German as he is spoke - Fortune [possible satire]

rindolf36 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 1118 deletions(-) ==> a very productive night
bavitighten it up?
rindolfI'd like to club my old self who just copy pasted and modified CSS code
bavi"let's just say I got rid of A LOT of extraneous whitespace"
rindolfbavi: heh
rindolfbavi: i can probably save even more lines by converting the files to YAML
hioWhy do people use Rust? Is it a form of Stockholm syndrome?
hioI mean, any child could see that this language is overcomplicated
hioYet they act like it's all fine
rindolfhio: i feel that ponylang is more complicated than rust
hioponylang has a GC, how can it be more complicated
hiojust the weirdo decision from the Rust team to wrap lambda arguments with | args | is crazy
hiothey did that just to make parsing easier. Can you imagine? Wow
rindolfhio: well, admittedly i didn't study rust too closely
rindolfhio: ruby has that too
hioThey actually thought that making their parsing job slightly easier justifies making the language weirder and introducing new syntax that doesn't resemble function calls at all even though lambdas are basically exactly like functions
rindolfhio: this night I reduced my codebase by close to a 1,000 lines
hiothat's great bro, you should start a facebook blog
rindolfhio: i have a facebook and stuff
hioI'm talking about really important issues
rindolfhio: my latest tweet sparked some interest there
rindolfhio: you are obsessed w discussing various languages
hioI have hopes for both ziglang and jailang. Odin seems okay too but it's really hard to keep track of a language that resides only in youtube videos
hiorindolf, bad languages are the reason why software sucks so much
hioliterally if we only get one good language, everything else will be fixed within a matter of months to years
rindolfhio: a lot of software apps i use are OK
hiopeople are so thirsty for better languages, they jumped on Rust and Golang like crazy
hiocan you imagine? it just shows how bad we have it
rindolftttb: hi, sup?
hiojailang will be released this year, are you ready yet rindolf ?
tttbrindolf: i want my interface in Java to have attributes but they can't
rindolfhio: should i be?
rindolftttb: ah
tttbshould i use an abstract class
tttbor should i just give each concrete class the attributes and use an interface?
rindolftttb: you can also define accessors
tttbi know, i'll use an abstract class for the attributes and an interface for the methods
hiorindolf, what do you think? don't you want 0.2 sec compile times?
tttbor is that dumb
hio0.2 sec to compile an application that has c++ features and c++ speed is incredible
hioyou should switch to it as soon as it's available
bavi :D
rindolfhio: sounds good - what will its licence be?
rindolfbavi: :)
rindolfbavi: i broke the travis build though :(
bavirindolf: oh no!
bavias soon as I got a passing build i disabled travis for that repo ;)
rindolfbavi: i suspect it is because i didn't install uglify-es
rindolfbavi: my projects are becoming chimeras
hiorindolf, MIT
hiour welcome
hiowhat language are you using now?
rindolfperl, python, c, cmake, c++, website meta lang, javascript, ruby, gnu make, and more
rindolfhio: i use more than one
hiohalf of those are bad
hiowhy use perl, ruby, make? dude
rindolfhio: they are OK
hioi just said that they aren't okay at all
rindolfhio: that was to bavi BTW
rindolfhio: you are entitled to my opinion
tttbcan someone please explain what the point of an interface is when an abstract class provides all its functionality?
tttbin Java
rindolfhio: one reason is that i have a lot of legacy perl code and it needs to be maintained
rindolftttb: you can inherit from more than one interface
hiojust rewrite ur perl
hiowait until jailang is released though
rindolfhio: heh
bavii read the first few chapters of the gnu make manual the other day, i like how it's written
rindolfhio: i will rewrite all my perl code into $FASHION_LANGUAGE by hiring Chuck Norris, who will complete it in an hour and charge me 10,000,000 USD
rindolfbavi: :)
rindolfbavi: gmake now integrated guile scheme
Era_ScarecrowI didn't know chuck norris could code... i figured he'd just punch the computer and it would give him what he wanted...
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: the computer just does what he wants
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: by pure intimidation
rindolfhio: i like the mit licence
rindolfit is my go to licence for my own projects
usr123rindolf: Hello. Could you please take a look at my code?
rindolfusr123: it seems fine, but you may have off-by-one errors
Era_Scarecrowrindolf & usr123> I'd have looked at it, but i don't use python, so i don't know.
