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Quotes from The Big Bang Theory - (Fortunes Cookies) [possible satire]

A collection of excerpts from the Television show The Big Bang Theory in XML-Grammar-Fortune format, as collected by Shlomi Fish.
( Note: on chat services, I tend to use the nicknames "rindolf" or "shlomif". )
Big Bang Theory: Summer Glau #1
Leonard: Is that who I think it is?
Howard: It can’t be. What would Summer Glau be doing riding the train?
Leonard: Maybe John Connor’s aboard and she’s protecting him from an evil Terminator.
Sheldon: Unlikely. That’s a television show, Leonard.
Sheldon: Of course, if SkyNet actually did exist in the future, a perfect way to infiltrate and destroy mankind would be to send Terminators back posing as actors who have played Terminators in popular films and television series, lulling us into a false sense of security, i.e., that’s Summer Glau from The Sarah Connor Chronicles. No, Summer, don’t kill me! I’m pro-robot! Ahh!
Big Bang Theory: Summer Glau #2
Howard: Sheldon, I owe you an apology. Taking the train was a stroke of brilliance! I’ve actually got a shot at a Terminator [= Summer Glau].
Raj: Oh, please.When it comes to Terminators, you’ve got a better shot of scoring with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Howard: You’re overlooking something. I have 11 hours with her in a confined space. Unless she’s willing to jump off a moving train, tuck and roll down the side of a hill, she will eventually succumb to the acquired taste that is Howard Wolowitz.
Leonard: My money’s on tuck and roll.
Big Bang Theory: Summer Glau #3
Sheldon: I’m confused. I thought you were involved in some sort of socially intimate pairing with Leslie Winkle.
Howard: Sheldon, let me explain to you how this works.
Howard: That’s Summer Glau.
Raj: Hang on a sec. Why do you get first crack at her?
Howard: Um, well, let’s see, couple reasons. One, I saw her first.
Raj: No, you didn’t. I did.
Howard: Fair enough. But then let me move on to number two, unlike you, I can actually talk to women when I’m sober.
Raj: You fail to take into account that even mute, I am foreign and exotic, while you, on the other hand, are frail and pasty.
Howard: Well, you know the old saying, pasty and frail never fail.
Leonard: Excuse me, but what about me? Why don’t I get a shot?
Howard: Fine, go ahead. Take a shot.
Leonard: You know, I’ve already got a gorgeous blonde back home that I can’t score with. I think I’ll let you two take this one.
Big Bang Theory: Penny After Watching Buffy
[ Penny’s Apartment: Leonard and Penny finished watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer ]
Leonard: So, did you love it? Of course you loved it. How could you not love it? Tell me how much you loved it.
Leonard: Oh, don’t say cute. That’s the worst.
Penny: What’s wrong with cute?
Leonard: It just makes things seem small. It diminishes them.
Big Bang Theory: “What does it stand for?”
Sheldon: Make yourself comfortable. (Sits in Sheldon’s place.) Not there. (Sits on other end of sofa. Puts feet on table. Sheldon looks disapprovingly. Removes feet from table. Sheldon sits and replaces headset.) Sheldor is back online.
Penny: What are you doing?
Sheldon: AFK. I’m playing Age of Conan, an online multiplayer game set in the universe of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian.
Sheldon: Sheldor, back online.
Sheldon: AFK. Away from keyboard.
Sheldon: What does that stand for?
Sheldon: Yes, but what does it stand for?