Microsoft Software and Speed - Fortune [possible satire]

vdamewoodThis install for visual studio is taking forever.
rindolfvdamewood: lies! It takes at least forever and two weeks.
rindolfvdamewood: it will end a short time before the heat death of the universe.
rindolfvdamewood: one thing I learned is not to expect Microsoft to make fast software. They tend to take more than Intel gives.
amigojapanyeah, i agree with rindolf , although last time I used VS it was reasonably fast
ibouvousaime_how is vs compared to Linux ides BTW, I never used vs since I moved to Linux a while ago and didn't turn back
YaiyanIt's not quite vim
rindolfamigojapan: Windows Update on Windows 7 is horribly slow and unresponsive. I gave up on updating my windows 7 partition on my laptop.
vdamewoodibouvousaime_: Visual studio is great if you're working with .NET.
rindolfamigojapan: I was told it's better on windows 10.
amigojapanvdamewood: I see
rindolfibouvousaime_: the Microsoft CL.EXE compiler is crappy and non-standard-compliant.
amigojapanrindolf: I often hear "it is better in [insert newest version of windows here]". I have grown untrustworthy of this claim
rindolfamigojapan: heh, true.