Reflections on Trusting Documentation - Fortune [possible satire]

whoppixQuick git question, perhaps someone knows the answer: I have a file in my git tree (locally and in the repository), but I want git to ignore the file completely, i.e. git is not to touch the file on the file system by updating it or merging local changes into the repository
rindolfwhoppix: you can use .gitignore
rindolfI think
whoppixrindolf, hmm, good idea, thanks.
whoppixthat was slow.
whoppixrindolf, hmm, I think git update-index --assume-unchanged is what I need.
whoppix.gitignore is only for untracked files
rindolfwhoppix: OK, have no clue what that is.
rindolfGit is so complicated.
rindolfAnd so opaque
whoppixrindolf, me neither, but the doc tells me to use that.
rindolfwhoppix: can you believe the docs?
rindolfThe docs may be lying.
rindolfDon't trust the docs.
rindolfDon't trust anything.
rindolfYou're all alone.
rindolfIt's you against the machine.
rindolfWhen in doubt, use the source code.
rindolfNot some sissy documentation.
whoppixI'll have some of what you've been smoking
rindolfwhoppix: I'm 100% clean.
TaglineReflections on trusting documentation