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The Case for Drug Legalisation

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Shlomi Fish


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Revision History
Revision 5374 4 June 2012 shlomif
Add the two Calamities of Nature strips. This is the third version.
Revision 5270 28 April 2012 shlomif
Add the section about drug users who become drug dealers becoming exposed to more drugs. Add the section about drug users forming a subculture and tending to associate with one another. Add the part about “buying as much as one can afford”.
Revision 3284 2 January 2009 shlomif
Converted to DocBook 5 and added the section “Note about Why Politicians Support The Prohibition”.
Revision 1801 29 February 2008 shlomif
Fixed some typos, added the “What you can do about it?” section and added the “Links” section.
Revision 1548 28 July 2006 shlomif
Finished the first published version.
Revision 1518 14 October 2005 shlomif
Forked the text from a previous document, and starting to adapt it.

There is a common pattern in history of “unholy enemies” - groups of people who are presented by leaders to be of such evil nature that the general populace should be willing to sacrifice their lives, freedom or well-being to fight them. These have been the Jews in Nazi Germany, and the Kafirs in Islam. In modern society, drug users now serve as an unholy enemy for which the government can undermine Liberalism and gradually repress the people.

Yet, drug users are no such enemy - they do not pose a threat to society. Plus, they are people in need of help, not in need of being hunted and prosecuted.

The legalisation of drugs will put a stop to the irrational trend to make drug users an unholy enemy and for the government to undermine the individual rights of the citizens. There is no good reason to undermine individual rights, much less one that is useless and pointless as trying to “win” the war on drugs.

It is well known that many politicians or people who hold government positions support the prohibition on drugs. As a result, many people are likely to conclude that they are being bribed by Mafia Dons and other high-profile criminal people who make their livelihood off the prohibition. This may actually be the case to some extent, but it’s not the only possible explanation for why they support it.

There are two other explanations for why politicians, who are still honest enough to not accept bribes from drug-trafficing criminals, may still support the prohibition on drugs. The first is that they are simply clueless or misled enough to believe that the prohibition is a good thing. Many ordinary and perfectly honest people have also bought the pro-prohibition advocacy and voice opinions supporting it.

The other explanation is that some of these people know better and are acting in an evil, destructive, and dishonest manner. Acting and thinking in an evil way can become an obsession and an addiction, and some people have become terminally infected by it and are consistently acting in an evil manner. While it may be true that one should not “attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”, malice is still present in the world, including among the leaders.

As a result, even if such officials are not accepting bribes, they are still not acting out of the public’s best-interest when they support the prohibition of drugs.

Here is a list of things you can do to help the cause of fighting for drug legalisation:

  1. Educate people about it: write something pro drug legalistation online, in blogs, mailing lists, newsgroups, web forums; write your school report about it; publish articles about it in newspapers, tell about it to your friends, etc.

    Note that you should feel free to link to this article, or even quote its text, as long as you give attribution. (See its open-content, Creative Commons, licence for more information.

  2. Contact Your Government - write to your representatives and government, and tell them why the prohibition on drugs is harmful and not justified. If possible, vote for representatives that support the legalisation of drugs.

  3. Don’t work against the cause - if you’re a drug-enforcing policeman, then switch to a different department, or quit. If you’re an agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) or a similar organisation - then quit.

  4. Last, but not least - don’t use illegal narcotics. They have numerous bad medical effects, and using them reduces your credibility as someone who can speak against their prohibition.

By acting and propagating the understanding that drugs should be legalised, we can eventually create a strong, vibrant movement against the prohibition on drugs, that can eventually abolish it completely.

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