Your Mum Needs a lot of RAM - Fortune [possible satire]

mrigoften wondered why a list of objects is called a vector in C++ too, seems some how related.
vdamewoodmrig: Because Cartesian vectors are just a list of values in math.
mrigright yes.
velcothat's he original mathematical definition of vector: tuple of scalars
vdamewoodmrig: So the term was borrowed in the old days by some. Some others uses 'array' for the term.
vdamewoodC++ has a std::vector type because of this legacy
mrigand the array gets conflated with matrices too.
DnzAtWrkisn't a vector like a direction, compared to a coordinate
deniskaI mean, a matrix is just a vector of vectors :P
vdamewoodDnzAtWrk: It can be, yes.
deniskaDnzAtWrk: a vector can represent both a direction, and a coordinate
DnzAtWrkI tried learning what tensors are the other day
DnzAtWrkseems like people can't agree on definitions of these things
velcoboth a direction and a position
vdamewoodIsn't he they guy with the floating disc?
deniskavector is just a clever name for "a bunch of numbers" :)
mrigdeniska: well it is kinda the axis rather than that value no?
vdamewoodTensor's Floating Disc?
listevectors have length in addition to a direction
xenoDnzAtWrk: when you did, did you go the math route, or did you try to follow some CS thing?
deniskamrig: a coordinate is a pair of numbers, a vector is a pair of numbers, they are essentially the same thing
deniska(a 2d vector I should say)
DnzAtWrkand I still barely get it
listea vector stemming from origin can represent a coordinate pair
vdamewoodA 2d number sounds complex.
rts-sandera vector can represent just about anything
rts-sanderwhen given enough dimensions
* vdamewooduses a vector to represent rts-sander's mom
deniskaa vector can represent your face
deniskaand your mom
rts-sanderoh sheit
vdamewoodI've already got a vector for you mom.
rts-sandervdamewood, I'd do the same for you but even my 32GB of ram couldn't fit your mum
velcour mom is infinite field of scalars
* vdamewoodbows to rts-sander
mobile_cur mom is worth 33 GB 0.0
DnzAtWrkseems fine
DnzAtWrkyour mom has a high generality
`sliktsis that a way of saying fat
vdamewoodMy band is like 999 MB. No gigs yet.
gde33higher languages (basic) so much fun!
mobile_cgde33: as in Visual Basic?
DnzAtWrknaw I'll just use nbasic
gde33mobile_c: as in all higher languages are basic
mobile_cgde33: oki
* vdamewoodmakes a new programming language called SIMPLE
rindolfvdamewood: heh
rindolfvdamewood: call it "easy"
* vdamewoodmakes another programming language called EZ
* inhahemakes an esolang called Complicated
listeinhahe: that'd be Malbolge :)
vdamewoodNow I'm making a backup of my backup.
* gde33wants to make a language called Terrorism
dostoyevskyPonzi scheme is still the most popular
gde33should be hackers, then you can say you are using hackers
vdamewoodA language should be called 'Yo mom', So books can be titled "Programming with Yo Mom"
deniskaYo mom for beginners
gde33embedded yo mom
vdamewoodYo Mom in 24 Hours
inhaheDebugging Yo Mom
deniskaHead first in yo mom
vdamewoodYo Mom, the Hard Way
gde33chapter 1: objects in yo mom