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: python is easy
Era_Scarecrowperhaps, I'm not familiar with it, although it would mostly be syntax I'd have to get familiar with.
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: someone once told me he was able to look at python code and immediately be able to tweak it without knowing it
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: i think he already knew perl 5, though
FriesAndSrirachaAny reason to use fish over zsh?
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i am still using bash
Era_Scarecrowditto, i also use bash... Depends on if there's a specific feature you need or not.
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i found zsh too incompatible w bash
usr123rindolf: Well in that case, I'm just returning if today is 7 and food is less or else I'm returning the first element of the array. even if it iterates one more or less would it affect the output?
FriesAndSriracharindolf: I am still on Bash as well, I just wanna follow the bandwagon ;)
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah
FriesAndSrirachabandwagon == coolKids
Era_ScarecrowFries> why would you want to jump on a bandwagon? I don't see the point...
FriesAndSrirachaSo that's why I was wondering if anyone here has used both fish and zsh and which one is better
FriesAndSrirachaOr the pros and cons of both
FriesAndSriracharindolf: also, what you mean by incompatible with bash?
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: csh is the bestest!
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i think $var does not expand words by default
SigSegOwlgood morning everybody :)
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: the only thing better than csh is CMD.EXE
FriesAndSrirachaI guess there's plugins for that
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: j/k
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: there is an option
rindolfSigSegOwl: hoooooo
usr123unable to ask questions on their forum as well. Seems like I don't have enough points. This is bad
FriesAndSrirachaI mean zsh seems to have a way bigger community than fish
usr123is there a competitive programming channel on freenode?
SigSegOwlwhy do hdmi to dvi cables only work one way ?
SigSegOwlor even hdmi to displayport o.O ?
rindolfSigSegOwl: physics possibly
FriesAndSrirachaCsh :P
SigSegOwllet me ask it a little bit differently... why can't i connect a screen that has vga, dvi, dp to a pc that only has hdmi xD
Era_ScarecrowSigSegOwl> Use a hammer... it will fit...
SigSegOwlEra_Scarecrow: hammer the screen or the pc ?
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i am reminded of this too -
Era_ScarecrowSigSegOwl> Hammer the connection into one of your ports... so... sort them all
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: heh
FriesAndSrirachaIs there any CLI centric channel on Freenode?
Era_Scarecrowtry joining #bash?
FriesAndSrirachaThat's pretty counterproductive ;)
Era_ScarecrowAlthough if you go to one of the Linux rooms they might be helpful
FriesAndSrirachaConsidering I am trying to move away from Bash
SigSegOwlso there is no way to connect dvi or dp to hdmi ?
FriesAndSrirachaAsk in ##hardware ?
Era_ScarecrowSigSegOwl> Without a converter, probably not...
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: heh, funny link
Era_Scarecrowrindolf> Go back one level and there's ALL TYPES of topics.. programming, hardware, scammers... techno mumbo jumbo no one else understands :P
usr123Is there a competitive programming channel on freenode?
rindolfusr123: you can discuss it here
Era_Scarecrowusr123> Hmmm maybe... Can't get more competitive than say CRobots though
rindolfusr123: problem is there are many CP sites
SigSegOwlsee ya later then :D heading to work...
rindolfSigSegOwl: hooooo
usr123Well. I did post my code. I just can't figure out the corner case I might be missing.
l2yusr123: try #algorithms
usr123l2y: Thanks. on it
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: ah
Era_ScarecrowI don't know what channels there are, because when i go to look over the list of channels or search through them.... there's so many and my client isn't very good at searching channel lists, so hope you have the exact title of something...
l2yEra_Scarecrow: this is easy. you just Google "irc <yourtopic>", then find the first crawler, look at the number of members, and if it's legit, join
Era_Scarecrowl2y> Maybe. I've also just joined rooms to see if they are empty or not :P
Era_ScarecrowHere it's midnight... i should sleep soon
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: i stayed up all night refactoring old CSS stylesheets
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: i ended up reducing the codebase by close to a thousand lines
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: no sass yet
Era_Scarecrowfun fun. I got a script for reducing the size of a differential data backup up and running
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i just consolidated the CSS directives
FriesAndSrirachaSass changes lives :)
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: great
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i like sass
Era_Scarecrowyeah... the big pain in the butt was trying to get diff and patch to work on potentially differing newline types, without it replacing whole files just because it was \n instead of \r\n lines or whatever
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah, are you a fan of the sriracha sauce?
