Trolling konverse the Troll - Fortune [possible satire]

rindolfMacuser: I Went to an anime/manga con -
rindolfgde33: you can use AdBlockPlus.
gde33that doesn't work, with a central server they have to pay a lot for hosting
konverseThis guy is hilarious. rindolf!
gde33I have to watch advertisements to make the centralized control work
gde33because it doesn't
gde33yeah this "service"
rindolfkonverse: who is?
gde33meanwhile the tubes are so fast that the high-definition torrent is finished before I can tab to the client
gde33oh I said torrent *shrug*
rindolfMacuser: BTW, do you know iJustine on YouTube/etc.? She's awesome.
gde33you are assuming I'm not uploading
rindolfThere are other business models for Web revenue -
gde33ahh the greed based garbage interwebs
konverseWhat else rindolf?
rindolfgde33: greed?
rindolfkonverse: what?
rindolfkonverse: I don't understand you.
konverseAm I trolling you? Sorry if I interrupted.
jrslepakjust because you do things for strangers for free doesn't mean other strangers aren't doing things for you for free
rindolfkonverse: please be more coherent.
gde33konverse: not at all
gde33you could just, you know, work for your money?
rindolfkonverse: vague person is vague.
konverseHeh. We're marking tertiaries. I'm glad.
rindolf<perlbot> rindolf: vague question is really, really vague, in fact it's so fucking vague that you can't even caption a cat with it because the cat would DIE OF VAGUE
konverserindolf: So as is robust to robots?
rindolfkonverse: find some place else to troll.
konverseHah! Got you.
konverseWhere have my poor fingers gone?
konverseSomewhere in the sewers! Bwahahahaha.
rindolfkonverse: I hope they get caught there and you'll have to live with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who will kick the ass out of you.
rindolfkonverse: them and .
konverseTouchy. Did you have to man that?
NextFunctorAccess violated @ that insult
rindolfkonverse: man?
konverseYah mon.
rindolfkonverse: yeh money!
konverseWell, there ya go.
konverseHumanity at its' finest.
rindolfkonverse: money talks, bullshit walks, and GNU awks!
NextFunctoryeh boi, freeze! how low can you go? - Public Enemy ft. Anthrax
konverseWell deserved credit, mon.
NextFunctorI'm curious Konverse
NextFunctorAre you even a programmer?
rindolfkonverse: - «Humanity - The Movie»
gde33konverse: what basic do you write in?
konverseI do know the basics of some langs. Compared to this wumpus, I have more experience than even what kind of taste his art is.
rindolfgde33: he writes in basic trolling English.
konverseThere goes more credit. +1.
konverseBitcoin talker.
rindolfkonverse: I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! I'm not worth!
* rindolferects a giant status of konverse and worships it.
rindolfYour holiness!
rindolfYour godliness!
* wei2912bows in front of the statue
rindolfYour ChuckNorrisness!
wei2912wait, status*
rindolfwei2912: also kiss its feet.
wei2912your status glorifies us!
gde33the only interpreter should be hardware design language, then we should go back to the cartridge system
wei2912glorious leader
wei2912we will follow you for the rest of your life!
wei2912your status shall be in our hearts!
rindolfwei2912: yes.
rindolfwei2912: heh.
konverseIt's not over rindolf. Soon, there'll be butterflies. Then there'll be birds and cats wraunching at each other.
rindolf - Summer Glau > Chuck Norris.
wei2912(next day: Status changed to: "these idiots engraved my status, now it won't automatically update"
konverseI'm pretty sure. You have something planned?
rindolfkonverse: your SummerGlau-ness!
gde33rindolf: do you make a lot of money with your website?
rindolfkonverse: nothing is over until either or both of us are dead! D. E. D. Dead!
rindolfgde33: not a lot yet.
konverseYes. Wanna race? I'll play tag first. You're it.
* rindolfeats the tag.
rindolfOm nom nom nom. Delicious.
rindolfHere's a tag for you - <br class="foo" />
rindolfIt's an XHTML tag.
konverseThat's rhetorical rindolf. You should have type casted.
gde33rindolf: oh that will be sure to make things easy!
konverseWhy the long face??? :<
rindolf - Cookie Monster as Dumbledore 2.
konverseAh. Just a frame. A portrait. We're there any fleas?
konverserindolf: You're pathetic.
rindolfkonverse: I am pathetic.
wei2912humans are pathetic
rindolfkonverse: I perfected patheticness to an art-form.
konverseI won't go for stats, 'cause I can already tell by just a lift of a knob, I can twist things around.
rindolfkonverse: my patheticness is unmatched even by Chuck Norris' patheticness.
rindolfZadYree: ewwwww!
rindolfZadYree: what's up?
ZadYreeyo rindolf :)
ZadYreeWell, trying to convince myself it's time to code ^^
rindolfZadYree: how's life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness today?
rindolfZadYree: Stop! Coding time!
konverseWhat if I do this? ><````'i> j-------\p
rindolfZadYree: - Stop! Hammer Time.
rindolfkonverse: ASCII art?
gde33konverse: you have to wrap it in a cdata section
ZadYreerindolf, hehehe! Oh yeah!
konverseYou're so obvious rindolf.
konverseI guess the wait watchers have no idea.
rindolfZadYree: meet konverse - he's my target of counter-trolling.
rindolfkonverse: s/wait/weight/
konverserindolf: Guess what? I'm trolling your website. I'll go and rate it.
rindolfkonverse: go ahead. Make my day!
ZadYreetroll day is best day
rindolfkonverse: any publicity is good publicity.
konverseLike, how you started the alpha?
rindolfkonverse: alpha?
rindolfkonverse: alpha of what?
rindolfZadYree: heh.
rindolfZadYree: "It's a good day to troll!"
rindolfkonverse: whatever.
rindolf - whatever.
ZadYreerindolf, :)
TaglineMay the best troll win!