libtap Maintenance

libtap is a library to implement the Test Anything Protocol for C originally created by Nik Clayton. This is a maintenance branch by me (= Shlomi Fish).


I would now recommend using cmocka instead of either this libtap or the different one on GitHub. I've converted my test suites to cmocka.


Version Control Repository


The program is licensed under the modified BSD licence, as copyright by Nik Clayton, 2004.



libtap-1.12.0 was released. It fixes the tests and makes the output more similar to that of the Perl-based “Test::More” module. Thanks to Perlbotics from Perlmonks for the patch.


libtap-1.10.0 was released. It is identical to the previous release only with an incremented version number to avoid problems with upgrading from 1.03.


libtap-1.2.1 was released. This release converts to a CMake-based build system instead of a GNU Autotools based one, and also generates and installs a pkg-config file (libtap.pc).


libtap-1.03 was released. This release contains a NEWS file as well as some fixes from the CCAN (= Comprehensive C Archive Network) version of libtap. However, some of the changes in CCAN made the libtap API incompatible with that of the original libtap-1.01 so they were rejected.