There are at least two inches in a mile - Fortune [possible satire]

bytefirethat stuff goes over my head
ph88over my head as well :P
bytefiremay be half inch above your head and 50 feet above mine :)
rindolfbytefire: what barbaric measurements
rindolfbytefire: quick - how many inches are in a mile?
vdamewoodall of them
jrslepak. o O ( how many barrels in an acre-foot? )
rindolfvdamewood: i guess the capital of Ohio is "O" then
adschow many fathoms in a furlong?
bytefirerindolf: there are more than 2 inches in a mile
jrslepakof course, none of this is as dumb as having 112 pounds in a hundredweight
rindolfbytefire: so 3?
mrigto many to fathom!
Inlineif in doubt use your elbows
bytefirerindolf: well... there are 3 inches in a mile. there are other inches in a mile as well.
Inlineone bow and one bow bowbow
mrigYes that is how you get to the front of the Que in France.
rindolfbytefire: heh
Inlinebow wow au
mrigA foot is a fair measure of spacetime :P
rindolfbytefire: i'll take the first 20 inches in the mile
vdamewoodSpeaking of spacetime, how many meters are in a second?
Inlinenaaa all you need is a clock and an inch stick to measure spacetime
wedrclock is just an invention
wedrall you need is a stick
mrigan 1/12th of is naturally a senseful measure of nought!
* vdamewoodsticks to the invention.
* wedrinvented sticks
rindolfvdamewood: i wondered that as well
vdamewoodrindolf: I have no way to prove it, but I always figured that there were c*s meters in a second.
mrigif a nautical mile is genuinely 60 minutes, how much is an inch in time?
wedrmrig: a litter.
mrigah" that is 1/12th an ah'
Inlineas big as the sailor
vdamewoodrindolf: That is, the time it takes light to travel a certain distance is that distance in time.
mrigor is that vis versa?
rindolfvdamewood: ah
Inlinetailor the sailor without failure
* Inlinesings
* mrigfades into a black hole and emerges upon a brand new time line.
wedrwtf, you invented a stick
wedrnow we have to measure how long the new timeline is.
wedrYou monster.