FriesAndSriracharindolf: sure am ;)
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah , i like it too
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: i see
FriesAndSrirachaMostly because if that Garlic
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: i use individual tarballs for backups
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: i have a 1 tb ext hard disk
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: and i exclude various large dirs that i don't need backed up
Era_Scarecrowmhmm... i have a backup script that runs every 6 hours taking files newer than my last backup and saving it, means the files are about 3Mb per backup per day. then when i get around to plugging in my other drive, just copy the backups and I'm golden.
rindolfEra_Scarecrow: ah
Era_Scarecrowbut when i run my script, i can remove unnecessary inclusions cutting the size down to something like 100k, and then with diff/patch, down to 60k per day
FriesAndSrirachaWell you can use rsync
bavigah... i was talking down the dark hallway and accidentally kicked/stepped-on the cat and one of her incisors went right into my heel
bavis/talking/walking :)
rindolfbavi: :(
FriesAndSrirachaAnd that's why folks use your phone's LED
Era_ScarecrowFries> Not sure how I'd use it, as this is the only running computer in the house right now...
bavishe is fine though :)
rindolfbavi: ah
SlashLife^workbavi: Ohhh, the ways in which cats can educate us about their ways ... =)
FriesAndSrirachaEra_Scarecrow: oh
bavinow she has the zoomies
rindolfbavi: you should have got a fluorescent cat
SlashLife^workI'll totally get cats again when I have kids. *pull* - "Don't pull its tail!" - *pull* - "DON'T PULL ITS TAIL!" - *pull* -- *claw* -- *cry* - "I told you not to pull its tail!"
rindolfbavi: there was this manx kitten who was born with metallic green fur
SlashLife^workrindolf: Heh. We had a cafe across a place I used to work to. They had a waitress who brought her big black dog in (looked like a golden retriever, except it was pitch black; are there pitch-black retrievers?) ... I suggested she could dye some fluorescent racing stripes into its fur. :D
rindolfbavi: i saw a photo of him in the newspaper
SlashLife^workFriesAndSriracha: I actually still have to read that book. :S
hiorindolf, what is a MUST HAVE feature for a programming language?
bavirindolf: that's cool :)
FriesAndSrirachaSlashLife^work: same situation here ;)
hioi personally really enjoy the automatic typing in typescript where a struct automatically gets a type if it fits the interface. I think it's called duck typing but not entirely sure
SlashLife^workFriesAndSriracha: Also have it lying around already? x)
hioi mean it makes perfect sense, if some data structure has the exact same fields as an interface that i defined then just let it have that type immediately
hioit's not duck typing because you still have to cast in Typescript
rindolfhio: see
FriesAndSrirachaAny point in learning Golang now?
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: to hack on golang projects
hiorindolf, i don't subscribe to this middle of the road crap "everything sux, get over it" attitude. There is right and wrong in the world, period
hio"You are damned either way, whatever you do." <-- very stupid attitude to have
SlashLife^workhio: And C++ is on the right side ... mostly. :D
hioc++ is just about the worst possible language that can exist
Era_ScarecrowMy current languages of choice, include AHK and D...
hiohit me with some new and exciting c++ features, I'm sure they are ridiculously complex and useless
FriesAndSrirachaGoogle is a LLC now?
SlashLife^workhio: I need a toolbox that gets the job done, not a crate full of useless, but exciting, gimmicks.
rindolfhio: what is better: English, Hebrew, French, German, Arabic, Spanish, Swahili, Japanese, Mandarin, ...
SlashLife^workI'll take a screwdriver over a fidget spinner every day.
FriesAndSrirachaAlso another language I've been hearing about is Haskell
hioHaskell is a toy language, people only use it when they want to appear smart
FriesAndSrirachaCan we do server side coding with it?
SlashLife^workFriesAndSriracha: You can do server side coding with almost every language.
SlashLife^workFriesAndSriracha: If it can do console I/O on any modern OS, it can do server side web.
