Taylor Swift Factoids; Relicensing Works Offer; New Essays

Here are the recent updates for Shlomi Fish’s Homepage.

  1. Terminator: Liberation is a new work-in-progress fanfic/crossover screenplay:

    A self-referential parody of the Terminator franchise, with Emma Watson as herself and as the evil terminator Hanna, with Arnold Schwarzenegger as himself and as the good terminator, that takes place in Tel Aviv during Passover (when Olamot Con takes place).

  2. There are new questions and answers in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List:

    Why does the site looks old?

    Well, the site's old fashioned look may be part of its charm, and kinda lets it stands out from every Bootstrap Website ever. That put aside, feel free to submit pull-requests, patches, or CSS fragments if you think they will improve matters.

  3. I am offering to relicense all the cultural works I created and placed on my site under CC-by if I get 10 million Euro.

  4. There is a new essay titled Putting Cards on the Table (2019-2020) which aims to provide a snapshot of Rindolfism, my personal philosophy:

    The Israeli military was small and as there was a lot of work to do to properly secure the Israeli civilians it coined the terms Rosh gadol ("big minded") and Rosh qatan ("small minded") to encourage the soldiers to take initiative and try to perform their jobs as well as possible, regardless of the fact they were paid little.

    This extends to non-military work, government work, and voluntary work or hobbies and endeavours: if you care about something, do it as well as possible and give it enough time as needed. It will get easier and faster in time.

    For instance, a vendor on a candy store or an icecream parlour, should try to greet the customers, be friendly to them, offer recommendations to them if they ask, accept business cards with their personal web sites or social media presence and visit them, and generally treat every customer like royalty.

    If you do this, you'll likely get more returning customers, bigger tips, bigger bonuses and raises, and you may be able to land a better job based on a warm recommendation from your superiors and coworkers.

    The opposite is just following orders blindly, "I just work here" attitude, which is no different from the Nazis' Superior orders - "I was only following orders" which leads to laziness, stagnation, vandalism and sadism, just like the German Nazis in World War II, or the Knights Templar in Saladin's time.

  5. There is a new collection of factoids about Taylor Swift as well as new Chuck Norris factoids and new Emma Watson factoids:

  6. "Why I will continue to write my real person fan fiction (fanfic)" is an essay about why real person fiction appears to hurt Hollywood actors and why it cannot hurt singers or YouTubers.

  7. "Why Openly Bipolar People Should Not Be Medicated" is a new essay.

  8. The site's pages have been converted from Website Meta Language which is slow and errorprone to Template Toolkit which is faster and more predictable.

Hope you enjoy all that!