Who will ride Princess Celestia next?
About this screenplay
As an example, we can imagine a young girl to write a funny screenplay using GitHub or Google Docs which pits Emma Watson vs. Kim Kardashian on who gets to ride Princess Celestia (= an intelligent, talking, pony horse) next, with Darth Vader and Haman as two "evil", but mutually hating one another, arbiters. Might seem ridiculus, but if I didn't want entertainment in my life, then I'd go watch grass grow. It will be a legal and "ethical" minefield, but I'd bet it'd be easier to follow and more entertaining than Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" was even shortly after LotR was written.
Well, I'm a 44 years old man, but I accepted my own challenge… ]
Scary story
[ Discord, Applejack, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, are sitting around a bonfire in Equestria at night. ]
Who will ride?
[ Emma and Kim are sitting and using their smartphones. ]
[ Princess Celestia (= an intelligent, talking, pony horse) gallops behind the bench carrying a human boy on her back.
She stops and the boy unmounts. ]
[ Darth Vader and Haman enter the frame. ]
[ Emma and Kim start playing. ]
[ Vader and Haman walk away. ]
[ They go. ]
Not scary but fun
[ Cut to the Equestrian bonfire ]
[ He snaps his fingers, and a glass of juice with a straw materialises.
Discord drinks the bottom half, and the upper half floats in mid-air. ]
Image Credits
[ Emblem:
This text is Copyright by Shlomi Fish, 2022 and is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike 4.0 Unported Licence (CC-by-nc-sa) (or at your option - any later version). ]
[ Dedication ]