FriesAndSrirachaSlashLife^work: I know that but is it a popular or niche thing , that's the question
SlashLife^workFriesAndSriracha: Look up CGI. :D
SlashLife^workFriesAndSriracha: I know people who use Haskell for web.
hioi mean look at this thing in c++: "auto glambda = [](auto a, auto&& b) { return a < b; };".. what's with the random array []? What is the array here???
rindolfhio: we are not talking in German, are we?
SlashLife^workI don't think they based their whole server side stack on it, though ... but I actually don't know.
hiorindolf, we don't live in a perfect world, do we?
SlashLife^workhio: It's not an array. It's an empty capture.
rindolfhio: no.
hiogreat that we worked that out
FriesAndSrirachaSo this means there's no big projects using Haskell?
SlashLife^workhio: So you're complaining that [] can have three different meanings?
SlashLife^workhio: Good luck with () then.
hio() only has one meaning
SlashLife^workIt does?
hioyes, it means group up
rindolfhio: German has three genders, and some inanimate objects are male or female - like wtf?
SlashLife^workint x = foo(); double y = (2.0/3.0); int z = (int)y; ... I was thinking of at least one more a moment ago.
FriesAndSrirachaSorry guys, I was just a web developer, took a long break and now trying to get into coding again
hioit still all means "group up".
hioeven the cast
rindolfhio: and a damsel is neuter
SlashLife^workhio: BS
SlashLife^workhio: Oh, the [] always means "index"
hioit never means that wow
hioint[10] does not mean index
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: what do you wish to do?
FriesAndSriracharindolf: mostly to learn some kinda language
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah
FriesAndSrirachaI know, HTML and CSS, and shell scripting
SlashLife^workEither that something can have indices (void foo(int[])), or that something *has* indices (int arr[32]), or that you want to access an index (int x = arr[3]), or which indices from the current scope you want to capture (auto lambda = [arr,&x](){ x = *arr; })
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah
FriesAndSrirachaAnd can use git
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah.
FriesAndSrirachaBut that's about it it her than by basic understanding of JavaScript
xqbhi helloz
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: can you write fizz buzz?
hioOK SlashLife^work, so it "accesses" variables inside the current scope as if the scope is an array. That's a complex way of seeing it but fine
rindolfxqb: mew
xqbbsd bsd bsd irc irc bsd
* xqbshoos rindolf
xqbdem cats
rindolfxqb: cats are damn cute
FriesAndSriracharindolf: oh Tom Scott made a video about it
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: about what?
FriesAndSrirachaFizzBuzz I mean
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: see
FriesAndSrirachaWhose GitHub page is this?
FriesAndSrirachaLotsa nice info ;)
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: someone i tutored was able to solve fizz buzz after the first few lessons
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i am shlomif on gh
FriesAndSrirachaOh nice :)
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: there were some other contributors to the faq
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: and it may be somewhat opinionated
FriesAndSrirachaThanks for this, I've been out of this whole things for so long
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: thanks
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: you're welcome
FriesAndSrirachaI think getting into Python would be a good idea
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: i think so too
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: python is easy to learn
FriesAndSriracharindolf: yep I am kinda stuck between what to learn, to be honest
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah, i know that feeling
FriesAndSrirachaPeople are suggesting Python, Ruby, Go...
vdamewoodI vote for Python.
xqbhi etc
FriesAndSrirachaand even JavaScript
vdamewoodHigh? i am not!
FriesAndSrirachaNode I mean
squirreloops wrong chan
mozzarellaI vote for ruby
xqb:) /me hi5s vdamewood
vdamewoodFriesAndSriracha: What do you already know?
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: it reminds me of the philosophical dog that stands in equal distance between two identical piles of food and ends up starving to death
* rindolfputs mozzarella on FriesAndSriracha and eats them both
FriesAndSrirachaI was a web developer, so no programming language, HTML, CASE, Shell scripting etc
vdamewoodrindolf: share!
rindolfvdamewood: :)
vdamewoodCASE? (Typo of CSS?)
FriesAndSrirachavdamewood: autocorrect actually
xqbthat's Buridan's donkey
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: ah
vdamewoodHey look, someone who doesn't think HTML is a programming language.
