Vanilla software and Real Programmers - Fortune [possible satire]

Trashlordwhere did the term "vanilla software" come from? Why vanilla?
_kmh_Trashlord, like vanilla sex?
Trashlord_kmh_: I didn't know that was a term
rindolfTrashlord: vanilla means plain, raw, with no additions
rindolfTrashlord: like vanilla icecream
Trashlordrindolf: why not chocolate software then, like plain chocolate ice cream?
gwosixwhat the fuck is "vanilla software"
_kmh_vanilla vs edgy/kinky/spicy/different from the norm
_kmh_be it software, sex or whatever
rindolfTrashlord: chocolate has a more noticeable flavour
gwosixdoes Microsoft office count as vanilla software?
Trashlordrindolf: alright
gwosixvanilla is like beige
rindolfTrashlord: and colour
rindolfgwosix: like vanilla js
_kmh_Java, C, python and alike are vanilla
InPhasegwosix: Microsoft Office is more like an $8 bottle of asparagus water.
_kmh_brainfuck is not
IRCMonkeyVanilla means plain ol'; nothing fancy.
Trashlordrindolf: but vanilla ice cream is white
IRCMonkeySometimes means original version.
koollman_kmh_: how do you attribute flavor ? :)
rindolf_kmh_: what?
_kmh_Trashlord, white with a touch of yellow
andrei-nI noticed that to be a good programmer you have to be a good writer: you have to be able to write comments, tutorials, explanation, and documentation and be not ashamed to show it to other people. What is your opinion?
_kmh_there is actually wikipedia entry for it
rindolfandrei-n: hi
_kmh_andrei-n, to be good programmer you gotta be good at everything :)
_kmh_the goose laying golden eggs
koollman_kmh_: I mean, I know what vanilla means in this context. But how would the system-provided brainfuck be less vanilla than system provided Java ? :)
andrei-n_kmh_, yeah, I even started copywork in order to improve concentration and memory... It's never enough.
koollman(I do agree that brainfuck is esoteric)
koollman_kmh_: I mean, on some Linux distributions it's easier to get brainfuck than oracle Java :)
IRCMonkeyBrainfuck is insane
Myr_kmh_ : That would qualify you as a developer
tiggster79andrei-n: To be a good programmer first and foremost you have to be good at logical thinking and problem solving. The rest are just details.
Trashlordto be a good programmer you have to be able to quit vim
rindolfTrashlord: heh
tiggster79oh yeah, and real programmers use vim :)
IRCMonkeyWinners never quit, quitters never win …
* rindolfwins vim
rindolfbecause i couldn't quit it
andrei-ntiggster79, I noticed that I'm not even able to understand the problems on spoj, leetcode and project-euler. That means I'm really bad at reading... So I have to improve this before even trying to become better at problem solving...
MyrVim is for the lazy, nano is where it's at
rindolfTrashlord: :)
Trashlordrindolf: :)
deniskanano is for people who are too scared to use notepad.exe
tiggster79deniska: nano is for people who want to use the terminal, but are too afraid to use vim.
Myrrindolf: you got me there, never could grasp butterfly
rindolfMyr: heh
rindolfMyr: use emacs then
rindolfMyr: it has m-x butterfly