Imgur loves facts, but usually dislikes random pictures of woman.. Soo.. What happens when one combines them? We will find out! Stay tuned Imgur. [link]

348 comments sorted by
I will respect you as a person only if you
provide me with attractive, semi nude men with equally or more
interesting facts
Now make one with half-naked men. Oh,
that's right, you won't, because Imgur doesn't want women to look at
I like facts, I dislike pouting women in underwear.
Damn, facts, you sexy
I wanted to read the facts, but I don't
enjoy staring at nearly naked women, so I didn't enjoy this and didn't
actually look at it at all.
OP uses interesting facts and attractive women, its super effective!
Just for the record.. you can buy "Condomi" condoms which are completely vegan.
im trying to read this and i have kids here
JUST THE FACTS PLEASE, i know how to find porn if i need it.
As a straight female who adores knowledge
and finds it an attractive feature, my lady parts are confused.
With his side arm... Jesus
My father learned the first one in the
locker room in high school because he had five older sisters and wore
hand me downs.
Why is it that "attractive" women all have
to have insanely large breasts? Am I the only one around here that
enjoys the smaller ranges?
now do the same things with handsome half-naked men.
Would it be weird if I said that I actually
paid more attention to the facts than the women in the background?
The police stole Mr. Rogers' car?
+1 for the polite car thieves
Well, one thing's for sure, it's distracting as hell
Incorrect, imgur dislikes selfies. These are certainly not selfies, hence, front page.
Take my upvote....clever bastard.
i read these then looked at the girl every time.
This. This is going places.
I quite like the combination
I didn't read the text.
I'm not one for women pictures like this as I
have a wonderful gf, but I wouldn't downvote them. In conclusion: +1
for the facts.
took me 5 minutes to read about electric cars.
I wonder what sex the people are who downvoted this? One of which is me. You're disrespecting women.
it;s nice to go through user submitted
sorted by newest first then switch it to popularity to see how far some
posts have made it.
i love pictures of hot women and i love
randoms facts i havent heard before. i wish. good post! huzza!
Why are bathtubs typically positioned so the
right arm faces the wall? It seems awkward both to the (on average)
right-handed bather and...
I'll allow this
Obligatory upvote for Lucy Pinder.
Does anybody have just the girls? I need it for science.
who dislikes random pictures of women?
Me: Why would I want to buy an electric car if scientists are going to charge me to use it? Wow.
Can we please make a national referendum next election on that 1916 amendment? That'd be brilliant.
+1 for Michelle Trachtenberg.
Told my bf who works out of town to browse imgur when he's bored... !!!ABORT MISSION!!!
didnt read.
[citation needed]
Dat underboob
This week in news, the birth rate of vegan couples has increased by 300%
this is like the millionth time this has made front page... wow. imgur is so retarded sometimes.
sidearm one has Battlefield 3 written all over it
Someone needs to do this with the answers to my biology final.
I massively approve of these.
Ssssshh on the vegan condom thing. It'll make them breed more vegans.
Terrible post.
Text there? Didn't see...
This confuses my mind so much
TIL latex condoms are as useful to vegans as lambchops.
The electric car woman is among the sexiest I have ever laid eyes upon...
What facts?
This is my favorite thing on the internet.
Does...does this count as NSFW?
This made me read them in a softer voice
Facts anf Faps
That third girl.. Hnnnnngggg
I liked this, and I'm a straight female.
I suspect you meant engineers are working on
powering cars as they drive. Scientists worked out induction a while
There's no logistical connection between
most of these visuals and their factoids. So, if you're asking a
non-fapper; go away.
I don't know if any of that is true but I liked it.
dat tan line
second to last one:
I kept reading the same words over and over
forgetting that I was trying to look at the picture. I have never felt
more nerdy... EVER
You are genius OP. I can fap AND learn new things at the same time. Thank you!
It's been a long time since I saw Michelle Trachtenberg. She still does it for me.
2nd-to-last one reminds me of Just Cause 2. Love that game.
Wait, there was words on these pictures?
Make more i want to do some more "learning"
I've been drawing my art with the "correct"
button sides on the shirts for years and hoping someone notices.
