Shlomi Fish's Writings about Computing
Being a software developer, that is also very interested in computers and like to program for fun, I started conveying some of my thoughts about computing and this field's social aspect in various essays I wrote. I hope to concentrate all of them under this section of the homepage.
Some of these essays will require some technical knowledge, but most of them can be read by anyone with a pseudo-technical background.
Table of Contents
The Articles and Essays
Articles about Open Source Software
These are essays about Free and Open Source Software, which is software that is available along with the original source code, and can be freely distributed and modified.
Articles about the World-Wide Web (WWW)
Articles about the Web, or the Internet in general.
Articles about Software Management
Software management: leading a team, designing software, working on software, hiring employees, growing a user base, software engineering, etc.
"What Makes Software High-Quality?"
An overview of the parameters that make software high-quality, with a focus on open-source software, and the various methods that can be used to maintain good quality and increase it.
Articles about Perl
Articles about the Perl programming language.
Miscellaneous Articles
When C is the Best? (Tool for the Job)
An essay that explains the times when the C programming language is the best language to use to write an application in, and why it's still used very often.
My Memoirs as a Programmer
My memoirs from the years I worked in various places as a programmer, from the times before I kept a blog.