If you like this site, I would appreciate a gift from my wishlist.
My Resumés
English Resumé
A C.V. in English.
A Detailed English Resumé
A more detailed Curriculum Vitae in English as well.
Resumé in Hebrew
My Hebrew resumé in HTML format.
Shlomi Fish (שלומי פיש) is an Israeli programmer, essayist, and humorist.
He is passionate about open source, open content, and freedom and openness in general.
If you like this site, I would appreciate a gift from my wishlist.
A C.V. in English.
A more detailed Curriculum Vitae in English as well.
My Hebrew resumé in HTML format.
Written, designed and maintained by Shlomi Fish, shlomif@shlomifish.org
If you like what you see here, or have any comments, suggestions or corrections, feel free to E-mail me about it. I’d love to hear from you. If you have found what I did helpful or entertaining, please consider helping.
Style and look based on the Smoked WordPress Theme by iconstantin.
Fish emblem taken from the “Anatomy of an EvilPHish” cartoon of UserFriendly.org.