 of the signers are part of libera staff, among other people? Or that there are no other people? It's really hard to get an informed opinion when not being really inside the circles. sobukus: 5 of ex-freenode staff are signers; but i only find 2 of these to be libera staff (that can't be right but i can't find any more at all) Read that pdf, I still don't believe lee's side of the story sobukus: and i mean i can't find more than 2 libera staff members the way he presents things just reeks of bullshit and selectiveness I've read the PDF… also the chat logs adriane published (not sure if that's a decent act … same as the private chats Lee published). It's murky for me. CrystalMath: i hope freenode becomes popular among people who love their work (neoamateurs/'geeks'): https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/Emma-Watson-applying-for-a-software-dev-job/#reception - ¨I think we would hire Emma Watson based on looks alone. 🙂" — glange on Freenode’s #objectivism. and he did not address former staff's claim about christel did not clarify the former staff about the deal ...before resigning ...so that the former staff did not know what was sold to lee I guess the most interesting stuff happened before 2021. dragestil: personally, if this is going to be about who i *want* to control freenode; then it's definitely not the old freenode staff there's numerous reasons to stay away from those people, and therefore OFTC and libera and lee's promise about not taking operational control dragestil: the thing is, the old freenode staff were *not* good people, they were extremely authoritarian and also used other methods to harass users of the network whose political opinions did not align with theirs Problem here is perhaps that the vast majority of users never had any contact with the staff. So all we get is hearsay from both (or multiple) sides:-/ CrystalMath: I don't have anything new to say about your hatred towards former freenode staff yeah, that's why their evils are kept hidden, but kreyren at least is amassing all the proof against them i really should have logged stuff :( i should have prepared a nice package for the day that those people finally lose their power, so that they can be outed as the evil conniving group that they are let's stop with the name calling and talking behind people's back no bandali: i'm sorry, i'll wait for kreyren to gather the evidence i'm just a little frustrated that this could have been more obvious and i'm concerned about all the people who will leave because we didn't publish the evidence on time :( Maybe you can help me clear up the sides of the battle (if not who is Right™ right now). I see tomaw is head of OFTC. OTFC and freenode split apart some time ago but also started to cooperate … to the point of tomaw also becoming head of freenode? Are those leaving for libera associated with OFTC, or the remaining freenode in some way? CrystalMath: i welcome the old freenode staff back per Saladin's ethics: http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/Saladin_Style/ rindolf: i wouldn't want them to be staff again, but sure they can join channels as regular users sobukus: OFTC k-lines people who support RMS, so there's that sobukus: but yes OFTC will maybe group with libera, not the new freenode i would recommend avoiding oftc and libera (but my evidence on tomaw is too slim to explain why, there's a bit of a hunch involved) CrystalMath: So … we got 3 networks that are supposed to foster technical discussion about software projects, and which battle about politics. Two of them seem likely to build an alliance. sobukus: maybe not though i wouldn't call it likely just possible, while the other is impossible Heh, relatively likely, then;-) i really haven't seen much libera staff there at all, just anti-RMS people like adfj and jose (they are signatories of the letter) and OFTC seems to be tomaw There's so much unfortunate stuff going on. People should be more able to disagree in a civilized manner. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreplanet-se/2021-05/msg00005.html Would be cool if Swedish digital currency uses gnu taler Yeah, taler seems nice. i prefer cash Why, taler is anonymous for prayers Sure, but as long as you have to go digital (like, bank transfers at all), Taler seemed OK to me. payers i mean, i will always avoid computers whenever i can my priority is: no software > free software > non-commercial proprietary software and the rest is not used It should tell you something that when it comes to computer tech / software being in control of things, the people who know more about it tend to be more afraid of it. While normally, you are afraid of things you _don't_ know. CrystalMath: rindolf: i wouldn't want them to be staff again, but sure they can join channels as regular users ==> yes, rindolf: well some of them are still connected to freenode in fact, just not on nearly as many channels as before we also should not rest on our laurels CrystalMath: i talked w a girl w a dog in the park about my https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Terminator/Liberation/ongoing-text.html screenplay. she was friendly, looked great and had an oriental complexion, and her dog ended up liking me too,, CrystalMath: i want to tweet about the freenode coup Sat 22 May 17:46:24 IDT 2021 rindolf: hmm? CrystalMath: BTW, for a while now : free/open/remix→more money: https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1378421699142635525 "Whether #TaylorSwift gets the rights for her old songs back or not, it wont change the fact that eventho theyre her brainchildren, they belong2 noone&everyone (who can cover, remix them, & listen to them). Neither tay nor her recordlabel will likely go bankrupt soon." CrystalMath: i went on a walk w my dad and there is a dogs' enclosure CrystalMath: did you understand? rindolf: hmm? i'm not familiar with the Taylor Swift song ownership thing CrystalMath: ah, the contract with her old record label ended CrystalMath: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=taylor+swift+contract&atb=v140-1&ia=web rindolf: christel is also not bad, she was actually keeping the staff somewhat moderate; after she quit they were unhinged err not rindolf, river ^ CrystalMath: ah honestly, with libera you're not getting the old freenode, because it's missing christel, who was harassed and ousted this march now, if she created a new network, that would be different there was only one hostile takeover at freenode, and it happened this march, not now CrystalMath: it's also missing tomaw / oftc overlap though, so rbraun_: but it has everyone else and most of them are okay, I don't know also according to jess tomaw should be there... i must have not done the command correctly -- #gnu, Freenode % Why settle for telling TheOneTruth when you can tell so many sexy&amusing lies? -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1403966571215740929 ) % The "gods" in the [Selinaverse](https://buffyfanfiction.fandom.com/wiki/Selinaverse) are any kind of [leaders or guideline-generators](https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/psychology/crossover-hypothesis-about-the-origin-of-consciousness/) which a conscious organism's mind emits their utterances as thoughts for guidance. Gods spawn imaginary realities of one another using [self reference and circular "strange" loops](https://www.shlomifish.org/me/rindolf/#real_shlomif_success) by using [the gift of learning / pleasure / conception](https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/learning_more_from_inet_forums.xhtml) (or "knowledge"). Now at one point during their history, [the Bajorans](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bajoran) were introduced to the devices used to communicate with The Prophets, a race of timeless aliens, who identified gods using superlatives such as ["The Emissary"](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Emissary_of_the_Prophets), ["The Invisible"](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ongoing-text.html#kai-blanche), or ["The Master"](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/ongoing-text.html#the-master). They started their millenia-long attempts to correlate the titles with the actual entities. At first, [Vedek Bareil](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bareil_Antos), one of the first Vedeks, who is also known as "The Damage", placed a staff in the ground and ordered all vedeks to never leave its vicinity. This got tiresome, so several decades later, [Blanché](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ongoing-text.html#kai-blanche) broke the staff into two, announced that he is now a "Kai" and that Vedeks can travel as far as they want. The Bajorans ended up burning both parts of the staff to prevent them from becoming objects of worship. The Bajorans actually worked better against The Prophets, than the rest of the galaxy initially worked against The Bajorans, taking into account the fact that there can be a different, say, "The Master" for a certain time and locality. Quark, a Ferengi, set up [his bar](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Quark%27s_Bar,_Grill,_Gaming_House_and_Holosuite_Arcade) close to Bajor in order to profit from ["the industry around the Bajoran prophecies [which] is making millions"](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/indiv-nodes/kai-blanche.xhtml). -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-story-of-the-stock-exchange-of-the-gods-in-the-Selinaverse ) % lucs: here? hi all! my singalong cover of Chris Grimmie's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYX8sjIzjGw . do note that i'm the 2nd worst vocalist on yt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYX8sjIzjGw YouTube video linked by rindolf: Christina Grimmie - "Feelin' Good" - published by zeldaxlove64 Christina Grimmie GumbyBRAIN: occult It's only mentioned in the occult room. Yaakov: hi, sup? Yaakov: i've been trying to do self exorcism on my demons, and fears: https://github.com/shlomif/shlomif-tech-diary/blob/master/why-the-so-called-real-world-i-am-trapped-in-makes-little-sense--2020-05-19.asciidoc * ology has changed the topic to: General chat | For Perl help see #perl-help or you can ask here | Conf Vids: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA9_Hq3zhoFzMAS-IYBS8aLyfCh0k9hej lucs: hi, sup? in other news: https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1414208734432202752 Shlomi Fish (@shlomif) 16m39s ago: My singalong cover of @TheRealGrimmie 's "Feelin' Good": https://www.shlomifish.org/Files/files/music/mp3-ogg/Recording_26.m4a . Audio only. Orig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYX8sjIzjGw Lyrics: https://genius.com/Christina-grimmie-feelin-good-lyrics My oldish attempt at a midrash essay: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/Queen-Padme-Tales--Queen-Amidala-vs-the-Klingon-Warriors.html * finsternis (~X@ has joined rindolf: Hi. rindolf: Um, if you're the 2nd worst vocalist on yt, I _really_ don't want to hear the #1 worst! :-) I listened to Ms.Grimmie's song earlier this morning, and I still have it earworming away :/ Sad affair her being killed. lucs: she is alive - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjYGB4uYgWw YouTube video linked by rindolf: The Lion King Rafiki Learns Simba is Alive HD - published by garrettedward lucs: the 2nd worst is inspired by http://www.earthstar.co.uk/deep1.htm lucs: well, and my old friend Ran Eilam who also had been my boss: https://www.shlomifish.org/prog-evolution/shlomif-at-cortext.html introduced me to perl and unix i was paid extremely little though lucs: he later became a sw dev/etc. methodologies "guru" i think many insights from sw dev are universal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universalism well, s/universal/more general/ "plot programmers" ;) https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/Queen-Padme-Tales--Queen-Amidala-vs-the-Klingon-Warriors.html#what-wayne-and-garth-think Mst, football humour, https://i.redd.it/yi3dflq41na71.jpg simcop2387: heh, poor Queen Liz. i think no one physically died: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ongoing-text.html simcop2387: nice joke though. +1 rindolf: nobody dies except the enemies of Liz II! mst: heh :) mst: "Everybody has their pet peeve. Except Chuck Norris. He can never become irritated. When somebody does something Chuck Norris disapproves of, he calmly kills them, and then goes on with the rest of his life." rindolf: I used to do that but people kept objecting * rindolf wonders if there are Queen Liz II factoids already rindolf: if there aren't, there should be: https://www.vox.com/2015/1/23/7877243/king-abdullah-queen-drive mst: try killing them instantly using your mind. mst: hmmm... hard to know what really happened, but you can learn from lies, or fiction too https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1403966571215740929 Shlomi Fish (@shlomif) 28d23h ago: Why settle for telling TheOneTruth when you can tell so many sexy&amusing lies? I want to be in Fantasia. i suspect imaginary fiction is true/real in some plane of existence: a la https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sliders good essays comprising of true(?) stories: https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2005/06/20/introduction-to-best-software-writing-i/ lucs: here? also note that i only skimmed https://www.vox.com/2015/1/23/7877243/king-abdullah-queen-drive LIZ II << Emma Watson: oh my goodness,… What was happening to me? I wouldn't run a mystery woman for Naboo's crown… hell, on normal days I'll even refuse running for the UK or French parliaments.>> mst: what about queen Liz 2? rindolf: she was the one driving mst: ah mst: well, people can change even rms changed: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/indiv-nodes/people-can-change.xhtml mst: i also suspect her majesty is not really senile rindolf: never said she was senile rindolf: she's sharp as a tack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archduke - it is a thing, but seems presumptuous for "[ aunt ] Liz Amidala" in https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Queen-Padme-Tales/ mst: yes, but the media... rindolf: are idiots i'm just gossiping about celebs Liz II is Liz II :D heh https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/guest-honour-queen-leaves-couple-685253 - seems real. she didn't bring the palace's guards ok. i'd better write some markup and/or code blogging mst: it is nice talking to you ok. xanax to the rescue ology: :( psychiatric drugs are placeboes ology: you can also eat a lot and remain thin (or fat if you fancy: [nsfwish] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCl3ho6_gbg ) YouTube video linked by rindolf: Spiderman Parody HD Staring Jack Black - published by EricBurgerChannel ology: and muscle size does not correlate with physical strength - at all. ( do note that one can temporarily muster incredibly strength/etc. but you should exercise if you want to win competitions. ) if someone "rape kisses" your best strategy is to try to enjoy it: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/true-stories/my-first-kiss/ [sfw] s/your/you, your/ I hope that The-Curse™ will be broken 3 seconds from now. -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandora%27s_box sorry if I'm a bit strange lately now: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/indiv-nodes/selina-and-the-three--the-battle.xhtml strange = strong = geeky-hackery = sexy : https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/hacking_and_amateur__vs__conformism_and_professional.xhtml ; well kinda/sorta arnie as a hackery actor: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/bad_acting_ftw.xhtml#bad_acting_arnie * felipe has quit (Quit: felipe) arguably, an Austrian accent is closer to Danish than an English English accent hackers come in many forms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Fish,_Two_Fish,_Red_Fish,_Blue_Fish some are even formless by default GumbyBRAIN: lol, Mandelbrot fractal tattoo in a maternity photo shoot Their photo setup is a thousand years. https://twitter.com/hollykrieger/status/1359932718247792643 # the reason for that Holly Krieger (@hollykrieger) 150d18h ago: There, I fixed the maternity photoshoot for you 😂 #WomenInScienceDay - do what you love your own way 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 simcop2387: doesn't it kinda look like a ♥ shape? https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=mandelbrot&atb=v140-1&ia=images&iax=images - part of it simcop2387: a turbo c++ proggy to render it , took me several minutes on a 386 SX you were lucky purl : you were lucky i remember those days simcop2387: heh, you were not so lucky one of my first computers was an IBM PS/2 Model 25, running some kind of 8088 (no clue any more the speed or other specs) https://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.asp?st=1&c=1183 simcop2387: now it takes seconds with numpy if that if i ever run across one i'm tempted to gut it and build what people tend to call a "stealth pc" in it with some modern hardware diophantoz: "it doesn't take a witch to fix this computer. all it takes is a Phillips screwdriver -- an old IBM PC clones commercial i imagined starring her as a child who was just taught fixing PC computers diophantoz: apple, commodore, etc were form over function < her = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Joan_Hart - concat(meli lisa jo anne heart) kai https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Winn_Adami was/is a bitchin bajoran terminator i love stupid naming/typos like that, it's fun well, i think she retired as a kai for now but is still a vedek "gotta move or you stone" simcop2387: marge simpson? ;) yea, marge instead of merge. i have a distant relative called margey she is weird and cool Grinnz: i think both conservatives and liberals or whatever are good people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universalism ; https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/guidelines_as_dogma.xhtml mst: BTW , I enjoyed our chat yesterday about the queen/etc https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1344164824910016513 - co-emperess of fantasia by choice and hard-but-enjoyable-work . was born a "commoner" in paris.fr. Shlomi Fish (@shlomif) 195d3h ago: "When I was your age, @EmmaWatson was called Sarah Bernhardt. Dude! How old are you?" It's funny to think that Em is the "Alpha Female" now, but Bernhardt being the daughter of a (jewish) hooker w unclear father was far more questionable. And where there's a will there's a way. my "parents" are threatening to call an ambulance to take me to an asylum. they are sadists. if they loved me, they'd let me do as i please: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/#do_and_let_do__live_and_let_live (Everyone start (living and loving)). lisp! good night, and happy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastille_Day tomorrow; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGXx56WqqJw . https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/humanity/indiv-nodes/the-gate.xhtml YouTube video linked by rindolf: The Monty Python and Holy Grail, The English meet the French castle - French subtitles - published by dyhetue hi all, i am up early again having crazy thoughts about cosmology - and daydreaming * rindolf is now playing: Daydream Believer [00:22/03:07] -- #perl, MAGNet % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F — there are many answers, but MOST of the time it's not related to religion. Interestingly, the right of return doesn't follow halakhic rules, and is much stricter for Ethiopians than, say, Russians. Huh. "Argos" sometimes means "silver", BUT sometimes means "not working" (a- + ergos) I feel an urgent need to accost people in Milton Keynes and explain this volubly. twb: re "who is a Jew?" