Queen Amidala vs. The Klingon Warriors

About this screenplay

[ An illustrated screenplay crossing Star Wars Ep. I, the Selinaverse (itself crossing Star Trek TNG/DS9, Buffy, Judaism, Israel, Objectivism, etc.) the real world online/offline life in 2010s/2020s, Wayne's World, and My Little Pony.

It aims to launch the "Queen Padmé Tales" web series ( whose format is modelled loosely after Ox Tales ). It stars Tiffany Alvord as Queen Padmé Amidala of the Naboo, and which aims to be directed and costarred by Natalie Portman. More ambitiously it aims to pave way for commercial crossover/RPF fanart, help reverse copyright maximalism and convert Hollywood and the film industry at large to the open/free/amateur model ( see Copyright Cannibalism ).

We may not succeed, but at least we're going to try. ]

[ This text is Copyright by Shlomi Fish, 2020 and is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported Licence (CC-by) (or at your option - any later version). ]

[ The Dedication:

This story is dedicated to the memory of Christina Grimmie (1994-2016), a remarkable singer and youtuber, who was killed at age 22 by a fan who was obsessed with her, who almost immediately committed suicide himself.

For what I consider her Magnus Opus see her original "Feelin' Good" song and videoclip whose message I believe is:


Be confident. Do the best you can given the time frame. It doesn't have to be perfect. You are allowed to be wrong and say wrong things that you think will still impress people. Try to learn from your mistakes, encourage the critics and try to improve, but realise that some people will always be unhappy and hold you liable for your past opinions, past mistakes, past failures, opinions that they disagree with, your non-normative behaviour, your qualities (age, gender, country, city, ethnicity, religion, ideology, beliefs, wealth, image, personality, cultural tastes, etc.) and your works.

You will likely "fail" to become the "next biggest thing", but even if you do, you can at least fail "in style" and inspire or help even just one person.

Always remember: you are awesome. You can become more awesome, regardless of any "IQ" myths. But you can one day "lose" to someone less qualified than you. That's OK - you can learn from a lost fight and make a comeback. Frankly, heroes do not die ("reputationally" at least) - they accumulate.

As the Indiana Jones' gun vs, sword scene shows, if something takes too long or seems too risky, then think outside the box, challenge the invisible rules, "hack" something, or even temporarily or permanently give up. There's more than one way to do it (even in maths and when writing Python code) and different people like different things.


(Also see If— by Rudyard Kipling which has a similar message, and is the most favourite poem among British citizens, a favourite among Israelis, was Ayn Rand’ favourite, and mine.) ]

Filming Version 0.2.x

[ Black screen. Initial Credits. ]

[ Queen Padmé Amidala of the Naboo (Star Wars Ep. 1, played by Tiffany Alvord) is in a corridor with the young Obi-Wan Kenobi and his jedi mentor ( Qui-Gon Jinn ) guarding her with light sabers. On the ends there are two armored but unarmed Klingon warriors (Star Trek), Worf and Gowron, who fight against a metric ton of "throwaway" lightsabered jedi warriors who rush from the middle to try to take the malevolent Klingons out of the equation somehow. The Klingons have immense strength, agility, and stamina, and use basic and advanced martial arts tactics: kicking the jedis in the crotch; poking their eyes out, stabbing them with their own lightsabers, pushing them onto each other's laser swords in cascade, etc.

Eventually the lesser Jedis are all dead or wounded, and the Klingons rush towards the trio screaming battle cries. The queen looks startled and frightened while Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are trying to prepare tensely and without much hope to win.

The queen's face becomes tense and focused, she pulls two small crossbows from her waist, looks to her right, aims, and shoots an arrow at the Klingon warrior's forehead; then she turns her head to the left, aims and shoots. The crossbows' arrows pass through the two Klingons' warriors foreheads, who quickly faint and fall forward, dead.

The two Jedis protagonists are relieved, laugh, disable their lightsabers' laser blades, high five and huggle the queen. The queen smiles, hands them the crossbows to study and each jedi examines his crossbow, discussing them with the queen.

A tagline appears on the screen as a mock commercial:

PersonalQrossBow's 2-in-1 Pocketbow kit. Why not have both?

( see this.) ]

What Wayne and Garth think

Natalie Portman's voice from behind: and — cut! Great job everyone!

