Java and JavaScript - Fortune [possible satire]

SillyMusingsHow much money can I expect to make as a developer out of college?
quelqun_dautreSillyMusings: 0$. Tax deduced.
rindolfquelqun_dautre: well, that's a lower bound.
rindolfSillyMusings: the correct answer is that it varies based on several parameters.
SillyMusingsrindolf, what are the parameters?
quelqun_dautrewhat you know, what framework you can use, how good you are in an interview, where you are
rindolfSillyMusings: 1. Where are you located. 2. Which languages do you know. 3. where you'll get hired.
SillyMusingsI know Javascript and Java
quelqun_dautrewhere are you located ?
rindolfSillyMusings: it's spelled "JavaScript" - not "Javascript"
SillyMusingsI am located in Oregon
little_bithow much money you'll make is not a function of any of those inputs.
quelqun_dautreand how good are you at Java[script] ?
little_bitsad to say it's barely a function at all. predictability in terms of actual earnings is impossible these days.
SillyMusingsI'd say I'm okay at it
rindolfquelqun_dautre: Java and JavaScript are two completely different things.
little_bitif you want some examples, look at GlassDoor.
SillyMusingsWhat sort of range am I looking at?
little_bitSillyMusings: GlassDoor.
quelqun_dautrerindolf: I know.
little_bitSillyMusings: anything from us will be an incomplete picture.
little_bitSillyMusings: so draw from multiple sources.
SillyMusingsIf I'm fresh out of college, am I a 'junior developer'?
little_bitprobably. god knows what you'll be placed into.
quelqun_dautreSillyMusings: what is "okay" on your terms ? Do you know the play framework ? J2EE ?
little_bitSillyMusings: I certainly hope you aren't expecting a lot of money.
SillyMusingsquelqun_dautre, no I'm stronger on the JS side
pilneJava and javascript are often used in the same "completed" project these days, but they are completely different beasts for better or worse
SillyMusingslittle_bit, glassdoor says average of 103k?
rindolfquelqun_dautre: - case in point. ;-)
little_bitSillyMusings: for what position?
little_bitand where?
pilnejavascript is relatively strong right now due to node.js, it isn't ideal for *everything* but it can do a lot
* rindolfthinks serving Java web applets from a Node.js service is bestest
TubbyTommyJavaScript is relatively strong on it's own because they keep making it better, its not ever finished really
SillyMusingsyes I've been following es6 stuff
pilneerm... rindolf?
rindolfpilne: that was a joke! Relax!
pilneyeah, but it is starting to add cruft
quelqun_dautreSillyMusings: what do you know in JS ? What library can you use ? Ever used functional programming ? Do you know what a closure is ?
pilneLOL i would hope so rindolf, that isn't impossible, i just can't see why you'd do it other than being a code-massochist
little_bitSillyMusings: I'm going to assume you're fresh out of college, so let me make this clear: you're not getting those jobs.
rindolfpilne: use the wrong tool for the job! ;-)