Eat or be eaten - Fortune [possible satire]

pulsethat feel when you're hungry but you're too lazy to cook food
rindolfpulse: do you have apples or snacks?
Flonkpulse: 3pm, still didn't manage
FlonkI know your feel
rindolfpulse: can you order pizza?
pulseFlonk, same here, lol
pulserindolf, yeah but i have no cash on me
pulseso it's either cook food or starve
rindolfpulse: ah.
pulserindolf, i have bananas
pulseno apples
adscpulse: you could hunt for neighbour's cats
pulsei like my neighbour's cats
pulsethey're cute
pulsealso i don't eat cats
adscthen hunt further away in your neighbourhood
pulseor any sort of meat for that matter
adscthen hunt for their fruits and vegetables
* pulsepacks a rifle
pulsepesky carrots, won't get away from me this time
PlanckWalkIf you eat cats, then you'll be reducing the amount of meat eaten in the world.
adscshotgunning the ground is a surprisingly effective way to reveal the treasures that lie within
pulsePlanckWalk, that's paradoxical. i'll be eating meat so i'll be increasing it
PlanckWalkBut you'll be reducing the meat that would otherwise be eaten by those cats in their life!
pulsei don't mind cats eating meat
adscand he'll increase the corn that's eaten by mice
adscwhich increases world hunger
adscso it's bad to eat cats
adscbetter eat dogs
adscthey are useless
adscalthough I guess they to have a positive impact on sales of the shoe industry
adscso maybe it's not good to eat dogs either, or the shoe industry will falter
pulsenow I'm not hungry any more
pulseso this chat was somewhat beneficial