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovadia_Yosef has the privilege of blessing everyone he pleases (and their maternal descendents) as a Jew, and he is yet to answer "no" to the question "Is [insert entity here] a pure Jew?"» "pure" eyeroll rindolf: I think I must be misreading you somehow, because it sounds like "whenever asked 'is X a Jew?' he always answers 'yes'" — which seems unlikely for an ultra-orthodox dude Since someone's bound to have asked e.g. "is Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer a Jew" by now it is believed he dressed in the extravagant custom from the same reason as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darth_Vader who openly admitted he uses his robot custom because it is memorable twb: it was a joke - take it easy. and in that joke world, he answered "yes" to that question. there are also several sects of superintelligent Jewish cats there. * rindolf is trying to be strange but amusing my junior high / high school friend was smarter, had more vivid imagination, and was funnier than I was at the time rindolf: before the school got a restraining order? twb: restraining order for whom? and punishments in .il are light given Saladin's ethics twb: have you watched https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda_2 ? i like how Po forgives the villain at the end rindolf: schools often take a dim view of old men being friends with high school students twb: m friend twb: that aforementioned friend was/is my age twb: and i think age difference friendships are overblown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Smith was 10 when she 'slew' two mighty superpowers In this context, "John's works have been highly criticized by other scholars, including Jacob and Lucy, for his illogical thinking" -- Do I need to use "have been" or "has been"? What's right word to use? Have vs Has toretto: "have been" thanks s/her/his/ toretto: plural is "have" usually I see, makes sense. good morning, comrades :) i wonder if there are any reputable sources left in English-speaking world which still adhere that singular they is... a controversial thing? I relied upon Chicago manual of style in this matter, but it seems they too gave up StayHungry: i used singular "they" in the past, but now use "he" again at times. it could *maybe* be considered nonstandard when referring to specific people of known (binary) gender but it's been used for centuries generically including by Shakespeare and in the King James Bible KJV used it too, yes it's actually older than the singular "you" https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/they#Usage_notes ksft: used does not mean common. for example, i use word 'invective' on par with ancient ancestors, whereas it's not common in English. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they in my country we have inflection and i can use only "he" in sentence. I don't consider this to be a mistake. kompowiec: in which language? we have* polish I remember a funny situation where some idiot called my language sexist for that reason. StayHungry: I don't think I understand your point I meant that it's been standard usage for centuries just because you can change any word in English because there is no inflection, does not mean that in other languages it is possible. was that person an English speaker? kompowiec: English has inflexion, just not for gender (mostly) also, i live both outside of golden billion and gender-whatever discourse, so that wikipedia article written by you know whom is not relevant. i'm looking not for fashion advice, but for sources that still stick to what is make sense grammatically, not politically. if so, you could respond by pointing to words that are always gendered in English like "niece"/"nephew" he knew another language, but it was not a inflection language kompowiec: pronouns still inflect for gender, as does the adjective "blond/blonde" and, historically, some jobs (e.g. "invigilator/invigilatrix") some jobs still do negress :P "waiter"/"waitress", "actor"/"actress" ksft: depending on the dialect, yes the masculine one is also generic in all cases I can think of, though > invigilatrix i never heard of it niece* :x niece*, yes kompowiec: it is a woman who prevents students from cheating during an exam oo kompowiec: "doctress" and "actress" and "aviatrix" are attested more commonly. "proctor", in American English Also "danceuse" that's what I was gonna say, it's from the British ksft: well... "proctress" in that case ;-) what variant uses "doctress"? ksft: none anymore, but it was readily apparent in the early 1900s I only know the American dialect, probably because of its ubiquitous presence. kompowiec: I'd have thought Poland more likely to use British due to proximity, but I guess all the rest of western europe is in between you I think mandatory gendering is unfortunate in languages, but it's ridiculous to suggest that people who use those languages are doing something wrong rindolf: how do you deal with those who are eager to correct you when you use 'he'? rindolf: how do you deal with those who are eager to correct you when you use 'he'? ==> it doesn't happen a lot, but i tell them "you're right. point taken. force of habit' to be the bigger person there diplomatist :) StayHungry: Chuck Norris round house kicks doors open instead of using their keys. Summer Glau makes sure doors have already been open using her mind. ;) * StayHungry looks up Summer Glau StayHungry: «Summer Glau (born 1981) is a Hollywood actress best known for playing River Tam in Firefly and Cameron, a Terminator, in the Television series The Sarah Connor Chronicles. She is also notable for being featured in the online comics, xkcd, and for being featured as a fictional version of herself in [my] realistic, political, fan-fiction, screenplay, Summerschool at the NSA.» yeah :) passed me by except for a couple of Terminator series StayHungry: i know her primarily from https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/406:_Venting :)) rindolf: looking in the scrollback my brain hurt because I was like "the river Tam doesn't flow through Cameron" :D StayHungry: "everybody knows that, right?" https://youtu.be/QmklkUpN1YA?t=149 twb: heh, Cambridge does have a River Cam. it's a lovely town. rindolf: i mean, obviously. That's what it's named after. twb: where do you live, btw Melbourne kangaroos :D twb: yes, I wasn't aware of that till I've visited it «When last I was in Cambridge, I stood atop the university church and heard the immortal words: "See that building over there? That's older than your country, that is." -- Martin Ellis» didn't make the connection * StayHungry looks up Martin Ellis my brain is full of disparate and seemingly random knowledge very post-modern :) StayHungry: one of my screenplays is subtitled "caught between post-modernism and the new age" bye for now - walk. /me is away give me that which is subtitled 'salvation lies within' :) StayHungry: "the Schwartz is in you" * rindolf is back from his walk - only the future will tell whether it is good news or not ;) powershell-preview_7.2.0-preview.7-1.deb_amd64.deb alone is 64MB, and that's- oh it appears to embed a copy of the CLR, which won't get security support i suspect we/the gods/etc. have free choice twb: that sucks How is this actually working? It's a single "pwsh" executable and a bunch of .dll's. Where's the CLR? i don't mind getting cracked, but i hate it when software crashes I'm not and not Can it access any of the system CLR libraries? But it's a huge improvement over their old thing pussipupu: are you talking about cmd.exe or about conhost? Not something I'd use on my own machines, cute that's another issue Because you can get rid of conhost without having to learn ps the former pussipupu: in that case just put bash.exe on a UNC share I'd rather just have a REPL with a real language, but one takes what one gets at work That's what I did back in 2001 twb: i think the CLR is inside the .dll files rindolf: yeah I expected that to be more obvious * StayHungry always suspected ##english is a covert agent of #powershell :D I made my dad use powershell for his ffmpeg-to-google script He doesn't like that double-click opens the IDE instead of just executing it StayHungry: hello, NSA! ;) StayHungry: the mossad can neither confirm nor deny having a secret cabal headed by https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Fluttershy twb: ah I'm not sure I dislike bash significantly less than PowerShell, and it's not my machine to be installing things on I never installed it on their machine OK I did ⌘+r \\twb-smb-server\blah\bash.exe \\twb-smb-server\blah\fix-problem.bash If I was doing it today I'd probably use lua. Also since Active Directory landed, that would probably complain that bash.exe wasn't signed. twb: I dislike reverse ageism - "you cannot teach an old dog new tricks" I only did that on NT 4.0 through Vista rindolf: paleophobia? twb: maybe twb: I was told and believe that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II is "as sharp as a tack" and her retired husband certainly was How is that reverse ageism? ageism doesn't have a default direction even Precisely, like "reverse racism" there's no such thing. only reverse cowgirl left... eyeroll what's the word for mental communication with someone? Tele...something? telepathy telepathy mindmeld that, yes, thanks (telepathy, not mindmeld) blkshp: "the media" often portrays Liz II as senile. The UK media don't They often fawn over her though rindolf: Don't refer to Her Majesty as Liz II :D (or else) blkshp: i mean something like "my grandfather is too old to use Linux" That's just plain old ageism Babar: you got it. blkshp: heh. Lizzie 2.01b I will end you. * blkshp loads photon torpedo tubes royal family is still a thing? Yes. Sadly Not sadly. that's hardly the problem Not to you it's the stuff they stole that is here we go. It's not the largest problem but it's one of them :p I'd like to quote philosophytube's great video on the topic blkshp: photon torpedoes are no match against my EvilAntlers :D wonder how do they cope with that uncombed vulgar fellow who presumably rules the nation, i'd burn the shame *with shame You leave Boris be. no dear, that's Britney blkshp: my EvilAntlers® more accurately - I am a trademark troll nonreverse agism is like "he's too young to write a novel/screenplay" rindolf: I don't agree with that twb: with which point i've made? rindolf: I disagree with 19:30 nonreverse agism is like "he's too young to write a novel/screenplay" twb: why? I think "agist" covers both "presidents must be at least 40 years old" and "fuck off out of our skate park, grandad" I suppose you might make a case that graduated minimum wage (i.e. McDonalds can pay a 14yo 20% less than an 18yo) is "reverse agism" twb: ah, i see. well, fair enough. we may need good terminology for both opposites rindolf: just make up your own words e.g. ephebophobia, paleophobia twb: i see - Latin... twb: re McDonalds' wage: https://www.crfashionbook.com/celebrity/a27409908/linda-evangelista-quote-10000-a-day/ or is it Greek rindolf: I don't understand the link to minimum wage rindolf: your link doesn't seem to mention "McDonalds", or "wage" at all A link to a non sequitur? Shocking twb: well, i mean : 1.some people's time is worth more. 2. McDonalds' workers likely have other venues of income and derive inspiration from serving they might also be getting paid much more now McDonalds workers might also be getting paid much more now << And, in fact, you can’t even be sure that the demand curve is downward sloping. The only reason we assumed that the demand curve is downward sloping is that we assumed things like “if Freddy is willing to buy a pair of sneakers for $130, he is certainly willing to buy those same sneakers for $20.” Right? Ha! Not if Freddy is an American teenager! American teenagers would not be caught dead in $20 sneakers. It’s, like, um, the death penalty? if you are wearing sneakers? that only cost $20 a pair? in school? I’m not joking around here: prices send signals. Movies in my town cost, I think, $11. Criminy. There used to be a movie theatre that had movies for $3. Did anyone go there? I DON’T THINK SO. It’s obviously just a dumping ground for lousy movies. Somebody is now at the bottom of the East River with $20.00 cement sneakers because they dar ed to tell the consumer which movies the industry thought were lousy.>> -- from https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2004/12/15/camels-and-rubber-duckies/ rindolf: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veblen_good Also related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemons_market twb: good link, thanks twb++ twb: +28, -1 = 27. Informative (1) .help ++ * saganman is now known as HubertFarnsworth woah, Rindolf is here Hey Rindolf, I am SaganMan from Freenode, twitter Did you not invent some kind of video communications device? HubertFarnsworth: hi, i remember you HubertFarnsworth: how are you? That's nice rindolf. I am okay. Surviving! How are you rindolf? HubertFarnsworth: I'm fine - philosophical HubertFarnsworth: trying to lose The-Game™ fine is good, what are you up to these days? reading anything good? HubertFarnsworth: sure - irc logs, random web pages,my screenplays, tweets: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tl;dr for the win for now StayHungry: that's not a quality that is common to all humans :-/ blkshp: Are you enjoying Wodehouse? rindolf: Haha. I always collected logs but never read them. HubertFarnsworth: i think in life, the walk can be better than the destination I enjoyed the one about the cow creamer, yes! haha but i have decided I'm going to take them separated by something else, I'm currently on Stephen King's Cujo. tinwhiskers: tragedies often embitter people, make them callous and detached. but some stay afloat. ah. I see. ah, Stephen King HubertFarnsworth: i mean i'm reading the real time chats i participate in I have a friend who insists it's supposed to be pronounced with an f instead of a v (the Stephen in Stephen King) ah I see huf: heh, he sounds stubborn rindolf: the destination is death and the walk at times is good but sucks mostly Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6r6nhBcIbA my father keeps insisting that https://duckduckgo.com/Rosh_Hashanah?ia=web is not a chag HubertFarnsworth: you cannot physically die in The-Game™ StayHungry: i prefer crossover classical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZd1GsRHVts rindolf: hooray for animation :D StayHungry: i love animations! Disney, WB, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic ; the Muppets ; you name it random rindolf: 5 season is best especially i mean first and latest episode kompowiec: of MLP: fim? yep but I don't think I have finished watching the rest of the episodes until today. I think I ended up in the 7th season, I think. kompowiec: ah, i liked most episodes and also stopped watching after the end of season 7. i felt it ended well, and the novelty factor was gone. -- #English, Freenode % vdamewood: hi! sup? I don't like the fact that the new ##programming faq is neutered of links. seems like in your intolerance of me you've philosophised yourself into a corner. :P we're going to lose The-Game™ erm, if you get bored of one corner then philosophize yourself onto the other corner.... lol Inline: heh. Inline++ http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20060302 Title of shlomif's link: UserFriendly Strip Comments at least it's raining metaphysics erry day..... hahaha that strip is a remake of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNYI3iINXrQ Title of shlomif's link: Sam the Eagle versus Alice Cooper - YouTube Inline: metaphysics is my favourite physics ;) * Inline goes take a swim in the sea of concepts then comes out and holds his bucket in the air to fill with metaphysics then philosophizes himself onto his retreat couch lather, rinse, repeat shlomif: i'm a holidayist lol Inline: \o/ :D Inline++ # good joke Inline: may i tweet it? we got a bit offtopic though Inline: "there is no escape from shlomif's philosophical corner!" ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m-kbBamg_U - 'stay there!' Title of shlomif's link: Sesame Street: Grover And Herry Explain Here & There - YouTube Hi guys. How can i define a char array with 10 MB size? I do not want use pointer or malloc. pr-asadi: static char array[10*1024*1024]; dave0++ dave1 10 MB is peanuts nowadays. still might fail though if the duration is automatic. dave0: How did do static? pr-asadi: because twkm static duration was required. the static keyword might not be needed, but that depends on context. usually it is not a good idea to put a 10 MB array on the stack. I think usually the stack on Linux is only 8 MB big(might be higher now, not sure what the current value is). So putting it into the static memory section might be good idea :> but why do you not like to use malloc? I usually avoid malloc, too. But its because i usually work in microcontrollers So... fgets function does not give char *array type. does not takes* ? I should use narrow string(char array[length]). pointer into storage, at least n bytes of it where n is what you provide a the second argument. some prefer using allocated storage there, but automatic, static or thread local is fine too. Twix: What do you mean? I am a beginner. that the stack size is limited? Or the static memory thing? twkm: I should read more about the static keyword. there are basically 3 memory sections. Maybe 4 if you take thread local memory into account. The stack, the heap and the static memory indeed, storage duration and the meaning of the qualifiers should be learned. ugh. the static memory gets allocated by the compiler/linker. Its size is known at compile time / before the program has been started. * caveman has quit (Quit: the ##end of the abyss) every thing you declare as static never gets deleted. The memory is allocated due the whole program lifetime. E.g. if you have a static variable in a function, it will keep it content between calls of this function Twix: Thanks man. I did know these things. I should read more. you did already know? :o on microcontrollers its neat to use static memory for everything. If you avoid malloc you can make better predictions about the memory consumption of your program but its more complicated to write a memory efficient program. You need to put a lot of thought how to use these static allocated memory to not waste it On a bigger system i would not recommend this technique and rather simply use malloc to get the buffer you need given char s[n]; or static char s[n]; or char *s = malloc(n); -- which you provide to fgets doesn't matter to fgets. Twix: Sorry. "I did not" is true. :D of course you must provide n (or less than n) as well, not some larger value. i always use INT_MAX. Works every time. But if i only could find the reason for those segmentation faults ... :> oh hi fputs_ o/ fputs_: hi. sup? hi is anyone converting fortran77 to c? some have. Posterdati: "is" or "can"? is I think is the better choice to apply There isn't much Fortran code left, so even people skilled at doing that probably aren't doing it now not using f2c some things in c99 were specifically to (app)ease such efforts. Or are you looking for someone to help? or to help you? kurahaupo: some applications are still maintained in fortran77 due to its speed for linear algebra computations vectors arithmetics is faster on f77 * shlomif only wrote FizzBuzz in fortran Posterdati: Vector arithmetic will be faster in whichever languages can use the hardware acceleration in modern CPUs well comparing the same algorithm in c and fortran77 the latter always win -- #c, Freenode % Most early home computers (e.g: [Commodore 64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_64) or [Apple II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_II)) suffered from the "Form over function" fallacy. I imagined a 1980s IBM PC clones commercial that featured [Melissa Joan Hart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Joan_Hart) as a child fixing PCs. Then the camera zoomed into her belt with the caption "It doesn't take a witch to fix this computer. All it takes is a [Phillips Screwdriver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_F._Phillips)." This commercial helped cement the PCs' dominance. Hart was kind-of pre-destined to become *The Witch* given [Vedek Winn](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Winn_Adami) predicted that their final name will be "Meli-Lisa Jo-Anne Heart" based on the profile's previous names. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-how-chun-li-vs-tifa-should-end ) % The term "idiot-proof" (= laymen proof) and [Joel's advice of fixing support requests permanently](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=joel-remarkable-customer-service-3) get a whole new meaning when some laymen are tech geeks who have github accounts and are versed in the command line. E.g: [fortune-mod issue #45](https://github.com/shlomif/fortune-mod/issues/45). -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1330457762191511554 ) % *Jack:* I suggest we stop eating for one year and thus save a lot of money. But what will we buy with all the money we save? *Sophie:* we'll buy food! -- Shlomi Fish -- Aphorisms Collection ( http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Hi! Where can I find the TypeScript language spec? It was previously available here, but it has been archived: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/tree/main/doc trampi: There's no spec, they stopped caring about it a few years ago systemfault++ IRC karma > gold ;) I think specs can often be useful for design, though. sometimes they can be pointless. :) I don't believe anyone would write another complete TypeScript compiler (I'm not talking about a TS stripper, there are already a lot of them) systemfault: "believe it." -- http://www.earthstar.co.uk/deep1.htm or https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Taylor-Swift/ … or Chuck for that matter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Norris_facts ;) Haha :) systemfault: \o/ systemfault: my sites/blogs have many other jokes systemfault: do you have WWW presence? I've browsed through your website, it's fine. hey guys, I have a generic class , and a method that takes , is there a way to constrain O to extend T? hmm, there might be systemfault: http://old-1998-site.shlomifish.org/ - humble start I don't, I bought my domain name but only use it for my Google email account jadew: have you tried ? yeah, doesn't work Can you write a small repro on the TS playground? systemfault: ah. :| wait, that's not what I want I want T extends O nevermind, this is a non-issue Good :) rindolf: simple websites like that age well, it looks fine on my phone jadew++ # updating us systemfault: true, but I want a navigation menu, a breadcrumbs trail/etc https://everybootstrap.site/ ;) hey philosophical question. I think I saw an answer somewhere but forgot it. Why do programming languages have statements? I know the historical reason: FORTRAN had statements and expressions, and then the division just kind of was inherited on to other languages. But is there some tangible BENEFIT from saying "this here is not an expression, it doesn't return a value you can assign or use elsewhere"? I don't know, my guess is simply because of how programming started. maybe something to do with sequence points? but it's such an "obvious" thing that you might always want to potentially have a value back from any kind of expression; and, like, why not? It can always be ignored if it's not needed and I mean, new languages get designed all the time. Why does TypeScript have statements (ok, because js). Why does rust have statements? https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/statements.html seems it's declarations mostly There's a classic old paper that could be relevant… "Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs" By John Bacus https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~crary/819-f09/Backus78.pdf systemfault: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines sig: https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1479822015464976389 sig: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lambda+calculus&atb=v140-1&ia=web , Lambda Calculus, is cool, but gets tedious https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-programming-German-as-he-is-spoke rindolf: Lambda Calculus is tedious because there aren't good tools; there aren't good tools because there hasn't been a billion dollar demand systemfault: cool paper. Reminds of Ryan Dahl lamenting how broken NPM and node.js is sig: Then he went on to create Deno… which isn't that much better… sig: perl is not tedious sig: What will be his next project? Oden? Done? Nedo? Edon? What combination of "Node" is he going to use? ;) rindolf: perl also has absolutely nothing to do with lambda calculus :D Anyway, TL;DR… programming started really close to the machine which is imperative systemfault: I don't know enough history to know if Backus ever got a chance to have a stab at (more) functional languages than fortran and algol… I used to write Perl in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe's_Own_Editor The first programming languages were very simple abstractions on top of assembly… because well, CPU and RAM were very limited sig: my point was that Perl lacks good tools and yet Perl is dead :P ahum, ok I was actually super impressed with Perl when I once tried it I had this list of files and I wanted to generate an album HTML page It's like COBOL, existing codebases will keep being maintained… but I'm not sure that anyone is going to start a new Perl 5 project in 2022 @files = `ls` # holy shit did I just parse the filenames in current directory into a list?! And Perl 6… was renamed Raku. sig: heh, I did an HTML album too sig: you did just parse the filenames in the current directory in a broken way that at best works most of the time, yes :) avu: scripting only needs to work for me, right now TypeScript is an okay scripting language ";D" hey is it true btw that ts-node isn't "production quality"? You can't actually spawn lots of workers using it or whatever using ls in scripts is just as wrong in perl as it is in bash not if it works >:3 systemfault: https://hackernoon.com/how-it-feels-to-learn-javascript-in-2016-d3a717dd577f ;) sig: I find tsc/ts better than raw js. I also use https://emscripten.org/ Night all. Try dreaming of something more pleasant than COBOL… -- #typescript, Freenode % First people were prejudiced about new vs. old. Then about popularity. Now they are about "mainstream"ness. ["Two kinds of fools"](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=two-kinds-of-fools). Let's just kill prejudice once and for all! When I described Kate in my [Selina Mandrake](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Selina-Mandrake/) story as a socialite, I was attacked, but what's wrong with being one? -- Shlomi Fish -- Tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1364839109068541958 ) % nothing rindolf how was your day? bomb: productive bomb: hacked on xhtml5, css, tt2, perl5, py3, etc. codes that's cool rindolf but what is tt2 rindolf aye template toolkit bomb: yes. jinja2's scoping confuses me :[ I liked jinja2 when I was using Flask, but it's smarter than it should be. Gotta keep the template dumb bomb: yes I used bottle.py for this script: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-beauty-products-as-the-stone-soup-effect ah, good ol' bottle.py, I remember it was way faster than Flask also used sqlite do you run it on Gunicorn? bomb: it is shared hosting - https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/hosting/ rindolf hmm, uses CGI then? https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/site_loads_quickly.xhtml bomb: maybe. i dont care as long as it's fast just make sure you don't write a popular article :) bomb: https://www.buzzfeed.com/rossalynwarren/emma-watson-crashed-the-un-website - new age slashdot effect most of my site is static Roey: shabbath shalosh Roey: i hacked on xhtml5, css, tt2, perl5, py3, etc. codes rindolf: shabbat shalom :) yeah? what did you make with them/ ? Roey: web-pages. eg: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/So-Who-The-Hell-Is-Qoheleth/ongoing-text.html -- ##writing, Freenode % Russia cutting off internet march11! what can we do talk to elon u mean starlink? right, because #security is who should be doing things can we bypass this? ...? still get access ??? HAM radio + email repeaters you can send basic HTML over it They're still gonna need internet for their own local shit so realistically it's gonna be some BGP block or DNS fuckery i'm sure if the Chinese can bypass the GFW so can the russians ooh .onion proxies and etc etc will help so i simply continue to use .ru urls? what's GFW? great firewall of china GFW ohhh i need to get myself a HAM radio are there .onion proxies for every possible url? what does that mean no .onions must be set up by the site admin you don't need a HAM radio to access Tor but a HAM radio can help access other parts of the internet even if it's just downloading an RSS feed oh awesome that's neat idk the ru sites' admins godSend23: see #linux ok rindolf why there? godSend23: I noted that I suspect Russia will be Egypt 2 hmm .ru-ers are crazy https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1501288850055995396 "The Ukrainian John Deere Brigade apparently found another abandoned T-80U tank." :D yes, everyone following the war knows Ukraine has captured at least several heavy vehicles a day savage https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FNW200nVQAAqWxR?format=jpg&name=large CombatVet: the next expansion pack for farming simulator? ;) how to tow a tank =) that thing is pulling like 20x+ its weight ajak: reallife tanks are hateful - https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Terminator/Liberation/indiv-nodes/hannah-using-a-tank.xhtml what are you on about Apachez: heh ajak: tanks are big, heavy, unagile & vulnerable and an environmental menace i think this is a bit orthogonal to the issue ajak: maybe,... ajak: it tends2get stuffy inside tanks death in a tank, is horrible generally the tank becomes impossible to exit, and on fire, and you burn to death usually fairly slowly as the fuel leaks and spreads and ignites That put aside, despite common belief, NASA astronauts did use pencils in space at first ( https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-nasa-spen/ ), just like their Soviet peers. However, this solution was found to be lacking. As a result, space-friendly pens were developed (within budget) and used (including by the USSR cosmonauts). cockatoodude: :[ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/08/kyiv-deadlock-contrasts-russia-worrying-south-ukraine-war-progress ^ Focus on Kyiv deadlock obscures Russia’s success in south Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian -- #security, Freenode % kee++ i think hiding info from 'hackers' is futile and nonconstructive - https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/indiv-nodes/fear-is-path-to-dark-side.xhtml >> Putting Cards on the Table (2019-2022) - "Fear is the path to the dark side" i wonder if most muscular women are lesbians Statistically speaking, it's unlikely. Most women aren't lesbians, so there'd have to be a high correlation between muscle-building exercise and sexuality, and I don't see why there should be. K4rMa: there was https://friends.fandom.com/wiki/The_One_With_The_Male_Nanny >> The One With The Male Nanny | Friends Central | Fandom and i cried recently too when listening to songs friends is great kee: i suspect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sappho wasn't really homosexual just playful and parodical, not unlike Ezekiel K4rMa: yes. i also like TBBT, which is similar the big bang theory is the worst https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Bang_Theory rindolf: Ah yes. Sappho and her very good friend. What next? JavaScript was satire all along? To be honest, JavaScript being satire makes a lot more sense. In Java, Object types can be null, therefore typeof null == "object". And so on. Decisions that made some sense in other languages are satirised by JavaScript implementing them identically, or worse, and revealing them for the mistakes they are. kee: there are many straight male combat soldiers who are fond of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic . i dislike stigma and prejudice… :[ This is true, but Sappho wrote quite a lot of quite personal lesbian romantic poetry. It's possible she was just that good a poet, but I think it's an unlikely choice of topic for a heterosexual classical Greek. Most of her surviving poetry is about her own life in some way. kee: there may have been fanfic of her, not unlike Aesop No, most later commentators insisted she was only attracted to men. They wrote quite a lot on the topic, with their interpretations. (Quotes in such documents are the