FriesAndSriracharindolf: I know how that dog feels ;)
xqbit is a donkey
rindolfvdamewood: writing HTML is kinda programming though
* vdamewoodkicks the donkey.
vdamewoodIt's time to kick ass!
vdamewoodrindolf: I don't believe it it as all.
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: :)
FriesAndSrirachaOh and basic Unix tools, and Git
FriesAndSrirachaThat's all I know
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: OK, then learn python
xqb+1 py
FriesAndSrirachaSeems reasonable
vdamewoodFriesAndSriracha: If you're looking for suggestions of real a real programming language to learn, go with Python. it has Django and Flask.
vdamewoodI prefer Django.
rindolfand bottle
FriesAndSrirachaBut Ruby has Rails and Sinatra too ;)
vdamewoodRuby is also not Python.
vdamewoodWhich is a point against Ruby.
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: the ruby hype seems to have mostly passed away
vdamewoodThough, Python, Ruby, and Java are all fine languages for beginners. Python is just slightly better.
FriesAndSriracharindolf: I know people are hyping Golang now
vdamewoodEverything else is terrible for beginners.
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: and rust
vdamewoodGolang is also on my terrible-for-beginners list.
FriesAndSrirachaAnd Kotlin maybe
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: and node.js
xqbwhen I was starting, I was looking up how the same program (was it hello world?) looks like in different languages
xqbI found C#'s syntax to be the most appealing to me
xqbso I went with C# :)
rindolfxqb: OK
vdamewoodxqb: Probably. Hello world is fairly popular for language juxtaposition.
rindolfthe first language is always the hardest to learn
FriesAndSrirachaI can't really go with C#
xqb!fgoogle juxtaposition
FriesAndSrirachaI doubt it runs on Linux
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: it does
xqbit does but not as expected
xqbMono is crap
xqband you can't do WPF
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: even .NET core from Microsoft
xqband 100+ things
FriesAndSrirachaPython it is then ;)
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: sure
vdamewoodxqb: justa- next to/besides. juxtoposition: to position next to/beside; to compare by placing side by side.
l2yFriesAndSriracha: it runs on Linux, and does so rather well as of today
FriesAndSrirachal2y: I mostly wanna do Server site coding
xqbthanks :)
vdamewoodWell, Juxtaposition means the act as a noun. The verb is juxtapose.
FriesAndSrirachaThanks a lot rindolf again!
l2yFriesAndSriracha: OK, whatever. just proving you wrong, so that you don't doubt any more
FriesAndSrirachaAlso thanks vdamewood
vdamewoodBah, I didn't so anything significant.
FriesAndSrirachal2y: oh I didn't know
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: you're welcome
FriesAndSriracharindolf: I think you should also include Video tutorials in your Python resources
vdamewoodI want to teach some stuff now.
* xqb'd like to know what is unit testing and how do I start writing tests and what's a good read for testing
vdamewoodxqb: Unit testing is when you write code that makes your other code works properly. For example, if you have a function called addtwo(x), you would write a functions like this: a = addtwo(3); if a == 5, return true; else return false;
xqbwhat's a unit in my code? a function/method?
xqba .. line?
vdamewoodA separate program.
vdamewoodWell, it could also be a function or collection of functions.
xqbI'm testing a separate program in my program?
xqbwhy don't I test my program directly?
vdamewoodYou're not testing your program; you're testing parts (units) of your program.
mozzarellareturn a == 5
vdamewoodIf I really wanted to go that fare: return addtwo(3) == 5
mozzarellawell you should
xqbassert addtwo(3) == 5
xqband then I run pytest in the background
xqband I've tested a unit?
vdamewoodxqb: That might work, but it doesn't look like PyTest is specifically for Unit testing.
FriesAndSriracharindolf: but great resources still, thanks
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: you're welcome
xqbI see
xqbis TDD (Kent Beck) a good book?
rindolfxqb: quite
rindolfxqb: most of it is redundant
xqbI know what you think rindolf, you're the one who recommended it :P
rindolfxqb: ah
PlanckWalkA "unit" is generally an internal API contract. Often a function or method.
xqbwhat's an API contract
rindolfxqb: i can recommend against a different one -
rindolfmozzarella: yes
PlanckWalkA specification for how one part of a system can use another.
xqbI see
FriesAndSrirachaOh that reminds me of this site
vdamewoodxqb: Many unit-testing frameworks follow the design of a Java unit-testing framework called JUnit. Though, this isn't strictly required, it sure does help organize things.
