How much time do you spend on this site?

A lot. I spent several hundreds of hours on the site, possibly several thousands. While the pages of this site were originally just a collection of hand-maintained HTML pages, they were then converted to use Website Meta Language, and converted to have a common look and feel, a style that’s hopefully semantic, converted to use valid XHTML markup (XHTML 1.1 for the while); some navigation aids were added, etc.

All of the source code for the site is available online in various places. I’ve prepared a top-to-bottom document on how to compile the site from scratch). Some of the hand-crafted code was released as the Latemp Content Management System or various assisting CPAN modules under an open-source license.

I am still working on the site, both by adding new content and attractions, by revising or correcting existing ones, by making it more usable, or by trying to publicise new attractions in various online resources.

Recently (November 2019) I converted the main pages of the site from wml to Template Toolkit, which is faster and less quirky, and also implemented better caching for the talks' slides.