The author would like to give his kind acknowledgements to:
The “Neo-Tech” book that I read provided most of the original philosophical fodder for this book. The Neo-Tech books have many style and presentation issues, which turn off many people, and are easy to misunderstand at first, but I found the book I read to be very insightful.
Simon Travaglia — for writing the humorous Internet story The Bastard Operator From Hell, which provided a lot of inspiration for the plot of the story, and is a recommended read.
One of my high school classmates' brother, who served in the Israeli military as a medic, got killed in a Hizbullah infiltration, an incident which provided some necessary emotional fuel to writing The Enemy. To avoid defamation, I won't mention them by name.
Tal for saying the very first version of the story (which was much shorter than the existing one and ended up being discarded) was not too good, and for passing some critique on the first chapter of the second version which the current version is based on. (Along with his younger brother.)
Alexey from “Smart Link” — for reading an early version in Hebrew, and giving some useful comments.
Omer Zak — for reading and commenting on an early draft of the story.
Miriam Erez Translations — for providing many useful grammar, punctuation, and syntax corrections to the Hebrew version of the story (which have also been applied to the English version).
Cory Doctorow — for successfully fighting for putting Creative Commons works and such that are free of copyright‐protection on’s E‐book store, and for his important activism for digital rights, in general.
Robert — for pointing me to a workaround for generating a valid EPUB from this story's DocBook 5/XML source. (by using the docbook-xsl
stylesheets instead of the docbook-xsl-ns
Mehrzad — for starting to read the story and commenting on the “Political Background to the Story” preface.
And finally — all the people who have fully read “The Enemy”, whether in Hebrew and/or in English and commented on it.