My friend's AMAZING sketches! [link]
391 comments sorted by
"Sketch"... Noun. A rough drawing or
painting, often made to assist in making a more finished picture. These
"Sketches"... You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
You chose the thumbnail wysely.
What I don't understand (being an artist
myself) is: If your friend is this good, why is he wasting his time on
this subject matter?
These are not sketches... THIS IS GODDAMNED ART!!
he aughta get a camera, quicker
How about painting more males, and not just
slutted up females? (No offense, just... pointing out. I like 'em, but
it's so... generic.)
People have this kind of talent and they use it to draw celebrities. Not sure how I feel about that
I'd love to see him draw something that
isn't taken from a photo. Talent like that, he's bound to be able to do
amazing stuff.
Technically they are great. But I don't see
the point of drawing copies of the photos of famous people.
Mixing Harry Potter with those other pictures gave me a lot of weird feelings
Ok, I've had enough of this. Now hear me out
everyone... What is the purpose of recreating a photograph by hand?!
It's inefficient and...
A WIP from his DeviantArt page:
Can... Can your friend draw boobs?
"your friend"... right.
What? No. Photographs surely. Holy. Shit.
So I'm french canadian, and I don't know
what sketches means, it actually took me 4 pictures to realise.. that
these are not pictures!
look real
So, tell us your friend's name please.
I want to have sex with your friend's imagination.
Could we PLEASE stop saying sketch when its a
drawing? It's honestly driving me nuts coz everytime i'm like "THAT'S
Let's take a magazine picture and apply
monochrome filter and grain effects and post it on imgur: the game.
so daniel radcliff is in there to kill boners right?
I want to see something come from her
imagination instead! I might as well be looking at photographs.
10/10 would fap to most of them
I wanna BE that cone.
Amazing talent!
I'm having much difficulty believing these are drawn, not photographs...well done.
How can you call these SKETCHES?!?
At first, I thought, "So what? Photos of
girls & celebs. Big whoop." Then I read the caption and said, "WOAH"
out loud. +1 !
Your friend's sketches that you posted online to get upvotes with.
You have a friend that's an inkjet printer? That's... nice for you. Kidding... my reaction: Damn.
I would bang these sketches ... all of them.
+1 for Harry Potter mfw sketches -.-
These suck dick.
meh, they could be better...
These are so amazing. Very impressed
Can your friend... draw these people naked... for science...
I don't get it... your friend just took photographs of some famous people.
holly Christ!!
your friend is photoshop!?
No freaking way.
No offense, but FUCK YOUR FRIEND. I'm - I'm so jealous.
Bullshit. Any monkey can do this on the
internet on any photo editing software. Just upload a pic and add the
right effect.
Your friend is quite a high end DSLR, as well as a lighting studio.
Just wow.
Girl, Girl, Girl, Girls, Girl, Girl, Harry Potter, Girl...
the fuck D: i just wanna draw a simple cartoon >< god hates me
Your friend is amazing! These are not sketches...
That's the best Kesha has ever looked.
If I was that talented, I would not have choosen an icecram cone...
i drew a pretty dope plane once
Its all lies!
But... why ?
Ice cream.... i want it. Happy to share.
Well, my drawing skills are that of a turtle's.
i like haw OP s friend can make his/her own
orn with nothing but a sheet of paper and a pencil. productivity with
relief most exellent!
shut your fucking mouth
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.... O.O
Holy crap these are beauitful, NAY! They are majestic! Big big big +1 OP
Sketches?... ;3;
Got my upvote at the Harry Potter's portrait.
Sketches? so this is only the rough draft HOLY SHET
can i date some of your sketches?
There is no way in hell those are sketches.
hot woman hot woman hot woman OHGODNO!
yes. and i eat lightning and crap out thunder.
and I can barely draw a breath
I was seduced and then BAM. Harry Fucking Potter
What the... i feel completely useless, my life has no meaning
very very talented friend you have there
Is your friend a wizard
i have the weirdest boner right now
I love the Harry Potter C.C.C.Combo breaker!
Fuck I'm untalented.
Yeah, these are pretty cool, it good to see some origiWHAT SKETCHES?!?!?
Looking at this... what am I doing with my life...