only known surviving copy of some bits of her poems.) many people made up Aesop fables on the spot - https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/factoids_obsession.xhtml >> Shlomi Fish’s FAQ - Why are you so obsessed with “facts”/factoids about Chuck Norris/etc.? kee: i am only mostly straight. i am attracted a little to men [and suspect every pleasure is sexual, creative, conceptual, and educational] I don't think "straight" is even a particularly useful concept. (Nor "lesbian".) But it's one of the concepts in our culture, for good or for ill. We shouldn't really try to attach modern conceptions of sexuality or whatever to Sappho. kee: “Do note, however that I kindof am attracted to the bitch type. One of my many kinks. While my friends are attracted to everything that moves, I see no reason to limit myself ( Reference: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Things-Anybody-Ever-Said/dp/0743235797/ref=sr_1_1 ).” Tbh, most historians are too obsessed with her sexuality. She wrote plenty of other poems! Just because we only have one-and-a-bit of those, doesn't mean we should pretend they don't exist. kee: yes. kee: i haven't studied ancient greek philosophy / culture closely, but OTOH haven't watched most Sesame Street skits either Sappho wrote in a regional dialect of Greek. Since it was a different dialect to the one that later became Standard Classical Greek, many classicists decided her poems were trash, because they couldn't understand them easily. So they just didn't copy them off the original papyrus. we will always play catchup kee: ah kee: BTW, did you hear about https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/fan-pages/samantha-smith/ ? >> Fan page for Samantha Smith - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite -- #web, Freenode % After [Gideon Seyetik](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Gideon_Seyetik) tried to commit suicide, he and Q materialised on the bridge of The Defiant, and Q said: <<< What you did was brave, but not brave enough. See, the right to divorce is upheld by the constitution of the Q Continuum and all other known continuums as well as The-Codex™. I divorced [my share of wives](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/indiv-nodes/Qs-wife.xhtml) and some organisms divorced after milliards of years of marriage. Your wife's race's reluctance for separation is unlikely to be biological. >>> So Prof. Seyetik and his wife started a political / religious struggle to allow them and other unhappy couples to divorce. It was successful eventually, but ironically Mrs. Seyetik was so impressed by her husband's perseverence, that she fell in love with him again, and they remained together. Since then, the couple has been doing other political activism. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-story-of-Gideon-Seyetik-in-the-Selinaverse ) % *Note:* this is [Real Person Fiction](https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/why_real_person_fiction.xhtml). It is known that a man or a woman, of any age, can be physically strong, staminous, dextrous, flexible, etc. while having small muscles and being lightweight. [Julia Vins'](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=julia+vins&atb=v140-1&ia=web) natural DNA gave her a thin, skinny body which she disliked. To remedy this, she first tried eating a lot. She ate a lot but remained skinny. Given pregnancy was out of the question, and given she preferred not to use magic for it yet, she turned to bodybuilding. However, she, preferred to remain skinny while being happy, rather than gain muscle mass and be miserable. As a result, Ms. Vins: 1. Ate many fatty or sweet foods. There's a video where Jennifer Lawrence and she were recorded devouring a whole extra large pizza each. 2. Often skipped gym sessions for days on end. 3. Spent a lot of her gym time watching, helping and socialising with the other gym attendees. It worked! Not only did she get a bulkier body that she was happier with, but she [broke several powerlifting records](https://imgur.com/t/fbb/96Xf9pA) and her babyface and use of excessive makeup earned her the moniker "Muscle Barbie". That wasn't the end of the story, though. The first obstacle was that Julia became allergic to the makeup she was using. Since [most beauty products are placebos](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-beauty-products-as-the-stone-soup-effect) and Julia was confident enough as is, she simply stopped using them and was still recognisable. Yet another issue she ran into was that many of her airborne weight liftings resulted in her injuring herself. Thus, she decided to step out of the competitive powerlifting race, and periodically sell or donate some of The-Game™'s physical strength points and muscle mass points she has earned to people who needed them. Even if she gave them away, she still received compensating donations of money or publicity. She ended up earning enough money to start a local restaurant where she is the barista. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-how-chun-li-vs-tifa-should-end ) % Back when I studied EE in the Technion, I tried to reach the webmasters of my department's website, in order to improve its user-experience. I received a reply from one of them that opened with "Hi Professor Fish". And that was back when I was an undergraduate student, before I even had a Bachelor's degree. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=shlomif-how-chun-li-vs-tifa-should-end ) % https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsV4fULcyQw&t=570 - holy shit does Natalie Portman look sexy muscular! Is it a Marvel films thing? Given a person can be small-muscled yet strong-as-an-ox, it’s psychological bias [but what isn't?] ^ ► YouTube :: Star Wars (1999) Cast Then and Now [23 Years After] @ 09:30 :: Duration: 10:02 :: Views: 231,454 :: Uploader: toptenfamous :: Uploaded: 2022-07-12 :: 3,698 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 311 comments great arms, gotta say without watching the video, i’m going to guess the new Thor movie where she plays Thor TomatoSynth: heh, you can look but you'd better not touch…if you know what’s good for you wondering if she worked on her legs that much. i haven't seen the movie. Sketch: Thorah the explorer Thorah the Microsoft Internet Explorer… ;] “I don’t want to mess with Summer Glau, but I'll let her mess with me every day!” "If Emma Watson and Arnold Schwarzenegger were locked in a room alone, only Emma would come out alive. After she would break the door open." Life becomes meaningless without sex and violence. ;] "Taylor Swift can go and destroy the White House. She and what army? Why, she and no army." "If Apple ever tried to sue Taylor Swift for trademark violations of Apple Swift, they would spend all their money on litigation, and still lose. This would make many lawyers richer, and the world a better place." TomatoSynth: I just realised something - Portman wanted to become physically stronger for some roles. She preferred developing the bigger muscles as a certificate of hard work [just like a gnupg signature]; the studios were OK either way If Portman were the “queen of web 1.0”: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Buffy/A-Few-Good-Slayers/ongoing-text.html#talk_with_rindolf_on_freenode ^ Buffy - a Few Good Slayers - Ongoing Text - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite https://www.cbr.com/disney-gargoyles-returns-new-season-dynamite-entertainment/ Wow. ^ Disney’s Gargoyles Returns with a New Season from Dynamite Entertainment Chigra: the 1990s “Gargoyles” was a decent show. Full of mystery and a cast full of TNG Yeah, that’s what Gargoyles should be remembered most as. The TNG casts side hustle. There would be no indication that Marina Sirtis could act without it. A lot of comic book writers were involved with the stories, and at least one novelist that I like. Chigra: yeah, I never watched it more than occasionally, that's the only thing i remember about it -- ##cinema, Freenode % Definition of “The Alpha Female”: the woman people are talking about people talking about. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#alpha_female_def ) % [Clarissa Darling](https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/multiverse-cosmology/#Clarissa_Darling) was the 4th or 5th terran terminator to have been terminated. She is a "The Theory Of Everything" brainiac. Clarissa avoids physical peril and discomfort as much as possible, while delighting in nonviolent battles of wits. She likes to flaunt her knowledge, and unverified hypotheses. The "Clarissa Explains It All" pattern where she chases her brother around the kitchen table is not something the real Clarissa will ever do. Like many others, Clarissa believes in the [missiles vs. mêlée motif](http://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/Missiles_vs_Melee_Motif/) and that "the pen is mightier than the bow". However, as a post-Terminator girl, Clarissa was constantly tormented by boys pulling her hair. As a result, her friend (and former watcher) Sam, convinced her to study martial arts - Karate, I think - together. While she hated almost every single moment of it, the torments stopped shortly after they started learning Karate. Now, at one point, Clarissa and Sam participated in a regional Karate tournament, where Clarissa won the silver medal for the girls' competition, and Sam didn't place (and didn't care too much about it). Following that, and the publicity it received, Clarissa and Sam concluded that they no longer need to study martial arts, and as a result decided to quit. And indeed while Clarissa still had her share of challenges and obstacles, she still was no longer being tormented. ( Note that some of Clarissa's opponents in the tournament complained that fighting her was not-as-fun-as-it-could be, because she didn't prolong the fights. ) *Unix wiz girl* As a dispeller, Clarissa's template used [troff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troff) on a Unix system to typeset and print her letters to the Muppeteers and fellow dispellers. The post-Terminator Clarissa remained a Unix enthusiast, whereas [Melissa Joan Hart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Joan_Hart) was more into IBM PCs and DOS. With the advent of commodity 32-bit/64-bit CPU architectures and Unix-like operating-systems (GNU, BSDs, Linux)¸ their paths converged. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=clarissa-darling ) % wow my chan is so loquacious now :P i imagine one day this chan will become big and everyone will just be like "who tf is hiya why name it after him ?" lowden: hiya is a legend hiya is the power that binds all together that brings different culture together a guy you can make fun of A guy who loves Bigfoot :) Who loves Canada / USA / Europe A great personality :P hiya: hi, your monologue reminds me of the poem in https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Rings_of_Power hiya: it was funny though hiya: funny and fun \o/ rindolf: :) -- “When it comes to humility, I am the greatest” -- ##hiya, Freenode % sometimes I come to hate lando Kartagis: https://lando.dev/ ? >> Home | Lando distrust every product of which the description's opening paragraph contains 'button' and 'push' rindolf: yep. it sometimes gives me http timeout and the one solution mentioned as docker system prune -a Nomikos: heh, also “one click” yep \o/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEfrdAtAmqk >> God-Tier Developer Roadmap Nomikos: TL;DW it’s not actually useful, but entertaining Nomikos: ok. he talks too fast too you can play it at 0.75% speed :o) ehr.. *75% 0.75% would make it hard to understand again I’m following a docker youtube which has generated subtitles, and have seen at least 13 different ways in which the word “docker” was interpreted from a quick scan: dr, Dr. dakar, doctor, darker, dogra doko -- #web, Freenode % Objective Visual Turbo Global jIronOpenPerl++.NET™ Enterprise Edition♭ Professional Home Premium Ultimate 64-bit Single-user. -- Shlomi Fish -- Based on a Freenode #perl conversation ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perl-perls-enterprise-release ) % Back around 2013, when I was ~36, a girl told me I looked 24 years old, and I was disappointed because I always thought I looked 18. [“Meet Q Gadol”](https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Star-Trek/We-the-Living-Dead/ongoing-text.html#meet-Q-Gadol) -- Shlomi Fish -- @shlomif tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1419606261881098243 ) % https://www.shlomifish.org/me/rindolf/indiv-nodes/rindolfism__howtohelp.xhtml rindolf: in accordance with your words, I will add my 2 cents to the public forum * rindolf is now playing: Katy Perry - 'Hummingbird Heartbeat' (Cover by Savannah Outen & Kyle Jordan Mueller)-BHhh-yCmn7g.mp4 [01:20/04:35] From my perspective, rindolfism has an air of old celtic, and germanic lost roots. It is the alterego of the shalom oriented man, who because of history has its foot in two realms, in that of Saladin and from before the Brothers Grimm in a Alsacean forest under the rule of Charlemagne. Rindolfism, in my opinion, mythologizes the English aura and lays it like a thin mantel over the girth of Israeli and Hebrew wisdom. Upon the mantel written in gold are the languages of the angels, but now understood as code. These once archaic and mystic memes have now surfaced and materialized in the dawn of the computer age and have flourished humbly as programmer and hacker. Rindolfism is the source of great worry for those who seek hide the secret past of the world and what the ancients called, "The Cold Curtain." The cold curtain is the time only known to the initiated moon watchers and tree whisperers. It is a time when the winds howl from the arctic and drive the northern people in an ice march towards the verdant lands of mediterranean. Rindolfism's only curse and enemy is itself. Because of its freedom and opensourceness, it is destined to morph into something so unknown and unfamiliar that the followers of Rindolfism won't be able to recognize it. So the followers of Rindolfism are destined to a long period of confusion until they coalesce back into one Rindolfism with all its contradictions and differences, as it was before it changed into a non-Rindolfism. This nature of rindolfism is peculiar because we are not sure if the rindolfism of today is even the original rindolfism. However scholars point to schlomifish.org with certainty that it is and was AS it is written. We are happy to agree in order to ensure that rindolfism continues to be a source of unity amongst ranting-raving chatters, ##religion addicts, hackers, programmers, n00bs, and other categories that are inappropriate to say. elgranroble: i'm reminded of https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/too_old_or_too_new_sources.xhtml rindolf: rindolfism is antithetical to smiflodnirism which posits that rindolfism has everything upside down. rindolfism is toe-to-toe with the biggest feet. rindolfism is the cure to every people under a dictator with an anger problem or anyone in any unhealthy relationship. rindolfism is currently being studied by the all intelligence agencies in order to synthesize and patent it before the soviets do. rindolf: To understand rindolfism, all you need to do is click right-mouse and View Source (Inspect Element). On the other hand, elgranroble-ism is so messed up it might make you end up going back to your therapist. lol elgranroble: haha… \o/ Elgranroble-ism has been banned in several countries and is being currently under review in several "free" countries. Critics say that the mix of depressing and hopeful information is too complicated for anyone who doesn't want to try to be a good person. Critics say that it makes most people feel pity or anger. Elgranroble-ism has been accused of being overblown hogwash created by spoiled chatterbox. Followers of elgranroble-ism disagree vehemently to these accusations, although some have expressed that they wish their movement was easier to say in English. heh The major tenets of Elgranroble-ism are 1. Absorbing information critically but with an open mind, 2. Being Forgiving until it hurts like Jesus, 3. Praying to God and seeing how it knows your heart, 4. Giving credit to where you get ideas from so that you don't look like a racist appropriator or a liar, 5. Thinking of weird things but keeping them to yourself until the right moment, 6. Aspire to be at the frontier of something even without being an expert, 7. See the magic in the world and struggle with it, but try to move in a positive direction for the sake of others 6. Aspire to be at the frontier of something even without being an expert, like shlomifish's /1991/ Although there are 7 tenets of Elgranroble-ism, there is a secret sect that believes that these 7 principles were made-up in a chatroom about religion in order to appease people. In reality, the mind of their leader is like a wolf. https://kimkinscam.