About this Site's Hosting
This site is hosted at eonspace.net. There's very little on the web-page, because eonspace.net is an Israeli operation of one or two people, which finds most of its customers using word-of-mouth.
As a general rule, I'm happy with the hosting. While there had been a few outages (possibly because of the ISP's fault), one of the advantages is that I can always reach my hostmaster by phone when I encounter a problem. I'm getting shell access with Perl, PHP, and most other services, and pay a relatively low yearly fee. At the moment, most of my site is just plain-HTML.
If you're interested to be hosted in Eonspace, drop me a line, and I'll give you my hostmaster's contact information.
If you need something more specific - like dedicated server hosting for example - then have a look at our long term buddies: the Web Hosting Search.