Freehand Fanart by Artgerm
260 comments sorted by
How do Heroes fight crime with such raging boners!?! They live in a world where even the physicists are sexy!
Apparently the most common female superpower is to have large breasts. The other powers are largely immaterial.
Its annoying when people just go "hmmh, what would the female version of this superhero look like?" 1/2
there any female superheroes with more normal sized chests? As a man,
surely the boobs of their size could cause some complications...
the standard of beauty for women is too damn high!
Well he clearly didn't sleep through class the day they covered drawing ABSOLUTELY HUGE KNOCKERS
Had to be a male artist...
Fan art, also known as an excuse to draw tits
Look at all that same face. I love it when you can't tell them apart by their faces.
Umm boobs, cartoon boobs everywhere. How to do they fight with those things? I have trouble grabbing my laptop with moobs.
I expected them all to be white (no surprise there) but why are they all also blonde with blue eyes?
Even though these are great, i find it a little creepy that some people are so obsessed with fictional women.
Yeah I'm just gonna continue to eat this stove top stuffing and hate myself, thanks
I'm guessing you are a guy. Like me. A lonely guy.
Wow they completely ruined all the good superheroes...
am i the only one that notices that batwomans hair would not come out of the cowl?
Excellent artwork. On another note, this artist is in serious need of getting laid.
Freehand art? Oh, so that implies doing something with the other hand yes?
I like me some boobs but dammit I can get bored of boobs.
Just out Artgerm's Pepper collection! The talent is overwhelming.
I'll be doing a bit of "free handing" tonight with these pictures...
is this still fan art? Why has no one hired this person to work
drawing comics? And why is every single comment here "boobs"??
Rule 34
Free hand boob art.
All I want to do is color in Wonder Woman.
+1 for Magik and Emma Frost.
+1 for Harley Quinn
Today imgur is telling me to hit the gym harder than usual, and open a separate savings for a boob job.
Im gonna need new spandex
+1 for the amazing art.. also GOD DAMMIT DC MARVEL MIXUP!!!
Very rare to see the Steph Batgirl. Even rarer to see porn of it. I support this!
Super boobs... i mean heros
artist and awesome work. So beautiful, athletic, real... believable
and so unbelievable... I can barely print my name clearly.
Artgerm, and artist like him, prove I should never try anything
because, if I do, then I won't fail. Never Try, Never Fail
Nothing witty here. Great work!
Poison Ivy's bush...
I hate most things but I like this.
I only have one free hand right now. Thank you OP.
Obligatory "I have no talent" comment.
Well, if Bat Girl ever looked like this, she wouldn't even need a mask. Nobody would look at her face anyways.
came for bewbs. Was not disappointed.
Freehand because his other one is busy.
I know what the free hand was doing.
Well, I know what I'll be doing with my free hand
Beautiful. I really appreciate free hand drawings a lot more than something drawn with Wacom board and Photoshop.
Sweet, boobs
batgirls ultimate weapon, the bat boobs
This is awesome , much talent such wow. On a similar note can anyone help me find the Siri video as Powergirl.
+1 for Harley Quinn!
Sailor Moon next plz.
These are beautiful but why would you do that to Stephanie Brown?
It's goddamn beautiful...
Who's the chick that looks like Sonic supposed to be?
Fap fap fap fap fap
The eyes are great! :)
And all I can think of is "Anyone heard of a 'Sports Bra'?"
Is... Is the dA one a sonic OC?
I feel inadequate whenever I see art like this, then look at my art.
If I had this talent I would never run out of fap material
If I had this talent I would never run out of fap material.
Feels wired
It's called freehand because my other hand is occupied
They all have the same face.
He has a slight problem with sameface
Very itchy spider bite!!
Drawnipples l
I can appreciate this
Teehee... Boobies...
+1 for Stephanie Brown
+1 for poison ivy
Freehand boobs.
is there a slave hand pic we can compare these too?
And people still wonder why my right arm is stronger than my left
Nothing motivates you to draw faster than the prospect of creating your own boobs.
Suddenly: Jun the Swan
Damnit OP, I now have Science all over my keyboard.
You breast fed till you were 17 right?
as opposed to not freehand drawing? like in handcuffs?
Boobs +1
I could fuck em all!!!
Lil Kim got a lot of albums to make
Oh god I love this so hard!
*Freehand FAPart
Its not fanart if you get paid for it.
I'd be drawing with the left hand and fapping with the right.
You mean lil kim's next album cover. And yes, I did not capitalise.
I sense Artgerm likes boobs
day. One day I won't care that there are unrealistic expectations of
what I *should* look like everywhere and that I can never achieve
Pic 1.if you focus on the eyes, you will see two nipples.
Say what you will, but this guy is an extremely talented artist.
This is real artists' porn. Forget the boobs - that linework in #3 and #4 is so fucking good it makes me drool. Talent <3
It's bad to say this, but I just scrolled down to look at the bewbs.
Holy tissue papers and lube, Batman!
Holy tissue papers and lube, Batman!
It's called freehand because the other one is jacking off
Wholey Batboobs batman
still awaiting some type of firestar art :(
Great. I'm attracted to drawings. Thanks for that.
A future as a Comic Book Artist...I think you have it sir/madam :)
Dat ivy; I need some ointment.
About time to change my wallpaper
Am I the only one who sees 2 palms on a pair of boobs in the first picture ?
Shit's talented, yo.
Harley Quinn looks much to sexy and normal!
I can't take my eyes off the last three, astounding.
Dem eyes!
*Freehand comic porn
Why only girls, oh wait boobs
A comment about how little I did today
"I have the normaliest boner right now."
Artgerm seems to have a ton of talent!
You just know he drew a secret stash of nekkid ones.
omg these. all of these.
I'll take it.
Who's the X-Man with the metal arm? I don't recognize her
Dawn the Dragoncon girl?
Time to rev up your Harley.
My hands aren't free.
These are great! *unzip*
I tried drawing a girl once. I ended up masturbating
Because boobs
"This is arousing." - my man-parts
Wow the support for all female body types extends to drawings as well. Such variety!
That sure is a lot of effort invested in the eyes to pictures where many are unlikely to ever notice them.
"But if it's not impossibly hot women getting their tits out, it's not art!" - OP
at least he had a free hand
When you say "freehand" is that because the other hand is busy, you know, doing something??
Always +1 for Superman
theyre all so hot....
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