- To use the shell type a command and press enter.
- Once the command finished running, the shell prompt will re-appear, at which point you can enter another command.
- Here is an example session:
shlomi:~$ ls
apps cddb Download mail nsmail smart-link.txt~
Arcs CD-Writing GNUstep Mail progs tmp
autosave conf index.html Music Projects To_Send
Backup Desktop ip-noise.fig Nautilus Rpms Xrootenv.0
bin Docs links nohup.out smart-link.txt
shlomi:~$ pwd
shlomi:~$ cd Download/
shlomi:~/Download$ ls
Arcs Docs From_Win Images unpack
shlomi:~/Download$ echo Something
shlomi:~/Download$ cd ..
shlomi:~$ exit