Summer Glau Facts [possible satire]

Summer Glau (born 1981) is a Hollywood actress best known for playing River Tam in Firefly and Cameron, a Terminator, in the Television series The Sarah Connor Chronicles. She is also notable for being featured in the online comics, xkcd, and for being featured as a fictional version of herself in the realistic, political, fan-fiction, screenplay, Summerschool at the NSA.
Glau is notable for being the first non-fictional and real-life female, who is the subject of such facts here.
Summer Glau Facts
Chuck Norris can only convince you that you're deceased. Summer Glau can also convince you that you're alive, which is much harder.
Summer Glau can hold and use a gun in each hand. There's no way that Jennifer Lawrence can hold and use a bow in each hand.
Summer Glau does not have to hurt you if she doesn't want to. Chuck Norris kills everyone in sight.
Summer Glau has better ways to make a difference than by being violent.
It takes Summer Glau exactly a minute to write a rebuttal like in xkcd: “Venting”, and she would sign it as Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris’s ability to destroy is only matched (and exceeded) by Summer Glau’s ability to undo his destruction.
Whatever Chuck Norris taketh, Summer Glau giveth back.
Summer Glau can lead a horse to water, and then it will drink out of its own volition.
Chuck Norris was the 1,000,000,000th viewer of the Gangnam Style video on YouTube. Summer Glau was the preceding 100 million views.
Summer Glau can restore the people that Chuck killed, back to life.
Summer Glau can give you the Hug of Death, but you’ll die happy.
When it comes to terminators, you have a better shot at Arnold Schwarzenegger than at Summer Glau. (By inspiration from the Big Bang Theory episode with Glau as herself.)
Chuck Norris has 99 problems including a bitch. Summer Glau has exactly 98 problems.
Chuck Norris can construct any logical expression using only AND gates. Summer Glau can replace Chuck with a very small AND gate.
Who would win in a fight? Charlemagne, Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin, or Carlos "Chuck" Norris? If Summer Glau was the arbiter, she would just kill all of them and declare herself the winner.
Chuck Norris round house kicks doors open instead of using their keys. Summer Glau makes sure doors are open using her mind.
Chuck Norris reinvented a better wheel. Summer Glau reinvented a better Chuck Norris.
Summer Glau just works here. She teaches Chuck Norris how to perform his chores in the best possible manner.
Summer Glau has a magic mirror in her room which she asks every day "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the awesomest of them all?" and if the mirror tells her it is someone else, she destroys it for daring to lie to her.
She’s still using the first mirror.
Chuck Norris shot the sheriff and his deputy. Summer Glau became the new sheriff and shot Chuck Norris.
Summer Glau can kill you with her mind. But she’ll never need to or will.
Chuck Norris does expect the Spanish Inquisition. But he doesn’t expect Summer Glau.
When wishing to comment on a WordPress blog, Summer Glau finds a new zero-day WordPress SQL injection exploit, and uses it to insert the comment into the database directly, because it's more reliable than using the comment box.
On “Talk Like a Pirate Day”, ye be sailin’ across the great seas to seek the shore of Summer Glows and Summer Glaus. Arrrr!
Chuck Norris once refactored a 10 million lines C++ program and was done by lunch time. It then took Summer Glau 5 minutes to write the equivalent Perl 10-liner.
Summer Glau showed Kermit the Frog how easy it can be to be green.
By the time Chuck Norris found out who John Galt is, Summer Glau already had sex with him.
Summer Glau gave Richard III a horse free-of-charge and let him keep his kingdom for himself.
Summer Glau can get more with a kind word alone than Al Capone could with a kind word and a gun.
“I don't want to mess with Summer Glau, but I'll let her mess with me every day!”
Summer Glau can kill everyone else using her mind, and start a superior race. However, she finds inferior humans to be mildly entertaining and challenging.
If Chuck Norris were to screw hot babes (ex. Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Aniston, and Paris Hilton.) I can assure you that their acting careers will no longer prosper due to the fact that they will spend the rest of their lives in wheelchairs.
On the other hand, if he tried to “screw” Summer Glau, he'd be the one in the wheelchair.
