Index to Shlomi Fish's Essays
- Essays and Articles about Computing
- Essays about Copyright Law
- Essays about Media and Culture
Essays and Articles about Computing
Cross UNIX Portability - Facts and Myths
The title says it all pretty much.
The New Breed of Version Control Systems
An article giving an overview of several prominent open-source version control systems that provide an alternative to CVS.
Which Open Source Wiki Works For You?
An article giving a roundup of open-source Wiki implementations which enable the user to create a world-editable web-site.
Comparing Microsoft to Drug Dealers
An essay explaining why comparing Microsoft to drug dealers is misleading.
Articles and Essays about Perl
The Joy of Perl
An essay that explains why I like Perl so much. Also see a discussion of it in
Solving Puzzles with LM-Solve
An article about the LM-Solve puzzle solving framework, and how to utilize it for a new puzzle.
Debug Your Programs with Devel::LineTrace
A lightning article about how to insert debugging callbacks into a Perl program without modifying its code.
Building Navigation Menus
Some general discussion of navigation menu and other site flow patterns in web-sites and then how to utilize the HTML-Widgets-NavMenu module to generate them.
Simulating a Two Domain Website on the Localhost
How to test the local copy of a two-domain web-site without breaking its links.
Using Test::Count
How to keep track of the number of tests executed by a Perl test script.
Theming Bash
Multiple shell configurations - how to implement them and what to put inside.
Patronage and Self-Patronage
An essay that talks about three types of sponsorship for an open source developer: patronage, collective patronage and self-patronage.
Essays about Copyright Law
Acting against Anti File Swapping Lawsuits in Israel
An article that explains my motivation to act against anti-file-sharer lawsuits in Israel. The link is to a Linux-IL discussion about it, but contains a link to the original article.
Essays about Media and Culture
Bazaar-style Movies Revisited
An essay about an innovative (and still theoretical) way of creating a movie.