Fortune Cookie Files
Table of Contents
These are some fortune cookie files I created that can be used with the UNIX fortune program. Most of the quotes here are funny, and the rest are such that I found especially enlightening or could not find in the other fortune collections.
They have been converted to a custom XML grammar, but they may still contain some conversion errors, or not-entirely-semantic-markup.
Web Feeds
- RSS 2.0 feed
- Atom feed for these fortunes (does not validate)
Keep track of the newest ones added using a Web-Feed Reader/Aggregator (see a list on the Wikipedia).
View and Download
These fortunes in a tar.gz file
shlomif-fav (XML, Plaintext) - Favourite quotes I collected from various sources.
friends (XML, Plaintext) - quotes from the scripts of the T.V. show Friends. They cover the first three seasons.
joel-on-software (XML, Plaintext) - quotes from the Joel on Software site.
nyh-sigs (XML, Plaintext) - a collection of quotes found in the signatures of Nadav Har'El, as collected using an automated script.
osp_rules (XML, Plaintext) - "The Rules of Open-Source Programming". Also check a discussion of it on Advogato.
paul-graham (XML, Plaintext) - Quotes from the essays and writings of Paul Graham.
subversion (XML, Plaintext) - Excerpts from the online Subversion folklore.
tinic (XML, Plaintext) - the ultimate collection of reasons why "there is no IGLU cabal", and other Israeli Linux on-line folklore.
Commentary and Disclaimer
Please report any typos or inaccuracies to me by E-mail. The quotations here are owned by their respective copyright holders, and come with no warranty of any kind.
-'s Fortunes - contains fortunes from the X Files, Disc World, Forrest Gump, Star Wars, The Simpsons, and the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
- Eric S. Raymond's Fortunes - quotes about individual rights, and some from the comedian Stephen Wright.
- Fortunes from the Hackers' Jargon File
- Humorix' Fortunes - including Linux slogans, quotes from Linus Torvalds and others, brief Microsoft jokes, and some portions of their articles.
- The Complete Marc A. Volovic Flames Collection - Another Linux-IL folklore...
- Fortunes-random - a collection of random fortune cookies.
- The #kernelnewbies fortune file - a collection of funny or amusing Linux kernel development related quotes.
- KatSpace Quotes in Fortune Format.
- Collection of French Fortunes - a collection of fortunes in french by Nanardon.
Infodrom Fortune
Cookies -
On Infodrom we collect a bunch of fortune cookies which we extract from real live conversation, usenet postings (mail and news) and IRC channels. We don't believe they are funny, others do. However, some of them may be funny.
- Fortune file with Jack Bauer facts
- IRC Excerpts from