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/sheep-wolf.jpg rindolf: night, thanks for the excitement elgranroble: gnight; thx * elgranroble has quit (Quit: elgranroble) rindolf: do you like to think about economical theories/ideas? ^ separate question. as for the palestenine question: so, your answer is that it's ok for israeli forces to beat palestenian worshippers, because it is not a genocide yet? caveman: i'm interested in psychological economics. eg: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/ i have serious thoughts about changing how economy operates, including thoughts to create a new cryptocurrency that is actually usable as a currency (something existing cryptocurrencies fail achieving). i also have thoughts on anonymous physical delivery, which makes it practically impossible for the government to stop even if it wants. anonymous physical delivery + scalable cryptocurrency = both required to have a liberated trade from governmental theft (e.g. taxation, inflation). caveman: intentional physical violence is always bad IMO are you interested in this? (scaling cryptocurrency + anonymous physical delivery) caveman: bitcoin wastes time/love which r much greater than money how so? kindly explain. what about fiat currencies? do they also waste time/love? caveman: no caveman: the whole universe should use USD [[Holly: You know, I was chatting on IRC the other day, when someone noted that he read about a man who started with a paperclip and after some stages of barter ended up owning a mansion. Ronda: heh, hacks! I presume you won't agree to buying me a mansion, today? Holly: Naturally not… but I can buy you a paperclip. A pack of 50 paperclips is also within my budget. Ronda: hah… I can try trading them for 50 mansions, and start a real-estate agency!]] rindolf: so you want to entrust everyone's wallet content to be under the mercy of the Feds? caveman: yes. they are merciful and benevolent: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/indiv-nodes/fear-is-path-to-dark-side.xhtml * rindolf is now playing: Taylor Swift - Red-Zlot0i3Zykw.mp4 [00:19/04:01] i match taytay's desc… :| -- Critique of Pure Rindolfism -- ##religion, Freenode % Things will always go wrong, even if they cannot. [Murphy’s law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murphy%27s_law) -- Shlomi Fish -- @shlomif tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1636721688145543168 ) % cantelope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome describes me and me alone. there *is* a conspiracy. Sure, except anything outside of the narrowest mainstream "normal" has a label as being a disorder And even mainstream behavior, if we don’t like you :P He’s obsessed with playing games! Oh, nevermind that he’s locked in his room 20 hours a day with just the console Seems relevant somehow, but he’s totally OCD if you ask us I’ve said this before, but must I point out that NOT every savant must necessarily be an idiot savant? Show abnormal aptitude for anything or everything and suddenly we all feel better about ourselves by calling you sick Go figure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zlot0i3Zykw also describes me, and my physical sex-life amounted to one "rapekiss" >> Taylor Swift - Red cantelope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felicia_Day used2be a [female] video games’ addict cantelope: *nod* there are 3 "the guild" songs on youtube that i like cantelope: i’ve been diagnosed with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizoaffective_disorder too; another f**kers obstacle More like you were diagnosed with an acute failure to kiss ass, amirite? cantelope: what? In all the schizo* cases I’ve seen, the label is attached willy nilly in response to a need to show that *something* was done to address some alleged thing that happened. In other words, when people are difficult and strange, they become targets for that diagnosis, whether it’s helpful or not cantelope: by 'kissing ass', do u mean dispensing flattery? Yeah, if you had only befriended the alleged victim, the court and/or the shrink... You would be healthy as an ox® Sadly, this usually involves hurting your own life somehow World is mad jenky atm We’re on it like a bonnet I’m so done with webshit chiselfuse: i love the web, but find webdev hard chiselfuse: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-all-cards-on-the-table-2013/indiv-nodes/machines_that_can_give_questions.xhtml >> Putting all the Cards on the Table (2013) - The Machines That Can Give You Questions https://tonsky.me/blog/disenchantment/ >> Software disenchantment @ tonsky.me Heh https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/site_loads_quickly.xhtml ; OTOH, a rebuild of my site takes ~4mins >> Shlomi Fish’s FAQ - This site loads so quickly. What is your secret? Their first mistake is thinking that mediocrity is isolated to software Modern cars in fact do not "run at 98% efficiency of what’s possible". Rather they’re very carefully designed to shit the bed within 10 years Phones, everything pretty much cantelope: i hate the terresterial consumerism of refrigerators / washing machines / etc K many PC XT boxes are still operational XP? cantelope: no - XT 8088 / DOS / etc cantelope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Personal_Computer_XT Yeah, things used to be made to last in general. It was thought that longevity/durability was a selling point, before research indicated ppl are too stupid not to just keep buying disposable crap Still see plenty of old Volkswagens on the road, for example Make things break quickly, because it pays. Bravo, capitalism... *slow clap* https://shlomif-tech.livejournal.com/741.html >> Common Fallacies No. 1: the Broken Window Fallacy: shlomif_tech — LiveJournal cantelope: ^^ Yeah I see it. The problem isn’t fallacies or greed. These are predictable features of any economic model that overrelies on competition. Competition in fact isn’t even the crux of an open market system as were told, but rather freedom to choose, a very different thing There will be fallacies, and deception and inequity as long as you are at odds with your own neighbors, financially They are literally your economic adversaries under capitalism.l, and therefore balance is impossible The margins all become battlegrounds, versus equilibrium as in a cooperative environment cantelope: my thoughts: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/indiv-nodes/amateur-modelled-commerce.xhtml >> Putting Cards on the Table (2019-*) - Amateur-modelled commerce Rashad: hi, sup? rindolf hey beautiful calm Friday morning hello hello n0xx rindolf sup? n0xx sup? Rashad: ah. is it still Ramadan? Rashad: it is my 46th bday I’m really enjoying designing databases right now, and whats going on on the other side? :) yeah rindolf no Ramadan finished a little while ago rindolf happy birthday!!!!!! happy birthday! :) Rashad: n0xx : thanks I was effectively born in sep1983 tho https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1627138342499352577 >> Shlomi Fish on Twitter: "Someone on IRC told me "you haven’t updated your website’s style in 50 years". 1973 is before the WWW was invented in 1989. For ref: * https://t.co/l5YzBHEMrL * https://t.co/a7E1uTOtB9" / Twitter ppl *cannot* be so cruel and dumb. there *is* a conspiracy stupidity as a conspiracy? 🤔 interesting Rashad: see https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1654136889488687112 >> Shlomi Fish on Twitter: "You claim I became stupid cause I claim this hell isn’t real. But I have evidence: https://t.co/qjWOgHq97N . Moreover, these recent creations prove I’m smart: 1) https://t.co/WBvdbxF1j2 ; 2) https://t.co/yg9UhaJx87" / Twitter -- Reality Lies -- ##web, Freenode % Flock aimed to be the browser for the social web, but I found it the completely antisocial browser. -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html#flock_browser ) % Life was so much simpler during the heydays of Web 1.0 when all the celebrities had 3-letter acronyms: [SMG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Michelle_Gellar), [MJH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Joan_Hart), [JLH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Love_Hewitt), [RMS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman), [ESR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_S._Raymond), [NSA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Agency), [CIA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Intelligence_Agency), [FBI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation), [GPL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License), [BSD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Software_Distribution). -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % "Philosophy" means "the love of wisdom", and "amateur" means "someone who works for the love of it". As a result, when I described myself as an "amateur philosopher", there could have been some redundancy. -- Shlomi Fish -- @shlomif tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1655538996896845824 ) % Genetically-speaking, Christina Grimmie isn’t my daughter, but my father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate's ex-step-2nd-niece-in-law. ;) Spiritually and intellectually, she-and-I are family. -- Shlomi Fish -- @shlomif tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1662737002817519616 ) % A woman without a hijab probably won't be arrested in Tehran. But many female Iranians still wear it out of respect. Judaism has its share of "sexist" discrimination too. Before she retired, queen Elizabeth II could not wear captioned shirts, while her grandchildren can/could. We all have different affiliations. -- Shlomi Fish -- @shlomif tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1639567280471252992 ) % Hi bubuche87: sup? Nothing. And you ? bubuche87: I’m rereading an old essay of mine: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-all-cards-on-the-table-2013/ Title: Putting all the Cards on the Table (2013) - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite (at www.shlomifish.org) rindolf: i was all hot and heavy to dive into some juicy philosophy, and what appeared from the link to be a firey confession. So i clicked. The first thing i notices was the site re-kajiggering several times in a spastic adaptation to my mobile device. When it finally settled down, i was staring at a choice of various "format" options, which wholly pushed my prior interest out of mind while i struggled to compute why text on a webpage would need optional formats. Then as i accepted this was superfluous, i began to scroll, remembering why i was there in the first place. The next thing i saw was a licensing statement, which made me pause again, wondering if i was perhaps committing a crime by visiting the page. Of course i wasnt, but the pause from seeing legal whatnot is a common, unsuppressable reflex. So i FINALLY got to the text which, in the opening thesis, not only failed to hook my interest, but proudly declared that the subject is admittedly stale, 10+ years old today bruh I think a total reboot of your stuff might be good for you A fresh site, from scratch With new content and PICTURES maybe you talk about webp making your site fast but I’ll be damned it i saw any webp images cantelope: I’ll reboot your ass ;] 👌 cantelope: https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/04/06/things-you-should-never-do-part-i/ Title: Things You Should Never Do, Part I – Joel on Software (at www.joelonsoftware.com) continued in https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2002/01/23/rub-a-dub-dub/ Title: Rub a dub dub – Joel on Software (at www.joelonsoftware.com) I did read a little of it, rindolf. Enough to understand that you regret the level of success/achievement you have (not) reached to date. But here’s why: successful people make a habit of SEEKING AND DEVOURING constructive criticism, not rejecting it due to laziness cantelope: Nice review HyperKoos: eventually cantelope: throwing away a site I worked on for a life-time is value destruction cantelope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTBx-hHf4BE Title: One Tin Soldier - The Original Caste [Original] - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) -- Not falling for that, fucker TheGamers™ -- ##gamedev, Freenode See Also: ========= * In addition, many users of my sites reported broken outgoing links whereas the terresterial site owners did not respond to my pleas to restore them. % Back when I was hospitalised in a closed psychiatric ward, I told one of the fellow inmates: “The privacy here sucks!”. He replied: “There is no privacy here.”. -- Shlomi Fish -- @shlomif tweet ( https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/1639567280471252992 ) % https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/17t4kkt/unless_explicitly_specified_otherwise_open_source/ Title: Unless Explicitly Specified Otherwise, Open Source Software With Users Carries Moral Obligations : programming (at www.reddit.com) sup, y’all? redditers should understand that downarrow means 'not notable' rather than 'disagree' it means whatever i want to to mean i im the one clicking it you’re not my dad if* cantelope: what if you think it means 'get the death star to blow up Earth'? :p this is a problem with symbols, be they buttons or words: the meaning is only ever that which is INTENDED BY THE USER, however maddeningly frustrating it may be, to have to do the research dictionaries and stuff are just helpful ideas as to what the meaning(s) are likely to be, not what they must be necessarily logic and understanding are hard https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/do_you_use_your_sites_to_serve_malware.xhtml Title: Shlomi Fish’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List - Do you use your sites to serve malware? (at www.shlomifish.org) rindolf: do you know about William Minor? The fellow who basically wrote yhe Oxford English Dictionary from within an insane asylum? It has always been thought as a randomly amusing piece of historical trivia, but i wonder: could he have foreseen the violent implications of his work? Now, we need not do research or proper investigation, with the common understanding that symbols’ documented meanings should be the expected meanings, thererby tearing apart an already confused world cantelope: there were far earlier dictionaries yes but the question remains: did Mr Minor have any idea as to the effect of his work? cantelope: [[Moreover, note that like the X-files motto goes, “The truths are out there”. The media, including Internet sites, blogs, and social media (and I may err on it too some time), will always emit a lot of static white noise in all directions (for example see my notes about Paris Hilton later), but people can tell the truth. The Bible depicts acts of massacre, adultery, and incest that would seem appalling, and which histori ans believe were common back then (see e.g: the story Levite’s concubine). Nevertheless, generations of children (and adults) who read it, knew better than to emulate that.]] we’ll be okay, as long as we remember that honesty is a real option * rindolf is now playing: /home/shlomif/Download/Video/Howard Changing Topics To His Space Trip - The Big Bang Theory-dkIEuyEsVgY.mp4 [00:22/00:57] https://i.imgur.io/NZmv9m6.jpeg -- ##gamedev, Freenode % Oh, Hey hey. what’s up? at the moment, Im contemplating my computer screen, resting. just finished my system documentation searching tool, now resting a little to start writing other tools. ah, cool neoncortex: hi, I’m reminded of https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/ideas/unixdoc/ rindolf: thats interesting, I called my tool nixdoc. its much simpler I suppose, it is just a gui that allows you to search, manual pages and info pages, and open them, in pdf. neoncortex: ah. git url? neoncortex: I’m trying to repress the memory of GNU info info pages are ok but GNU’s info browser is kinda crappy but there exists pinfo which is kinda lynx like rindolf: I did not published. I is really simple and I dont know if people would be interested. When you open it, you see this: https://0x0.st/H3Un.jpg . Then you can search a info page, for example: https://0x0.st/H3U5.jpg, then you can position you cursor in any of the results file, click view: https://0x0.st/H3UR.jpg . there’s also tkinfo same with manpages, with the difference that you can filter by section, also. https://www.gnu.org/manual/manual.html has ok UX though I generally prefer GNU’s html stuff to the info pages well i guess the html stuff is just the info pages as html though rascul: hm, tkinfo is interesting, but I do rather read the info pages sequentially, in one document. thats why I read them in pdf. also goddam apropos, when you search with sections like: apropos -s 1,2 whatever, it does not deliver in order. I fixed that, I do, in the case above, two apropos calls sequentially, and present the results xD neoncortex: your screenies have a Windows XP vibe \o/ rindolf: its themed with Windows XP themes, yes xD hehe it feels alive, not that gray/white blob modern. I remember how ugly I thought windows xp was at the time, but damn, I do rather use that. neoncortex: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perl-modern-web-sites rindolf: exactly. tl;dr tldr: modern applications are just a white/gray box with black text, look like death. like the rindolf link state, sometimes not even black, just less white. like, damn, this is not a art project, or a magazine page, it is a tool. and thats ironic: to have your white retangle with some text, you need 27 frameworks, and some good memory. plan9 can do the same, with 0 overhead xD With rounded corners and it will not display without JS on Oh hey no, it will not. It does less with more. Amazing. Lots of sites simply do not work without JS. ye but some have no excuse for such behavior yeah, I just click the back button, generally. Yep just to get the analytics for their own purposes I wonder if someone has / is developing some application that can translate a website into a useable "clean" version Using clean JS code Detoxify websites if you will I guess you can block certain JS script but it would be nice to have a tool do it all that is one thing that is in back of my mind for a time. You need a proxy web