"Someone is Wrong" - Fortune [possible satire]

mstbut jrockway will bitch about them all anyway
stevanrhesa: 100% of those with the last name "Rockway" will do that
rjbsSubject: catalyst framework not compatible with PERL
jrockwaystevan: i am going to name my kid "Someone is WRONG"
stevanjrockway: I think that will be implied, no need to actually name him that
perigrinSomeone is WRONG rockway
perigrinhas a nice ring to it
Penfoldaka 'little Bobby wrong'?
rhesawould make a great children's book series: SiW in the zoo etc
stevanthe first one in the series should be Someone is Wrong on the internet
jrockwayrhesa: that is a great idea!
jrockwayrhesa: i have a friend who is writing a children's book
jrockwayi will tell her to change the title and content immediately!
jrockwaysomeone is wrong in the children's book industry!
rjbs"No, zookeeper. That animal doesn't have a tail; it's *not* a monkey!"
Tagline"Someone is Wrong"