My Weblogs
Table of Contents
I used to have one weblog, now I have more. Here are the blogs with links and with descriptions. Knock yourself out.
The Weblogs
Main Weblog at LiveJournal
My main weblog of various odds and ends. I'm trying that it won't be one of these boring personal blog, but rather one that contains either philosophical insights, or otherwise personal events that I think are of interest to the public and provide some insights. It includes some political thoughts of mine, which I hope are insightful.
I used to maintain this blog on Advogato, and for some time cross-posted entries to both blogs, but no longer do. The Advogato blog contains many older entries, though.
shlomif-tech - My Technical Blog
Blog dedicated to more technical (computers, software, etc.) matters.
"use Perl;" Weblog
A weblog dedicated to my Perl activities or thoughts.
My Hebrew blog
A weblog in Hebrew, dedicated to Open Source Community Activities or Advocacy.
This Homesite's Journal
A LiveJournal journal where I log what's new on this homesite. It's also syndicated on the front page of the site. Comments can be posted or read there. Links
A stream of Links I'm posting to (a social bookmarking service).
I used to post these links to a similar stream in Simpy but no longer do, because their RSS feeds were non-valid, which made it a problem to process them.
Flickr Pictures
A stream of pictures I'm posting to Flickr.
Unix-like Fortune Cookies Collection
As I add more and more fortunes to my fortune cookies collection, I'm uploading them to my site, and rendering them into various formats from their XML source. They also have their own web-feeds for subscribing using a web-feed aggregator.
Aggregated Feeds
I'm providing several aggregated feeds, that combine the items from more than one of these feeds:
- All Feeds (including the Flickr photos)
- All textual blogs (excluding Flickr)
- All Mostly English Blogs (also excluding Flickr)
- My Technical Blogs - the "" blog and "shlomif-tech".
If you're interested in different ways to mix-and-match such feeds look at:
- XML-Feed - a Perl-based CPAN module to mix, match and manipulate feeds of various formats.
- Yahoo Pipes - an online application with a web-interface.