My Cool Links List
Studies Related
The Technion Home Page
The university where I studied.
Department of Electrical Engineering
My Department.
The Computer Networks Laboratory
A very cool laboratory where I did my projects and liked to hang out in.
Current Workplaces
Past Workplaces
Ron Soferman Image Processing (RSIP)
An Image Processing Consulting Firm.
PTI - Perl Technology Israel
PTI is a small consulting and training firm that specialises in open source technologies such as Perl, the Subversion version control system, and Git. They are very supportive of open-source in Israel, and organise many important events and activities.
Elpas Electro-optic Systems Ltd.
These are my previous workplaces. Check them out, if you’d like.
Philosophy and Politics
The Google Directory Objectivism Branch
I became very interested in Objectivism in the past few years, so I recommend you take a look. Objectivism is a school of philosophy that deals with politics, ethics, law, and art. It has a human and freedom centred philosophy, yet is very strong and uncompromising.
The Google Directory branch (based on’s) is a good place to start looking for Objectivist resources on the web, and there is a lot of introductory material there.
The Neo-Tech Homepage
“Neo-Tech” is an extension of Objectivism that I also became familiar with. It has some substantial additions over Objectivism. For example, it integrates psychology and business advisory into the philosophy.
Neo-Tech is commercial, but the material on the web-site is quite good to get a thorough understanding. If you are more serious about it, you are recommended to order The Neo-Tech Discovery, the main book of Neo-Tech by (snail) mail.
See my guide to Neo Tech for an explanation on how to use the material that can be found online.
Atheists of Silicon Valley
Many good resources about Atheism. Includes: Why Atheism, Over Three Hundreds Proofs of God’s Existence (humorous), and Quotes from the Christian Bible.
Linux and Free Software
The Linux’s Homepage
I’m very interested in computers. For a long time I knew DOS and Windows were bad, but could not tell why. When I started working on UNIX, I realised what a good computing system should be like, and have seen the light.
I am still keeping and experiencing with Linux on my home computer. Linux is a free UNIX-compatible operating system available for PCs and other architectures. I recommend it to anyone who wants to experiment with UNIX on his computer.
The Linux’s homepage contains most of the information you’ll need to know about the Linux operating system.
Hamakor - The Israeli Society for Free & Open Source Software
I’m also a member of the Israeli Group of Linux Users - now part of the activity of “Hamakor”, the Israeli Society for open-source software.
The Haifa Linux Club
The Haifa Linux Club (or Haifux for short) gives lectures on Linux-related topics every two weeks, and organises other events, such as “Welcome-to-Linux” sessions, and Installation Parties. I gave a few lectures on a myriad of topics there, and enjoy going to listen to the other people lecturing.
Tel Aviv Open Source Club
The Tel Aviv Open Source Club (or Telux or TelFOSS for short) is a club in a similar format to Haifux. Due to the fact that I had been living in Tel Aviv, I tended to attend its lectures and be more active there, instead of in Haifux.
Hackers-IL is a community of Israeli-oriented hackers (= technological enthusiasts, not computer intruders) focused on discussing philosophical computing issues and discussing other areas of science.
Advogato - Open-Source Advocacy
A web-site dedicated to open-source advocacy.
Perl is a high-level, dynamic and powerful programming language. I hope to give some resources for getting started with it especially given the fact that as of August 2012, it is easy to find outdated information about Perl in web searches.
The Perl Beginners’ Site - a site I maintain with recommended resources for Perl Beginners.
The Perl Tutorial Hub - recommended Perl tutorials.
Perl Weekly - a weekly round-up of hand-picked news and articles about Perl. By Gabor Szabo.
Modern Perl Books Blog - a blog by chromatic about Modern Perl programming.
Software “Gurus”
Eric S. Raymond
Eric Raymond is the number one Open-Source Guru. On his homepage one can find the seminal The Cathedral and the Bazaar series (which I think every software engineer should read), and other truly enlightening articles.
Joel on Software
Joel Spolsky is an experienced information technology worker who maintains a site in which he expresses his bold opinions regarding software management and its distribution. I don’t agree with everything he says there, but some of his articles are very enlightening. He also has a funny and amusing style of writing.