Your friends amazingly sexy sketches* Fixed the title for you. And yes. That includes Harry.
I wonder what sort of paper they are using?
Your friend is clearly male.
I find it interesting throwing an ol Harry Potter sketch in there...
These could be tracings!
Lol hmmmm great job
how do people draw hair so gud wtf
these are incredible!
you mean your friend is a Decent photographer
holy molly this are amazing!
Can... Can he sketch them naked?
Sketches. Looks like very good tracing.
*pictures, your friend's amazing pictures
i wish i could draw something so realistic i could fap to it
+1 for Gaga.
if i have this kind of drawing skill, i
would be drawing so much nude photos of celebrities... as in emma
these almost look better than pictures
Hmmm. Harry Potter, huh? Ok, you can stay.
my favourite is definitely Harry Potter
If they really are sketches, tell your friend to make Mila's tits bigger.
I would be so stressed to sign one of these at the end of the drawing.
Those are sketches? Fuck me.
whats the point of reproducing photographs exactly? Can she draw something not seen before?
I was going to make a witty comment about
Marylin but then I seen Milla Kunis. Thank you and your friend for
why are lady gaga and harry potter here?
I actually have the rolling stone magazine
where the girls are licking the ice cream cone, it's even better in
Sweet. Mother. Of. Sketches. O.o
Is this first girl Vanessa Marcil?????
Wow, these are AMAZING :)
It probably would have been easier to take a photo.
10/10 would sketch...
Nice sketches. Would like to see the finished versions.
The gap between the colarbones and the boobs are what makes my body all butterflyish!
wow did you draw these at...the toilet store.
ya well I can draw stick figures......
I came.
I came.
why is everyone on the internet this talented
well fuck
This totally looks like pictures to me, but I am drunk so who am I to judge.
This totally looks like pictures to me, but I am drunk so who am I to judge.
1st drawing looks like Olivia Blois-Sharpe from Jerseylicious.
how long did these take? these are AMAZING
I thought the last one was of Rihanna eating a mouse like Scar in the Lion King
Lady Gaga appears to have lost her neck...
Hot....Hot....Hot.....Hot......Harry Potter?
The Daniel Radcliffe "sketch" killed my boner. Thanks.
Who's the first girl?
you could draw any scenario you want and fap to it? That is very in-powering.
Rihanna's butt is much bigger than that!
These are friggin amazing... but umm can I
see what they have in their "private" collection please? :P
But these are all women... Oh. Harry Potter.
ur friend has a very particular set of skills
you mean to tell me, I fapped to drawings?
Draw, just draw boobs.
I need your friend to come and draw... Things, for me. Things. And stuff.
my friend's "erotic" sketches
Replace......replace the ice-cream with a penis.
I need to contact your friend, for science of course.
I would have sex with these pictures. Even Harry.
Amazing art! Just sublime! Does he have a
website or something? As an artist i just want to fallow his work...
i bet your friend cant draw a .GIF
damn impressive
The first one does not look like a drawing, my god. Such talent.
So where are the sketches then?
+2 for the queens of gossip girl.
Wow, my first drawing-inspired boner
Hol.Y.Shit. These are amazing.
I love how they're mostly all girls in sexy
get-ups and then you just have Daniel Radcliffe like, "Hey dere."
Draw me like one of your girls...
So... can I hire your friend to draw celebrities nude? For science of course...
Draw me!
Are these done digitally or with graphite?! Either way, your friend is extremely talented.
what are the rules of fapping to extremely accurate sketches?
I once drew a dog that looked like a horse
where are the sketches?
I can just imagine someone having a fap, scrolling down when suddenly: DANIEL RADCLIFFE.
Literally didn't believe these were sketches until the ice cream.
Aint no goddamn sketches... this is fucking ART.
holy shit that's talent!
You can tell that these are good sketches
because Lady Gaga is just as hideous as she is in real life.
I saw the ice cream girls on a rolling stones magazine
Can you have your friend redraw my face so I can be perfect?
Verry NIce
Fucking hell, I´d bone those drawing, all besides Lady Gaga.
I refuse to believe that those are sketches. Damn skills.
WITCHCRAFT! Or...Wizardcraft...
