Getting rich easily on Freenode's #perl. - Fortune [possible satire]

talexbWow, I've won 4M pounds sterling, and all I have to do is contact someone in Zambia for more information. What could possibly go wrong?
rindolftalexb: heh.
jagermanWait, I thought *I* won that.
talexbrindolf, Can't believe people still fall for that line ..
fwilesdamn, wish I would win something… I just seem to be pre-approved for about $13 billion worth of home loans
talexbOops, sorry jagerman .. I'm already faxing this lady my Power of Attorney!!!
talexbfwiles, Oh, that'll buy you a nice semi in Toronto.
jagermantalexb: Oh, I'm way ahead of you then. I'm flying there to meet with "government officials."
jagermanI'm paying for it myself, of course, since I'll be rich once they transfer the money to me.
talexbjagerman, Rats! Hey, I know a couple of lawyers if you need 'em .. very trustworthy, share some office space with some barbers.
TaglineGetting Rich Easily