Links against Windows Vista
Last Updated: 30-September-2007
This is a page that collects links, jokes and other resources that have discovered faults in Windows Vista. An important caveat is that I have yet to actually try using Vista, and that this page is just a way for me to collect these links so I won't lose track of them.
- Bad Vista - a campaign by the Free Software Foundation to oppose the adoption of Vista and promote free software alternatives.
- Slashdot - Is Vista a Trap - a coverage of an article on the BBC about the problems with installing Vista.
- item (in Hebrew) on Microsoft buying "neutral" articles which are supportive for Vista in the Israeli press
- Vista not playing well with IPv6
- Slashdot: "Microsoft Pleads with Consumers to Adopt Vista Now" - also read the comments. (Via Ben Collins-Sussman).
- All about Linux - 25 Shortcomings of Microsoft Vista OS
- "Forget about the WGA! 20+ Windows Vista Features and Services Harvest User Data for Microsoft".
- "Vista Makes Forensic PC Exam Easier for Lawyers"
- PC World: Vista Prevents Users Playing High-Def Content - an article enumerating many problems with Vista. (via Slashdot).
- "Goodbye Vista, Hello Again Linux!" by James Carr - a blog entry about why Vista had to be replaced.
- "Speaking of Vista problems..." by Chris Nahr - a post to the Joel on Software forum.
- "What's so wrong with Vista?" - a forum thread with many points.
Music Slows Vista Network Performance?" - playing music on Vista slows
down the network to a maximum of 10%.
- "Entire city of Vista users can't access the Internet" - from The Inquirer.
- "Microsoft quietly unveils Vista-to-XP downgrade"
- "Vista FUD in the Printed Press" - by Lior Kaplan (in Hebrew). The CEO of Microsoft Israel predicted that Vista will be purchased by 100% of the home users by the end of 2007. Kaplan claims it is a way to become a self-fullfilling prophecy.
with Vista: First 30% Days (PC-World) - 60% of Vista users have had
problems with Vista.
- My first taste of Vista by Lior Kaplan (in Hebrew). With many comments.
- Consumer Group Demands XP for Vista Victims.
- Vista Runs Out of Memory While Copying Files.
- Vista vs. The Gutsy Gibbon - Ubuntu 7.10
- A Little Vista, A Little DRM (in Vista) (in Hebrew) - blog post of Shachar Shemesh about some problems with Vista.
- "Over a Year Later and Windows Vista is still not Worth it"
- "Vista at Risk of Being Bypassed by Businesses"
- "90% of IT Professionals Don't Want Vista"
- "Open Dot Dot Dot - When the Microsoft Train hits the Brooksian Wall"
- "Researchers Sour on Vista Service Pack 1 Performance"
- "More Evidence That XP is Vista's Main Competitor"
- "Vista Branding Confusing Even To Microsoft"
- "Microsoft Rebrands PlaysForSure to Certified for Windows Vista, Confuses World"
- "Vista SP1 Release Candidate Available" - won't solve the application compatibility issues, and might cause applications to break that were running under Vista.
"PC World - The 15 Biggest Tech Disappointments of 2007" -
Vista is No. 1.
- "Windows Home Server Corrupts Files
- cosimo - Windows Vista compile of win32::API with MinGW & MSVC++
- "XP/Vista IGMP Buffer Overflow - Explained"
- "Rundll32 dwmApi #104" - on (in Hebrew).
- "Time for a Vista Do-Over?"
- "Linux Has Better Windows Compatibility Than Vista"
- "Microsoft Respods to 'Save XP' Petition"
- "PC World Tests Final Version of Vista SP1"
- "Local 'network' printer" - blog post by runrig.
- "TechNet Users Revolt Over Vista SP1 Unavailability"
- "Microsoft Had Doubts About the 'Vista Capable' Label"
- Vista's Poor Outlook - by Glyn Moody.
- "'Vista Capable' Lawsuit is Now a Class Action".
- "Microsoft Internal Emails Show Dimsay with Vista".
- "Vista Service Pack One Almost Here".
- "Vista's Geek Tragedy".
- "Microsoft Tries To Prevent Further Discovery"
- "Microsoft Loses Appeal of "Vista-Capable" Lawsuit"
- "Vista is Slower, But XP Is Still Dying"
- Windows Vista Media Center users cannot record American shows due to DRM
- New York Times: "Et Tu, Intel? Chip Giant Won’t Embrace Microsoft’s Windows Vista"
- - "XP Still Killing Vista in Sales Volume, Says HP"
- "The Vista Death Watch" by John C. Dvorak on PC Magazine.
- "Microsoft Concedes Vista Launch Problems" (10-September-2008)
- "iTunes 8 a Real Killer App: Taking Down Vista" (11-September-2008)
- Business Week: "End Runs Around Vista" (15-September-2008)
- "Windows 7 to Dial Down UAC" (10-October-2008)
- "Why I'm Skipping Windows Vista: IT Managers Speak Out" (4-November-2008)
- "HP's Fury at Vista Capable Downgrade" (18-November-2008)
- "Microsoft Moves to Quash Case, End E-mail Revelations" (22-November-2008)
- "Reducing [Vista's] Disk Space Usage" (22-November-2008)
- "Microsoft's Ballmer Must Answer Questions in Lawsuit" (25-November-2008)
- "The Outlook for Vista Gets Even Worse" (28-November-2008)
- "The Myth of Upgrade Inevitability is Dead" (01-December-2008)
- "Ballmer: Vista Does Not Fit on Netbooks" (12-January-2009)
- "Should we trash Windows Vista or BadVista" (12-January-2009)
- "Microsoft's 'Vista Capable' Settlement Cost Could be Over $8 Billion" (24-January-2009)
- "Vista Adoption in Enterprises Less than 10%" (2-February-2009)
- "Microsoft to Offer Free Windows 7 Upgrade to Vista Users" (11-February-2009)
- "Microsoft Sued Over Vista-To-XP Downgrade Fees" (13-February-2009)
- "How Vista Mistakes Changed Windows 7 Development" (11-March-2009)
- "Texas Senate Proposes a Budget With a No-Vista-Upgrades Rider" (2-April-2009)
- The Manifold Faces of Vista - a Penny Arcade cartoon.
- Vista == Viruses, Intruders, Spyware, Trojans and Adware
- UserFriendly about Vista - "Cancel or Allow".
- Windows Vista Sucks - video from Blimptv - "Vista - Where are we now?".
- Working Daze Cartoon of 2 October, 2007
- Worse Than Failure - Basic Windows Vista Experience.
- Noise to Signal - "No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to crash. Repeatedly."
- UserFriendly - Deleting Files in Vista.
- "Working with an Unknown Operating System" (in Hebrew) - on Ido Kanner's Blog.
- "UserFriendly - Illiad's Greatest Opus"