rindolf | Macuser: I Went to an anime/manga con - https://twitter.com/shlomif/status/492341211827404800 |
NextFunctor | roflcon |
rindolf | gde33: you can use AdBlockPlus. |
gde33 | that doesn't work, with a central server they have to pay a lot for hosting |
konverse | This guy is hilarious. rindolf! |
gde33 | I have to watch advertisements to make the centralized control work |
gde33 | because it doesn't |
gde33 | yeah this "service" |
rindolf | konverse: who is? |
gde33 | meanwhile the tubes are so fast that the high-definition torrent is finished before I can tab to the client |
gde33 | uhhuhuhu?? |
gde33 | oh I said torrent *shrug* |
rindolf | Macuser: BTW, do you know iJustine on YouTube/etc.? She's awesome. |
gde33 | you are assuming I'm not uploading |
rindolf | There are other business models for Web revenue - https://plus.google.com/+ShlomiFish/posts/MRLntf3xu5Y |
gde33 | ahh the greed based garbage interwebs |
konverse | What else rindolf? |
rindolf | gde33: greed? |
rindolf | konverse: what? |
rindolf | konverse: I don't understand you. |
konverse | Am I trolling you? Sorry if I interrupted. |
jrslepak | just because you do things for strangers for free doesn't mean other strangers aren't doing things for you for free |
rindolf | konverse: please be more coherent. |
gde33 | konverse: not at all |
gde33 | you could just, you know, work for your money? |
rindolf | konverse: vague person is vague. |
konverse | Heh. We're marking tertiaries. I'm glad. |
rindolf | <perlbot> rindolf: vague question is really, really vague, in fact it's so fucking vague that you can't even caption a cat with it because the cat would DIE OF VAGUE |
konverse | rindolf: So as is robust to robots? |
rindolf | konverse: find some place else to troll. |
konverse | Hah! Got you. |
konverse | Where have my poor fingers gone? |
konverse | Somewhere in the sewers! Bwahahahaha. |
rindolf | konverse: I hope they get caught there and you'll have to live with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who will kick the ass out of you. |
konverse | OOooh. |
rindolf | konverse: them and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_Fox . |
konverse | Touchy. Did you have to man that? |
NextFunctor | Access violated @ that insult |
rindolf | konverse: man? |
konverse | Yah mon. |
rindolf | konverse: yeh money! |
konverse | Well, there ya go. |
konverse | Humanity at its' finest. |
rindolf | konverse: money talks, bullshit walks, and GNU awks! |
NextFunctor | yeh boi, freeze! how low can you go? - Public Enemy ft. Anthrax |
konverse | Well deserved credit, mon. |
NextFunctor | I'm curious Konverse |
NextFunctor | Are you even a programmer? |
rindolf | konverse: http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/humanity/ - «Humanity - The Movie» |
gde33 | konverse: what basic do you write in? |
konverse | I do know the basics of some langs. Compared to this wumpus, I have more experience than even what kind of taste his art is. |
rindolf | gde33: he writes in basic trolling English. |
konverse | There goes more credit. +1. |
konverse | Bitcoin talker. |
rindolf | konverse: I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! I'm not worth! |
* rindolf | erects a giant status of konverse and worships it. |
rindolf | Your holiness! |
rindolf | Your godliness! |
* wei2912 | bows in front of the statue |
rindolf | Your ChuckNorrisness! |
wei2912 | wait, status* |
rindolf | wei2912: also kiss its feet. |
wei2912 | your status glorifies us! |
gde33 | the only interpreter should be hardware design language, then we should go back to the cartridge system |
wei2912 | glorious leader |
wei2912 | we will follow you for the rest of your life! |
wei2912 | your status shall be in our hearts! |
rindolf | wei2912: yes. |
rindolf | wei2912: heh. |
konverse | It's not over rindolf. Soon, there'll be butterflies. Then there'll be birds and cats wraunching at each other. |
rindolf | http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/bits/facts/Summer-Glau/ - Summer Glau > Chuck Norris. |
wei2912 | (next day: Status changed to: "these idiots engraved my status, now it won't automatically update" |
konverse | I'm pretty sure. You have something planned? |
rindolf | konverse: your SummerGlau-ness! |
gde33 | rindolf: do you make a lot of money with your website? |
rindolf | konverse: nothing is over until either or both of us are dead! D. E. D. Dead! |
rindolf | gde33: not a lot yet. |
konverse | Yes. Wanna race? I'll play tag first. You're it. |
* rindolf | eats the tag. |
rindolf | Om nom nom nom. Delicious. |
rindolf | Here's a tag for you - <br class="foo" /> |
rindolf | It's an XHTML tag. |
konverse | That's rhetorical rindolf. You should have type casted. |
gde33 | rindolf: oh that will be sure to make things easy! |
konverse | Why the long face??? :< |
rindolf | http://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Muppets-Show-TNI/Harry-Potter.html - Cookie Monster as Dumbledore 2. |
konverse | Ah. Just a frame. A portrait. We're there any fleas? |
konverse | rindolf: You're pathetic. |
konverse | Period. |
rindolf | konverse: I am pathetic. |
wei2912 | humans are pathetic |
rindolf | konverse: I perfected patheticness to an art-form. |
konverse | I won't go for stats, 'cause I can already tell by just a lift of a knob, I can twist things around. |
rindolf | konverse: my patheticness is unmatched even by Chuck Norris' patheticness. |
rindolf | ZadYree: ewwwww! |
rindolf | ZadYree: what's up? |
ZadYree | yo rindolf :) |
ZadYree | Well, trying to convince myself it's time to code ^^ |
rindolf | ZadYree: how's life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness today? |
rindolf | ZadYree: Stop! Coding time! |
ZadYree | Hehehe |
konverse | What if I do this? ><````'i> j-------\p |
rindolf | ZadYree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCpCn0l4Wo - Stop! Hammer Time. |
rindolf | konverse: ASCII art? |
gde33 | konverse: you have to wrap it in a cdata section |
ZadYree | rindolf, hehehe! Oh yeah! |
konverse | You're so obvious rindolf. |
konverse | I guess the wait watchers have no idea. |
rindolf | ZadYree: meet konverse - he's my target of counter-trolling. |
rindolf | konverse: s/wait/weight/ |
konverse | rindolf: Guess what? I'm trolling your website. I'll go and rate it. |
rindolf | konverse: go ahead. Make my day! |
ZadYree | troll day is best day |
konverse | OOOOoooooh. |
rindolf | konverse: any publicity is good publicity. |
konverse | Like, how you started the alpha? |
rindolf | konverse: alpha? |
rindolf | konverse: alpha of what? |
rindolf | ZadYree: heh. |
konverse | Nm. |
rindolf | ZadYree: "It's a good day to troll!" |
rindolf | konverse: whatever. |
rindolf | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf7MT1p1VNI - whatever. |
ZadYree | rindolf, :) |