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: you can submit a pull-req for it
FriesAndSriracharindolf: I have to find some good ones first though :)
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: you can put the link to the site for all langs
xqbvdamewood: I'll look at it, gtg, bbl, tyvm
rindolfxqb: bye
JasparonHello friends:
rindolfJasparon: meow
JasparonDo programmers care about logic gates, or do I need to study EE/CE?
Jasparonrindolf: Long time no C
rindolfJasparon: we do
Jasparonrindolf: Who is we?
brwrJasparon: programmers who work with logic gates care about logic gates :)
rindolfJasparon: there are bitwise and logical operators
rindolfFriesAndSriracha: bye
FriesAndSriracharindolf: see ya
JasparonSuppose I want to get into how logic gates design works (theory), and I one day want to build custom circuits.
rindolfJasparon: i am a software dev who studied EE/CEish
JasparonShould I get an intro electronics book; or an intro circuits book?
rindolfJasparon: and graduated
JasparonOk sure
rindolfJasparon: well, not sure i can call what i studied CE
Jasparonrindolf: Right.
brwrJasparon: IME its better to find a project that interests you and start working on it
rindolfJasparon: it is technically EE proper, but calling me an electrical engineer would be a stretch
brwrI find books helpful for things like design patterns and best practices, but not for code
Jasparonbrwr: I know, but I want to learn how electronics work, and how computer electronics work
brwrrts-sander: in my experience
rindolfJasparon: the Technion is funny
Jasparonrindolf: Maybe you're just a electronics-competent programmer?
rts-sanderbrwr: ah I see, I thought it was misspelled IMO
brwrJasparon: +1
rindolfJasparon: i am clueless around electronics
Jasparonbrwr: Ok neat
Jasparonbrwr: Well, would you recommend I get: 1. Intro CE book. 2. Intro electronics. 3. Intro circuits? Which one?
rindolfJasparon: they never showed us how to replace a lightbulb
rindolfJasparon: wait a sec
Jasparonrindolf: 0, because it's a hardware issue
brwrJasparon: i don’t know enough about electronics to make a recommendation. Sorry!
rindolfJasparon: - this book is nice
rindolfJasparon: and there is also
brwrIRC on mobile is sadface
brwrI get disconnected if I turn my screen off
rindolfJasparon: i suggest you start from a high level prog lang
rindolfJasparon: something like python
rindolfJasparon: how good is your math?
Jasparonrindolf: So, I know about formal logic enough to know things like De Morgan's, but I still need to take college algebra
JasparonThanks for the books
rindolfJasparon: you're welcome
Jasparonrindolf: Here is a good question:
rindolfJasparon: logic can get pretty complicated and impractical
JasparonWhat's a good place to build objects? I think main?
rindolfJasparon: at least the one that is under active research
JasparonWhat's under active research?
rindolfJasparon: you can also build them int he methods of other objects
rindolfJasparon: logic
Jasparoncorrect. I think it's "not good" to create objects in the instance-scope?
rindolfJasparon: why not?
Jasparonrindolf: I tried constructing an instance of my class, in the instance-level in Java; stackoverflow
rindolfJasparon: otherwise you'll have a cluttered main func
JasparonMakes sense
rindolfJasparon: ah
rindolfJasparon: you need to limit your recursion
Jasparonrindolf: Right. But I was so confused because my constructor was empty.
rindolfJasparon: or use iterative tree recursion with a dedicated stack
JasparonGood idea
mvaenskaehm, low level detail question on C's memory allocation; if i request 200MB of memory via malloc will that be virtual-addressed memory or real memory locations?
