You fall in love, you lose [link]
198 comments sorted by
Sometimes I wonder if Imgurians can tell the
difference between being in love and just being plain horny.
Look at the second picture once again and
tell me don't you see there is something wrong with her posture?
Not sure you know what "falling in love" means.
They are cute, but I don't know what their
personalities are like. I need a little more than a picture in order to
fall in love.
Happy to lose... happy to lose
A lot of photoshop
I fell in love! First picture, that sweet-looking Canon DSLR, baby! <3
not so much falling in love, but they're pretty to look at
Does getting a boner mean i'm in love? cause
if so, I fell in love at least 5 times while looking through these
I don't care how hot they are, they all have that one guy who is tired with all her shit.
brb falling in love with ...photoshop?
I can't see their personalities
not in love, I need to take them out to
dinner one by one and see what kind of personality is behind their
pretty faces.
...The fuck? #2's feet
what exactly am I losing, I don't know these people
Bye bye Imgur.
The first girl is beautiful, but DEAR MERCY someone please feed her!
Only posers fall in love
Tis better to have loved and lost than never
to have loved at all. Actually, that is subject to debate
I lost
My natural instinct is to think half of these girls are big meany pants.
I'm confused with the title.
I'm horny now, but not in love. So fuck you OP because I'm at work.
I don't think I get it
i faped and didnt fall in love so i win
Huh...nope, still in love with my wife.
Just a bunch of pretty faces. Nothing else to see. Go home folks. Nothing to see here.
There's something here for everybody :D
I like how Avril Lavigne is just thrown in there...
"It's SO hard to find photos of attractive women posted on the internet!" ~ no one ever
Avril Lavigne! She's my doppleganger! +1
I lost. Again. Every time.
Pretty sure these are all underage...
In reference to all of the above ladies:
I am hereby renaming this image "Fapfest 2013".
why.... why is this here?
I lose I lose I lose I lose I lose just stahp.
I lost.
Newfags, newfags everywhere.
When did Ariel migrate to land and start doing selfies? (First image)
I was winning until 5/6
What is love?
I lost at mostly all of them... got demolished at nr3 and 10
I lost...
*You love, you lose mr. Moot.
Most of them are quite attractive
pretty sure the 9th picture is of that
eyebrows girl from the youtube video 'girl with a funny talent.' she's
probably about 15 yrs old
I was sure I wrote not
I fell in lust for some of these, does that count?
Lost it at the green eyes
lost at the thumbnail.
I wouldn't say I lost this.. but lost damn near everything else when i saw number 2!
Lost on the first picture. First. Picture. God damn it, /b/! Oh shit wait. Imgur!
yep I won, next time less clothing and
choose some girls that actually look attractive not these skeletons.
Oh look, more pretty people.
Who's the second to last one?
Why am I looking at random women? I don't
get this. and I need a picture of a cat to feel understood again.
Love is not what i'm feeling. I win..
Ok, I lose.
Do I win a prize since I'm gay? Besides being their gay best friend.
Good thing wanting to fuck something real bad isn't the same as falling in love.
Damn, I lost at the first picture.
was scrolling through that legal? did i just see a bunch of 15 year olds???
#4 is really cute, as a bi girl the rest are a bit 'meh'.
+10 for Alyson Hannigan!
HOLY SHIT!!! I went to high school with the second girl!
Aaaaand... favourite for later.
At first I thought this was a selfie and was
going to scroll down and upvote all the negative comments, but then I
saw different ladies.
Oh man...I lost so much...
As a straight female, I think all these girls are beautiful. Who cant fall in love with that beauty.
I lost 13 times, damn
I lost.
i lose
i'll fall in love if i talk to one of them, and they are funny and interesting... until then, meh
If you fall in love you lose. If THEY fall in love, you win. Win so fucking hard.
girl 2 reminds me of the worms from Men in Black
Challenge accepted. #1 - Seen it. #2 - Trying too hard. #3 - ...Damnit.
I lost multiple times.
As a married woman, I win!
#2 & 3 OMG
I lost at 1.
I lost it at the 'love'
I could get used to this sort of thing
HAH game on faggo... oh shit. damn i lost.
As a straight and fairly recently single male, godddamn, i lost.
Challenge Accepted: made it to number 8.. dang. Well played
Dammit. This Avril Lavigne weakness will be the end of me.
Was charmed by some of them. Avril Lavigne is the least charming celeb out there so no.
I Win?
#3... awaits your approval. go ahead tell her that what she's wearing doesn't make her look fat
I love British girls :)
absolutely lost.
I lost. Blues and central heterochromia do it for me every time.
As someone who needs to know them before love happens. I win. All very pretty though.
I lost at the first one. Damn, they're all beautiful, pretty, and sexy
I lost my pants too.
Babies, babies everywhere
Nothing but white and asian? Really?
all the downvotes are from jealous girls lol.
This makes me hate myself.
Lost on #4 and then many more times.
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