Imaginary Mohawk - Fortune [possible satire]

rindolfxoryo: hi
rindolfxoryo: i got a hair cut
adscrindolf: you cut off your dreadlocks?
rindolfadsc: i didn't have ones
adscwhat? you cut off your imaginary dreadlocks? I hope you didn't have to pay for that
rindolfadsc: heh
adscI'll never cut off my imaginary mohawk
* rindolfcuts off adsc 's imaginary mohawk
* rindolfis an imaginary bastard
* adscaccuses rindolf of imaginary cruelty and files a case at the international court of human rights in The Hague
rindolfadsc: the imaginary one?
adscno, your crime is real
SlashLife^work*imaginary court of human rights in The Utopia
rindolfadsc: imaginary real?
adscyeah, it's complex
rindolfadsc: nice
rindolfbetter than imaginary integer
adscthe subject of the crime is imaginary, but the crime itself is real
* rindolfflees to an imaginary haven
* adscplots rindolf on the Gaussian plane
adscthere you are
* rindolfconspires against the plot
exio4liste: Finnish people are over-represented on IRC
vendurts-sander, let me find the rules for everyone
xqbFinnish people invented IRC :P
exio4maybe some irc channel is selling alcohol???
exio4xqb: i know :p
listethough most Finns hang out in IRCnet
adscvendu: I've wanted to make a console based cracking game in forever, but I'm always too lazy
FManFinns invented getting drunk
rindolfFMan: they did not
rindolfFMan: the jewish bible describes Noah getting drunk
exio4rindolf: it's a joke, Finns are known to get extremely drunk
rindolfexio4: yes
SlashLife^workrindolf: Now you know why he got stuck on a mountain.
xqbpeople were getting drunk and high way before any bible
exio4that, too
rindolfxqb: true
SlashLife^workrindolf: That's how people got from paradise to Finland. :D
wedr_Finland is the End of Land. :/
rindolfSlashLife^work: :)
exio4it's the north pole, they're Santa's buddies
rindolfthere is nor way out of there
wedr_Oh, how Sweden of you. :/
rindolfwedr_: :)
SlashLife^workNah, that's not sweed en actually even quite mean. :(
xqbsweeden weeden
FManthis is paradise:
venduadsc, console mastermind would be quick
venduto program
xqbFMan: what, sunbathing?
listecode 8 hours, relax 8 hours (including working out etc), sleep 8 hours
wedr_liste: No time to eat. :(
listemaybe it's contained in relaxing
listeand partly coding :)
snake2kEating is for humans, we're all perl scripts here.
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rindolfsnake2k: heh
snake2kI have a feeling rindolf has the freenode FAQ links on a open text file all the time lmao
wedr_So... relax is actually just sleep + bath/shower + play + walk dog + caring baby + make breakfast/lunch/dinner + pay bills + do tax returns + get mad and argue with wife + cry?
snake2kweeirc8089, >_<
xqbsnake2k, me too
merijnwedr_: Cuddle cat!
snake2kwedr_, oh yes! the emotional drama is my favorite! :P
rindolfsnake2k: i am a superintelligent nand gate
wedr_Ah, a typical human day
snake2krindolf, self aware nand gates?! >_>
snake2kwe're doomed!
sd5869rindolf: nandgate :P
rindolfexec_: what does gcc -E say?
Sornaensisit says you’re a HERETIC
aawewhat does `rm -rf ./*; rustup install nightly; cargo init .` say?
rindolfaawe: how about no?
rindolfaawe: what does `sudo rm -fr /* # Sayonara, asshole!` say?
aaweyou forgot --no-preserve-root
rindolfaawe: note that it may take a while to run.
rindolfaawe: w /*?
aaweit would probably be faster if rm was written in rust
rindolfaawe: then: 1. Rewrite rm in rust. 2. Benchmark both versions
rindolfon /* of course
NowyouseemeWhat's the motivation to come to a IRC like this?
adscto chat with other fellow programmers
rindolfNowyouseeme: to get help?
rindolfNowyouseeme: to help others?
rindolfNowyouseeme: to debate?
adscno help, only panda memes pls
NowyouseemeTo help others!
rindolfadsc: can you help me find panda memes?
Nowyouseemeonly very nice people would think that
aaweI want memes too
hexingbaoNowyouseeme to see different culture
snake2kbirkoff, a simple linear search algorithm if you're not gonna sort it
vescBirkoff: If you are sorting you can do it quicker than N.
snake2kbirkoff, you'd be better off implemented a fast sorting algorithm and picking the first (or last) value off the array.
birkoffvesc interesting. how ? I'm not sorting though.
daysnake2k: sorting is faster than N?
vescI agree with snake2k
snake2kday, if it's a massive array, then yes
daybut how can you sort without having to look at each element?
rts-sanderwtf kind of shit advice is that
snake2kday, the time complexity of checking each N to the next can scale larger depending on array size. But a highly optimized sort can cut the time down.
rts-sandersort the entire array just to get one value?
daysnake2k: but then it wouldn't be O(n) any more would it?
snake2kI'm not saying to use a basic sorting algorithm because that's pointless lmao
vescrts-sander: what would you do?
snake2kyou'd be better off with just a linear search
rts-sandervesc, loop through and remember the highest encountered number
rindolfsnake2k: sort cannot be better than o(n)
rindolfsnake2k: see
rts-sanderunless the array is already sorted, then it's O(1) :)
vescrts-sander: the best you could get is O(n) I know a sort cand be done better than that.
rindolfsnake2k: and it is O(N*log(N)) worst case
rts-sandervesc, how can sorting an entire array possibly be faster than finding the largest value?
rindolfrts-sander: you need to know that is the case
vescbecause you need to know what the largest value is
snake2krindolf, I see
snake2kLet's go ape shit and do parallel processing on 4 threads 4 O(N/4)s
rindolfflipchan: hi
flipchanhey rindolf
flipchanwhat's up
rindolfflipchan: i got a haircut today
rindolfflipchan: and looked into contributing to tslint, but they have 65 open pull requests
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* snake2k(snake2k@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/snake2k) has joined
snake2kclosed out ##programming by mistake >_>
flipchanrindolf: cant choice one?
rindolfflipchan: what?
flipchanoh i read wrong thought u wrote 65 open issues
rindolfflipchan: ah
rts-sanderhow you're going to contribute?
rts-sanderby adding some more pull requests? :D
rindolfrts-sander: heh
rindolfwell, not quite the same
rindolfsnake2k: admit it - you did it on purpose. :-P
rindolfsnake2k: :)
snake2krindolf, lmao no I pressed ^W to close a firefox tab but I had my IRC client selected :P
rindolfsnake2k: ah, it happens to me too