Jasparonrindolf: I should be going :)
rindolfJasparon: where?
rindolfmvaenskae: hi
rindolfmvaenskae: it depends where the program is running\
JasparonGTG :)
mvaenskaerindolf: hm, in kernel mode it would then get the bare memory locations i take
rindolfmvaenskae: possibly
rindolfmvaenskae: kernel code does not have malloc() usually
* mvaenskaeponders on reworking the sorting algos to not work with explicit arrays but a struct of linked/doubly-linked lists...
rindolfmvaenskae: at least the Linux kernel doesn't
mvaenskaehm, i could obviously adapt that to get the proper Linux kernel function but it could still fail due to fragmentation in allocation a large enough section
rindolfmvaenskae: heh
mvaenskaebut i just realized my approach doesn't scale to structs to pointers to the next element, only to arrays of structs
l2ymvaenskae: is your allocations are not enormous, kernel won't move a page from virtual memory to disk, and virtual memory provides constant time access, so, why bother?
rindolfmvaenskae: small optimisations can add up to a lot, but if your program can afford to be sub-optimally slower, then so be it
mvaenskaerindolf: i don't so much care for performance than for stability; people somewhat OK in C should be able to understand how I approached different sorting algos within the constraints of C in the most generic way and can use them for their own projects about as easily as importing my stuff
rindolfmvaenskae: see
rindolfmvaenskae: stability?
mvaenskaeif it comes to just speed and i have a fixed interface i would have just commenced; i just realized my approach is not the most generic one
rindolfmvaenskae: if you want your program to behave then keep it out of the kernel
mvaenskael2y: i was mostly thinking of the problems on fragmentation :)
mvaenskaerindolf: why keep it out of the kernel?
Rashadrindolf: sup?
rindolfmvaenskae: because code running in kernel land can do untold damage\
rindolfRashad: i refactored some CSS stylesheets
rindolfRashad: shaved a thousand lines
mvaenskaerindolf: well, it's the kernel :) i expect nothing less of the system than request a sacrifice to boot again if i break it ;)
Rashadrindolf: Do you use CSS normalization libraries?
Rashadrindolf: Wow!
rindolfRashad: no
rts-sanderwhitespace lines? :)
rindolfRashad: it is for my talks at
rindolfRashad: the quad-pres ones
rindolfrts-sander: no
l2ymvaenskae: again, what can you do about it? nothing. malloc already allocates a contiguous block of memory, if you are in a kernel space, which you should never be in, you don't have malloc. you are provided with an interface and are bound to what the interface reveals about itself
Rashadrindolf: I don't know if you need this, but it's used by Twitter, GitHub and more:
rindolfRashad: i had done a lot of copying and tweaking
mvaenskael2y: i may to do kernel development ;) and i wanted to clarify the memory pages returned :) i assumed them to be VA but it's early in the morning and i wasn't fully awake to properly recall :)
rindolfRashad: ah
rindolfRashad: it was bad
RashadI can imagine.
rindolfRashad: i had to consolidate my directives
RashadWhat directives?
rindolfRashad: the css ones
RashadYou mean like :hover and stuff?
RashadNot sure I know what css directives are.
RashadThe ones with the @?
mvaenskaeright now only userland and there i have now been verified how malloc works :) my aim is trying to eventually be able to write C code that is as generic as possible
rindolfRashad: see
rindolfRashad: no
rindolfRashad: i mean regular rules like b { color: red; }
RashadThat's a lot of commits :D
rindolfRashad: yes
rindolfRashad: the site dates back to 1997ish
rindolfRashad: but i used svn->hg->git for it relatively later
RashadWhat's that?
rindolfRashad: first i used svn
rindolfRashad: then moved to hg
rindolfand finally git
RashadAh those are versioning systems?
rindolfRashad: yes
RashadI see I see.
rts-sanderlooks like you finally did git gud
rindolfrts-sander: the main reason why i switched it to github was travis-ci
rindolfrts-sander: well, and hg does not seem to become more popular
rts-sandernever heard of hg
rindolfrts-sander: heh
rts-sanderrindolf: but do you like git itself more than the other systems?
rindolfrts-sander: it isn't too bad, but has its share of quirks
rindolfrts-sander: not sure
rindolfrts-sander: i still kinda miss the simplicity of the svn model. i don't feel i understand git
velcoGood morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Rashadgit is too complicated the only thing I use is push and pull
Rashadmorning velco
rts-sanderI've gotten decently proficient in git
venduyo :)
rts-sanderrindolf: do you also have experience with version control software in team settings or just solo projects?
