English Spelling - Fortune [possible satire]

amigojapanit seems the Tokyo Hackerspace has finally moved to it’s new location, I was waiting for this in order to give my programming 101 class over at their place….
rindolfamigojapan: s/it’s/its
amigojapanty rindolf
rindolfamigojapan: you're welcome .
amigojapanrindolf: I really find that English rule strange, usually ’s is possessive
rindolfamigojapan: well, you don't say he’s instead of his.
amigojapanbut its is the correct possessive for it
rindolfamigojapan: yes, it is.
aidanhamigojapan: With English, the only rule is that there are always exceptions
amigojapanhehehe true aidanh , jkhdkjdsh shjsad sdlkhlsk ads h kds <— I declare this now valid English :)
* amigojapanshould read his gibberish before posting, what if by pure chance I write something incriminating :)
rindolfamigojapan: you misspelled "shsjad"
amigojapanlol, rindolf