What to do about Becoming Enraged By Java - Fortune [possible satire]

swinefluis there away i can basically do if (input.equals("1" || "2" || "3")) {
rindolfswineflu: if (input.equals("1") || input.equals("2").
rindolfswineflu: Perl 6 has junctions for this.
Znooseyswineflu: in which language?
swinefluin Java
swineflualso that's uglyyyyyy
Znooseythen rindolf's way is the way to do it
limbo_swineflu: case from Java 7 on, before that just use ifs
Znooseyrindolf: is perl 6 out of beta yet?
rindolfZnoosey: well, they released Rakudo Star, but it's not very usable.
Znooseyrindolf: do you know when it will be done?
rindolfZnoosey: I wouldn't recommend people to use Perl 6, but its junctions are still a cool feature and there's a Perl 5 implementation at https://metacpan.org/module/Perl6::Junction .
swinefluJava enrages me
RouninYou should stop implementing the Enrageable interface, swineflu
RouninA common rookie mistake
swinefluEnrageable interface = swing
RouninInstead you need a HarmoniousAndConstructiveReactionAccessorFactoryDAOInjector Object
RouninYou get it by incentivizing an EJB SproinkJunk
RouninIn your supplication gridwork of choice
TaglineProgrammer Programming Programmer