Paul Graham
Paul Graham is an experienced programmer in LISP and other languages. His articles are insightful, interesting and thought-provoking.
David A. Wheeler
An open source engineer and consultant. His lines-of-code counter program (SLOCCount) is always good for nice amusement, and his analysis based on it is much more awe-striking. Has other good articles.
Linas Vepstas
His web-site contains pages with a lot of information about RAID in Linux, CORBA, clusters, bug tracking, and other topics. Also has some software he wrote, papers on software freedom and other oddities.
Rick Moen
Net-geek for hire and Linux Guru extra-ordinaire. Contains more philosophical than technical information about Linux, but still useful stuff. Includes: why forking does not happen a lot and is not a threat, and a guide to establishing a successful Linux User Group.
Michael David Crawford (GoingWare)
His web-site contains a large collection of articles for interest. Among them there is “Links to Tens of Thousands of Legal Music Downloads”.
Jamie Zawinski
A very famous software developer, and his homepage that contains a lot of interesting information and links. See also the Wikipedia entry about him.
My Friends’ Home Pages
Tom Holroyd - contacted me about my Freecell solver, due to the fact he also wrote one.
Michael Keller - Games enthusiast and maintainer of the Freecell FAQ. He contacted me about my Freecell solver.
Oleg Goldshmidt - active in the Israeli Linux online community.
Sjors Gielen (Dazjorz) - open source enthusiast, programmer of servers, web-sites and other stuff, and inventor of countless rounder wheels. (Warning: a lot of the site is in Dutch.)
Alan Haggai Alavi - an Indian open-source enthusiast. Met him on Freenode, too.
Joe Crawford - a web developer who helped me with creating a better style for the main navigation menu.
amigojapan - creator of several open source projects including 3dpl (= a three dimensional programming language), m-programmer, and s-found. Met him on Freenode.
hmw - old school nerd, who is often to be found in's #css. Helped me a little with the styles of my home site.
*nix [= Unix-likes] Sanctuary - "hiya" on IRC. Its fish emblem is a cute hack of my EvilPHish one.
Haifa Linux Clubbers
Israeli Perl Mongers
Weblogs I like to read
Weblogs are the latest (as of late 2003) craze in the Internet and everybody and his mother have to have one (me included). Here’s my OPML file which contains all the blogs I used to monitor. Here is a smaller list, which will probably go unmaintained eventually.
Muli Ben-Yehuda’s LiveJournal - Random bits and pieces, Linux Kernel hacktivity, and personal life events.
Orr Dunkelman’s Diary at Advogato - Mostly academic, Haifa Linux Club or Vipe sys admin stuff.
Orna Agmon’s LiveJournal - mostly personal stuff, literary impressions, etc.
- Gabor Szabo’s Journal at - kept strictly related to his Perl activities. As a result, it has a high signal-to-noise ratio, but it’s not updated often.
Netcasts (or Audiocasts/videocasts/vlogs/podcasts) are irregularly updated blogs with music or video attachment. These are the netcasts that I follow:
Perlcast - an audiocast about Perl. The first netcast that I started listening to regularly, and still one of my favourites.
FLOSS Weekly - an audiocast with interviews related to Free, Libre and Open Source Software (or FLOSS for short).
PC Load Letter: Two Guys, One Mic - an audiocast by Ben Collins-Sussman and Brian Fitzpatrick (of Subversion fame) where they discuss various open-source issues. It has a very cool opening music.
Zulo Podcast - an Israeli and Hebrew podcast about Free Software and other Tech issues.
Favourite Pages for Searching and Locating Resources on the Web
Here’s a list of some of my favourite sites on the web that can direct you to other sites of interest:
DuckDuckGo - a search engine that doesn't bubble.
Google - a fast and high-relevance search engine.
GNU documentation - an excellent online reference for many UNIX (or UNIX-originated) commands and utilities.
- Freecode - a comprehensive directory of software for Linux (no longer updated)
Interesting Reference Sites
The Wikipedia - a world-viewable, world-editable encyclopedia that is very comprehensive and getting better and better all the time. (Feel free to contribute something of your own!)
Wiktionary - a collection of online dictionaries.
Wikiquote - online collections of quotes (often cited).
