Spreading the love. - Fortune [possible satire]

rindolfaidanh: I've solved Project Euler #141 yesterday and learned a valuable lesson about excessive forking to processes and capturing their output.
Snake2krindolf: Indeed >_>
rindolfNamely: it kills performance.
rindolfSnake2k: where do you live?
Snake2krindolf: I need to start doing Project Euler again :|
rindolfSnake2k: ah.
rindolfSnake2k: we can become friends there.
Snake2krindolf: Northern Virginia, pretty much a mile or two away from D.C.
rindolfSnake2k: ah.
Snake2krindolf: We can still be friends >_>
rindolfSnake2k: heh.
rindolfSnake2k: I don't friend Northern Virginians!
rindolfSnake2k: ;-)
* Snake2kdoes "gcc -Wall hug_rindolf.c -o hug --std=c11"
* Snake2kdoes "./hug"
rindolfSnake2k: southern virginians on the other hand...
* Snake2kgets "Segmentation Fault (core dumped)"
Snake2krindolf: Why? :'( we're nice and shit :(
rindolfSnake2k: heh, I'm just joking.
rindolfSnake2k: I'm cool with Northern Virginians.
Tweyrindolf: ‘It kills performance’ — depends on your definition of ‘process’. POSIX processes are huge, but green threads in e.g. Haskell or Erlang are usually very cheap and can be used without much consideration.
* DarkCthulhuhas quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
rindolfTwey: I Was talking about POSIX processes.
rindolfTwey: I captured the output of "factor" for convenience, and it proved to be a major slowdown.
rindolfTwey: ERLANG! Munctional! Parallelism!
Snake2krindolf: but you hurt ma feelz :'(
rindolfSnake2k: heh.
TawreSnake2k, just commit violence against him
Tawreit'll fix everything
Tawreand if it doesn't you're not using enough violence
Snake2kTawre: good idea :|
* Snake2khugs the living rindolf out of rindolf
MyrlI wonder if normal algebra would be fine with you using lambda functions.
* rindolfsends 1e12 virtual kisses to Northern Virginia.
MyrlOr curried functions.
* Tawrekisses rindolf 0e13 times.
Myrlguys get a room.
rindolfTawre: heh.
rindolfMyrl: we got ##programming !
Snake2kthis is getting weird...
rindolfIt's a chat-room!
Snake2kI hug... I don't do virtual kisses...
* Snake2kslithers away...
* Snake2kis all creeped out and shit...
TawreSnake2k, well, we can kill it "hugs" too if you want ;)
* Snake2kslithers back
Snake2kTawre: <______________<
Tweyrindolf: ‘Parallelism’ — er… yeah. That's what you wanted :þ
Tawrewe can do parallel hugs too