“Terminator: Liberation” - An Illustrated Screenplay for a Terminator parody starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Emma Watson [possible satire]

“Hasta la vista, baby tank girl!”


It might seem preposterous to believe Emma Watson is the new Arnold Schwarzenegger just because they were both Hollywood's best paid actors and you would be right. Emma Watson is not the new Arnold Schwarzenegger.

But Arnold Schwarzenegger will forever be remembered as the old EMMA FUCKIN' WATSON!

( Reference and Midrash. )

A self-referential and illustrated parody of the Terminator franchise, with Emma Watson as herself and her cosplayer, Hannah, as the evil terminator, and with Arnold Schwarzenegger as himself and a cosplayer of his, Aharon, as the good terminator. Takes place in Tel Aviv during Passover and Olamot Con.

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All the text in “Terminator: Liberation” is original, and as far as I’m concerned can be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike licence Unported (CC-by-nc-sa) (either version 4.0, or at your option any later version), but like I said, the situation is more complicated than that.

Fill in.


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