Greasemonkey Scripts
Eliminate Access Keys
What this script does is remove access keys from all the elements of the page. This is relevant to sites such as the Wikipedia that trap many commonly used shortcuts (like Alt+F, Alt+E).
Note that because of a bug in Mozilla it cannot cancel accesskeys assigned to <input /> boxes. It would be able to do so once the bug is fixed.
Subversion Links to the Repository
This script creates links from the ViewVC browser back to the Subversion repositories, so they can be accessed using the svn command line client.
So far it works on BerliOS's ViewVC and SourceForge ones, but support for more can be added.
Get Rid of "from=rss" in the URL
I am always annoyed that when I follow links in the RSS feeds of Slashdot or other Slash-based sites, I'm getting a "?from=rss" or "&from=rss" CGI parameter at the URL. This later implies more work for me when I want to link to them.
So what this incredibly silly script does is redirect to a new page without this suffix.
Ozy and Millie Title Generator
This script is intended for a specialised purpose, and doesn't add to the user experience, so I didn't put it on What this script does is generate an entry with basic information that can be used for my MediaWiki-based transcription of the Ozy and Millie cartoons on each page of the cartoon. That way one can copy and paste it instead of entering it manually.
This script is useful for people doing transcription of Ozy and Millie, but otherwise should not be used.
Ozy and Millie MediaWiki Transcripting Aid
I'm using MediaWiki to prepare a transcript for the "Ozy and Millie" comics. This script does auto-completion for several addresses by the common characters based on their first letters.
So, for example "*Oz" Becomes "* '''Ozy''': ", and "**Ms" becomes "** '''Ms. Mudd'''". There's a complete list of mappings in the "var ids_to_fullnames" mapping in the file.
Since this script is also intended for a specialised purpose, I haven't uploaded it to either.