I had hitherto been told that men's shirts
buttoned as they did to prevent said men from easily drawing a concealed
I can't read with all them tits looking at me
Wait, there were facts in this post??
I honestly don't mind pictures of women if
the picture has a joke or facts or whatever. It's just the pictures of
gals sitting at their (1)
What facts?!
I felt SO AWKWARD as a woman reading this and eating my popsicle at the same time.
First 2 girls look AMAZING. All the facts are fun.
The one about war... So much win
Mr Rogers <3
This actually gives me a nice feeling. I am
learning stuff, while looking at pleasant, CLASSY pictures of beautiful
Excuse me sir, I am here to learn!
More "facts" please...
you win
Who's the 1st girl? Kinda looks like a nurse at my hospital (who is obviously smoking hot as well.)
There were facts?
You mean there's words on these pictures?
#5 takes levels of badassery to new, elevated heights.
I like interesting facts AND random pictures of women, so this is perfect!
who is the 5th one down?
Suck it, Vegans
I fucking love science.
Took me half-way down the list to even realize there was words
Education and hot chicks you're doing it right OP
Holy shiat! I just became illiterate!
More please.
The 1916 proposition is actually from a Heinlein novel...
...time to fap!
@3rd picture F-Zero anyone?
The fap is strong with this one.
Michelle Tratchenberg!
I thought somewhere it was gonna say "check out my friends sketches"
These are two of my favourite things combined!
Can we get one with some dudes? Like, not even for science but for all of us dude-lovers.
wait there were facts
I stopped reading the words after the first two...
Great, you made me open an incognito window...
am I the only one who only read the fun facts?
[citation needed]
I guess, like many things, vegan's prefer it raw.
fapping and fun facts?? Mind blown.
there is a website devoted to this, and it's epic
OP idk what your talking about.... i love random pictures of women.
I thought the first one was wrong and then I stared at my flannel shirt in disbelief I NEVER NOTICED
I gonna be honest I didnt read at all!
There were facts on those pictures?
I like this. Although the white text on white background is a bit hard to read.
The first one is also about swords, The
shirts fold over towards the right so drawing from the left doesn't risk
catching in the shirt fold.
I for one enjoy this a lot
Sorry everyone... the Mister Rogers fact has zero proof that it EVER happened. Ever. Just a story.
Oh. My. God. dat 1916 amendment.
Or if you don't want to wait for OP, You're welcome.
Took me a long time to read these... Kept getting distracted
So... what your saying is my right hand will have some company tonight?
I will never be able to see Michelle as anything but "Buffy's Little Sister"
I found the captions very difficult to read
good idea OP, being meta on imgur is the
surest way to get votes. DAE love content but hate Emma Watson being so
There were random facts?
the electric car girl is hhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Upvote and Favorite for anything that includes Lucy Pinder.. I also like random facts
Oh god, more little vegans are on their way.
I prefer random pictures of breasts, but this works for me.
Dude!!! If you look closely there are some pretty neat facts written on the pictures!
I prefer fun-fact fox.
imgur does not dislike random pictures of women. Now excuse me while I fap
I actually learned. I need to apply this to my college studies
technology whereby*
Upvotes for both.
I support this! More!
+1 for pinder.
So hard to read the facts
Where are your credentials? >:o
i think i missed one i should read them all
over again and again...... and once more for good measure
Tell me more facts, I'm almost finished.
OP make more and fuck what women want.
NSFW pic party?
OP is a dick, now people think I am a
lesbian for staring at pictures of semi-naked women. Facccck-a-youu.
What happened to "if you don't like it, skip
it"? I don't see people going "BOO, ATTRACTIVE MAN, 0/10 WOULD REPORT"
when one's involved.
Imgur doesn't like pictures of random women?
Have you been exclusively browsing and posting to /r/gay?
OP are you insane? imgur only dislikes
random pictures of women if the pictures were taken by those same women.
This implies that vegans have sex.
This could probably be used as some form of sexuality determinant test.
Who are the pieces of shit downvoting this stuff and upvoting every tedious harry potter post?
Facts and Chicks. One of the first things i ever favorited to look up daily.
i hope you're not easily irritated by reposts, though
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