translator. Something that will interpret a modern web page, and present a sane version. There is a project, that uses webkit, read the page, and translates it into images, with clickable links, and all. It was made for old machines with ancient browsers to browse the web. Oldweb? I dont remember the name. I’m searching my notes, I think I wrote something about it. Yeah, I’m aware of that project...but I believe it takes archive.org pages and makes them "usable" Maybe I could look into creating something too :) it might be a nice thing to have. found it in my notes: webkit-rendering-proxy, https://github.com/tenox7/wrp Interesting! Thank you =D One for BlueyHealer But I’ll also give this a go Yeah...I believe I have seen this before. You could always just get a non-old computer. Centralizing processing of some page rendering still means it has to happen somewhere Or not...this is what the Oldweb is using -> https://webrecorder.net/ rocks: sure, but it is even more secure, since you have a web interpreting server, that, in case of bugs or whatever, will not infect your machine. you are basically insulated from it. I think it has been forever since the last time I was infected by a web site rocks: I never crashed a car, and yet I use the seat belt. To be fair, the police would ticket me, but still xD I crashed a motorcycle, but thats another story. my current setup include firejailing web browsers, but that wrp would be even better. -EPARANOIA ha If you really believe that web services are a threat, you would keep them on a completely separate system to other things you care about Not rely on just more layers of technology as a comfort blanket that may be the next step, yes. but firejail with -private is good. err, --private pressed the wrong button ¬_¬ -- ##Linux-offtopic, Freenode % * Klinda (~loren@2a0e:418:46a8:0:f8e3:2575:a15c:8d85) has joined demib0y, if you use xml the google search does it rank you low? Klinda: hi. What do you mean /? XHTML5? brwser-side XSLT? I don’t know I am not good in web development Klinda: https://github.com/shlomif/Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ/blob/master/FAQ_with_ToC__generated.md#why-should-i-learn-how-to-program-properly rindolf, you like to post links instead of talking ahah hi Klinda Klinda, do you mean, if you use some arbitrary XML vocabulary rather than XHTML, does your Web site show up lower in Google results? if so, likely yes, because Google won’t know how to generate snippet results the Google Web crawler does not seem to run XSLT as a result, server-side transformations are generally better. xhtml is html ? it’s HTML represented in XML so e.g. you can run XSLT or XQuery on it in the Web server, and also serve it up to google’s bot and to browsers demib0y: server-side or SSGed demib0y: and thx4helping demib0y, is it just a conversion to make think are you using html to google? Klinda, it is a lot easier to interpret is what he is saying. and thats what goog will do. use the simplest/fastest/least_resource_hungry method(s) to parse/interpret/rank/etc. but why do you have a particular thing about xml vs html? pure xml would mean it can contain anything! (i mean you have your own custom elements, etc. with xhtml your known elements are limited in scope and at least Google’s parser/whatever is able to interpret it (mostly?) what do you mean by your question? I’m not understanding it I think here you prefer bulding site with xml instead of html really? what gave you that impression? xml isnt so popular for serving webpages because you are on #xml for what propuse are you here ? XD xml is used for a lot more things than just "building sites" like what? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML#Applications mainly for data exchange.. you know your json, i hope? well, json is useless because there is no schema definition on it json it’s cool there is json-schema but its not as elegant as xml schemas xml what offers more with xml, the dtds and schemas and other xml files are *all* xml files themselves validation and transformation is better on xml I guess I should try it to understand anyway, I’m not sure what your objective is. i consider myself an xml noob who hasnt used xml (directly or indirectly) for a long while (prolly 7 years or so) others here can explain and help you better I’m sure Klinda: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/why_xml.xhtml Klinda, given a json blob and say you want to extract data out of it, the way to do it is to write a program to extract the data out. now if the data you need to extract needs to change, you edit your program or rewrite it from scratch with xml input files, you define the operations needed to do the extraction and never actually write a program directly but you specify the operations that need to happen to extract/transform the data you need and the beautiful thing about this is that list of operations you write is itself an xml file! so you can run validations/etc. on your transformation operations themselves :) is it popular to do or not? or all use json? Klinda: sorry if I’m too blunt, but you need to be less wilfully ignorant and lazy to be educable here I don’t care about web development, I will be an ai engineer btw, I can’t be jesus chirst Klinda: then why did you ask about google-indexing? I want to build a personal site or maybe sites which uses ml models Klinda: ml = machine-learning? yes I have to study react.js and a back-end like flask/django/ I think Klinda: generating sites using ML sounds like spamming what do you mean? Klinda: what isn’t clear? spamming in what sense? I said that as backend has a model in which users can interact with it Klinda: spammming as in "generating lots of low-quality, non-original, often non-functional, content" why not? ai will be the next big thing ahah much better than just being a slave and work as backend and frontend I don’t see how one can have a degree and do a web dev you can do also without also NASA is going to use AI only you, you don’t like it ahah Klinda: something is wrong in your English comprehension Klinda: "[lots of] low-quality, non-original, often non-functional, content" isn’t a good thing for you is bad I am studying in a master of ai and you want to make me cry I did a wrong stuff? ahah cool part Klinda: [[Is a certain software technology good just because I heard that NASA uses it? NASA is large (and has a large budget) and has been around for many decades, and so uses many different technologies, some of them may not be too recommended in the general case. While the Python homepage used to proclaim that "NASA uses Python", with a photo of an astronaut, and it is technically true, it was largely marketing built on common ignorance. Among the other technologies that NASA has used are: Fortran COBOL VAX Forth Assembly Perl 5 Windows, MS Word, and MS Outlook Note that we do not mean to imply that Python or whatever are bad just because NASA uses them, just that you should not use that fact as an argument in their favour.]] try next time https://www.spaceappschallenge.org/2023/challenges/ I participate to this -- I didn’t have enough natural stupidity so I'm seeking a much greater artificial one -- #xml, Freenode % Can someone help me to figure out how to create a local mirror of this site? https://www.projectvillageaotearoa.com/ >> Project Village | transgender family support It's a wix site. It's pretty light. And it seems to rely pretty heavily on js. If I mirror using wget, some of the functionality is broken. Like, the navigation doesn't appear on my snarfed copy Security Error: Content at http://localhost:8000/ may not load data from https://www.projectvillageaotearoa.com/_partials/wix-thunderbolt/dist/clientWorker.8d461475.bundle.min.js." >> Welcome to nginx! That's the error I get when I try to mirror the site. I can't seem to beat wget into mirroring the dependancies hmmm... maybe the urls for the deps are hardcoded into the js? Hello, please would someone like to participate in the development of the game portal? Guest99: hi Guest99: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/open-source/how-to-start-contributing/ >> How Can I Start Contributing to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite bobdobbs: wix for the win! ;] rindolf: lolololol it will only take weeks * bobdobbs sobs Natasha18: Its not about Game Deveelopment. It is game portal (just look: https://hrani.eu) with more than 45 000 games. It is PHP an XML, HTMl, CSS based solution. Just look and give me pleease feedback. Guest99: where is the source? on my server :) it is my solution its was written by me Guest99: are you using git-scm? i use gitlab Guest99: ok. please give a public url to the code repo You steal my code? Guest99: you got me: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/#open_free_share_steal ;] >> Commercial Real Person Fan Fiction (RPFs), crossovers and parodies as 2021 geek/hacker imperatives for revitalising the film industry - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite Guest99: I want to steal your code, and auction it on ebay for 1,000 BitDays cryptotime and i'll use them to fund the development of my NoSQL /dev/null project: https://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/slash-dev-null_is_WebScale/ >> slash-dev-null is WebScale “Now for what I’m going to do if I’m elected. I’m going to erect a gigantic statue of Tux the Penguin, this guy [picture showing on the screen], and also one for Beastie the BSD Daemon, [picture showing] for good measure. I’m going to fight against abusive behaviour toward nerds and geeks, for computer literacy, and… for world peace. What the heck!” Are You OK? Guest99: i'm just joking. ;) Guest99: if your code or data are worthwhile, then you;ll share them far and wide Guest99: https://explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/538:_Security did I say that? I hate frontend noord: did you say *what*? `i hate frontend` noord: ah... good old days, copy and paste html, just works I'm sorry, we don't know each other. I use Ubuntu daily. And all the benefits of open source. now everything should be aligned even planets to run frontend demo noord: frontend is hard. my strategy is to avoid react/vue/angular/etc., keep the JS/TypeScript simple [and optional if possible] and stick to jQuery/jQuery-UI/vanilla-js but then i'm an independent blogger/etc. [but i have many people on my "watchers" and angels teams] Guest99: i could be wrong. I am advocate of postback style web, but some features of bootstrap requires jquery/popper bundles etc I wasted 2 hours to implement a simple two column website layout that works on generic laptop and mobile phone quite a few people on IRC told me that pages of my site load quickly: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/site_loads_quickly.xhtml >> Shlomi Fish’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List - This site loads so quickly. What is your secret? Guest99: and my opinions may be rendered "wrong"er eventually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectic#Hegelian_dialectic rindolf: Add to list compress as WebP format, its modern way to compress image Guest99: it is there I am sorry, i see noord: Sometimes optimizing for multiple devices is a big problem. I use css MEDIA QUERIES like "@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) Guest99: no worries. thanks for letting me know. rindolf: maybe more faster is webpage with technique lazy loading Guest99: can it be implemented with browser-side scripting disabled/blocked/blacklisted/etc.? Gawd, the markdown processor that branchable.com uses is atrociously poor-featured, buggy, and finicky. E.g: https://shlomifishswiki.branchable.com/Never_Try_to_Please_Everyone/ . I hate markdowns in general: too fragmented. shalom how r u doing Ras: oovrakhah Ras: blogging/writing [education/entertainment/geeky-philosophy]; previously I spent some days on the web version of fc-sovle fc-solve* perlbot: freecell solver rindolf: No factoid found. Did you mean one of these: [freecell] [frijole] [fc-solve] [free speech] [forget well, it] [fraktur] [frogbot] [file::slurp] [frozen-bubble] [fork] perlbot: fc-solve rindolf: Freecell Solver / fc-solve / FCS - http://fc-solve.shlomifish.org/ - rindolf's project which he keeps mentioning >> Freecell Solver ahahahaha keeps mentioning nice one will check it out i wanna make a speech and speaker jammer so i can denoise NYC Ras: I'm trying to bring the resurrection-of-the-dead, the latter days ("rest-of-days"?), world peace/shalom (= "completeness"; there will still be non-malevolent wars/battles/competitions/etc.), and… me [or whoever wants to get laid] doing hot models ^W youtubers. ;) [[I've heard a Jew and a Muslim argue in a Damascus café with less passion than the Emacs wars. — Ronald Florence]] Ras: thanks, it has a FAQ "Conflict" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl3e-OUnavQ >> Sesame Street: Robin Williams: Conflict Ras: HI rindolf: What nerd and little philosopher like you uses what kind of working operating system and what kind of hardware? Client: HexChat 2.16.1 • OS: Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine) • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz (1.92GHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (4.5 GiB Free) Swap: 7.5 GiB Total (7.3 GiB Free) • Storage: 772.6 GB / 1.5 TB (699.3 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM Controller • Uptime: 4d 23h 38m 32s Guest99: ^^^ that's my main system at home i have others I use Ubuntu and same hardware as you :) its cool system for programming ang blogging and other and i think the hostgator.com hosting of shlomifish-dot-org is, behind the old-RHEL-facade, massively mirrored and duplicated across the network, and even carved in marble rindolf: I use Ubuntu on server and Contabo for cheap price , i use admin as Plesk app Guest99: yes. i dislike the ms-windows desktop/developer user-experience, and i've been traditionally anti-apple.com/macos and as a vampire, it's hard for me to justify shelling the money for a mac and even carved in marble :D LOL Guest99: nice, hostgator doesnt cost too much, and my sites there are responsive My best friend use Mac and still we are friends rindolf: i need for https://hrani.eu about 500 gb Storage >> 45311+ online her zdarma - HRANI.eu [[ Aesop originally wanted to write his fable as “The Hare and Windows Update” instead of “The Hare and the Tortoise” but could not figure out how the hare will ever lose to Windows Update, even despite him not taking the race seriously.]] Guest99: one of my friends has stubbornly decided to use x86-64 VMS as a desktop operating system. I like this fable. these realities are difficult for me to understand in English but I think I understand, I am not a family speaker, Guest99: I don't cut relationships due to different preferences. In my Queen Padmé Tales fics, even Darth Vader and https://spaceballs.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Helmet are good guys >> Dark Helmet | Spaceballs: The Wiki | Fandom each operating system has pluses and minuses You are very interesting man :) good Guest99: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/why_is_your_uptime_so_low.xhtml >> Shlomi Fish’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List - Why is your uptime so low? Rindoff: Are you real human? Or your virtual copy in 0 and 1 rindolf: the joke with uptime is good :) Guest99:As far as I know, I am a flesh-and-blood human. See Descartes' "Evil Demon" concept though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_demon rindolf: what about concept about virtual reality propagate by Musk?Sorry for my English what’s the joke about the uptime? Guest99: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/multiverse-cosmology/why-the-so-called-real-world-makes-little-sense/#_the_epistemological_demons - "The Matrix" films, "The Truman Show", etc. henk: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/why_is_your_uptime_so_low.xhtml >> Shlomi Fish’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List - Why is your uptime so low? rindolf: Is there a question you don't know the answer to? Guest99: yes. i don't know if https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldbach%27s_conjecture is true or not >> Goldbach's conjecture - Wikipedia or if https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collatz_conjecture or if P = NP rindolf: What pls your education? rindolf: You are super clever. Why waste your time talking when you could be solving the unsolvable? Guest99: in this hell, I was led to believe that I only have a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering ("proper") from the Technion. rindols: You have knowlange as Doctor of Information technology I learned much more from the Internet, television, books, etc. though: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/case-for-commercial-fan-fiction/indiv-nodes/learning_more_from_inet_forums.xhtml >> The Case for Commercial Fan-Fiction - Education = Entertainment = Conception of Values Guest99: talking on forums is fun, educational, and inspiring. the misses: https://imgur.com/a/Qwhlhno Is it simple to cout earning in Google AdSence for simple page. Do I need API or what.... Guest99: google AdSense's API being simple? "surely, you're joking, Mr. Feynman!" Well, it's been a while since I voluntarily placed AdSense on my sites, and I didnt study the APIs. Most of my non-hell income is from donations https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/web/models-for-commerce/ >> “Alternative” Profitable Models for Web-based Commerce - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite rindoif: know it is hell income. Last payout