Mozilla Developer Network - reference site for open WWW technologies.
The Internet Movie Database - an on-line database with a lot of film-related information.
WWWebster - a useful on-line version of Webster’s dictionary of the English language.
The Linux Documentation Project - documentation on all aspects of the Linux operating system.
The Jargon File - a dictionary of computer geeks’ jargon.
Slashdot - a really cool computer-related news page.
Geeks for Geeks - a "computer science [and programming] portal for geeks". Contains many tutorials and example codes and is under a Creative Commons licence.
Quote Investigator - a site that traces the origins of quotations.
MDN Web Docs - reference and tutorials for open web technologies.
POSIX - I use it as a guidelines-provider for portability.
Arch Linux’s Wiki - provides a treasure trove of how-to information, suitable for users of many Linux distributions.
Open Source Software
Refer to this link, for a page about my favourite open source.
Non-open-source software
Who says all commercial software is bad? Here’s some of the non-free-as-in-speech software I came to like.
Microsoft Excel - the best spreadsheet program I’ve worked with. Excel 95 was nice; Excel 97 and especially 2000 were buggy as hell and in general hideous. Excel XP was finally a new decent version. I am now mostly using Gnumeric instead.
Corel-Draw - an excellent vector graphics program for Windows (with a lesser Linux availability), which is very easy to use and yet very powerful. The only limitation I found in it was that it does not (or at least did not) support Alpha translucency well. (For a program with this capability, my favourite is the open-source Inkscape.)
MOD Files
MOD Files are music files that are based on recorded instruments, played at various frequencies to generate the various notes. MOD files can be played on every machine that has a digital audio channel, and generate music with up to 32 simultaneous channels.
Here are some links with software and information about MOD files:
The Aminet MOD archive - (almost) all the MOD files you’ll ever want.
MOD Archive - and more.
The alt.binaries.sounds.mods FAQ - a very comprehensive FAQ that answers common questions about MOD files, and includes links to MOD software and archives.
MikMod - a portable MOD-playing library.
xmp and libxmp - powerful open source MOD player.
The Bastard Operator from Hell - A really funny story, for those who know about UNIX.
Humorix - Linux-related humour items.
Divisiontwo Magazine - a great collection of parodies of the Internet Life. Includes “Windows vs. Linux on the Server and on the Desktop” by Jorge Lopez, MCSE and a parody of bad web pages.
Things my Girlfriend and I have Argued about - a page with some very funny stories.
The Uncyclopedia - the premier “content-free” Encyclopedia. An Encyclopedia which consists of 100% False (and funny) information. Also a parody of the Wikipedia. Includes an article about Redundancy. Jon’s Humor Collection - contains several directories of various jokes.
Cartoon Strips
Garfield - a fat cat with an attitude. (And a stupid owner and some friends.) Lots of slapstick and cheap humour.
Luann - a comic strip about adolescence. Very funny.
Ozy and Millie - a comic strip about two young foxes, along with their fellow company. Very funny humour, with a nice plot, and many Zen-like discussions.
User Friendly - a very funny comic strip about an unusual Internet service provider.
HelpDex - a funny strip about Linux.
Bob the Angry Flower - Jokes about Science, Philosophy, Fiction, etc. I don’t always understand the punchline.
FoxTrot - a comic strip about a funny family. Lots of geek humour and stuff.
xkcd - “A Webcomic of Romance, Sarcasm, Math and Language” - a geek webcomic which is published once every few days, and features thoughts about computers, culture, language, mathematics and other geeky subjects. Hint: there’s a tooltip for every cartoon with an extra insight, if you hover above it with the mouse cursor.
Everybody loves Eric Raymond - another geek comic about the Linux world’s celebrities and current events.
Mythtickle - a cartoon about various Mythological figures and their thoughts.
Working Daze - a comic strip about a crazy IT workplace. Lots of geek humour.
Grand Avenue - this is a comics strip about a grandma raising two grandchildren and their adventures.
Noise-to-Signal - a philosophical comic strip about the social web. Updated very irregularly so just subscribe to its RSS feed.
Us the Robots - an entertaining (and irregular) 3-D cartoon strip made using open-source software. Funny, surreal and philosophical.
