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- It’s not a Fooware - It’s an Operating System
- I’m The Real Tim Toady
- Can I SCO Now?
- Announcing Freecell Solver™ Enterprise Edition
- Freecell Solver™ Goes Webscale
- Freecell Solver Enterprises™ Acquires Google Inc.
- New Israeli Tech Usergroups
- GNU Will Integrate Guile into Coreutils
- The FSF Announces New Versions of the GPL
- Google Discontinues Services
- Emma Watson Getting Interviewed for a Tech Job
- Emma Watson’s Visit to Israel and Gaza
- The Song “Wide Awake” by Katy Perry is Evil!
- “HTML 6”, the new version of the Web
- The Atom text editor edits a 2,000,001 bytes file
- Announcing Python 4
- Who will ride Princess Celestia next?
- How Ronda Rousey Lost her UFC Streak
- One does not simply start a story with “And they all lived happily ever after”
- The Princess Programmer
- Shlomiverse: Tales About Commerce
- True Stories / Memoirs
- Who gets the final say?
- Socialising with a Young Hermione Cosplayer and Her Family
- My first kiss
- Showing the rented apartment to a hot girl
- Preventing a football goal
- Avoiding getting run over by a horse
- Sneaking into the van Gogh museum
- “Your character must be 30 years old”
- Conversations with People on Buses
- Fencing with plastic hammers
- “Does he keep Kashruth?”
- 12th Grade Mathematics Competition
- Playing Ball with my Cousin’s Son at a Family Event
- “A Shameful Profession”
- Hand-calculators-use memoir
- By Others
- English is a Crazy Language
- GNU Visual Basic
- Darien - Everybody’s Free (to Ping Timeout)
- Hitchhiker’s Guide to Star Trek TNG
- How Many Usenet Readers does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?
- Top 12 things likely to be overheard if you had a Klingon Programmer
- SOAP - The S stands for Simple
- Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job?
- Graduate Student Humour
- The Fountainhead - Starring Skull Force
- Division Two Magazine
- Mirror of
- How to Make Square Corners with CSS
- What if People Bought Cars Like they Bought Computers?
- What if drivers were hired like programmers
- The Toaster vs Computer Science
- The 12 Days of Christmas Letters
- Recommendations
Summer Glau: Photo of her Holding Two Guns [possible satire]
These photos were mirrored from the photo page over at the Summer Glau wallpapers section of, a site whose advertisements have unfortunately become pornographic and disgusting.
This page was set up to be used by the Summerschool at the NSA screenplay.