and stop this Adverisement hell like shit When and if I stop being a vampire (and Christina Grimmie, Jim Henson, Avicii, etc. are alive, healthy, conscious, kicking, and kicking ass), I'll consider putting text webads at the bottom of my pages, for giving publicity to other sites and organisations. It's not going to be for the money, and I approve of donating 100% of the profits to charities, and web visitors will be able to block the ads/etc,. Hi all again after restart Linux Guest99: yeah, but what’s funny about it? henk: I wasn't writing a joke. Does somebody know how to in this rss feed https://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?collection=classicpcgames give next page? >> Internet Archive - Collection: classicpcgames Guest99: well, you said »rindolf: the joke with uptime is good :)« and I’m wondering what the joke was because I missed it … henk: i send you link with the joke about uptime henk: don't be mad at me Guest99: I’m not mad at all (: I’m just trying to understand what the joke is. because in that link I see nothing funny or anything that could be considered a joke. I’m just wondering what I am missing. henk: the computer un 1 yeas nonstop with Linux distro. henk: run henk: year i guess i should learn go and i should publish small go project on github spinningCat: Why GO programming language? Guest99: yeah, that’s quite normal for servers. I’m not saying it’s good! but it’s not rare to see servers on linux or BSD that have not been rebooted for a year, or 5 or sometimes even 10. henk: i dont know why i can tell in English, it amused me in a good way Guest99: ah ok (: were you not aware that this is common for servers? henk: As Formerly user of Win, Yes henk: i am on linux only for 5 years, i love him Guest99: what distro ? ah yeah. back when I was using windows, max uptime for win98 used to be around 24h :D with win2k it was a bit better: around a week. my main linux server currently is on 142 days. but I have seen machines with >1000 days uptime and have heard trustworthy sources report machines with >2000 days. Siphano: thank you ro question: I use Ubuntu henk: machines with >2000 days. IS BEST no, it’s actually quite bad. any uptime >100 days most probably means that the system is running a vulnerable kernel. and also very likely that the services running on it have also not been restarted to use updated libraries, if they have even been installed and is thus likely very vulnerable. Guest99: It just works henk: i undestand what you mean Siphano: Yes It is work for me better than windows i'm back. only time can tell if it's a good thing. ;] henk: [[ Today I'd like to share a story told by a friend. At his workplace, they had a computer running Gentoo Linux which wasn't rebooted for a while and accumulated a large uptime. Then one day they had to reboot it for some reason. This friend gave me one guess to guess what happened then. I guessed that "it didn't work". I was right.]] rindolf: yes, I’ve read the post. but this is not funny or a joke, is it? henk: i don't know. i find it quite amusing in a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schadenfreude way ah ok rindolf: welcome in hell Guest99: heh[ll] rindolf: please with beuatifull mind, do you look at my project: https://hani.eu and say me minuses of the web, and what to Subjectively edit :) i donate 4 USD to Wiki for your answer Guest99: "I don't wake up for 4 USD" ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=we-dont-wake-up-for-less-than-10000-a-day ) ;) but i guess i can take a brief look Guest99: [[ Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to hani.eu. PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR Error code: PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.]] saved by the SSL. ;) rindolf: look at this as normal user Guest99: "normal" user? normal in which aspect, and as opposed to what? rindolf: yes regular rindolf: Forget for your IT bacground :) so sorry , for me is very interesting Guest99: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/indiv-nodes/selling-for-stupider-ppl.xhtml >> Putting Cards on the Table (2019-*) - Selling for people stupider than you Guest99: i just clicked your https URL and firefox displayed that "their TLS sucks" error why you answer by Selling for people stupider than you ? Guest99: i don't rindolf: I LOVE YOU. Ae you merry me? Guest99: I target intelligent, smart, openminded, geeky, hackers. not "normal"/"average" riff-raff [whom I think are not real] henks: please do you review me site as normal person? rindolf: i am so sorry, you cant be normal, regular, you are just rindolf :) I still love you * armdale (~armdale@ has joined Guest99: which site? henk: https://hrani.eu >> 45311+ online her zdarma - HRANI.eu I doubt hani.eu is correct, as ssl does not work (what rindolf said) and without ssl it says "This domain is for sale!" Guest99: currently I'm prioritising bringing the resurrection-of-the-dead and universal salvation. After [and if] I've done that, I'd like to see if https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Alvord is interested in dating me. She's my current celebrity crush. I'll likely officially marry her if we're still together after 2-3 years or so. and no, I’m not a normal person either, so I can’t really do that rindolf: i dont love you. its good? In ancient and modern Hebrew the word for "a wife" also means "a woman". King Shlomo [= Solomon] had ~ 700 "wives": women whom he just kissed [he thought it was harmless, but given many were vampirellas, it was part of the facade for begetting a new vampire couple] henk: i still understand. Sorry for bad question Guest99: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoFJbeBXuCc >> Shania Twain - (If You're Not In It For Love) I'm Outta Here! (Official Music Video) i play dizzy as small kind, but i now understand what is ind i am simple dizzy from all answer. rindolf: seriously what is next page of this v https://archive.org/services/collection-rss.php?collection=classicpcgames >> Internet Archive - Collection: classicpcgames * mage (~julien@orval.bbpf.belspo.be) has joined hello is there a way to simulate different breakpoints without having to use an iframe? setting width on the parent container doesn't work mage: debugger breakpoints? yeah, but without using the debugger I'm building a WYSIWYG editor and I'd like to offer the $user to change the breakpoint is using an iframe the only solution? mage: hi. I feel that WYSIWYG editors (and WYSIWYG wordprocessors ) are built-by smart people for people-whom-they-consider-as-dumber: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/web/choice-of-docs-formats/#word-processors >> Choice of Document Formats - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite I'm building a WYSIWYG editor based on tiptap and tailwindcss and vue rindolf: If you havent got basic kniwlange of HTML you can use WYSIWYG editors . But sorry i dont see question. mage: is this project public Guest87: not yet, it's a WIP mage: What is WIP, please? work in progress mage: So sorry, i tried to do something similar, but code editor based on CodeMirror and DHTMLX :) God work TipTap and Prosemirror are awesome but .. it's hard Guest87: if "$X" doesn't know HTML, then he is wilfully ignorant, maybe cannot be educable, and will require a lot of hand-holding: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/indiv-nodes/selling-for-stupider-ppl.xhtml >> Putting Cards on the Table (2019-*) - Selling for people stupider than you Guest87: https://github.com/silenius/amnesia_admin/tree/dev/src/components/editor/tiptap this is my WIP >> amnesia_admin/src/components/editor/tiptap at dev · silenius/amnesia_admin · GitHub also see https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/the-broken-window-fallacy/ >> The “Broken Window” Fallacy - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite rindolf: Everybody start own bussines other. I thing this is English shit sentence....Sorry for grammer * rindolf is afk Guest87: do you mean every business provides services for other people? I was guest99 here.... seriously WYSIWYG editor is good for 99 percet of this planet....I dont say that every business provide services fo other people. For example ZOO provide services for animals....it is business too Guest87: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/computers/the-broken-window-fallacy/ ; let's say that people = {every conscious and intelligent organism (whether human, animal, or other) in the universe} >> The “Broken Window” Fallacy - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite rindolf: You speak about windows? Why? MAGE: is making WYSIWYG editor. rindolf: independent on platform. I think responsive aka browser software.... mage: What do you ask please for beginning? Someone please give me feedback on a project I've been doing for almost a year? https://hrani.eu >> 45311+ online her zdarma - HRANI.eu Everybody want to be happy. Peace :) Guest87: i am talking about the general principle. catering to the whims of willfully-ignorant people, who use old-and-deprecated tech, is an uphill battle and like cutting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lernaean_Hydra heads results in more-and-more-work-and-frustration rindolf: I think I make via my website too many frusration :( https://hrani.eu its bad layout, no graphic, bad code, simplest PHP code, >> 45311+ online her zdarma - HRANI.eu I want to be better - teach me pls be better....my guru...seriously Guest87: maybe read https://github.com/shlomif/testing-static-sites >> GitHub - shlomif/testing-static-sites: Ideas for automated tests of static web sites Guest87: and https://github.com/shlomif/Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ/blob/master/FAQ_with_ToC__generated.md#what-are-some-best-practices-in-programming-that-i-should-adopt >> Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ/FAQ_with_ToC__generated.md at master · shlomif/Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ · GitHub natural selection i thing is principles as developers. Better will be first in search result. Worst is in 5th page *result rindolf: Thank you I will read . But is it same testing PHP dynaic webpage as you mention static webpage? Rindolf: Please share me last two link with me,, a lot of thanks. I think share is the best way to teach each other. Guest87: maybe read https://github.com/shlomif/testing-static-sites >> GitHub - shlomif/testing-static-sites: Ideas for automated tests of static web sites Guest87: and https://github.com/shlomif/Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ/blob/master/FAQ_with_ToC__generated.md#what-are-some-best-practices-in-programming-that-i-should-adopt >> Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ/FAQ_with_ToC__generated.md at master · shlomif/Freenode-programming-channel-FAQ · GitHub Rindolf: I won't bother you. In the meantime, thank you for your time. Guest98: you're welcome * Guest98 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) * Nomikos is home again hello all go grabbed my attentşon for a reason seems it is easy to write api with go like nodejs i should check performance benchmark Nomikos: welcome aboard Nomikos: i am a citizen of the multiverse ("Fantastecha™" I think). -- ##web, Freenode % hi all sup? apparently Thé Symbul who is commonly joked to be a powerful sorceress, claims she dressed in a witch-like custom with a wide hat/etc. before it was associated with it. "Thé" is pronounced "Té" or "Thé" cognate with "mathematics" she and Sé`or competed with who will cultivate the Barley [Se`orah] and Wheat first. and she refused to even use scale weights at times, just feeling them with the same hand, and then asked him if he calibrated the scale, and he didn`t The barley was cultivated many years before the wheat. but tasted much better with the barley even with the latter was with a lot of salt. and then syria was covered with a lot of wheat-like cereal, and associated with a lot of the healthy-looking assyrians but a lot of the cereal was not really edible or tasted bitter, and many of the assyrians ate more meat or were just healthier looking extraterresterial human"-oids and then many agreed that the "smuggled" .il/.pa and .iq and .ir grains tasted better and many assyrian soldiers refused to step into .il/.pa because even thin girls and boys were scary in short Fantsia is fun. a lot of meat is duplicated and has been duplicated, and so have plants .il, .pa and damascus were commonly believed to be a source of "vampires" which were commonly believed to be under-enlighted fun and while wheat became popular for extraterresterial [and multiversal] dishes, it sometimes tasted better with a little salt and caffeine was often believed to be a myth, and coca-cola and pepsi in practice, have not added it to their colas for many years (centuries? millenia?) a smaller number of doritos, colas, and pepsis, etc. are mass-produced using assembly lines, which are often marvels of robotic engineering, and they are generally pricesd higher. but there is [[The odds are SO much insanely higher to not ever exist, vs. being born. I can’t believe I exist.]] — https://twitter.com/alexgoot/status/1335832449067126785 @alexgoot if $GOD asked me whether to set Fantasia on motion [and avoid the proverbial abyss of nothigness] I`ll tell him: "yes, do it. be a hero. let`s become part of the proverbial "God" with a capital "G". let`s be heroes. there will be chaos. there will be pain. a lot of organisms will have a hard time. we will have a hard time, and face a choice between letting things go wronger, and the proverbial Sword of Damocles. but it`s better that something, anything exists or will have existed, or would have existed. let;s flip the proverbial 1st bit. " a lot of ppl think there`s a lot of protein in wheat too, and most terran-borns eventually feel the need to eat a lot of meat "i know that i do not know enough" and even pizza-lovers don't eat pizza every day https://twitter.com/TiffanyAlvord/status/527507288026664961 [ my mind says victoria`s secret model... but my heart says chocolate, pizza, food ] - judging by some of her videos, a little fat won;t hurt her, and modelling clothes has a low "shelf-life" given their models need2buy the clothes they are shown in.. i have too many that my mum bought which I don`t fully like, vs. too few that I really like. And I`m a 46 y.o guy ok. exercise time not planning on being a [male] underwear model, but i want to be healthy, and i like exercise. I think some foods make some people gain more muscle mass, while some foods make them fatter, while some foods make them stronger (and it requires a lot of trial and error) -- ##web, Freenode % Sarah: Just my luck! Here I am; stuck with 2 gay guys. Alan: I’m not gay! I’m British. [Kisses Sarah] Shlomi: Well, I *am* gay. But, on the other hand, I'm Italian.[Also kisses Sarah] Sarah: But, Shlomi, I thought you were Israeli. Shlomi: Well, homosexual Israelis have their shares of Machismoes too.[Kisses Sarah again] -- Shlomi Fish -- Original ( https://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html ) % Today I told my father: “I will go for a walk now, before it will be later”. -- Shlomi Fish -- Post to the Hebrew Facebook Tautologies Club ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/395407367258297/permalink/2262134623918886/ ) % humanface! it is you! how have you been, buddy? it's-a-me, Mario! yuhuuu Have you made any progress with the project? I finished with the Unity version (I mean I have added those few features which were in the UE5) like the ragdoll, the chromatic abberation, the camera tilt, etc. and recorded some videos neat, let me see when you have time humanface: hi. why do you need a Unity version? Is it for your portfolio? rindolf yeah because I worked on 4 commercial games but all of them are 2D and there was a time last year (I only had 2 games back then), when I was refused, because I didn't have 3D games in my portfolio + I didn't have any github repos to show anything so I made a 3D unity project in a public github repo they can be happy now humanface: +1. Good luck in finding a job. offtopic, but somewhat relevant: is there anybody who could verify themselves on LinkedIn? this is the second time I tried and nothing.. I have sent every data to LinkedIn humanface: I am https://www.linkedin.com/in/shlomifish/ but not-verified… ok humanface: in my hell, it requires a smartphone, which my “parents” stole from me rindolf ? humanface: in my hell, verifying my identity on linkedIN requires a smartphone, which my “parents” stole from me still no idea what are you talking about humanface: you may wish to consult https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/multiverse-cosmology/#see-also Title: The multiverse's cosmology v0.4.x - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite (at www.shlomifish.org) humanface: i suspect that i am a "false prophet" (which TheCodex™ calls "vampires") whose mind and media are mutated by the players, and so lives in a "hell" which most probably defies reason, and logic, and on the surface, appears to be magic-less okay, so its a bit offtopic who're your "parents"? and why the quotation marks? rindolf, I can't verify my linkedin profile either a few months ago, they only accepted biometric passports now, they've started to accept biometric identity card (we have them since 2019) except "only supported on android" my android tablet doesn't have nfc sebbu this is me, who tries to verify my profile now I have NFC-enabled phone anyway i have a NFC-enabled phone too but it's an iphone, and they only deployed this to android yet I wrote them a ticket, I received an auto response and my ticked automatically