A Softer World - containing related photos, with typewriter-style words indicating funny thoughts. I don’t always get it, but when I do, it’s pretty nice.
Spiked Math - Daily Math Webcomic - a comic strip about mathematics. Sometimes my puny brain is incapable of understanding it, but it’s still often funny.
Calamities of Nature - a regular philosophical web-comics that is beautifully drawn, geeky and can be very insightful.
Just 1 Random Guy - a “webcomic/blog/visual social commentary” that contains computer-drawn images with random thoughts. Pretty funny.
Funny Stories
“What if Linus Torvalds Gets Hit by a Bus?” - an Empirical Study
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Star Trek: The Next Generation - an insanely funny cross of both The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Everybody’s Free (to Ping Timeout) - a very amusing spoof where the 90’s anthem “Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen)” meets the IRC world.
GNU Visual Basic - Richard Stallman switches from LISP to BASIC.
Top 12 Things you were Likely to Hear if you had a Klingon Programmer
Norse Creationism - the scientific theory for the formation of the World vs. what the Norse Mythology says.
“Project Manager Leaves Suicide PowerPoint Presentation” - from the Onion.
The 12 Days of Christmas Letters - what the Christmas carol means in practice. ( Local mirror. )
Web 2.1 Demonstration - the new version of the Web.
“Mocking Everything” - rhesa’s exit on the plethora of similar CPAN modules
How to Interpret Red Marks - via Mulix. The author’s homepage seems to contain other amusing stuff.
Things to Say When You’re Losing a Technical Argument - an amusing list of counter-arguments to use in a technical discussion. Via Chen Shapira on Hackers-IL.
What should I Do if the Internet goes down? - 10 useful things to do.
The World’s Dullest Blog - a humorous blog about dull activities, that receives many (often amusing) comments.
Perl on Poles - the world’s most powerful web development framework - start believing the hype! (via gaal).
“Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns” - a story about Javaland, the Kingdom of Nouns. (Spotted in this Joel on Software post.)
Islamic Pick-up Lines - some are amusing and some I don’t understand yet.
Chuck Norris Facts - many facts about the toughest man in existence. An Internet Meme.
Bruce Schneier Facts - an even geekier collection of facts about the most unbreakable crypto and security expert.
Eric S. Raymond Facts - a collection of facts about the most, well, most something, geek in existence.
Jack Bauer facts (in UNIX fortunes format) - also about a tough man.
Linux Genuine Advantage - make your Linux system genuine now! (via Also featured on Digg.
How to Make Square Corners with CSS - it’s much harder than it seems.
How Many Newsgroup Readers Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb - Usenet fun.
Lisp at Light Speed - Common Lisp fun.
“Uncomfortable Questions: was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?“ - a conspiracy theory set in the Star Wars world. Expect the book about it soon. (Received over 2,400 diggs!)
Firedfox - a parody of the Firefox site.
Stupid Shit People Actually Put On Their Resumes - via gaal’s LiveJournal.
Welcome to the Food Chain - by Ben Collins-Sussman and his (then) two-years-old son.
“If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port...” - if Dr. Seuss were a technical writer.
“English is a crazy language” - we park on driveways and drive on parkways. More items like this in Stephen Jacob’s Humour Archive.
LOL Cat Bible Translation Project - translating the Bible into kitty pidgin.
“Perl 6 Schedule Frequently Asked Questions [Satire]” - by chromatic.
Grad Student Humour - contains the famous Rabbit joke, as well as “Why God didn’t receive Tenure”, and a lot of other funny stuff.
“Great Quotes from Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds”
“How to Know You’re Dating a Free Software Guy?” - on Lior Kaplan’s blog.
The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer - many ways to write a factorial function.
Ido Kanner: “Ten Rules for the Beginning Hacker” (in Hebrew)
“If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide.” - a deliciously useless (but amusing) rant.
“A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages”
“The S stands for Simple” - about SOAP, the so-called “Simple Object Access Protocol” - from Pete Lacey’s Weblog.
“Carrier Pigeon Faster than South-African Broadband” - on
azekeil: “F%^&ing Windows!” - how easy is Windows in comparison to Linux.
How to Make Windows Faster than Linux - easy, but is it recommended?
