Software Resources Pages

Curated Lists and Directories of Software Applications

Cross-Platform Abstraction Libraries for Portability

A small directory of libraries that make writing applications that run on UNIXes as well as on Windows 32-bit / 64 bit easier.

Software Building and Management Tools

A small directory of tools for building, configuring, and maintaining software.

List of Text Editors and IDEs

A list of text editors and IDEs.

Numerical Software

A short list of some prominent numerical software packages.

Text Processing Tools

A list of some prominent text processing tools such as preprocessors or template systems.

Networking Clients

A list of some prominent networking clients: web-browsers, E-mail clients, Instant Messaging (IM) clients, Microblogging clients, FTP clients, etc.

Multimedia Applications

A list of some prominent multimedia applications: generic multimedia players, dedicated music players, video downloaders, etc.

Graphics Applications

A list of some prominent computer graphics applications: raster editors, vector editors, 3-D programs, image viewers and organisers, etc.

List of Database Implementations

A list of some prominent database implementations: key/value stores, SQL databases, XML databases, distributed databases, etc.

Software Quality Enhancement Tools and Links

Quite a few people, including me, have been lamenting the poor quality of a lot of modern software applications. In order to do something constructive to combat this, I decided to collect links to tools and other resources that can help enhancing the quality of software.

Topical Portals, and Beginners’ Sites

The “Better SCM” Initiative

An initiative meant to advance the projects that aim to create better publicly available tools for version control.

The Perl Beginners Site

A site for Perl beginners.

The Vim Beginners Site

A site for Vim beginners. Vim is an open-source, cross-platform, powerful, and configurable, text editor.

Favourite Free Software

This contains a list of some of my favourite free software packages out there.

Collection of Tech Tips

My collection of technical/software-related tips as concentrated from the individual entries on my weblogs.

Israeli-Related FOSS Resources

These are software resources that are somehow related to Israel.

Guide to Israeli Free and Open Source Software Resources

A guide to the online resources about Free and Open Source Software in Israel.

List of Israeli Open Source Projects

A list of Israeli open-source projects that used to be on the wiki of Hackers-IL.

Interviews with Open Source People

These are a collection of interviews I conducted with people of the open source community.