Bad Taste - Fortune [possible satire]

Dr_Cokesunnymilk seems to match my personality
Dr_Cokeshe’s into computers and seems fairly smart apart from the Katy Perry comment
rindolfDr_Coke: for the record, there are some Katy Perry songs that I'm fond of as well.
Dr_Cokerindolf I'm sorry to hear that
rindolfDr_Coke: different people have different tastes.
Dr_Cokewell rindolf that's bad taste
rindolfDr_Coke: "*bad* taste"?
rindolfDr_Coke: by bad taste do you mean "taste that doesn't matches mine"?
jss_alpharindolf that's what people always mean by bad taste
rindolfjss_alpha: heh, heh.
Dr_Cokerindolf Katy Perry is bad taste
TaglineYour bad taste is not my bad taste.