Web Library Generator - example: “BigJavaKeyize - the accessible, eager-loading, schemaless bigtable-backed key-value store state machine-as-a-service for JavaScript”. Many more are available there. (Thanks to Su-Shee for mentioning this link.)
“Children warned name of first pet should contain 8 characters and a digit”
“Top 10 reasons why Darth Vader was an amazing project manager”
Motherfucking Website - “This is a motherfucking website. And it's fucking perfect.”
“How many software developers would it take to change a lightbulb?” - by Tom Morris.
“What If Drivers Were Hired Like Programmers” (via one of my Facebook friends).
“New system call: leftpad()” - post to the Linux kernel mailing list on 1 April 2016.
“How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016” - “It’s 2016. No one does X any more.”.
Funny Pictures
Why you should Never Post your Picture on the Internet (via Mulix)
Computer Enhancers - you wish you had them. (Via Mirshet-Net.)
“Y, R & U ARE FUCKING LETTERS!” - image posted to Reddit.
FizzBuzz - npm edition (via Su-Shee from Freenode’s #perl channel). (Local mirror.)
Funny or Fun Videos
Firefox Flicks - Videos for promoting the Firefox browser.
The Ultimate Showdown - via Wil Wheaton’s Blog. Here are the mp3 and the lyrics.
Rob Paravonian’s Pachelbel’s (Canon in D major) Rant. The sound by itself is also funny.
Writing Perl Using Vista’s Voice Recognition - hilarious! Spotted on the perl5-porters mailing list.
Star Wars Asciimation - Star Wars IV rendered using text.
Popstar by James at War - a song parodying the lives of some young female pop stars. Very funny.
The Klein Four Group - “Finite Simple Group (of Order Two)” - a mathematical love song. Here are the lyrics with hyperlinks to articles explaining them.
Camelot - Star Trek meets Monty Python (via Wil Wheaton’s Blog)
Professor Wikipedia - “the funniest video of the year [Citation needed.]).”
The Mean Kitty Song - adorable! I spotted it on the YouTube Promoted Videos.
The Lamas’ Millionaire Quiz (with English sub-titles) - The Lamas (Dutch for “Llamas”) is the Dutch version of “Whose Line is it Anyway?”. I don’t speak Dutch, but it’s very funny. (Thanks to Dazjorz.)
Kitten riding tortoise - adorable!
“ANIME IN REAL LIFE!!!!” - via a post on Facebook.
DAILY GRADVICE - tongue-in-cheek sex advice (there are follow-ups on YouTube.).
The Blender Films - free/open films made using open source software. I especially like Big Buck Bunny, the Caminandes films and Sintel.
Conan the Librarian - almost as scary as the real librarians were during the 1980s and 1990s.
"Terminator Vs Jesus HD The Greatest Action Story Ever Told Mad Tv 1996 - YouTube"
“Hitler Finds out Chuck Norris is Coming” - crossover with Chuck Norris factoids.
Muppets / Sesame Street Videos
Sesame Street: Robin Williams: Conflict - storytelling in a nutshell.
Sesame Street: Wanna Buy An Eight Ernie? - "sshhh!"
Sesame Street: Ian McKellen Teaches Cookie Monster to Resist
Cårven Der Pümpkîn | Recipes with The Swedish Chef | The Muppets
Sesame Street: Star S’Mores (Star Wars Parody) - there are other "Crumby Pictures" parodies featuring Cookie Monster on YouTube.
Motivational Videos
Never Give Up!! - in Japanese with English subtitles.
Mr. T as the Wise Janitor from Not Another Teen Movie - funny, but better than many serious ones.
Katy Perry - Roar - Alex Boye Ft. Mom Bloggers United (Africanized Cover) - better than the original and what the original should have been, in my opinion.
"Feelin' Good" by Christina Grimmie (R.I.P) - also see my midrash of it.
Carmen Twillie, Lebo M. - Circle Of Life (Official Video from "The Lion King") - magnificent! Excites me in several key places.
Smash Mouth - All Star - YouTube
"All Star" by Smash Mouth but it's a beautiful love ballad…- YouTube - by the amazing KHS and works well.
Janet Devlin Cover - (in Minor key).
"Go The Distance" from Disney's Hercules.