velcogit is love, git is life
rindolfrts-sander: also in teams
velco(that said, I was pretty happy with Mercurial too)
vendurts-sander, i haven't :)
rts-sandersvn broke more often than not when I tried it with other people
velcoone does not have to understand git
rindolfrts-sander: git rebase can be a bitch too
velcoone needs to know just enough of it, in order to accommodate their workflow
rindolfvelco: well, git threw me off quite a lot
rts-sanderif you have a lot of conflicts yeah
rindolfvelco: good thing there is #git here
rts-sandergit is advanced but there's no simplicity layer
rts-sanderusers are thrown right into the deep
velcorindolf, without clicking it, I know what it is :D
rindolfvelco: :)
velcobut just clone/checkout/push/pull/branch/rebase are sufficient to 99.937% if what I need to happen
velcocherry-pick too
rindolfvelco: commit
velcohaha, yeah
* rindolfdeletes velco 's git-commit script
rindolfwelcome to hell
* velcorestores git worktree from the backup
rindolflets do a pull req on git's git to remove git-commit
rindolfvelco: git bisect is also useful
rts-sanderlol I actually did that when I was a git noob
merijnrts-sander: The simplicity layer of git is "Just use Mercurial"
rts-sanderback then the team I worked with worked on Windows and we had problems with file name case sensitivity
rindolfmerijn: hg threw me off too
merijnrindolf: How so?
rts-sandermerijn: meh once you learn git it's good
rindolfmerijn: don't remember
rindolfmerijn: and i hate its heads misfeature
wwwwwwis it generally correct to say that jump instructions modify the program counter the same way an add instruction might modify a normal register?
merijnrts-sander: Yeah, but why would I bother when I already knows Mercurial and it's so much simpler to learn? :)
rts-sandermerijn: good point, there's no reason to learn something more complex when you already have something that works
rts-sanderthat's why I'm not going through the effort of learning Haskell :D
merijnI don't think git is even that much more complex than mercurial
rindolfrts-sander: heh
merijnIt just has really shit UI/UX
rts-sanderUI? heh I just use the cmd line
rindolfmerijn: perhaps
rindolfrts-sander: cmd line is ui too
merijnrts-sander: I'm referring to the cmd line
merijnUI is UI, graphical or not
loginoobIs it really true that to learn some language, try to build something that one have no idea how to start
loginoobin that language
rindolfloginoob: i never did that
rindolfloginoob: perhaps try to contribute to an existing codebase
rts-sanderah, I assumed UI = GUI
rts-sanderyeah I agree it's confusing at times
rts-sanderfor example git checkout -- path, git checkout branchname, git checkout -b newbranch all do something completely different
rindolfrts-sander: also see
merijnrts-sander: I think this summarises it accurately:
rindolfmerijn: heh
loginoobgit is easy until you fuck up
merijnloginoob: Then you just Google and copy&paste cryptic lines from blogposts until either all your data is gone or it's fixed :p
rts-sanderoh hg = mercurial lol
SlashLife^workGAHHH! OCD!! >_<"
merijnrts-sander: Because nobody wants to type a command as long as "mercurial" :p
loginoobmerry: You are a haskeller right?
SlashLife^workI have a directory, an archive and an executable, all by the name of "qt-" in subsequent lines on the same terminal. "ls" colored them blue, red and green respectively ...
SlashLife^work... which means they do not perfectly line up because they use different subpixels.
SlashLife^work... which annoys the hell out of me.
merijnloginoob: I program in Haskell among other things, yes :p
SlashLife^workCannot ... unsee ... ;_;
merijnSlashLife^work: Your life could be worse
rts-sanderSlashLife^work: you could probably remove the colors from ls
jpenv TERM=dumb ls
jpsight has been unseen
* venduwrites a bullshit generator for git commit comments =)
SlashLife^workmerijn: Well, I guess it confirms my 20/10 vision.
SlashLife^workrts-sander: That won't help me now that I *know* they'd be offset when in color. :|
vendubbs lunch :)
merijnSlashLife^work: Could have all your experimental results stored on a cluster fileshare with a deadline tomorrow only to realise the cluster is down for maintenance until late today >.>
SlashLife^workmerijn: Yup. Maintenance is until Friday. And they moved the deadline from next Monday to yesterday.
SlashLife^work(On last Friday afternoon.)
SlashLife^workThat would so be happening if I was still working at my previous job. >_>