Math-Ventures - Mathematics in Real-Life
This section of my homepage is dedicated to various math problems that I encountered in real-life or thought about them myself and managed to solve. I have a couple of others which I'm still pondering, and I may add a page with their description some time later.
In any case, here goes:
Combinatorics and the Art of Dungeons and Dragons
Throw 4 dice, ignore the die with the lowest number, and sum the 3 remaining numbers. What is the average of such throw?
You can also find the old ASCII Art page of this puzzle.
On and on, it Seems to Go...
A digital code is transmitted continuously so that its last digit is immidiately followed by the first digit of the next iteration. Since its start cannot be determined: how many possible codes of a certain length exist?
What's the Volume of a Dodecahedron?
How I calculated the volume of a dodecahedron - a perfect body with 12 sides, each with a shape of a perfect pentagon.
A Solidarian Disco Circle
When is it possible to have a disco circle in which every boy dances with every girl exactly once?
Toggling Squares is not that Trivial...
How a Java puzzle I encountered on the web, triggered me and its creator into a full mathematical analysis of it.
Bugs in a Square
My own solution to a rather famous problem of four bugs that follow each other. Uses MathML - you can also see the old ASCII-Art page
What is this Sequence?
4, 8, 7, 5, 10, 11 - what is this sequence?
Two Gates and Two Angels - with a Twist
A variation on the famous riddles of the two gates guarded by two angels.