SIA - Unstoppable Lyrics video (tribute to Sia & Wonder Woman)
Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten (Official Video)
“Unwritten” - Alex Goot, Andie Case, KHS Cover - I like it quite a bit better than the original, which I also like a lot.
Rule bending ; “do what you want” ; hacking
“Highway to hell” cover by Jess Greenberg (somewhat NSFW; "boobs") - a great cover of the song.
She Moves: "Breaking All The Rules" - a 1990s song that was somewhat popular on MTV, and which I am still fond of.
The Pirate code being guidelines - from the film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Videos that made me cry
Funny Music
Musical Geek Friday - on
Online Games and Puzzles
Bloxorz - manipulate a 2*1*1 brick across a board of blocks. (Puzzle)
3-D Logic Game - connect endpoints on a cube’s surface.
Nurikabe - an engaging type of puzzle game. The site contains unlimited 5*5 puzzles and daily 9*9 ones.
Brain Bashers - lots of daily puzzles and games with good user-interfaces.
Nurikabe - contains numbered Nurikabe games of various sizes. The Network of such sites (links at the site) contains other such games.
“Untrusted - a user JavaScript adventure game - a game that requires writing code.
Project Euler - solve mathematical problems using the computer.
Wallpapers and Other Pictures’s Wallpapers - contains galleries of Anime, art, cartoons, cities, nature, sports and miscellaneous wallpapers. - Digital Art - a hub for computer graphics with some wonderful pictures.
Desktop Girls - contains pictures of beautiful women, often edited with interesting effects. Wallpapers - pictures of female celebrities, male celebrities, cars and pictures from space.
Polykarbon’s Gallery - interesting Manga graphics and sketches.
Pictures from Brazil - Pictures of Brazil from a trip by an IRC correspondent.
BSDs Wallpapers - Wallpapers based on the icons of the BSD operating systems. - Wallpapers from various categories - categories include arts, animals, nature, places, TV & Movies, Anime and Cartoons, Games, Music, and Male/Female.
Best Quality Wallpapers - contains high-quality, high-resolution wallpapers. Also see the links on the front page to other similar sites.
Xtremewalls - contains several different categories of wallpapers.
Wallpaper Pimper - Wallpapers from several categories, some in high resolutions.
KDE-Look and GNOME-Look and other of their sister sites (see the footer) provide many user-contributed wallpapers. - “Free HD Desktop Wallpapers for Widescreen, High Definition, Mobile” - several categories.
Music to Buy and Download - a site for Internet bands and their music. Many quality music recordings for download.
Israeli Music - a site for International orders of CDs of Israeli artists.
Magnatune - a record label that publishes artists whose songs are under a freely redistributable licence. - a social music service, which learns what you like and allows you to listen to music based on tags, or related to a certain artist. A great way to discover new music.
Jamendo - a showcase site for musicians. Download and listen to many albums, of many genres, legally.
Free Musical Downloads
General Fuzz Tunes - instrumental soothing electronic music. I downloaded and can recommend “Soulful Filling”.
Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I-IV - Here’s the torrent for the full album
“Thing a Week” by Jonathan Coulton - Coulton is a musician and an open-source/open-content enthusiast, who provided an original .mp3 each week for a year. Here’s the torrent for the entire collection. Some of the songs there are very nice.
“Harvey Danger - Little by Little” - a free download album by the alternative pop group “Harvey Danger”.
Web Design and Programming
W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium - the standard body for defining the current and next generations of web technologies. - The Guide to the XML Galaxy - a site with many good “teach-by-example” tutorials for XML related technologies.
HTML Dog HTML and CSS Tutorials - excellent and modern HTML and CSS tutorials by a good expert on the topic.
The PNG Alpha Transparency Page - a demonstration of what you can achieve on the web using translucent PNGs. Supported by all popular browsers except Microsoft Internet Explorer below version 7.
HTML Colour Names -a list of the HTML colour names that are accepted by the browsers, and will be part of CSS 3.0.
Various Sites of Interest
Presentation Helper - a great site dedicated to the various issues of giving and preparing a presentation.
“Earth Day predictions of 1970. The reason you shouldn’t believe Earth Day predictions of 2009.”.