“Terminator: Liberation” - An Illustrated Screenplay for a Terminator parody starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Emma Watson [possible satire]
“Hasta la vista, baby tank girl!”

It might seem preposterous to believe Emma Watson is the new Arnold Schwarzenegger just because they were both Hollywood's best paid actors and you would be right. Emma Watson is not the new Arnold Schwarzenegger.
But Arnold Schwarzenegger will forever be remembered as the old EMMA FUCKIN' WATSON!
A self-referential and illustrated parody of the Terminator franchise, with Emma Watson as herself and her cosplayer, Hannah, as the evil terminator, and with Arnold Schwarzenegger as himself and a cosplayer of his, Aharon, as the good terminator. Takes place in Tel Aviv during Passover and Olamot Con.
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Version control repository for the screenplay’s source on GitHub. It is useful for cloning, sending pull requests, and filing bugs/issues in the bug tracker
All the text in “Terminator: Liberation” is original, and as far as I’m concerned can be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike licence Unported (CC-by-nc-sa) (either version 4.0, or at your option any later version), but like I said, the situation is more complicated than that.
Fill in.
Image Macro: Emma Watson does not need a wand to kick your ass
Badass Fluttershy - based on Badass Fluttershy [V2] [Wallpaper] by demon1887 on DeviantArt
For preparing the logo:
Heart exclamation mark emoji taken from the Google noto-emoji font.
Sources of Inspiration
Terminator 2, and MadTv “Terminator vs. Jesus” parody, and random YouTube excerpts from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles .
Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and similar fighting games.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - some characters and concepts are taken from there.
Links to Judaism and Israel
Israeli Images - it’s not all desert, not all Jews there are orthodox, it is an industrialised country, and people there lead happy, peaceful lives.
“Dispelling some Myths about Israel.” - an essay I wrote.
Define “Zionism”! - an essay I wrote about: 1. Why Zionism now has several meanings. 2. What Israel is doing wrong? and - 3. How people confuse anti-Zionism, anti-Israelism, and anti-Semitism.
A solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - another essay of mine.
Psychological Bicameralism on the Wikipedia - explains about Julian Jaynes’ theory about the emergence of human consciousness (meaning “sentience” - not “awareness”) relatively late in history at around 1300 BC to 300 BC, presented in his book which makes a good read from the historical perspective and similar perspectives, whether or not it actually happened.
See Also
Emma Watson factoids: similar to Chuck Norris facts.