; Operations with Church Numerals
; -------------------------------

; We already saw how to get the number that follows a given number. Now
; how to do addition, substraction, multiplication, etc.

; Addition:
; We can repeat succ on m for n times in order to add n to m:

(define add
    (lambda (n)
        (lambda (m)
            ((n succ) m)

; We can evaluate it into:
(define add
    (lambda (m)
        (lambda (n)
            (lambda (f)
                (lambda (x)
                    ((m f)
                        ((n f) x)

; Now let's try multiplication. Since a church numeral is basically about
; repeating something n times, we can repeat the other multiplicand N times.

(define mult
    (lambda (m)
        (lambda (n)
            (lambda (f)
                (m (n f))

; Power: we can repeat the LC's mult m times

(define power
    (lambda (m)
        (lambda (n)
            ((n (mult m)) (succ zero))

; This, in turn can be simplified into:

(define power
    (lambda (m)
        (lambda (n)
            (n m)

(display (church->int ((power zero) zero)))
; Displays 1, which is another proof that 0^0 is 1.

; Predecessor
; -----------

; Getting the predecessor in Church numerals is quite tricky.
; Let's consider the following method:
; Create a pair [0,0] and convert it into the pair [0,1]. (what
; we do is take the cdr and put it in the car and set the cdr to it plus
; 1).
; Then into [1,2], [2,3], etc. Repeat this process N times and
; we'll get [N-1, N].
; Then we can return the first element of the final pair which is N-1.

(define pred_next_tuple
    (lambda (tuple)
            (lc_cdr tuple))
            (succ (lc_cdr tuple)))
; Note that we base the next tuple on the second item of the original tuple.

(define pred
    (lambda (n)
            ((n pred_next_tuple)
                ; A tuple with two zeros.
                ((lc_cons zero) zero)

; Note that the pred of zero is zero, because there isn't -1 in church numerals

; Subtraction is simply repeating pred m times

(define subtract
    (lambda (n)
        (lambda (m)
            ((m pred) n)

; Now, how do we compare two Church numerals? We can subtract the
; first one from the second one. If the result is equal to zero, then the
; second one is greater or equal to the first.

(define is-zero?
    (lambda (n)
            ((n (lambda (x) lc_false)) lc_true)

(define less-or-equal
    (lambda (x)
            (lambda (y)
                    (is-zero? ((subtract x) y))

; In a similiar way and by using not we can define all other comparison
; operators.

; Division and modulo? For this we need the Y combinator.
; Stay tuned...