[ The actors of Worf and Gowron rise from their place. Tiffany Alvord is smiling relieved and shakes the hands of the 4 male actors and hugs them compassionately. Natalie Portman (= the director) does the same. ]

Natalie: [to Tiffany] I knew you had it in you. [They hug].

Wayne's voice from a different frame: Dude! This sucks.

[ Split frame with Wayne and Garth sitting in an untidy room next to a computer screen. They are the plot programmers. ]

Wayne: …I left you alone asking you to write a draft for a feature about ethical hacking for PBS, and you come up with this??

Garth: What's wrong with it?

Wayne: It's the old missile-vs-melee paradigm! Thrown in a Star Wars / Star Trek crossover and "girl power" and stuff. Every 2nd hand fan fic writer could have written it in three days!

Garth: Took me less than an hour, after lunch, before playing DwarfFortress…

Wayne: Beginners' luck, I guess.

Wayne: Anyway, who's gonna play the Queen, Natalie Portman?

Garth: nah… we asked her and she wanted too much money. So we went with Tiffany Alvord, man!

[ Tiffany looks angry, crosses her hands and glances at Natalie with disapproval. ]

Wayne: Dude, are you freaking kidding me? She's like the Fluttershy of youtube musicians. Do you see Fluttershy using a machine gun?

[ Fluttershy is seen flying, using a machine gun to shoot at a terrified Rainbow Dash who just robbed a bank, and trying to shoot back at Fluttershy using a smaller one hand gun. As she leaves the frame, Fluttershy stops and winks at the camera. ]

Wayne: Next thing you tell me, Taylor Swift can get away with being shown laying waste to a whole city in a videoclip.

Garth: but, but…

[ TODO: add still from toward the end of Bad Blood. ]

Wayne: no "but"s, Gareth, dude.

Wayne: OK, enough about the Queen, who's the director? Is it going to ne George Lucas?

Garth: nah, he also ended up wanting too much. We ended up hiring Natalie Portman instead.

[ Natalie Portman is resentful and disappointed. Tiffany is smiling from Schadenfreude. ]

Wayne: OK, not ideal but we can work with that.

Wayne: Anyway, you do realise that one of these "throwaway" jedi knights could have just hurl his lightsaber at the Klingon warrior throat like a spear, right?

[ The 5 main actors and Natalie seem contemplative. ]

Garth: ah… didn't think about it.

Wayne: we can use that to our advantage. Let me tell you, plot programming could use some code review too. You could have requested this on Internet forums before you started playing DwarfFortress.

Garth: dude, you're right.

Wayne: let's rework the plot together. What you did is not too bad for a beginner and I believe in delegating responsibilty and decision-making, But we can do a better ethical hacking feature.

The film crew disassembles

[ All the film personnel in the filming room sigh and shake their head. ]

Natalie: sorry, everybody… [looks at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash] and everypony.

Rainbow Dash: No worries, Nat! We can make the scene at least 100% more awesome.

Natalie: Right, RD [she pats her head.]. OK, everyone, we need to wait for the plot programmers to write the new version. We may still be able to use some material. In the meanwhile, get changed to normal clothes, go home, and I'll give you guys 3 day notices on all the relevant electronic media. Sorry.

Natalie: Oh, and happy Hanukkah!

[ Tiffany has already taken off the Queen Padmé outfit and is wearing a T-shirt and jeans. ]

Tiffany: the outfit was itchy.

Natalie: mine was too back when I had to wear it back for the Star Wars prerequels.

Natalie: Anyway, can I invite you to lunch?

Tiffany: Sure! I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

[ Fluttershy gasps. ]

Tiffany: It's just an expression, Flutteroo! I'm not that crazy.

[ Fluttershy is relieved ; Rainbow Dash extends her tongue towards her.

Tiffany pats both their heads one by one. ]

Natalie: What do you want to eat?

Tiffany: I think I'll have some noodles.

Natalie: I know a nice general café/restaurant just across the road, with a large selection of noodles' dishes. Probably not authentic, but good enough for a Westerner.

Natalie: as for me, I think I ate too much at breakfast, so I think I'll have a juice or a soda or both, heh.

Tiffany: which ones?

Natalie: I'll just go down the waitors' recommendations heh. Oh - and I wanna have some Latkes!

Tiffany: oh, I want some Latkes too…

[ They leave the frame.

Fade to black.

Message on the screen: "To be continued… Be a hero." ]

[ Finally, note that I am offering up to 3,000 USD for a video version of the first stanza which can be either animated or live action, and whose quality I am happy with. ]