Solver and Generator for ABC Path
Games-ABC_Path-Solver is a Perl 5 CPAN distribution which implements a solver for ABC Path as featured on It provides a standalone command-line “abc-path-solver” program and an Application Programmer Interface (API).
The Games-ABC_Path-Generator Perl 5 CPAN distribution implements a generator for ABC Path layouts based on a random number seed. What it does is first generate a random path through the 5*5 board, and then assigns the hints randomly. Sometimes the process takes a relatively long time to complete.
The GitHub repository also contains a port of the code of the solver and generator to TypeScript, which will hopefully allow it to be usable as an in-browser game in the future.
Currently, documentation is a little lacking.
Project Links
For the ABC Path Solver
GitHub Repository - contains version control and other resources.
Games-ABC_Path-Solver on MetaCPAN - download, documentation, browsing and information.
For the ABC Path Generator
GitHub Repository - contains version control and other resources.
Games-ABC_Path-Generator on MetaCPAN - download, documentation, browsing and information.
“Demo of the ABC Path Solver and Generator” - a screencast demonstrating how to solve a game using the solver and the generator. (on YouTube)
General ABC-Path Links’s Daily ABC Path - play ABC Path online. Furthermore, it is where I was introduced to the game.
Otto Janko’s Homepage - the inventor of ABC Path whose web-site contains many other puzzles (though most of the text is in German).
Games-ABC_Path-Solver and Games-ABC_Path-Generator are free and open-source software (FOSS) distributed under the MIT/Expat License, a permissive software licence.