What camera did he use to take these?
Nothing like a pretty girl to inspire great art.
I think its a crime to draw this well and not draw mila, marilyn and megan having a threesome.
i can fap to this.
Does your friend take requests?
The two girls tho.
your friend has skills
i suck at everything
Natalie Portman, Megan Fox, Marilyn Monroe, and Dan Radcliffe. I gave up on the rest.
I declare that in the last picture the woman is about to eat a crab.
Your friend is really good, be sure to encourage them :)
you spelled photographer wrong.
Hmmm....I must ask about commission work.
I want him to sketch me.
who needs "super-natural" sketches of people in the age of high-definition digital photos?
This... this is art.
Does he/she do commissions?
Sketch Emma Watson naked... for science. Just do it.
i wanted to kiss all these girls andpotter
He totally draws his own porn.
Looks shopped.
why is there a horse in there with the attractive women?
I find it weird that your friend can give me hardons with just a pencil...
Don't think I've ever seen the fourth one without Steve Buchemi's eyes attached to it.
You sit on a throne of lies!!
Is your friend male/lesbian by any chance? If not, they're lying.
Iiiiis your friend a lesbian?
she has good taste in humans
That's it. I quit. I'm done. I lose. Goodbye, world.
and that's harry potter
I want to DO his sketches.
how's this even possible!
I'd totally eat ice cream out of cleavage if you know what I mean.
I was getting a boner til I saw harry potter, then I just got angry and wanted to beat something!
I like ice cream...
Hot..Hot...Hot..HotHot.....Hot..Hot...Harry Potter.....Hot..
I felt like Daniel Radcliffe was a little random...
I would buy some one these. Send me a message if he/she is interested in selling.
Do ever wonder if talented artists ever draw
famous celebrities doing nasty, kinky things to one another?
Can your friend draw me a girlfriend?
Random ass Radcliffe.
I think you just broke art.
Skills to pay the bills.
Quite the combo breaker there.
As someone who enjoys drawing with pencils
as well as pen and ink I can only imagine how long this took. Applaud
the attention to detail!
I call shenanigans
Almost too perfect.
The shading on all of those upper lips must have taken like 9 hours.
Sexy lady. Sexy lady. Sexy lady. Harry Potter. Sexy lady...wait, what?
If I had this power, I'd totally draw some people naked.
Yer a pimp, Harry.
Sexy.... Sexy..... Sexy..... Sexy.... Sexy..... Sexy.... Harry Potter?????... Sexy
I don't favorite much, but when I do, I favorite this. Thank you for the awesomness.
10/10 would let them lick their ice cream cone.
At first I was like... man these are great pictures. and then I was like. DAFUQ
Does she take requests? Emma Watson, Olivia
Wilde, Mila Kunis, and Jennifer Lawrence naked pillow fighting please
and thank you
Dat talent!
A wild Potter appeared!
Totally thought the thumbnail was a photograph.
Ooh, look at me, I can use a camera. Hang on...fuck.
everything is good.. but the lightning bolt is on the wrong face
these are really good! your friend is very talented
paint 1 real life 0
I thought the one of Cheryl Cole was an actual picture of her. Holy crap. These are awesome!
Dat Mila!
Dam Good work.. do they have a site I'm blown away.
i found this easy to master bait to.
I wish I could draw pictures that made me horny
Jaysus o.O
I have a friend that makes sketches like
this as well OP, her name is Nikon. I'm sure our friends would get along
Your friends' photographs are pretty good.
Tell your friend to sketch some porn
These are art, not sketches.
tell your friend to draw me a nuddy mag
I see someone has a man-crush on Daniel Radcliff.
I see your friend is a great photographer.
You misspelled "photographs"
lady gaga *shudders*
And it does not require any creativity
whatsoever. The point of art is not to reproduce photographs. The point
is to be inventive and...
And creative. There is NO creativity here!
As an artist, it bothers me when others are so impressed by this type of
work. This is not art!
Shut up.
If your friend wanted to abuse their
talents, I wouldn't have drawn an icecream cone. I would've shaded a
beautiful penis.
These are FAR from sketches. You just took
them off of google images and made them black and white and added a
signature. Easy.
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