How to Help this Site
If you like this site, there are several ways in which you can help me with it. Here is a list of some of them:
Favourite / "Like" / Star it or related posts on social media sites. E.g:
Link to its Pages. Mention it on your blog or on mailing lists, on wikis, as blog comments, mention it to your friends, link to it on social media sites (see the “Add to Any” button at the bottom), etc. Please don’t spam - link to it only where appropriate.
If you linked to this site, feel free to email me about it with a link to a place where it was linked to. Please do not send me “I’ll link to you if you link to me” messages - I’m not interested in such conditional linking and would be more willing to consider linking to you after you unconditionally linked to me already. You should realise that even a one-sided link is beneficial for your pages, because they add to the page’s value and experience.
Send corrections - if you detect any problems such as:
Spelling errors. (I’m using Commonwealth English (or “British English”) spelling on this site.)
Grammatical or syntactical errors.
Bad phrasing.
Please do not report broken links. It is the nature of the web that links get broken and it is part of what makes it work. Moreover, I've had this site for many years, and it is natural that some of the links have become stale. Sometimes, the best I can do about is wait. As a result, dealing with these broken-hyperlinks-reports has become quite frustrating due to their frequency.
Please don't waste my time E-mailing me about them, or reporting them in any other way.
Invalid markup. (HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.)
Or any other problems, feel free to contact me about it, and report them. Note that due to my Israeli nature, some of my English pages may contain some Hebraisms and/or Israelisms, and I see them as features not problems.
Suggest new content - I’m always happy to hear suggestions for new content, like new links that you would like to see included, or topics that lack proper coverage.
If you want to send unified text patches make sure you do them against the source of the site in the version control system.
Try to build the site from sources - on your local operating system. Note that the documented prerequisites may be out of date, and the Continuous integration (CI) scripts are the ultimate authority (also see Coding Horror's "Learn to Read the Source, Luke" essay). That put aside, patches or merge requests to improve the written build documentation are welcome.
One developer I talked with, told me that my site should have a "one-click" installer, similar to some PHP web applications. I agree that it is a good idea, but I expect it will involve a lot of work, and the site's build process is not regularly tested on Microsoft Windows.
Send a “Thank You” note - I’m always happy to receive emails or other messages complimenting me for the site, or some of its resources. At the moment, I’m not receiving too many, and so I can respond to most of them, so if you’re polite and friendly, expect a response.
See my contact information.
Join my beta-reviewers list - I have a mailing list dedicated to submitting articles for peer review before I publish them. If you like what I’ve been writing, I suggest you join, so you can review them, correct mistakes and comment on them. Email me if you’re interested, and I will consider joining you.
Donate some money - lastly, you should consider making a monetary PayPal donation or fulfilling part of my wishlist. I won’t hold it against you if you don’t, but I would appreciate it if you do.