Nobody dies except for the enemies of Summer Glau. But luckily she considers everyone her friend.
( Thanks to mst. )
Chuck Norris has 99 problems including a bitch. Summer Glau has exactly 98 problems. And Chuck ain't one of them.
You can look at Summer Glau, but you’d better not touch…if you know what’s good for you.
Chuck Norris knows what the last digit of Pi is. Summer Glau has memorised all the preceding digits.
If you break up with Summer Glau, you will likely survive. However, be certain to have signed your will in advance, to be sure.
סאמר גלאו לא חייבת לפגוע בך אם היא לא רוצה. צ'אק נוריס הורג את כל מי שהוא נתקל בו.
לסאמר גלאו יש דרכים טובות יותר לתרום לעולם מאשר להיות אלימה.
הדבר היחיד שמשתווה (ועולה) על יכולתו של צ'אק נוריס להרוס הוא היכולת של סאמר גלאו להפוך את ההרס שלו.
סאמר גלאו יכולה להוביל סוס למים, ואז הוא ישתה מרצונו החופשי.
צ'אק נוריס היה הצופה ה-1,000,000,000 של גנגנם סטייל ביוטיוב. סאמר גלאו הייתה 100 מיליון הצפיות הקודמות.
סאמר גלאו תוכל לתת לך את חיבוק המוות, אבל אתה תמות מאושר.
לצ'אק נוריס יש 99 בעיות כולל כלבתה. לסאמר גלאו יש בדיוק 98 בעיות.
מי היה מנצח בקרב? קרל הגדול, צ'רלס דיקנס, צ'רלס דרווין, או קרלוס "צ'אק" נוריס? אילו סאמר גלאו הייתה השופטת, היה הייתה הורגת את כולם ומכריזה על עצמה כמנצחת.
כשהיא רוצה לכתוב תגובה בבלוג מבוסס וורדפרס, סאמר גלאו מוצאת פרצת הזרקת SQL חדשה בוורדפרס, ומשתמשת בה כדי להכניס את התגובה לבסיס הנתונים ישירות מפני שאפילו היא לא יכולה לסמוך על טופס התגובה של הבלוג לעבוד כמו שצריך.
צ'אק נוריס פעם ניקה את הקוד של תוכנת C++ של 10 מיליוני שורות וסיים בזמן לארוחת צהריים. ואז לקחו לסאמר גלאו 5 דקות כדי לכתוב את תוכנית עשר השורות המקבילה בפרל.
סאמר גלאו הראתה לקרמיט הצפרדע עד כמה זה יכול להיות קל להיות ירוק.
סאמר גלאו נתנה לריצ'ארד השלישי סוס בחינם ונתנה לו להמשיך להחזיק בממלכה שלו.
סאמר גלאו יכולה להשיג יותר עם מילה טוב בלבד מאשר אל קפונה היה יכול עם מילה טובה ואקדח.
לצ'אק נוריס יש 99 בעיות כולל כלבתה. לסאמר גלאו יש בדיוק 98 בעיות. וצ'אק אינו אחת מהן.
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This document is Copyright by Shlomi Fish, 2014, and is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC-by-sa) 3.0 Unported (or at your option any later version).
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/r/SummerGlau subreddit - discussions of Summer Glau.
Summer Glau as herself on the show The Big Bang Theory - very nice!
Common Links
These factoids in XML-Grammar-Fortune format - also individually wrapped.
Shlomi Fish’s FAQ - Why are you so obsessed with “facts”/factoids about Chuck Norris/etc.?
“Putting all the Cards on the Table (2013)” (also by me) - mentions what is the second major battle that Chuck Norris lost.
“Putting Cards on the Table (2019-*)” (also by me) - additional update on Chuck Norris and the facts.
See Also
Emma Watson “Facts” - about another real-life girl.
Taylor Swift “Facts” - also about a real-life female.
NSA “Facts” - related to the screenplay Summerschool at the NSA with many more links.
The Muppet Show hosting Summer Glau and Chuck Norris - as two deranged Grammar Nazis.
#xkcd IRC conversation which was a catalyst for the Summer Glau Facts collection