MikMod for Java
Important Note!
There is now a new homepage for MikMod for Java over at BerliOS. There is a mailing list, a version control repository and all, which I hope will encourage further development of the codebase.
Please update your bookmarks and hyperlinks.
Original Page
Well, here it is: the long awaited (yeah right) Java port of MikMod. You can download it here.
Right now, the archive contains a JDK 1.0.2 code, which can still compile on versions 1.1.x of the JDK, with some compiler warnings. The "native" sound driver source inside will only compile and work on Linux and v. 1.0.2 of the JDK.
You can find more information about MikMod for Java in the readme file.
Like I say there, I would be happy to let another person coordinate and maintain this project instead of me. One thing one should do is port it to Java 2 and to its audio playback subsystem. Maybe one day it would be able to run as an applet without messing with the Java Virtual Macgine, but so far it can only run from the command-line.
The main MikMod page is:
The MikMod and libmikmod Homepage
Some older pages which may still be of interest are:
The Original MikMod Home Page
by Jean-Paul Mikkers
Steve's MikMod Page
MikMod for UNIX
You can E-mail me at shlomif@iglu.org.il for extra questions or comments.