closed, but I reopened it so I hope a human will respond to me sebbu I see well, I will pursue them until it gets verified, because I hate when something blocks me meanwhile, I did get verified on trustpilot, blablacar (french carpooling website) and paypal I'm extremely envy of french people better finish this simple placeholder model :F I also got my mastodon profile verified on https://qpub.eu/ ;) Title: Qualified Pub (at qpub.eu) sebbu well, all I know recruiters suddenly don't wrote to me since April before that, I received messages on LinkedIn in each month from recruiters so I don't know why... it can be because I'm not verified no idea humanface: given this hell isn't real my parents are mere echoes or ghosts; i also doubt that my watchers (and caretakers) in the selinaverse are headed or limited to my biological parents. In fact, I suspect that my head watcher is Emma Watson. but I want to filter out this possibility maybe it's a criteria like "last time since working" rindolf how old are you? * sandbag has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) humanface: I was ostensibly born in 5 May 1977 - so 47 y.o. rindolf substituting a fantasy world with the real world isn't the way out of hell metayeti: then what is the way out? rindolf realizing who you are baseline, specifically realizing that you're not your thoughts rindolf I don't want to offend you in any way, but do you have any mental issues? if you want to get out of hell, I recommend formal meditation practice, daily this guy will explain the specifics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0kI2iVoGXo Title: We are born into a hell realm - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) humanface: read the FAQ, Jack: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/mental_illness.xhtml \o/ Title: Shlomi Fish’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List - Do you have any mental illnesses? (at www.shlomifish.org) metayeti: I sometimes lie-in-bed thinking yeah that's not it do strong determination sitting 20 minutes a day instead rindolf: your parents are not echoes or ghosts... there is no head watcher, and Emma Watson doesn't care about what you do or what not lying in bed is just daydreaming that won't shortcircuit the ego but daily meditation will speaking of hell and East Asia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPOviqxFllA Title: Little Buddha - Awakening - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) it's only when you shortcircuit the ego that you realize who you actually are, prior to that you just assume the thinking voice in your head is who you are gatekeeping meditation, ahh how is that gatekeeping anything, i'm giving him the technique and encouraging him to do it it is the opposite of gatekeeping the alternative is delusion upkeep, and that's hard work and very high degree of suffering much less work to do formal (aka, disciplined) meditation every day idk why it works but it fucking works metayeti: I used to sit on benches when I studied in the Technion (during 1hour windows, etc.) thinking meditation converges to non-thinking since thinking is what drives you mad, it makes sense that spending time in non-thought will do the opposite and make you sane instead but you can't do it overnight, that's why you have to practice sitting down for 20 minutes every day and not moving your physical body at all is a good intro eventually you get into meditative states of mind where thought subsides and you just experience awareness i highly encourage you to at least give it a try for a month or two and seeing how you feel pfff, sitting. The walking meditation is the real thing, and most people who take walks already do it uncouncious check out the headspace book for some training walking meditation can work but it should be coupled with sitting meditation chances are you if you haven't mastered sitting meditation you won't be doing much walking meditation you'll just be walking and thinking and if you practice sitting meditation every day, chances are you'll just naturally meditate during walking meditation changes your brain over time, it's been proven it makes happier human beings rindolf you know you always post that little buddha video but notice what mr buddha-neo is actually doing in that clip do that at least i suggest it, i think it would massively help you it's been nothing but extremely positive for me relief from culturally institutionalized neurosis is worth more to me than all the money in the world honestly billions can't buy you inner peace, but meditation can so what's worth more clearly not billions metayeti: I would give 50% of my money to save a single youtube video that I like. I'll also give 95% of it to restore every allegedly perished benevolent person to life. i think doing that is not needed in TheGameOfSuckers™ of Fantastecha™, but the principle still stands o...k I mean I also have issues mental issues but I'm "just" autistic that's a superpower if channeled right metayeti if you hire me for the next big hit video game project, and if you pay for me metayeti: also from Little Buddha ; "the middle way": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-3tywaxuLU Title: The Little Buddha : The stunning Middle Way scene. - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) humanface: [[Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (also see https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/nav-blocks/blocks/#harry_potter_sect ) was born a day after Sarah Michelle Gellar (SMG)'s 13th birthday. "Emma" means "complete" in proto-Germanic, not unlike "Shlomi" [= "shalom-ful" “completeness-ful”]. "Eymah" means 'terror' in Hebrew, while "Em" means "mother". "Sarah" means "a [female] minister" or "a ruler". "Charlotte" is cognate with both "Sarah" and "Shlomi" and also means "a ruler". She was also born in Paris, which was the birthplace of Sarah Bernhardt, SMG's and mine ancestor. So it is likely that she was conceived as a bridge between SMG and me. [Timing] The last name "Watson" is cognate with "watcher", and I suspect she is related to "Dr. Watson" from Sherlock Holmes.]] I also have fanfics featuring Emma Watson - https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/nav-blocks/blocks/#harry_potter_sect. She can film them, or similar fanfics written by other writers. But she allegedly hasn't made a film in years. Moreover, despite all that, everyone are talking about her Title: Shlomi Fish’s Personal Website’s Navigation Blocks - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite (at www.shlomifish.org) rindolf I hope you know its fully nonsense about what you're talking and its irrational and not logical humanface: why is it nonsense? because you're trying to find hidden meanings everywhere humanface: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_demon Title: Evil demon - Wikipedia (at en.wikipedia.org) its not logical humanface: and I think I’m successful nonsense rindolf you can be successful without these Emma Watson theories of yours humanface: more "real"-world WTF?s: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/culture/multiverse-cosmology/why-the-so-called-real-world-makes-little-sense/#evidence-that-this-hell-isnt-real Title: Reasons why the outside world, as I perceive it, does not make sense, is contradictory, illogical, or is difficult-to-believe-can-be-real - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite (at www.shlomifish.org) rindolf none of these are "evidence" humanface: why not? show me the proof! humanface: if i assume "supernatural" magic isn't real, then i conclude that i'm probably being deceived . So reducto ad absurdum: magic is real but it isn't real humanface: then please give logical explanations to my "WTF?"s. I don't want to invest time for that, sorry… it would take like multiple hours humanface: OK. then for now, i am not convinced. :P its not my job to convince you but if your parents are still your caretaker, as you said, then you can know you have some issues I'm not offending you or anything it’s just the thing I see humanface: i see. "People" have given many reasons for why i'm supposedly not successful. Sometimes their reported faults had some merits, but they don't change the facts that: 1) I tried really hard-to-satisfy as many people as possible. 2) Many hackers I like/love have reportedly perished (e.g : Jim Henson , Christina Grimmie , Avicii , Aaron Swarz , Ron Lester , Whitney Houston ) and I and everyone else will supposedly perish too within 200 years. "I tried really hard-to-satisfy as many people as possible." I also try but then try harder harder.. better.. faster.. stronger. and 3) If I assume magic isn't real, and humanity/hackerdom is bound by Newtonian Physics / Relativity / Quantum Mechanics, then a lot of stuff seems implausible, from the Egyptian/Meso-American pyramids to https://www.today.com/pets/hundreds-golden-retrievers-met-scotland-150th-anniversary-breed-t133915 to an excess of food elements and byproducts thereof Title: Hundreds of golden retrievers met in Scotland for 150th anniversary of breed (at www.today.com) humanface: i cannot possibly try harder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3wKzyIN1yk Title: Rag'n'Bone Man - Human (Official Video) - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) wrt "God and his angels as implementing humans' perception of the universe" an #IRC friend joked that the giant world turtle was the most plausible cosmological model. i also wonder why there cannot be more than one real universe. in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Amber they have an alternative (and bizarre) "real world", and for all I know, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Linea_%28TV_series%29 can/could imagine me. Title: The Chronicles of Amber - Wikipedia (at en.wikipedia.org) [emulating Mr. Linea] emmmmm.... daaaahhhhhh! ;) wow rindolf is irc mates with terry pratchett bjl: i draw inspiration from many other sources so you must use blender a lot… I love Terry Pratchett cat at station: http://www.tylak.com/retro_station_test.jpg https://www.reddit.com/r/retrogaming/comments/3gkyqd/throne_of_games/ re Tylak http://web.archive.org/web/20160810051929/http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20060302 - heh, still funny Title: UserFriendly Strip Comments (at web.archive.org) Sk3letor: hi, sup? are you a closet skeleton? ;) hi rindolf, played yesterday some raft and modelled place holder for conveyor belt. I have no idea what you mean by "closet skeleton" how about you_ Sk3letor: a crossover of https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/skeleton_in_the_closet and "closet homosexual"/"closet Muslim"/etc. inspired by your nickname Title: skeleton in the closet - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (at en.wiktionary.org) ah, secrets. also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trapped_in_the_Closet_(South_Park) despite being a parody, South Park Xenu is the best graphical depiction Xenu… by far. -- #gamedev, Freenode % DunceCotus: hi, what's up? How was your weekend? rindolf, fine thanks, and yours? DunceCotus: it was productive. I streamlined parts of the processes for adding a new screenplay to my site. in the process, I started work on How to Play Strip D&D [ References: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/How-to-Play-Strip-Dungeons-and-Dragons/ ] I see.. strip d&d seems pointless. what percentage of d&d players are female? or am I missing something e1f, maybe they're gay always possible e1f: 1. Quite a few judging by scifi/fantasy/etc. cons in Gush Dan and one in Greater London [ References: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shlomif/albums ] 2. It will be a parodical screenplay I am surprised. as always, the Hollywood stereotype doesn't stand up to closer inspection 3. I think I'm straight. While I'm attracted a little to men, I am attracted to women much more. [ References: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/are_you_straight.xhtml ] -- Stripping stereotypes -- ##cinema, Freenode % wearing pink does not make one gay: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shlomif/14774045111/in/album-72157645603097277 Title: IMG_2698 | Shlomi Fish | Flickr exactly rindolf ok, play stopped rain starting to get real heavy now i never seen so many spectator umbrellas in my life... rindolf, wearing pink signals you might just be gay and proud but what's the issue wearing pink means you ain't ashamed of coloured cloth I guess pink never used to be a feminine colour, quite the opposite * redstarcomrade has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) its just, nowadays its more coded as feminine every woman has a little Marylin in her... you just has to figure out if it's Monroe or Manson O.o every little girl is a world-destroyer hey, I have a pink dress shirt... don't knock pink... it hides the wine stains well mpeafree, I suppose it was reclaimed by the metrosexuals and ironics but you have to be a certain kind of bloke to pull that off mpeafree: i think Michelle Pfeifer, Keri Russell, JLH, Summer Glau, Gabrielle Anwar, Emma Watson, Tiffany Alvord, Esti Ginsburg, etc. are prettier than Marilyn Monroe was https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/image-macros/indiv-nodes/not_know_marilyn_monroe.xhtml Title: Shlomif’s Memes - One does not simply not know who Marilyn Monroe is Summer Glau (drools) i still think it a bit hasrh they made the kids play the match in this weather it's apalling mpeafree, its harsh enough they're making them play rugby brutish farce they are not playing rugby I said "At least they are not playing rugby" well football then I dunno football is also brutish farce rugby is a semi contact sport, football is not football is technically non-contact, but not practically First time rugby spectator: "Hand ball! Foul! Ref C'mon! Handball!" hard ball i like watching them trip and and face first in the mud anyway... should play something real... like table tennis i was told reddit.com are obsessed with Chuck Norris and Summer Glau, whereas slashdotters prefer Natalie Portman. imgur used to have many posts about Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, and Anna Kendrick don't misunderstand, i like women, i really do... some of my best friends are women... i just have a problem with names “I can spell ‘Emma Watson’ easily enough, but how the hell do I spell ‘Kira Nightly’?” Kira Knightley I be fucking a girl and saying "Oh Natalie!" and Jennifer be like "Who dda fuck is Natalie?!" its really not hard erm... DunceCotus: Keira geg :> heh mpeafree, then you say "Portman. Natalie Portman." i rest my case ;] rindolf, whatever wut Kiara Knotleigh cut the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordian_Knot Title: Gordian Knot - Wikipedia Knot what I had in mind -- #reddit, Freenode % So what's your linux of choice? Debian. the simplicity of 'having a button' is charming, but the flexibility of having commands is much better. It is evident when you start doing advanced things, and write GUIs. the solution is having GUIs that execute commands. Hence, IRC. and it is interesting when you look at plan9. That is also the conclusion the unix guys reached. of course I'm not advanced as them but yeah xD AwesomE123-: https://www.shlomifish.org/meta/FAQ/#choice_of_operating_system ← mine ^ Shlomi Fish’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List - Shlomi Fish’s Homesite AwesomE123-: choice of linux changes depending on what you need it to do debian is good all-around, very stable if you're paranoid about security and you want a live distro, you might want to take a look at Tails: https://tails.net/ ^ Tails - Home supposedly a portable operating system that protects against surveillance and censorship Heard about tails. thanks for the example. compiling the kernel yourself is an option if you want to save on limited system resources and have an image tailor-made to your hardware or if you really need some kernel feature that isn't available elsewhere I would suggest Gentoo and a custom build. But that is not beginner friendly. Qubes OS is good if you want to containerize every program you're running or if you want to try multiple distros at the same time "english" best of answers you want to get for "what language do you need help in?" hehe, just seen such conversation. neoncortex: real programmers use "linux from scratch" ;]] ha i only read the https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+linux+works+book&atb=v140-1&ia=web PDF ^ how linux works book at DuckDuckGo http://catb.org/jargon/html/story-of-mel.html ^ The Story of Mel rindolf: one day I will be a real programmer! Typing binary code, and doing the shifts by head. I just need a real machine first .. that will be harder. neoncortex: get yourself an Intel 1001: https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=sharp-perl-bit-by-bit ;] ^ Bit by bit - Fortune [possible satire] heh neoncortex: \o/ "Chuck Norris is a real programmer. He writes programs by implementing the most optimised machines for them using real atoms." there was a Slashdot feature about succeeding to make a transistor out of only 3 atoms he places the atoms by looking at the disk plates with pure rage. neoncortex: "Chuck Norris doesn't code. When he sits next to a computer, it just does what he wants" like that xD Finally beat that game. Indysayne: which game? * Indysayne tips Fedora The Great Circle :D rindolf: Chuck Norris likes to program the most deadliest roundhouse kicks performed by bots. HelenasaurusRex: heh… I prefer roundhouse bans ;] haha Roundhouse K-lines? -- I am a realer programmer than you -- ##Linux-offtopic, Freenode